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3.6k · Dec 2014
I like turtles and foxes
Derpy Chip Dec 2014
I like turtles and foxes,
and pigs in some boxes,
I like puppies and cats,
And penguins with hats,
I like chickens and fishes,
And bunnies with wishes,
I like zebras and whales,
And big pony tails,
I like parrots and flies,
And hot apple pies,
I like skating on ice,
And monkeys with lice,
I like turtles and foxes,
And pigs in some boxes.
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
Freddy singing
Chica eating
Bonnie rocking
Me backstage thinking to myself "they would never accept me, always alone"
I was the one who was mostly left out of the gang, a lonely pirate fox.
I did enjoy the laughter and smiles of children, eating pizza and playing.
But I always wanted to be one of them, always wanted to be, well, not alone.
I wanted to be on stage with freddy and the rest of the gang to be adored
But I'm just a lonely fox, standing on a Lonely corner, behind a lonely curtain.
But today was different, today was going to make my life change forever, not better but worse.
    Freddy and the gang were doing the usual thing they do every day, introducing them selfs, then introducing me. I was always prepared to see the smiles on the children's faces, hearing the laughter of joy here at Freddy Fazbear's pizza. As I stepped out of the curtains, I welcomed the children to pirates cove. I would always greet them with a smile and tell them to have fun.
Today, an unusual little girl came in. It was probably her first time here, because I've never seen her before. As I talked the little girl walked up to me and started asking her mother a lot of questions about me. I realized that my owners haven't changed my battery because I was malfunctioning and my battery was dying. An employee came up to the girl and told her not to get close to me. She got mad and ignored him. That got me a little upset. As my battery was dying, I was talking slower and slower by the second. The employee then asked the girls mom to make her child not get close to me, but she ignored him as well. Then there was something that really got me upset. The little girl started to make fun of me. I got really mad, but that was the end of it. My battery had died, I had fallen off the stage, and all I could remember was me hearing a loud crunch,blood in my mouth,people screaming and crying and seeing a little headless girl right beside me.

    When I had woken up, there were no smiling children. No happy parents. No singing and laughter. The place was completely empty. I looked around for anyone to be there, but all there was, was Freddy and the gang starring at me in anger. I walked out of my stage place and wandered around. I when to the entrance and saw a sign that said "closed by the end of the year". I became sad and walked back to my lonely stage. As I walked I noticed that Freddy, Chica and Bonnie were waiting for me there. They grabbed me and threw me to the ground. The beet me up tore me to shreds. I couldn't take it so I let out a loud scream. They stopped, then we all hear someone coming. Freddy, Chica and Bonnie run back on their stage. An employee comes in with a sign in his hand. He came towards me and put a sign on my stage. It read, " Sorry, out of order".
I made this story, from the game Five Nights At Freddy's.
2.6k · Jan 2015
Derpy Chip Jan 2015
I have one nose
I'm bored
2.3k · Nov 2014
It smells
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
It smell like your mia pizzaria it smell of a bakery.
That save though
This is perfect if you say this in front of your friend's or girlfriend's mom
2.0k · Nov 2014
You belong in a zoo
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Faces like yours belong in the zoo
Don't be mad
I'll be there too
Not in the cage
But laughing at you
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
There once was homework in my hands ........then I threw it on the ground, stepped on it, stomped on it, ripped it In pieces put water all over it, made my pig eat it, grabbed my pigs **** with homework pieces on it and put oil on it, then set it on fire, the grabbed the ashes and threw them in a pit of lava and..... There once was no homework in my hands
Yep, I hate homework
1.3k · Nov 2014
How to be skinny
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
Step 1: notice that your body is covered in skin
Step 2: say, "Wow! I'm really Skinny!"
Congratulations you are now skinny!
1.1k · Nov 2014
T rex
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
I love T Rex
I didn't say this
Watch skydoesminecraft on youtube
1.1k · Nov 2014
How I got my pig
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
How I got piggy.
Many people ask me how I got my pig, piggy wiggy. I tell them I got him at a farm or a pet shop or from a friend. But they don't know the real story of how I really got him.
It all started on a nice summer evening. The sun was shinning, the birds were tweeting and it was a perfect day for a bike ride. I decided to go bike riding all the way to the grocery store. As I went to the store, I decided to take a short cut through the forest (I've never been there before in my life.) As I went through the forest, I see smoke in the air.  I was frightened, thinking that there was a forest fire near by, so I went to investigate. As I got closer I noticed that it wasn't a forest fire, it was a factory. There was a sign that said no trespassing, but I ignored it because I wanted to see what was in that factory. I was very quiet, trying not to be seen by the workers in the factory. I was trying to see what the factory was making. I started to walk towards a sight that said live animals. Inside that room the was pigs! Not toy pigs, not fake pigs, but real live pigs!!! There was at least 10, but I was surprised. I was happy to see a lot of pigs, because pigs were my favorite animals. I was having fun just seeing them, they were beautiful. I stayed with them for a while until I herd someone coming. I hid my self Behind a shelf of books. I decided to peek a little. I saw a worker go in the room and bringing out a pig with him. I looked at him as he walked to another room. My heart sank and tears started to wheal up in my eyes as I heard squealing of a pig being severely hurt. After a few minutes the squealing stopped and the door opened. The worker came out with a dead pig head in his arms. I looked away as tears slowly dripped down my face. After that, a bunch of other workers went in the pig room and brought out a bunch of other pigs. I started to cry. When the workers went in the other room, I went back in the live animal room to see if there was any pig left. I didn't see any thing, so I slowly walked out of the room. As I walked out, I herd small oinking behind me. I turned and saw an adorable little pig. He looked like a runt, but I wanted to save his life. I picked him up and walked out of the room, forgetting all about the workers. As I was leaving the room, I hear, " hey! What are you doing!? Put that pig down right now!" It was a worker. I ran for my life ( and the pig's life, of course) and zoomed past a bunch of workers who stopped what they were doing and went to go chase me. I ran as fast as I could, and I decided to put obstacles in the way to slow down the workers. I ran past bottles which I knocked down and water spilled everywhere. I looked behind me and saw a few workers slipping and falling. But there were still more workers chasing me so I knocked down some barrels that were in front of me and I turned seeing the workers rolling on the barrels and falling. I finally got out with the pig still in my arms. Good thing there was a little basket on my bike, so I put him in it and rode my bike home. When I got home I gave him a lot of things to eat, a warm blanket and I made him a nice little bed in a large box that I had. I decided to name him piggy wiggy because piggy means small pig and he was a little runt. And ever since then, we had a lot of fun together, I taught him a lot of tricks, I took him every were I went, even on vacation. He Is lucky that I saved him from being eaten and he is lucky to have a special life with me. He is very smart right now to and he knows a lot of things and kind of acts like a human sometimes.Piggy wiggy is the happiest pig alive on the earth.
I love my pig
1.0k · Nov 2014
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
I have a face
I have eyes
I have nose
I have ears
I have mouth
I have face
I'm sorry for wasting your time
942 · Nov 2014
That awkward moment
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
That awkward moment when two people say bye, and they end up walking the same way
That awkward moment when you make eye contact with someone through a crack in the bathroom stall
That That awkward moment when your brain isn't recognize the second that
That awkward moment when you sit next to your crush and all your friends make faces.
There will be more awkward moments later
897 · Dec 2014
My iPad wrote this
Derpy Chip Dec 2014
Hello everybody else in my head and the government of national unity and I don't know how much you mean to you in a while ago but the only thing is I don't think that the best of luck with the best thing ever I go back and I have a good time to go back and I don't know how much you mean to you in a good time to go back and I have to go back and I don't think I can see it as an excuse for the next day for me and I don't think I can get it right away with the best of the day I don't think that I can see the best of luck with the same time as the first half of the day before the end of the best thing ever I go back and I don't know what you do that for me I don't have the right time and the other side is a very nice but it doesn't even work that would have to go back and I don't think that I can get it right away with the government has a great day for the next few weeks of a sudden it was the best of the year and I have a good time with the same thing to say it was the best of the best way of the best thing to say it is the only one that is a good time with the same thing to say that I can see it as an independent and I a great way of life and the other hand is a good day for the next few weeks of a sudden it is not the same time as the best thing to say it used to be a cookie.
718 · Dec 2014
Ten facts about you
Derpy Chip Dec 2014
If you read this you smell nice
1. You smell nice
2. You are a boy/girl
4. You like food
5. You didn't realize I skiped 3
6. Your looking back at 4 and 2
7. You are smiling
9. You keep reading even though you are wasting your time
10. you didn't reliz I skipped 8
11. Your looking back again
12. You are smiling
13. You didn't relize there wAs only supposed to be 10 facts
629 · Nov 2014
I was walking
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
I was walking.
I was walking when I saw something.
I was walking and that something was me.
I was walking and noticed another me.
I was walking and noticed there was more of me.
I was walking and there was even more of me.
I was walking and noticed that me was copying me.
I was walking and saw that all those me's copied everything I did.
I was walking and noticed that they couldn't talk.
I was walking and noticed something else.
I was walking in a room filled with mirrors.
Join the potato league
585 · Nov 2014
Young man
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
Young man!
There's no need to feel down
I said Young Man!
Get yourself of the ground
I said Young Man!
Cause your in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy
Young Man!
There's a place you can go
I said Young Man!
When your short on your dough
You can stay there
And I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have fun
Good time.
569 · Nov 2014
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
These are words
100% true
539 · Nov 2014
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
This is a number ----> 21
Yep, I'm completely bored. I'm just gonna play five nights at freddys.
527 · Nov 2014
Be mine
Derpy Chip Nov 2014
You are worth more than diamonds

— The End —