I have a fold of space time I'm causing it to open Exposing its sticky lines strung to humming a 40 yr old song "...has broken, blackbird has spoken..." To continue this has lately become restringing lost notes some stinging if you hear it and have a go increasing the fold say so
It marinates in it's own would be vibe bounces off things it has collected on its constitutional walk across its living page written in literal light salt-ily stored in silica angst another glowing miracle aetherically transported naked as the nano 'twas born appearing on random pages of hopeful wisps all wishing clumsily
I don't have patience for the normal passage of time So I hurry it up by being anxious time still passes the same I just move faster to create the illusion that meets my need
Haven't had enough to drink, yet to write really well Inhibitions yet to be defeated scream fighting that fade-to-cornered gibbering buh buh buh but what about buh what about
its supposed to be
its supposed to be different this is supposed to read well save your cornflakes and all from becoming soggy
Wondering about direction Wandering without connection Displaying words some fresh
This uneven land this scramble of eggs like days beaten with spices from unlabeled containers I'll eat that I know smiling
the bit not in my teeth I wonder where you are sitting where words mix in with your milieu what you have at hand to sip how fast you move on
I really don't think so Yes it is No it isn't I'm going to public it Oh please don't, no one's going to laugh I'm already laughing I'm hiding Too late, haha [smack] Tha's not funny
You don't have time to read this I'm not even taking the time to write it I've let it fall this way consciously haphazardly no, more like half-consciously self-titillating-ly see if you can say that last word a few times without smiling because I sure can't
I'm just trying to feel better about myself here by earning your good opinion I'm just reluctant to put on pants count syllables or rewrite much past now's solidification of this imaginary ink
I like meaning's own rhythms and now's own sweetness
for some form brings freedom not me
this white pretend page and this limited alphabet and these meager words are already too big of constraints for the vibe 'at wants out of me now ******
some great wave of life crests leaving an arrangement of sand and pebbles descriptions, not even photographs maybe a spare sense of something beautiful slipping past
There goes, here comes, this'n' here and another one are never done so on with the fun wave to the particles will ya
I am the entangler the wrangler of nows never thens I am at an action a spooky distance away from really near to you and elsewhere too all at different times that were undistinguishable and we went round and another shape I've never seen encompassed it better than these poor words collecting