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Dennis Willis Jan 2024
I don't know who you are
or how to please you
aiming imaginings
at opinion machines
and hoping a good one
comes crashing back
yours, carefully held
odds are, won't
this undeserving
get acknowledged
it all ended there
and then
cresendo'd again
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
I can hear the echoes of everything
in anything
with my heart full to brimming
always with tears

I make a lump of that sticky roll-of-day
snagged inside
by sounds coming from outside
I don't under

And I keep swallowing it swallowing down
coughing it up
making sounds no one should make
I am under

Impressions so many impressions under
silhouettes loud
with opinions just like yours
we are under

Stood for a moment in a maelstrom of all
rushing along
light racing for darker-ness
all asunder
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
Viewed through a shallow liquid
Your beauty is blurred
Or is something else
Blurred into Beauty

Is the shallow liquid
Tears or tea or tequila
And the viewer
Hidden in a nest

Of deeper imaginings
That is to say shallow
you smile and elbow on
As if this aligned with

Feeling that feeling that way
Feeling this way
Pinballing your way here

Riccocheting off raw nows
to some any other numb now
where opinions leap filling
spaces with instant foam

At the mouth of who r u
again really still why
Aren't you quite weary
The soldiering on

I don't wish to be in
Your regiment or mine
This discovery Sublime
Capitals not mine
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
It's 10 pm and I'm
at a certain level
of various things
   If  skin could talk
what am I saying
   it can

I count minutes as if
that arrived at now
while keeping me

and this second
looking at me
i think it has
no memory
while it
reminds me
of what
I said
I'd do

If you

If you

If you

If you
take me

If you
take me
with you


with you
I would

I would
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
I am offended
so offended
unable to
I really am
by this world
and you in it
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
due to my internal magnification
you terrify me
your level of actual terrifying-ness
i withdraw
on sight of you
and am already
for a way out
before you
look at me
and say

neither my brain
or your brain
get this right

you think
what's wrong
is it me

i think
i cannot think
nor count on speech
near term

body bails
brain out
back peddling
to safety
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
Another deadening
has succeeded
almost one more

a superposition
of angst and the
inability to feel it

dead reckoning
of the assertion
going south

and then tomorrow
I will finish this
without opinion

radar detectors
flashing away
at such speed

I abjure a nihilistic
aren't they pretty
but can't resist
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