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Dennis Willis May 2022
So you feel you have to be acid
and all else must be dissolved
Dennis Willis May 2022
So it seems I have found
dodging in and out of
the level at which shelter
below which nothing

So maybe I should say to
Slopping your eyes along
hold all you hold dear and
the other things inside your
big head
consider just think about about

To your body you are a dance
just wanting a reason to prance
and time spent this way it goes
and cleverly this is really hard to
get wrong
Dennis Willis May 2022
I'm arrested by something
sticky the capillary action
is breathtaking
of all the things
in my head you
**** you
double **** yoou
to erase
Dennis Willis May 2022
When you finish
you should
clean up
Dennis Willis May 2022
I'd like to nighten the day
add that cool air coursing
across your skin announcing
once and for all open season
on getting my attention darkly

lick across your lips I dare you
shift your eyes side to side again
do it and absent yourself lean away
form this arrowing in it thinks sharp
at its whatever amongst whatevers

and i listen guiltily am  I responsible
did I did I did I cause all of this chaos
or or or  am i am i weather happening
to sentient seconds rushing pedantically
to a crest a crescent a crusty tableau grinning
at nowhere that is wanting to be somewhere
Dennis Willis May 2022
I miss you

These endings
that once
were beginnings

time having
run through us
and out

My sisters
my brother
and you

is a time
with missing pieces

of itself
known by
bright wet outlines
Dennis Willis May 2022
Men are crushing our bodies
so they can feel important
so they can feel powerful
I'll show you bullets
I'll show you how strong
I am stronger than you
You'll see egos scream
armed up and angry
living in their heads
living in your head
a smug prelude
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