So far from utopia no one even tries
Watch the weak all die, telling themselves lies
Do you feel the betrayal of a honest days pay
Despair without hope in hell we all stay
Why do we live this way, is it the american way
The kids are dying everyday as elders pray
Mothers are crying as the NRA sponsors our grave
Born long after any better days tell me to learn a trade
Or live life as a slave working off the debt of yesterday
Worthless lives who can't even look at an ICU
I have to say it seems humanity lost its way
When scraps of paper mean more than surviving the day
Some people should just say it that they hate the less fortunate
Walls to stop immigrants they just wanted to live somewhere safe
Drugs are smuggled by the guards we pay sponsored by the state
Suburbanites who never faced real fear killing in the name of hate
Drug addicts put in prison till the rot away
Some ******* wouldn't have it any other way
We're all a cancer what else is their to say
Pray to Jesus while damning all of his ways
Put spikes under the freeway to keep them away
Build cases instead of places for the homeless to stay
Then justify it by saying who will be the one to pay
Don't know why I pay taxes anyway
Bask in radioactive snow static on the TV show
Down and down we go living in misery and woe
Spiraling down further till rock bottom is all we know
How low will we all go before we start fighting the flow