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312 · May 2018
Daan May 2018
Na heen en weer en her en der gestuurd te worden,
het horen van de straat en zien van duizend borden,
moest ik me even afgezonderd voelen, alleen zijn,
zalig, zielig, eenzaam, op en af koelen
in de zachte wind van mei.

Mijn hoofd is klei, mijn handen zacht.
Ik heb geen dag gewerkt en dat ook nooit verwacht.
Maar vroeg of laat droogt het op en zit ik vast
in onveranderbare vormen.

Lijden volgt op volgen van de normen,
hoewel afwijking ook kan storen,
ruik ik liever met mijn oren
of zie ik met mijn tong.

Zong de vogel ook maar in de winter,
sliep ik ook maar voor middernacht.
ik droom meestal later maar vind er
nooit iemand die lacht.

Ik sluit me op om te ontwaken
uit de vloeiende stroom van onbeïnvloedbaar gedrag
wanneer mijn uitgewanden staken
en ik genoeg heb van de dag.
311 · Jun 2013
Some day
Daan Jun 2013
Out there, you are somewhere
and some day I will meet you.
When that moment will be there
the garden that is my life will
grow full of pretty flowers and
the glass that is my life will
start being filled with liquids
of emotions.

For now I'm just an empty room where
once there stood a chair and once there
was a cat. I've tried filling up that room
so many times, carelessly. Emptying it
afterwards with former regrets that are
still fading away. I've learned a lot, regretting.

I am sure to meet you, maybe soon.
But I regret to inform you that untill
then I must try to fill up that room, for maybe
I will meet you without knowing.

I am an empty bed,
come lie with me
and fulfill my destiny.
310 · Nov 2013
For you
Daan Nov 2013
Where do I go, what can I do,
is this what's supposed to
be happening or is it a state
of confusion blinding my faith?

I can't wipe all these question marks
away, I am not gifted by sparks
to lead my way, I am not all knowing
but hoping you could stay, going

to every place, hoping to find you,
trying to seal the hopes in cages,
behind and in bars, betting wages,
deal the cards, I feel lucky tonight.

Nothing for today, but everyday
for your hand I'll stride and fight.
I hopes you're worth it.
310 · Feb 2014
Daan Feb 2014
The meadows can't ease my mind, if
all else makes me noisy, why is your
effect the opposite, empathic misery.

Leave me alone, run off with your perfect life
but don't rub it in my face, it harshly
even tells me



I want to stay alive and be enough for someone,
recurring goals, repeating songs,

Self-centered, hypocrite,
but don't be too judging
doors won't budge, in greatly developed

I'm just an empty house.
less of a man
less of a human being
not less than the next
but less than before.
309 · Dec 2016
Push and pull model
Daan Dec 2016
All ******* in ropes and knots,
strapped to gifts and lots
of feelings, peeling further beyond
tolerable pain to be this eagerly fond
of what our images are giving us.

You parked your bus,
put up your shields,
I have no idea what your intention yields
yet I miss you
and security.

I wish things were certain or at least the next step,
You know yours but I'm unclear about my rep.
308 · Jan 2015
The waste & the spilling
Daan Jan 2015
The worst leader of this decade
has lead the worlds will to fade
to rise above the will to grow.
Lower the bridge and let them bestow
upon you the way of reason.

The people fear their mighty leader
the anti-hero of a nation, the feeder
of their children. But they're wrong,
he should be stripped of power.
Where all see he too is wrong, no
one dares to tell him so.

And they fell in demise
for being too wise
and lacking the skill
of understanding social thrill.
307 · May 2014
Daan May 2014
The routes aren't hindered and blocked,
the day is bright, not a door is locked,
but we stay inside, we keep it warm,
far away from pleasure, from harm,
done by watching nature's prize winners,
marked with a name like a sinners.

Frightening first dinners, first phases, stages
before love, times of uncertainty and pages,
filled with risky bets and treatening wagers.
Talk to me, stop talking, care, stop caring,
doing things I never said myself to be daring.
Impulse by passion or handling with quick notions,
the fearless, fiercely feeling of certain emotions,
those I hoped on whilst creating.

If things are right, no fear involved, I dread
the loss of everything I once thought I had,
while it was just simple dating.

In vain, I lived, in vain I'll die, waiting.
306 · Dec 2019
Daan Dec 2019
Omdat we je graag zien,
omdat we nog eens iets moeten gaan drinken,
omdat we je het beste wensen
en daarop willen klinken.

Daarom sturen wij dit kaartje,
op nog een pracht van een nieuw jaartje!

Vier het goed, verzorg jezelf
vierentwintig zeven, maar vergeet tussendoor
niet te genieten van het leven!
306 · Jun 2019
Voor mezelf sprekend
Daan Jun 2019
Het succes ligt voor de hand,
Is bijna niet meer te ontwijken.
Iedereen lijkt van een andere kant
Steeds hetzelfde te bereiken

Zij heeft een diploma, een huisje
En een baan. Ze viert dat als een luisje,
Lijkt maar half te bestaan.
Als ik klaar ben met studeren,
Kraait dan diezelfde haan?
Zullen anderen mij eren
Of is voldoening slechts een waan.
Ik zal het maar proberen
Anders is er niet veel aan
Je moet ergens voor kunnen leven,
dus kies ik voor elke volgende kus
Die jij mij misschien zou willen geven.
Het is allemaal niet zo vanzelfsprekend als het lijkt
304 · Jul 2013
Sudden anger
Daan Jul 2013
Every time I think about that guy,
when I see him, acting like he is
all that.

Every time I lose a game I was
never meant to win. Even more
when my opponent is that guy.

Everytime I mess up just once

This time
I'll be drinking to that
I like how the words kinda form a beer glass
303 · Sep 2014
Daan Sep 2014
A path lighted, smoothly, the other,
dimly lit, with children of our mother
earth, green and flashy colours,
but one of both was wrecked by strollers.

What do I know, what I can see.
What do I want, man, all I can see.
I want to go, I want to be, wherever,
whatever. I'll never get there, though.

Not like this.
302 · May 2014
This time
Daan May 2014
Mostly it's reversed, this time, not.
Rejection equals friendship in a way
unimagined. Now it's all I've got.
For the moment I notice, the second
I see, just when I know you'll never
love me. I turn it off, I cut it out.

The feelings disappear all at once.

I'll never look at this the same,
open my mouth with such unfair shame.
Of care I took and time I spend, hoping
to blend, in a different way, I guess I am
happy, and hope you will stay, a part of
my life, as a friendship resemblance.

I'll search again, for more prominence
in eyebrows, this time.
Daan Mar 2019
Waar ik naartoe ga met mijn leven?
Ik weet niet eens welke dag het is.
Wat ik wil worden? Weet ik het zeker?
Natuurlijk! Alleszins niet apotheker.
Daarvoor heb ik 4 jaar over 2 gedaan.

Ik ben al blij dat ik mijn zwembrevetjes heb gehaald.
De 25 en de 50 meter. Ze hangen boven de schouw.
Ik heb zelfs nog voor de kadertjes betaald.
Wie doet beter, vraag je? Ik vergelijk het niet met jou.
'De dochter van de inspecteur, die is ingenieur.'

Heb ik dan gefaald? Had ik het anders moeten doen?
Waarschijnlijk of misschien.
Toch vergeet ik niet die tijd van toen.
'Kom, 't is tijd dat je verhuist.'
Ik weet alleen niet juist
of ik dat alles, zelf, elke tien,
liever verschillend had gezien.
Het valt allemaal wel mee maar bemoei je met je eigen zaken.
302 · May 2014
Daan May 2014
Show me the light
show me the way
ensure me,
tell me fears will fade away
and these moments, passed
will always stay
a part of me and you

Forever parted since a day
of which we both know
it didn't go
as planned.
You keep quiet when I talk
but follow when I walk

It is no code the be decoded,
nothing unloaded, faithfully exploded.
or no cherry to be picked in the heat
of a summer spree.
Soft and tender, sensual, complete
I pictured other things, different.
301 · Nov 2019
Wat wil je dan?
Daan Nov 2019
Een blondje,
niet gevallen,
niet haar mondje?
Een brunetteje in een flatje
dat een zetje
nodig heeft
of een verzetje om haar te vertellen dat ze leeft?

Een roetje, roet en zwartje
met een zoeter peperkoekenhartje
of een harde met een oom en tante,
muts en ovenwanten
en een sjaal om te verbergen
dat ze last heeft van constante
onzekerheden die door merg en
lijf en leden?

Een lieve, die me troost
en ik mag troosten.
Een zachte die om me lachen kan,
zicht heeft op haar werk en kroost
en ik mag kroosten.
Maar wat wil je dan?
Wat wil je dan?
301 · Apr 2016
I don't know my name
Daan Apr 2016
I can't remember it,
don't even know if I want to.
I'm not sure where to sit
to let it sink in.

People never call me out
they never run and shout
my real name.

I feel they know we're not the same.
I know they feel we're not to blame.

My eyes, they close.
My name escapes my nose.
My ears alone can tell me
What my prisoned name must be.
-Let's leave it at that-
300 · Apr 2014
all right?
Daan Apr 2014
With every loss he builds another wall
with every downbeat he beats himself up
with every song he adds he cries and lies all
will be fine.

He says he will not, knows he isn't, heard she doesn't,
the glass through which you look at me is made of pity,
the shoes I wear are less witty, my comments on ways.

I could walk an eternity of infinities, times ahead of
plans, working, divided by the times I've mocked myself,
nothing left.
299 · Feb 2014
Tell her
Daan Feb 2014
I want to read out loud, maybe scream,
whatever my mind is mumbling, finally
stop the tumbling, kind, mistakes it makes.
I just finished a perfect bowl of ice cream,

thinking all along, caring and remembering
the staring, how could I keep quiet, all he
wishes to yell, my mind. I'd do all it takes
to plan or improvise, explaining the size

of how a small moment makes massive
changes possible. Imagine without passive
seconds, how a firecircle turns into an ember ring.
Get over there, casual and nice, best not too concise,

now flick a match and light the hallways, always
think but not too much, before it is too late.
It's funny how I used too three times.
It's funny how I never told her up to now.
I guess I just have no idea what funny really means.
299 · Dec 2014
Will you
Daan Dec 2014
What has gotten in will hardly leave
whatever it is that you receive,
it will never suffice.

Does her smile cause yours
every wake moment. Once you fantasized
about the squeaking doors,

I project to you a vision
once in your life, unique decision,
to make it happen.
work for it
299 · May 2014
I can handle
Daan May 2014
This loneliness won't leave me alone.
I am a bird, I have a lot of nests,
I need a tree.

Searching for another bird to share it with.
Nests pile up, a tree is needed,
and that other bird.

My tree is busy, my feathers frizzy.
Bookcases are half full.
I need a book.

The nests are not enough when laughing
gets tough, you need a book
and that other bird.
Can't I?
298 · Mar 2014
School ball
Daan Mar 2014
Regret to and for everyone, I shall
do my best to look pretty manly or
attractive. But I shall go alone, for
I have lost my faith in the twists

of crushes and one wayed love. My
time has come to enjoy the loneliness.
I'll learn and grow, my life will be
more than ever, important to myself

and whoever thinks they fit inside this
compact piece of housing, furnished with
cowardly placed ornaments to hide the
stains and spots, unable to clean them,

make them vanish, make it all go away!
Tell love to change because I am here to stay.
I feel reborn, well, less drastically, but, you know what I mean! :D
And I guess you guys call it prom...
298 · Aug 2013
Destiny or choice
Daan Aug 2013
It's your pick, pull yourself together.
Some lay it in the cards, or the metal ball,
glass orbs and skulls or maybe dice.
You'd better choose already, cause the

way you're acting now is only making
it harder, the question bigger and the
answer further, further away from you.
Do you think you were meant to be together?

Would you have chosen eachother if
the circumstances were different? Or
was it never a choice, was it destiny?
Would you choose eachother again?

Chances are, when we think we know why we
chose eachother, we understand we never did.
Didn't spell check this one.
I'm not always a perfectionist,
sometimes I choose not to be one.

I hope it's destiny, cause I don't want to choose.
297 · Jan 2017
Daan Jan 2017
Things I deemed irreplaceable,
choices, acts, unexplainable,
words and sightings,
breath taking lightings
on a statue under cloth.
My sloth got the best
of me, my eyes the rest.

I took you in and let you touch me
get me, see me, you were holding
every string, pulling ever so slightly,
making me dance, making me sing.

I forgot how we were equally the same
I removed the drapes much too late,
the statue had gotten into a rotten state,
decayed, nothing stayed except its frame.

Pedestals, forged without a sound,
rose and carried you up towards the stars,
where you belonged, where all could see.
Yet as you went, I frowned,
my dreams fought wars
with the harsh reality.
And I begged of you to show your face,
return to the ground or leave no trace
behind, my mind devoured beauty
as if it was breakfast, as if it was his duty
to make things up and mourn the loss
of any unimagined creature to come across
this lonesome land.

With a rope in hand
we seek perfection,
instead of growing,
fill the void with thought
to end up throwing
art in bins, for nought.
When we get caught
for all our sins
that's when actual love begins.
We all do it
we all make mistakes.
It's the fraud, the pride,
all to make our pupils wide.

I should have known better
than to let her see
things that aren't me,
things I'd never want to be
297 · Feb 2019
Daan Feb 2019
Als alles door elkaar loopt,
blokkeert mijn zicht.
Dan zie ik bowlingbanen zonder hekjes
en straten zonder licht.
Ik rem aan sporen zonder bomen.
Want alles lijkt gevaarlijk,
zoals plassen in je dromen.

Alles wordt een risico.
Niemand weet wat kan of werkt.
Soms word je dan nat wakker,
heb ik in mijn jeugd gemerkt.
En volwassenen dragen geen sponsen broekskes.
297 · Jan 2015
Just one
Daan Jan 2015
One can be all there is,
the first of all the ones that come,
the one all this
time you knew was right.

One can be too much to handle
or not enough if you are greedy,
and not for you if you are needy.
With the power out, one candle
may not be enough to light the house.

But one little shining star
along the mass of grey, or green in war
with black, can be enough to brighten up
the park at night. One light to make the road
less scary.
It's all about point of view.
296 · Feb 2015
Daan Feb 2015
I crave your presence
as if it was the only thing
keeping me alive.

Keep me alive and well
I need you to survive, your smell
and lovely presence
is my food and shelter.

I crave you as my morning bed
I love the way you said
good night, I love the way
you sleep so close
just one door to the right.

I adore you as if I were winnie
and you were my jar. The honey
would be flowing, leaving, but
you would never be far.
296 · Jan 2015
Daan Jan 2015
We are all, in need of drama
searching for the most tense appearance
in a denser panorama.

I'm afraid of raising my own family
I have so much control
You can point your actions
to turn them in a better actor
for every single role.

We lack, he approves
we try to fill it up with empty moves
to make a better sound
to fake and turn around
the actions that we found.

We are conditioned like a hound
to work for a treat, deeds for conformation
and create an unreal feeling of elation.
Survival of the fittest influence leads
to hallucinating that this is right to do.

An illusion most complex,
so deeply structured, in a way
it wrecks and causes constant disarray.
People are shaped by society
I believe I don't know what to
I'm going crazy.

From 'Biases you can't control'
295 · Oct 2016
Daan Oct 2016
We fell asleep
Very close, together.
I assured you we could doze
Without obligations
just sensations.
Still ambiguous, gray, but stronger
I kinda wished you'd stay
We fell asleep
after watching without missing
without kissing.
We fell asleep.
294 · Dec 2013
Daan Dec 2013
A change of heart has to be made
by them and me. It has been laid
into my hands, I have to act before,
it stood, now it fell, before even more

of my kind get hurt. But all I can do
is nothing, I can't alter their desires.
A click is on their to do list, but who
has already made one? So our wires

can be crossed and our paths connected.
I don't want to keep being neglected
by the girl I love so much and I don't
want to seem desperate but I won't

be able to not be, I am less than common,
just like the girl I'm looking for, a woman.
294 · Jan 2017
Many other things
Daan Jan 2017
Broken glass spread around,
cold skins, frozen fur and puppy eyes,
cages with the name of the pound
written on them, the tags and the ties.
She never lies, she never expresses,
never blesses those who wait
not even when it's too late.

When all we have is what could
have been something great,
you're left with what would
not deserve to be called anything,
you sting and poke.

It's about the time I woke,
the time I sat there silently
wishing you had something to add.
It's leaving,
what we had, what's left or over,
the perfect disease, someone
who had the guts to drive you
I don't want to be mad anymore.
Letting go is not the same
as pushing someone else away.
Concluded by wasps and webs.
292 · Aug 2013
yet once more
Daan Aug 2013
For how long have I been craving
and how much time have I been
waiting to tell you what my most
desiring emotion has been the past

couple of months, but yet again I was
too late, I had no chance, she has no
clue, 'bout how I've failed, she does not
notice what my heart carries along.

Yet once more another guy swoops by
all my dreams are crushed, my house
collapsed, though I have been building

it for years. Is he that much better, or
am I simply not enough? If I had told
would it have helped? I hope not.
292 · May 2023
Daan May 2023
Elke zoveel tijd dezelfde fluctuatie.
Vandaag last, morgen bezorgen over
overmorgen weer wat gisteren al was.

Soms enkel naar beneden, dan eens
plots omhoog en schaars iets raars, pal
temidden. Dan moet mama even bidden.

Eerst het schaap, dan de wortel, dan het
schaap, dan de wolf en dan het schaap.
Ik ben gewoon zo, eerlijk, recht voor de raap.

We vertrouwen veel te comfortabel
op de waterdichtheid van de boot.
De ene helft geweldig, de ander middenmoot.
- Bipolair is het nieuwe manisch-depressief
- een dode hoek op elk kruispunt
290 · Sep 2014
blank pages
Daan Sep 2014
You let me scream, silently,
when I am not allowed to be so loud.

A portal to my inner sanctum,
every word closer to catharsis,
every letter less unsure of who I am.

A sentence is enough to give me shivers
when it's late, I'm tired and I need someone
to talk to.
not for long.
290 · Jan 2018
Geregistreerde smart
Daan Jan 2018
Zacht is het om met voorbedachte rade
toen al te denken aan ingehaalde schade.
De voorspelling van gisteren is nooit
voor mij van toepassing geweest,
geen kans op centreren of op voorhand leren
wat dan morgen soms geneest.

Het effect is negatief en twee dimensioneel,
de grafieken zijn me eventjes te veel.
Denk dus later al aan het gevolg
van mislukte schattingen.
Een ongeleid onderzoek
290 · Jan 2017
Daan Jan 2017
Take it all in.
Try to hold on
but let it go,
there's so much more to know,
nothing wrong with alleys,
backstreets or rallies.

Take it in
and let it go.
You might even become a pro.
Selfe awareness
And something about this fight,
Mais tout va bien en de rest komt goed,
all that we share, het komt goed.
290 · Jan 2014
straight and fast
Daan Jan 2014
Different kinds of mazes hold me trapped
within their massive walls, I'm wrapped
up like your christmas present, but forgotten.
I don't know of which I'd best search exit now,
neither do I know how.

She doesn't seem to mind, it wouldn't work
She is the bottle I'm the cork
refusing the way to wine
Time to grab the keys, for doors or whatever

Can she tell what I am thinking,
can she feel that I am sinking
she can not, can she?

Hours would I wait in line
to see those glasses clinking
to hear them collide
I'm going for a ride.
In memory of his dearest friend and his closest chance to a great perhaps.
289 · Jul 2019
Neus op
Daan Jul 2019
Ik heb moeten redeneren,
mezelf overtuigen, verweren
tegen het idee, het venijn,
de gedachte dat ik dokter zou willen zijn.

Iedereen is deze week afgestudeerd,
het blad nog warm, arm al in de lucht,
kijk eens allemaal, een diploma klucht.
Het staat erop en iedereen begeert

jouw geweldige prestaties, knuffel, zoen.
Het leven bolt verder en ik moet kaka doen.
Zal ik daar het resultaat ook van delen?
288 · Nov 2020
Daan Nov 2020
I've seen and heard,
enjoyed and purred
at the stories of old,
the silence of mold.

I've folded and weaved,
gently miscleaved,
broken and barren,
answered to Charon.

My bed is too small
and my rope's a bit tight.
I bring justice for all,
even just for one night.
Remember remember the fifth
287 · Apr 2019
Daan Apr 2019
Ze deden het al voor de letters,
voor op *** tijd.
Men noemde ze ketters,
het was schijnbaar in strijd
met alles wat ze kenden, wisten,
zonder te weten dat ze zich vergisten.
Zalig de onwetenden
287 · Feb 2017
Ill one
Daan Feb 2017
Ill one, looking for a cure,
stop looking and be pure.

Sick one, losing to be sure,
is there nothing you endure,
nothing you can stand,
are you that pathetic,
unable to land

You've misplaced the origins,
failed to admit, failed to get rid
of your insecurities
yet now you're knowing
of the ways you could be going.

The questions always come down to one thing
and the answer is bound to sting
your behind.
Keep your mind
on starlight
and every possible predicted future
will turn out right.
I was at the foot of a hill this morning
now I know the view is going to be amazing.

The burning forest is not behind me,
it surrounds the hills I travel.
286 · Aug 2014
Daan Aug 2014
Once surrounded, slowly fading
I was once the center now I am
the edge.

In times of empty days, in which
you find too much space,
so much it haunts you.

Talk about, adress your long lost
friend and speak and tell and pronounce
the words: I love you.

Before you fade, before you turn into
me. The last thing I sometimes want to be.
It burns when I ***
285 · May 2018
Daan May 2018
Treinen rijden hier al lang niet meer.
Op de bank van dit station leest
niemand nog de krant,
slaat niemand nog een praatje,
geeft niemand nog een hand.

De sporen zijn verroest, de pannen weggewaaid.
Alles staat hier stil.

Het blijft luguber om te zien
*** iemand die het niet verdient
zo vlotjes kan vergaan,
zonder enigszins gekraai
van eenderwelke haan.

Ooit sta ik misschien op dat perron
en wou ik dat ik alles lang geleden had gezegd,
toen ik nog niet wist wat maar het wel nog kon.
was ooit iemand
283 · Nov 2017
Daan Nov 2017
Ik heb een duidelijke taak gekregen,
gisteren de glazen zitten legen,
verlegen toch in bed gelegen
vanwege de wegen die doorwegen
op mij en mijn zin zit tegen.

Begin dan toch gewoon,
laat al de rest maar vallen,
begin nu eindelijk,
alles is toch tijdelijk.

Ik heb me erachter gezet,
goed opgelet, ik weet het,
't is een leugen, een klucht.
Ik ben dan toch begonnen
al was het met een diepe zucht.
opdracht 1 statistiek vier, wat een zegen
283 · Feb 2014
lost attention
Daan Feb 2014
Switching rails, close ways of metal bars,
mails another, tension building, starting wars,
not intended, tendency to, trips extended
others ended. I can choose, pick a path

or walk aside it, I don't care, as long as
I get where I want to be,
with someone equally in trance,
both willing to commence,

I'll write for it instead of her,
in search of me.
283 · Apr 2016
Oh wonder
Daan Apr 2016
I make different circles, different figures,
in ways others would not.

These figurines, unique and tender,
are more than anything, if anything, they're all I've got.

From afar
they look safer, more plain, almost the same.
like playing a very easy game
chaotic in patterns
routine unseen
yet every thing seems clean.

If figures would be the first you see
I wonder how different this world would be.
I'm growing back my naïvity.
282 · Jun 2013
Daan Jun 2013
What if I had never looked at you
in that particular way, would
you not have stared back, hoping
that my eyes would stay, maybe

What if I had never told you with
what my head was filled, would
you have been disinterested or just
slightly less thrilled, maybe

What if I had never mentioned that
I liked that band you like so much,
would you then not have lit my heart
up with your gentle touch, maybe

What if, what if, what if, maybe
sometimes it's not up to us to decide.
281 · Jan 2017
Daan Jan 2017
Clean as chalk parts on the ground
wiped away without a sound
except the crunching friction,
both our minds indulged in fiction.
engulfed by cities far away
farewell we say.

Clear as the board we used to write on,
used a light on to finally agree
the books I've written
were only chapters, smitten,
sitting on hold.

Whenever you're cold
whenever you feel misunderstood
you'll feel good we parted
and a little less broken hearted
every time you're in that mood.

You were right, my mind is free
I'm so very glad we finally agree.
Burdens made place for lessons
lessons paved the way to something greater
281 · Jan 2017
Daan Jan 2017
Desire, hardwired into my construction
easily misunderstood,
causing blatant, fierce destruction,
forcing things I otherwise never would,
deluded as in rain.
Yet in the end, only bringing pain.
Compromising in any way for highs
or to be sure these weren't lies,
to be sure I wasn't losing ground,
lending jackets, touching thighs
or just putting my arms around
any thing you'd like.

We took a hike in dangerous mountains
returned with stories
untelled fountains,
unlived truth.

I wasn't sure about anything for a certain while,
except for this small, precious dose of overlap
that may leave you wondering how I'm able to smile.

My dishonesty turned you into a trap,
together, whether anyone has to take the blame,
things will never be the same.
You were right to take shelter.
I said I've changed too many times.
But once again I'm honest now.
281 · Dec 2016
One more
Daan Dec 2016
I've been writing inconsistently,
way too much for you to see.
So until now I have denied
that there is no one else, I lied.

I am connected to a sense of reason
sensing the origin of treason.
I did what had to be done
it worked, you thought you won.

I did not win either by the way,
but I got her attention on replay.
281 · Jan 2017
Daan Jan 2017
At first you want stuff,
set goals, nothing is enough.
You see things you don't own,
wonder how they got there,
how it could have grown.

You're there now, don't care, now,
you thought you needed,
safely conceeded
and admit,
this is not where you want to sit.

You leave it, left it, gone, it's tough,
you feel so small and all is rough,
romanticize the whole,
only see the good parts
forget the reasons you left.

The only thing you have is safety
because this place is predictable,
this phase is not going to change,
right here, you're in control.
The hard part isn't getting over,
time will help you leave the rover,
it's actively deciding to make things happen.

Narrow focus, looking too closely
makes you miss out on things,
takes away your wings,
reduces chances, oblivious to glances.

Widen, don't expect it all,
open, don't be afraid to fall.
This fear is not a cure but a cause.
It makes you reconsider,
uncertain, unsure, you pause.

Get out there, don't forget,
just do things, learn, accept regret,
get out there, live as all, not knowing what you want to be.
Explore, you don't have to be sure,
adventure, growing, striving, pure
attitude, luck and gratitude
for all you took for granted
while you laid there, hopelessly, falsely endorsed
fearfully, pathetically wanting
things from others who aren't to be forced.

For god's sake, man, be fearless for a while,
hone your style, wear your smile
only when true. Roll with the punches,
take the kicks, all you need to do is
Stop that,
I used to
but I don't want to
Another step
well done.
Finally knowing, understanding,
in a while, they'll say:
"He stuck the landing."
That won't matter though,
you're the only one who has to know.

-I know it's not well written, (or tl;dr)
I just had to get the message through.
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