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400 · May 2016
The End
DaRk IcE May 2016
Laughing mockingly at
Dead leaves
As the thunder
Rolls in
Good has been lost
And evil
In stone hearts
The unkind leads
All known things into
Darkness greets the
Behind comatose
And the mind is
The world is
In mourning
As hope is lost
The end of the world
Never happens
It ends prematurely
At greeds
398 · Apr 2016
Professional Depression
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Staring into an empty space filled
With wonder
That reaches for the
With an absent
Laughing at depressions
Dismay of shattered
Dreams doomed
By suicidal
Sleepless nights
Loving the one's who
Your exsistance
Each exhausting day
Is harder to get through
Then the one before
Yet you do it all over
Because who else
Giving credit to your
Biological makers
Who raised your
And encouraged your
Feelings of inadequacy
Missing pieces of a broken
Home are all you
To carry to your
Somehow missing the
Point of why
#depression #despair #abandonment #anxiety #brokenhome #abuse #sadness #hopelessness
391 · Apr 2016
The Departed Parts of You
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Oceanic waves parting the
Rolling clouds
Waging war against
All that's
Some parts of you
Are gone
And thats
The place in which You
Disguised as a
The world will
What lies beneath
Sore eyes
Silence comsumes the
Blind and you
The midnight cries
Scream in the
As the world
A void which
Cannot be filled
389 · Dec 2014
sorrows of darkness
DaRk IcE Dec 2014
Oceans full of lies and deception impale my soul.
The nails hurt as they become one with my flesh.
I know what every hour on the clock sounds like.
Late night TV is no longer unfamiliar
Anxiety clutches my body like vice grips.
Trying desperately to reclaim me as it did once before.
My fight is real as is my pain, although I hide behind darkness I cannot deny its presence.
Anxiety and depression are a few of the ugliest things on this earth. It seems impossible to conquer and often claims lives. We must stand strong against this disease and fight back with everything we have. Never say you can't because you can. I'm living proof of that. Its come back to try and claim me again. I promise it won't win.
388 · May 2016
Survival of the Unfortunate
DaRk IcE May 2016
The surrender of
What can't be
Is at your
It's spineless
Body crawls into
All you are
Lurking at the
In your blank
Eyes of a
Your alone but always
Accompanied by
Shadows along
The walls
Which you
During long
The fools who approach
Hoping for something
Catch the
Wearing the witch
Never looking back
To the pain
That transformed
Fast and furious
Saved your
387 · Feb 2016
Heavenly Epiphanies
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Side by side, walking along Fate's path
Your hand in mine...
Love's masquerade, the
Heavens in which
Epiphanies surfaced in times of
Trials and
Events that kept love
The stars I see in your
Eyes sing to the
World in mine
That's filled when your
Arms are around
My body responds to your breathe
Upon my chest,
Scents of masculinity
Roam among
I feel your thoughts on my
Body, your dreams and desires
Engulf me into
Your world
Ignited into flames we both
Swell into the open air
At each others side
We fly in perfect rhythm to heavens song
The angel's hum
Celtic harmonies
As we
Dance the dance of
The world doesn't exist when
We're together
It is just us
Swirling in the treetops while
The rest fades
385 · Apr 2015
Perfectly red spoken words
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
My love searched the open fields of perfectly red spoken words
Perfectly red spoken words
I traced in golden sands along the shores of paridise
Perfectly red spoken words rolling off my spanish tounge for your ears only and eyes to enjoy.
Perfectly red spoken words I sing to your soul as we become one enchanted in dances of gods of powerful beauty
Perfectly red spoken words I desire to embrace your gaze upon my chest and we shall grow roots that cannot be severed

              Perfectly red spoken words you
whispered to me among daisies and lilies surfing in the wind of an unwarranted force.
Perfectly red spoken words you painted in my image in vibrant sequences of romance among your brush
              Perfectly red spoken words You poetically illustrated to my tears of beauty hanging onto every verse of my sunshine.
As one
Against the
*Perfectly red spoken words
377 · Jun 2014
moonlight in the shadows
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
At once we meet, as the moonlight meets the shadows
Feeling as naked as our own thoughts.
Bonded by an unknown passion that our breathe speaks.
We are paralyzed like tombstones with writing, having so much to share.
At once we began to utter a single word, a word that shatters into pieces before us like broken glass.
In an instant the pieces fell in perfect rhythms as our song began to play, like morning birds singing.
This was no stranger, for he was my heart, that was lost long ago.
Love awakens, just as bright as the moonlight in the shadows.
374 · Jul 2015
Mind Swept
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Blood diamonds dripping from severed veins reign eternally, falling within synced rhymes

Frantic drums rumbling, slurred echos pulsating rich of certainty

Cumulus clouds rolling shadows of confusion

Illusions induce flashbacks lurking dangerous memories left abandoned

Disoriented glares raging upon magical fields of familiar residence

Classical exceptance cuts into battered minds disengaging physical existance
371 · Jul 2014
Unwinded love
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Its 3 am, the witching hour
And my thoughts grow sour
Enduring the ache of my hollow heart
Its been a year since our part
Remembering the fun times we had
I can't help but feel sad
The soft brush of your kiss
Is one of the many things I truly miss
The nights grow longer and longer
As my mind continues to wander
At times a smile sneaks up on me
In your arms is where I wish to be
In Love's Bliss, lost in your magic
Our loss will forever be tragic
368 · Dec 2015
6 (True) Words
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
367 · Jan 2016
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Mistakes are easy and usually one-sided
Selfish acts
Dominantly casted upon another who is
Blinded by what they
Believe in
Or whom.
Defiant behavior resumes in their mind
Knowing the path is righteous
And not backing
Level headed becomes only true for the
One *******
And for the one who is struck
Well, they become the
The root of all to be demonized for proper behavior
Love doesn't win
You fall like a piano being lifted outside
An apartment
As it lies on the ground
In disbelief
No one takes
But who cares
The rope was old
366 · Mar 2015
The almosts and I promise
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
Words led without action are salt in my wounds. The emptiness grasps me like tentacles of the mighty octopus. Leaves me blind with 20 20 vision. Breathless is my chest, still with a beating heart. Mentally unable to shut down night after night. Many blood stains remain on the road my thoughts travel. Riddled with death who is now my best friend, my one and only companion through thick and thin. Wasting away in the darkest of light. Darkness consoles and consumes me with the best intentions...Always
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Darkness is my most familiar place
Knowing my every
Following my thoughts
Humming my favorite
Darkness is my light of day
And my bleakest sunrise
Leading me through hollow places
Ive left
Holding my hand into the raging
To the end of
Tears that burn my skin
Never letting go
Thick and thin
Sickness and health
Caressing my anger
Stroking my rage into
Darkness is my ride or die
Into the unknown places of my soul
Where the pain hides and disguises
The silence that screams desperately
Wanting to be
The will that never fails
The place that wasn't loved enough
Darkness fills that
The want that wants back
Fake touches of the truth
Everything that got away or didnt stay
Darkness is my
359 · Jul 2014
bubbles and trouble
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Twists and turns equals turmoil
Things we wish to not spoil
Keeping close to us that are dear
For we always want to be near
We all have different reasons we get up every morning
Hoping to survive a day that turns out endlessly boring
"Home sweet home" we say
Its time to come out and play
Nightfall is nearing
Anxiety and memories remind us of what were fearing
We slip back into our shells
Its late, so all else fails
Praying for a good nights sleep
On that note, you might as well take a flying leap
Just isn't in the cards for you
Perhaps, this is why your so blue...
356 · Jun 2014
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
As the witching hour approaches we know nothing of time. We act as robots programmed for daily routine.
Wishing for an existence to feel alive.
The earth spins so very fast as times Marches on.
In the chaos of rush hour upon us we began to speed like race cars on a track. In the far distance our ears detect an echo, that slowly becomes closer.
We haven't much time left to complete incomplete thoughts. We hustle like wolves chasing prey, as darkness rears its head light is no longer. We rest with our mouths full.
351 · Jul 2015
But only in a dream
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
In the mist of night, thoughts create plays straying from sleep
Rehearsing like broken records which can only be stopped physically
Enduring the well known battle that ceases to surrender
Although faint and weary, you fight
Conjuring strength from hero's past, shedding life blood on your blade, innocent or guilty
Nearing light proves progress that can't be reached, but only in a dream...
348 · Dec 2015
A Mid-Somber nights Dream
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
When darkness falls somber thoughts take residence in your mind holding your attention hostage
Threating your emotions to do their bidding for countless hours as they point and stare while you die a little each time
Tears glide down your cheeks feeding the pleasure darkness harbors upon you each and every night, hour after hour of antagonizing debriefing
Begging and pleading to one's prideful misery is no match to be won
The vines that bind you grip tightly retaining your hearts contents
Gutting your insides so that your smiles can't be seen, your laughter can't be heard
Outward appearance is a blank page with no color
Constant battles faught between good and evil with no victory to celebrate
Standing is a forced action to carry out the bare minimum of daily function

*Darkness contains you once again in a mid-somber nights dream derailing your hopes of peacefulness
346 · Oct 2015
Earth's beauty
DaRk IcE Oct 2015
Evenings red sunset approaching the mountains horizon
Nature's serene breeze skipping through your hair
Above sea level air filling your lungs with beauty
Majestic view is breath taking
everyone stops and stares
Mother nature on its best behavior
Rewarding earths sacrifices
344 · Oct 2015
Hallows eve
DaRk IcE Oct 2015
A year has past, ghosts and goblins approaching fast
Soon the streets will be filled with trick or treaters looking for candy
Every door bell rung is quite dandy
A night where souls are set free, they roam among the highest tree
Pumpkins in many lawns carved spooky and funny, one looks like a bunny
As the night comes to and end, and the spirits are laid back to rest
You can ensure tonight was the best
340 · Jul 2014
light of the unknown
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Living things touch us, embrace us,
Like the warmth of a mothers love.
Holding ever so tightly as to hold you from the wind of a cyclone.
The beauty of her Majesty is known, her voice never heard.
The spirit of her love spreads as wild flowers in an open field
Bright as gods own rays put upon the land.
Our moves are known before our knowledge, and our thoughts before there thought.
The spirit of the unknown guides us through the unknown.
339 · Jul 2014
Resting pulse
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
A broken heart knows no peace, belonging becomes a feeling in the distance.
A soul turns grey and looks of ash. So very fragile if disturbed it will crumble.
Once caught by the swirl of the wind its gone forever. And forever it will be searched by its owners hollow body. Looking to be whole again it knows no rest until its found.
Emptiness must become full again, someway, somehow.
Years go by as if never seen or noticed and now the hollow body becomes old, frail and weak.
Ridden by pain and stretched skin hanging from thin bones.
Now comes time to accept what is,  will remain. The fire sizzled out long ago in this withered body. Now awaiting to be laid low in a dark bed that's hears no sound and sees no light. Hope returns as then peace will be found in the heart that now lies to rest.
337 · Feb 2016
Coinciding Entities
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
The scent of disappointment lingers
In the
From our last encounter
Echoes of disgruntled voices pierce
The dark inside of
The days when we climaxed were
Heaven on
But that didn't come along
We drifted miles apart
Barely remembing who we were
And what we could have
Even those days are now
Rusted memories slowly fading into
The past
While we still break down in
The present
Together was impossible
You can't love when love isn't
Dreams are all you have left, a place you
Stay often
Where the sun still shines
And the stars come out to greet

When the dreams are over, the pain
It wears out its welcome onto two deserving
Where hell is your
And heaven doesn't
Coinciding somehow, but meer entities sharing
A place called
Even the lights have become dim
As to set the somber
Of the hurt that never ends
You feel yourself slip away a little
More each day
But you still
Of how it could've been
334 · Mar 2016
The Dark Lord Resides
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Echos of screaming entities
That swirl inside
My shattered
Every wall that surrounds
Me slowly closes
In until it
One with
Complete disconnect of
All that is
And reality
My soul bellows
Out into
That ive
Lost in an unbreakable
Thats wishes to
My body
Lies a
To the
Dismay of
A smile upon a
That doesn't smile
Rusty chains ******
My wrists
As the dark lord
Drags me
332 · Jun 2014
army of shadows
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
The morning fog rests upon my face As delicate as a butterfly flutters his wings. Moving ever so lightly,
Seeking an unknown territory.
Everything remains but a mystery, as the dark painted trees tell a tale.
The silence is howling familiar sounds of previous passer by's as they left silent stories untold.
            The air feels like breathe upon my neck, searching my inner most secrets one by one.
Plucking them like feathers from a bird, they are caught in a swelling breeze.
The shadows Protecting them like a lioness protecting her cubs.
They are forever held and forever safe in the army of shadows.
331 · Feb 2016
Root Evil
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Selfishness is such a root evil
It offers no
Only undeserved punishment
Many nights lying in bed
Crying yourself to
While the other sits high
On a 14 carrot gold
Tossing bread crumbs your
Way with
Your life such a dreadful
Left confused and searching for some
Abandoned truth
There is no such thing
Pouring your heart into a glass
Already filled
With rage
Just in time for
Living a shallow exsistance
Never able to please
Only to suffer more relentless
Hell bent
At the hand of the one
The sun doesn't exist
In hell
Only deep pitted flames to cast
Pain in the greatest
Of the one
Who loved with no
Erasing laughter and
Upon the queen you
Lacing the air with nails that pierce the
And the blood shall
Onto the shallow
Grave you call
329 · Aug 2016
Lost and Found
DaRk IcE Aug 2016
Now that you sleep with wings
my tears fall remembering...

your voice returns from the past
and there you are again...

I say goodbye with a heavy heart
and days ahead of me, to march
with your memory...

i say farewell... and bless you
as you float above the world
less gone...
Written by third eye candy in honor of my grandmother. May she rest in peace
324 · Aug 2015
Lost scripts
DaRk IcE Aug 2015
Sinful howls echo from lost scripts written in stone
History has kept breathe into your memory for centuries
                   Quite mysterious you were, scaling your way across flatlands, leaping through the shadows of deaf eyes

                    Strong heart equipped for battle, a lover, not a fighter
Searching desperately for misplaced roots of which you came, a place to call home

The pieces never found, although the script still exsists
323 · Mar 2016
Short of a Dream
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Scorned words broken
On your floor of
Cutting like a machete
In an overgrown
As the rain trickles
Off my
A lost soul
Roaming the world
Aimlessly, lacking
Greatness, never instilled
Riddled with
Wonder of
What a father
Only left with what
Lost the game
Of love
But won
In it's
Realist form
Living the reality
A cruel world
With a heavy
A solider
Trained most
Having left with
No choice
Surviving is
Life's game
You live or
You die
Bleakness in sight
Of nowhere
In particular
Just knowing
Your always
Of a dream
321 · Jul 2014
Luck of the draw
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
The leaves die in fall
Well, we can't have it all
Preparing for a scolding blizzard
I wish I knew a magic wizard
Rushing through life's winding streets
Now that I think about it, I love sweets
Aiming for the loot in the sky
It drifts farther away as I walk by
The world is a wondrous place
We must not act with haste
Always keep your eye on the prize
As to not miss an opportunity and fall to your demise
321 · Feb 2016
Collision of Souls
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Two worlds trying to merge
Fighting for position and trying
To be
Constantly feeling like your
On the sidelines
Of his
Always falling short
Of his eyes
The rain falls and the thunder
Even so, to no avail of
The competition never ends
And love never wins
Its like fire and ice
The ice doesn't have a
Good isn't good enough
And right isn't
Love doesn't last, the tears
My cheeks become
My thoughts decomposed
As I lay still and silent
The white noise pierces my
And blinds my
Alone is my feeling
And it consoles me
In my constant abandonment
A collision of souls unites
At midnight
Never a moment to
Wrapping his arms around
My non responsive
That has took it's last
320 · Mar 2016
Into the Storm
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Step by step
She searches the
Wearing her pain
On her
Making big strides
Nothing stands
In her
The highest of
She scales
Hands of raw
Wounds of a
Cruel world
Continuing the
Stumbling ahead
Into the storm
thats ravages
Her soul
319 · Mar 2015
Lost and found
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
Embrace our confusion to what God dosent know. Allow our souls a union of uncharted chanting to unknown languages. Our bodies are but shells of walking corpses guided by blindness into the eternal darkness. Not knowing of our blessing or our curse. Visions of past lives are of the present in which we stand. Leading with eyes wide shut as the world follows me into nothingness.
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
As swiftly as the tide rolls upon the shore
      To restore it's ripples of beauty, it
             Retracts allowing all to see how
                   Beautiful life is when they're
Without the water, the sand would be corse and brittle, easily broken.

Without the sand, water would have no *purpose in life.
317 · Dec 2015
True love's kiss
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Its no secret hearts beat for true love*
Of your soul-mate leaves one breathless rumbling in fantasies sheets
Sunday morning dreaming
Holding your pillow tight, embraced within the grip of wholeness with-in his heart
Believing in harmony on beds playground inside his Fairy Tale
                                           Eyes magic lies in his soul, his scent on my lips
                          He haunts my thoughts, roaming endlessly until Im awakened by
true loves
317 · Nov 2015
Perfectly fitted
DaRk IcE Nov 2015
Water falls through the cracks of her rough life
Waves of leaves dancing in the dry air as she wanders hopelessly
Lost in a blackened forest where life cant be sustained, hardened soil lusting for rain while withering away
The beauty of a rose garden now a faded memory among broken glass
Grey clouds hover above, never parting way to the sun's beauty, sentencing a soul to infinite sadness
Direction misplaced somewhere along the way, disoriented to normalcy where her mind once was
Fading into the background almost ceasing to exsist, but somehow fitting in perfectly
316 · Jan 2016
When it's over, It's over
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
When the butterflies have all flown away
And your
The scent that drove you wild
Has grown
When the intimacy never comes around
Things are
The days turn to weeks since you've spoken
Its obvious
When complements become rare
The bond
When strangers care more about you
It's time
315 · Jun 2014
the message
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
Night is among us, the world becomes still.
               Like a calm before the storm.
The moon shows her beauty, her feminine curves wow us as we admire.
The sky looks of magical colors, some light, some dark, and they are woven together like a Quilt telling a story of generations
                     Passed on.
The air speaks to us, in a voice as soft as silk, and sweet as a rose.
To whom listens, its only for you.
                       Only you.
309 · Jul 2014
dreams unwound
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
My thoughts travel like air waves from the towers.
             Dreaming of the far lands beyond my own desires.
Catching a glimpse of what lies beneath where eyes can't see.
             A place that rules of swords and wands that strike with meaningful scolds.
Where men with structures of Greek gods dare not go.
              Dragons with breathe of fire roam the black skies beaded with gold armor, and eyes that glow of red.
The beauty that lies is breathtaking at best.
               Wondrous paths planted with gems of colors, and grass of silver.
Ones feet who touch will be forever rich, and some may greed get the best.
                Such magic is near, look beyond your sight, and search beyond your dreams.
309 · Jan 2015
loves selfish beauty
DaRk IcE Jan 2015
Look at me now
          All Beaten, battered, and weary
From him who claimed to love me.
          In question of my own existence
Trapped in a storm of empty promises
          To which he sold me.
The deceit Was beautiful, only he could deliver with such grace.
           I stood before his majesty in loves name.
           Bowing to his throne Where he Claims righteousness.
It is he who holds my heart prisoner, And it is he who's spell its under.
           Loves selfishness draws me into the depths of despair on my own willingness.
All I see is the image of a man I once knew...
309 · Nov 2015
DaRk IcE Nov 2015
Sounds of sweetness escaping her lips as she sings a lullaby
The smell of jasmine lingering in the sun room awaiting his arrival
Innocence reaching for escaped times when he loved her to the moon
A weak grip holds no trust deep in hollow eyes staring through hers
She gasps as the air gets heavy, rolling deep inside four walls closing into her soul
Abandoned embraces sketched in her memory when she loved him to the moon
Wishing stars shooting in the sun room awaiting his arrival, never to arrive
Her heart lay bleeding in innocence of what she thought was love
Reality shows itself of a cold sinister entity collecting hearts for show
Never intending to play his part
She sings a lullaby of melancholy tempo
In her soul
306 · Jul 2014
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Humans are sensitive beings, having the ability to feel every touch of our surrounding's, and in sadness feeling the blood drip from shards of our broken hearts.
The only way you don't feel is if you choose not to...
Sympathy lives in all of us
Perhaps that's why we all fuss
Everyone wants to be heard every now and then
And the world acts like its the ultimate sin!
There must be a reason were born with voices
God knows this place is full of choices
Judgment lies on the faces of people who walk by
Makes me say "oh my my"
We all have the right to be who we want to be
So why is it such a crime to be me?
Seems to me everything is a crime these days
The world should rethink its ways
In the end all we really want is to be loved right?
But I suppose that's just day and night
305 · Mar 2016
Hauntings of Past & Present
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
I hear the echos of
A snide
While you
I love
The worst times
Reside in
Your last
The air acts as
A knife
That cuts with
Each movement
A darkened tone
Fills the space
I stand
That the light
A place where
Right isn't
And wrong is
Right there
Emotions grow weary
With each
And I can go
Im motionless
A victom of
Similiar past
That haunts
My every
Insanity grasps my
Of something
That seems like a
Except my eyes
Are open
And im very
304 · Aug 2015
~14 words~ Love never found
DaRk IcE Aug 2015
When you discover something new together, it's like falling in love all over again
One day before I pass on I wish to have this love. One day...
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Speeds of time surround
          Me modestly
In times of wonder
     Speaking to my soul
In second person
          Stroking my passions
Seductively with an
     Admirable quality
Hanging on my every move
           With lying eyes
Leading me blindly into places
          The ears can't hear
But the eyes can touch
      Following a red brick road
Passing by forests of great
           Magic amongst wise tree's
Telling tales of a tin man having
       No heart and a scarecrow
            Having no brain
Such great wonders the imagination
        Yeilds within the believers
            Step into my world, the ride
Of your life shall begin
298 · Apr 2018
DaRk IcE Apr 2018
"As a young lost little girl
Didn't look like nobody
Difference of skin color
Different beliefs
Wished for a future to the Sky's
But was told I wasn't good
Wasn't pretty enough
Hair is to dark
My race is *****
In an environment of pales
I never had a chance
Was always portrayed in a funny
Nobody spoke to me, I literally wasn't
Invisible as the black sheep
In an all white field
Never knew what self esteem
Was, never heard things like
Good job or I'm proud of you
The mud below my bare feet
Is where my place was
Never remember holding
My head up, I was alone
Nobody to fight for
Smoke filled homes almost
Took my life before i even
Had a chance to grow
Everything was always hazy
I never knew what was to come
Or if I would see another day
Falling into a deep dark place
That has took
Me down in my
Adult days
Watching every minute on
The clock roll
Looking at movies over
And over praying for some
But it rarely comes
Its become a stranger
My best friend
Consuming my way of
Living is like being in
Same walls every day
My world is minute,
Microscopic you might
I'm falling fast
Pain has caught me now
Stabbing me, trapping me
Holding me hostage
But the price is to high
For freedom
Walking has become a
Eating is like a
My room has become my
All the other rooms have
To the right I allow
Myself to see a small
Piece of light
Sometimes i feel like I've already
Walked into the
295 · Jun 2014
a lost soul
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
The quiet halls speak so loud, like an ultrasonic wave.
In such long and winding paths we walk, we seem lost.
Searching for our long lost souls, like a spirit searching for its grave.
We speak an unknown language, begging to be understood, somehow falling short of our own expectations.
We wish to fit in with the crowd that flows as natural as a wave in the ocean. Acceptance is what we strive for and the wise say be yourself.
Yourself is the best you can be. Its then,  your soul is truly free.
293 · Feb 2016
It's hopeless for certain
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Lost in deep waters yielding no lifeline
Drowning in deep
To lengths of
Endless forests
No sanity for miles, only
Hope gathered is
As the mighty shark swims circles
Around a hopeless
You thank God for a
Way out
Only prayer ever
292 · Feb 2016
Keep In Touch
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Through a deep saddened
Comes light
Your forever fight is near
The end
Hearts can mend and people can
Don't let what you feel
Lead you astray
In the distance you'll see your ray
Of sunshine
And it will all be

Demons live inside of us, we learn how
To live with
We mustn't forget we can also live without
We can be a shiny gem in a sash full of imitations
Remember what the sun feels
And the sand in between our
Summer toes
How warm the oceans water is
And how deep it
What the night sky looks like
Among a bed full of stars in
Perfect sync
Looking up and seeing that powerful jet plane
Going anywhere and for once
Not wish you
Were on
Because you found peace and love
Where you are
And would never want to stray that
290 · Jan 2016
Then and now
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Trapped in these walls of confinement waging war with the unknown whispers residing in these hollow hallways my soul grasps
Infinite solitude engulfs the flames in which I burn
Wandering down a dim lit hallway where all living things die
Lost inside twists and turns that hold no direction to civilization
Thick fog seems to follow my steps where the sun doesn't shine and the clouds roll
The ground is weightless to heavy feet and light air
Drifting off somewhere between here and now but ending up in the same place
This place seems familiar, the emptiness of an occupied room, and a hint of obscenity
The smell of these damaged walls lingers like the stench of cigarette smoke
It sinks deep into the follicles for permanent residence
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