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289 · Mar 2016
A place with no name
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Staring through a broken window
Dreaming about
A sheltered
That hasn't
Untouched, having no
To teach
Or stories to
No life exists
No sounds to be
Nothing to
The air is still
And heavy
Tree's are bare
And unworthy of
The ground hardened
Lacking a sweet summer
Proving years of neglect
For a delicate
Unloved and well forgotten
Lies the place
With no
284 · Jul 2014
our calling
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
The tides of the sea rise like the sun and crash like glass.
Maybe for the reason to be recognized...
Limits have no limits and ends have no ends.
Its a great competition out here some say...
The most beautiful glorified,  and all else falls to the wayside.
We are all beautiful in our own way some say...
What most never see is quite hard to believe.
Striving to find a place to fit in, in a place that only views naked flesh as a headline.
We are all unique some say...
Unique is often considered weird and weird is an outcast in society.
We all have our own calling some say...
Then we wonder what is our calling? What are we here for? What is our purpose?
Its that, that we must search ourselves for.
273 · Feb 2016
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
In the bitter depths of night
Nothing's right and
Everything's wrong
Haunted by the eerie silence
That speaks so
Blindsided by unseen ghosts
Gutting your naked thoughts
Exposing your inner
The room spins round and round
And your eyes swell
Delirium sets in, you either laugh
Or cry
But either way nothings
265 · Jul 2014
Today's the day
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Today's the day
Naked bushes bloom into explosive colors for the pleasure of world view. The news on your paper plate is laced with love and peace among the people.
Understanding is understood...
Today's the day
Silence echo's the rhythm of winged angels humming enchanting sounds throughout the winds serene breeze.
Peace is peaceful...
Today's the day
Hearts beat to the sound of the same drum, in perfect alignment, with no song book, no rehearsals.
Belief is believing...
DaRk IcE Oct 2014
I will remember the words that were never spoken, the touch I never felt. The looks I never seen Or the kisses that never grazed my lips.
I will remember the conversations I never heard, the bonds that weren't made and the feelings that never arrived.
I will remember the unknown like yesterday as the known skips my mind...
262 · Dec 2015
Fairy Tale
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Something like a Fairy Tale flying with pixes, dust following behind gallantly sprinkling upon a magical land

Filled with creatures who hold powers to every childs dream, granting great permissions of the imagination of those who believe

Conversations with wise old tree's that have such tales to tell, holding the hand of a grand wizard who casts spells

Traveling on roads made of the purest of gold, passing by beautiful gardens of humming  flowers

Vibrant colors all around, impeccable beauty bestowed with-in this land of great and powerful things

Make a wish and it shall be granted by magic of the highest mountain, accompanied by a wise owl with the most powerful wings

It is he who keeps this magical place alive and vibrant, watching over all that enter, his guidance is in our hearts.

Gordon is his name...
He is hundreds of years old and his feathers are young and bright, he sees all and never forgets

Such a place exsists in a Fairy Tale
261 · Oct 2014
when love was once love
DaRk IcE Oct 2014
When love was once love its blossoms were  vibrant and mild
Ever loving in a rose bath
Its clutches so protective with strong arms
Feelings only eyes can explain as a single tear beautifully roles down her soft cheek
She loves you, you stupid boy!
When love was once love only emotions can explain.
260 · Mar 2015
~Glassy eyes~
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
Holding out faith through soiled eyes, already carrying Jupiter on my shoulders. Past E and the reserve is on fumes, moving in slow motion down what seems to be a one way street with no end in sight. Life isnt going as I hoped, feeling frail and caught in a whirlwind of despair. Desperate for belonging in a heart I dont fit in. Desperate for eyes which dont see me.  Desperate for hands that won't touch me. Desperate for ears that won't listen to me. Desperate for a voice that won't speak to me. Why oh why do I continue this madness I ask myself every day and I've yet to find an answer...
Putting down some of my feelings about abandonment from someone I love. Its a hard thing to endure and even harder to except when you dont know why...
258 · Dec 2017
Angels and lies
DaRk IcE Dec 2017
Angels and lies

We don't know for whom the bell Tolls
Just that angels are
Lies are
Drugs vanish the pain
When everything
You're stripped naked
On the front
Ridiculed and crucified
Remains my sanctuary
Inside our minds
We remain
Women are
Angels they say
Let me rephrase
It's the illusion in which
Women are angels
To the right
In all the wrong
We belong to no one
Place or person
But the behavior
Of a woman
In the eyes of the
Somehow we remain in
The spotlight for only
Which we can never
The power of feminism
Angels and lies
Go against us
We remain
When certain allegations
Are made
Befriend one another
Creating the identity
And still you hear
Them say we were
And unknowing to
Angels and lies
© Onwona René Arps
255 · Aug 2014
In the wake of night
DaRk IcE Aug 2014
In the wake of night untamed streams flood from black eyes filled with guarded stares.
Where there is a corner, there is no sight...
Where there is a room, there is no light...
Where there is thought, there is no breath...
In the wake of night stillness feels like a final resting place.
Where the heart pounds runs emotions through your veins...
Where the heart lies tears fall at 60 beats per minute...
Where the heart feels its lost...
In the wake of night, sleep runs into the distance wanting to be caught but the task is impossible in slow motion. Everything the day presented surges through your head with no direction and no sympathy until it crashes and you search within the rubble looking for signs of sense only to find confusion.
Morning is upon us and your eyes have yet to close but the days responsibilities must go on.  In a matter of hours you will again be "in the "wake" of night".
248 · Dec 2015
Birthday girl
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Tomorrow I'm the birthday girl
The weather outside has gotten quite
Celebrating the beauty of lifes twists and turns
Every now and then
House, kids, marriage and then comes the baby
The baby
Waking to see another rising sun
The years ahead are sure
Im truly blessed to celebrate another year. Giving thanks to God.
241 · Mar 2015
Final farewell
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
To the greatest love I never knew. I wish you well
                     Lost but not found
No loss or gain is easy. I often wonder if its worse to have had and lost or have never had at all...
231 · Sep 2014
when I see you
DaRk IcE Sep 2014
When I see you my world lights up like the skies on July 4th.
My heart pounds like two fifteens in the trunk.
I began to feel nervous, perhaps shy like I've never met him before.
Something takes over me that I can't explain, something I can't explain I can't control or stop. I become weak, my breathe  becomes rapid. I try to hide it, but I'm sure he notices. He says nothing, just smiles like he thinks its cute. I can't stop looking and smiling at him. Silently thinking he is so **** and I smile more.
He asks what?
I say, its just good to see you, that's all.
One day I will have the courage to tell him the truth, I just know it...
230 · Jul 2014
loves journey
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Hearts winding like arms on a clock
Flowing ever so gallantly.
Seeking love once lost, yearning for passion.
Reminiscing in times of sensual bliss, as our pulse's marched in perfect rhythm.
Breathe as heavy as the ocean's water is blue.
Love is pure like a diamond, shines as bright as the Sun's own rays.
It wraps you in layers of its warmth, and holds you tightly in its vice.
For one should cherish and embrace in its glory.
Lusting in the calming of its silence that speaks so loudly.
Rushing into you like a pack ambushing its prey in the thicket.
Loves found its host at last.
The only place it can multiply, the only place it can survive.
                             Love is alive
                             And here by me.
225 · Dec 2015
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Always the strong one in front walking the line
Fear...less, un-fazed To the evil walking the earth today
             Always standing up for what's right, standing up for my loved one's, ready to fight

Always playing fair, mostly silent even if my feelings are hurt because it's just not worth it some-times...

             Always going out of my way for others, putting myself last daily and never-ever complaining about it

Always pushing through the cronic pain I live with to see another smile and I do it easily because that's love

                       No one
                       Sees my
                       Tears in the
94 · May 2022
A Prideful Man
DaRk IcE May 2022
A prideful man would chase his own *** before he would chase yours
No matter the cost, his lust for false righteousness exceeds the sum of innocence which surrounds him
It dissolves time and love and stores it deep into the space only he knows
Casting out any attempt of making things right, even as a child calls him daddy, it's not enough


The pain he puts forth is his fuel to spread hate fullness in innocence
Having no regard of the destruction he's caused in the eyes of the one's who loved him
Like broken glass, the aftermath is devastating
The tears have summoned a raging flood God can't stop
A prideful man will stand tall during it all and claim innocence
While the one's who loved him are caught and swept away
93 · Jan 2020
Professional depression
DaRk IcE Jan 2020
Staring into an empty space filled
With wonder
That reaches for the
With an absent
Laughing at depressions
Dismay of shattered
Dreams doomed
By suicidal
Sleepless nights
Loving the one's who
Your exsistance
Each exhausting day
Is harder to get through
Then the one before
Yet you do it all over
Because who else
Giving credit to your
Biological makers
Who raised your
And encouraged your
Feelings of inadequacy
Missing pieces of a broken
Home are all you
To carry to your
Somehow missing the
Point of why

— The End —