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 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
what it is not...
forgiving or kind,
patient with time.
gentleness to the weary soul.

whilst it does allow smiles,
they are mostly,
of the wry
or pitying kind.

whilst it gives,
much time for contemplation, rumination and wistful
and regretful dreaming
but in doing so
it often, so often, takes,
more than it gives.

it is not a gentle kitten.
more of a savage jungle beast,
ravaging not just you,
but your village too...

it does not respect,
station or situation...

yet sometimes,
it gives you an almighty fright.
taking hold and shaking
your ragdoll life.
only to let you go...
but not defeated.

at other times...
it stalks you
through the years.

it is not necessarily
a death sentence,
but often so.

what it is,
is a puzzle to unravel
what it is,
is, in need of the best
minds in order to
bring about solutions

what it is,
is, small and large donations
required to change
the future of us all

what it is
is... cancer....
and given time
it can be cured.
Please think about making a donation to some form of cancer research or those community groups that support those who are affected by the disease.....medical breakthroughs are making a difference....
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
I’m too tired to be mad
I’m too angry to be sad

Where does that leave me?
Alone and confused
Nothing to live for, just a bottle of *****

If anger doesn’t **** me
Sadness surely will
Time to give up, grab that bottle of pills

I finally wake up in the drab familiar room
Not the first time here, I’ve returned to my doom

I can barely breathe, and I cannot move
All I can see is a tangled web of tubes

Keeping me alive
I wonder what for
Someone had found me
Face down on the floor

I’ll eventually get out of this place
Back to my life, it’s too much to face

It’s time I leave this empty shell
I need to get out of this endless hell

Next time I will get it right
I’m waiting to embrace that soothing bright light
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Ashley Rodden
Someone once told me, in life yur always left holding the same amount of cards
I never really thought of life as a game of cards until now,
Its true in all things in life you get dealt a hand and its always the same amount of cards its just
Up to you how you decide to play your hand
You can go all in,
Go out,
Or draw,
U can trade some or trade them all,
But in the end  you're still left with the same amount of cards....
This really hit me the other night. I've heard you say it a million times but never really knew what it meant to me, now I know. You are right about "always the same amount of cards."
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Ocean Blue
I survived:
My father's death, who left too early,
My mother's trip to the land of forever fog,
The loss of a child,
A few years in the Pool,
Swimming with gentle crocodiles,
The mountain trail somewhere East,
An angry crowd in Musutiste,
On the same day, the shelling in Studencane,
A few disappointments,
One recent betrayal,
And the black cloud nightmares.

I will survive:
The daily headache,
The selection at the Academy
The fading love,
The obsessive longing for Someone,
Yes, I will survive
It all.

So help me God.
Musutiste and Studencane on February 20th, 1999:
twice on that day, God decided it was not due time for me.
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