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 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE

Trying to dance in a sawdust enclosure
Finding the moon disappears on this night
Hearing a song though there’s nobody playing
Asking the stars if they’re wrong or they’re right

Taking a drink from a glass now half empty
Quenching my thirst on a warm summer’s eve
Sharing a glance with a mirrored reflection
Someone I know or at least I believe

When through the door walks a beautiful lady
Dressed all in white with a belt made of gold
Kicks off her shoes as she starts heading towards me
This is a story about to be told

Now in my arms as she moves very graceful
Floating on air is now just how it seems
Lips painted red how I wish I could taste them
I hope I’m awake for this feels like a dream

Spinning around as the world is now watching
Following steps that I easily trace
Slowly we slide ‘cross this dance floor of heaven
Long ago moments so soon to erase

We are like breaths sighed in harmonic whispers
Effortless motions so silent and free
Like wearing wings made of gossamer feathers
Such is the feeling awash over me

Falling in love with this wonderful woman
Something about her just touches me so
Hot coffee hair and her eyes nearly matching
Holding her close as to never let go

When just as quick I now find her departing
Why must she leave on an evening like this
A brush of my cheek with her fingers so gentle
Then with a smile she gives me a kiss

Watching the door as it closes behind her
Feeling my heart now is breaking in two
Then as she soars neath the glow of a halo
Blinking my eyes, can’t believe this is true

A few things I know as I stare out the window
I’m still not lucky at love or romance
That woman in white was all I have prayed for,
And I’ve now paid the devil his due…

to teach me to dance
Just for fun.   :)
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
brandon nagley

Dearest Mina, just wanted to thank thee mine friend
Thou hath been here for me all day, wherein I feeleth an end;
Dearest Mina, thou art a fluorescent lamp to other's, though dealing with thine own stresses, thou art a being of all blessing's.


Dearest Mina, wanna know the reason why I pushed thy work when thou first joined h.p? Because I hath seen a burning lamp in thou soo quiet yet so free, and I let all other's seeith the shining that thou doth give, so now thou canst smile and be happy at this.


Dearest Mina, from the land of old Persia (Iran), countries an ourn leaders don't seperate us, let the leader's haveth their own demands, because it doesn't matter Mina upon ourn skin color or background belief, because thou was sent here, by God to h.p.


Dearest Mina, continue to pass the one's of hatred, giving them thy glance of love and patience, and let not the world phase thou, over cometh them with laughter, liveth thy poetry ever after, stayeth strong in thy times of disaster, and pray if thou forget's.


Mina, dearest friend of mine, any poet's sunshine, an extraterrestrial of the divine, a spirit of sublime, a chariot of the high, a soulful one to me when I'm in need, thou giveth me hope, at times I bleed, and when I bleed, I always knoweth, thou art by.

Just a thanking to thee
Friend of mine....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Mina friendship dedication
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
brandon nagley
Just beyond the albatross
Skyloft the ghost's;
And mine woe's to dissapear
For one to be here for me, an angelic host.

She'll be a superlative dogma
Of man's fortune and fame;
Mobilizing me by her **** call
Again and again.

Cometh over here "boy"
She doth sayeth, as she doth none wrong;
Ill write all mine poems for her
And turneth them into song's.

And whilst I sing mine song's for her
She shalt savor ourn Shakespearian night;
Like two unruly children we'll becometh
Leaving this place all behind.

Being **** to ournselves
Open for all to believe;
That ourn amour' is true
As tis we'll dance on the sea's.

And whilst dancing the seaside
Losing ourn throat's;
From all the laughter we shalt haveth
Making love in front of the ghost's..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A story about if I did have one me and her wouldn't hide ourn love we would show it to the world... A beautiful love and how love should be... In all openess and not hiding it... Enjoy made up poem of hopes lol just hopes of finding one to want me is dwindling but have hope luckily lol note: was listening to Robert plant the singer from led Zeppelin newest album and the song called rainbow the song stuck in me head the rhythm so made this poem like kinda me own remake in poem form (:
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
brandon nagley
Today I shalt waltz, gently with a smile
Putting behind me pains, and heading toward's the mile;
The mile of the sunshine, that's coming down upon mine face
I feeleth free today, and pleased arrayed, no feeling of disgrace

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry

Note; from the help of true helper's and backers of me on here. Thank you all for kind words and love and listening to me and caring for all of you HP poets.. No hatred here
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
You are the farthest place away from me,
And you can still break my heart everyday.
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