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I am falling more in love with you O God.
I am falling upon my face to worship you.
I am falling in Line with your Word O God.
I am falling , but you shall raise me up Lord.
Because I shall refuse Pride to steal my blessings.
For Christ says the Prideful shall fall but..
The Humble shall be raise up and tis is true.
There is plenty of good reasons to fall.
Those good reasons I shall fall to worship you.
But I shall continue to pray on being protected.
From becoming prideful , I rather stay humbled.
 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
Mike Essig
for Theodore Roethke*

It is dipsetic work,
a gasping kind
of mental sweating,
that takes its toll,
requires forgetting;
the work of words
will drain you dry,
leave you thirsty,
make you cry;
that withered husk,
the writer's soul,
requires fluids
to make it whole;
the desiccated,
wilted heart
craves a drink
to mend its art;
and this is why,
I've come to think,
in vats of whiskey
poets sink.
  - mce
The city's a blur
as the rotation of night
into speeding flight...
a parallax.

This town's deranged
like the hands of perverts

I don't understand
that you're still here,
while nothing happens
in this billboard valley
with its mannequin loves
and ****** students;

nothing comes of this
with Christmas blinking in the center
and promises on the cusp
of learning / curves
say Huh?

I know, you say
there's a fabulous place
the buzzing web of profits
its busy electric streets
business of passing feet

a wonderful niche
the lions and tigers and Cher
(Oh My!)
secrets only you would know
of its afterglow
because you call it

Sin city as the muse
Among these godly spires:

streets that harvest
tourists from afar
pockets romancing
neon ***** and slots

our tables laid out to serve them
sliding doors and rollercoasters
they are mine

i dwell in the butterfly wings

with none other who can stand
the fat rain and desert hail
in spring
skeletal skeins
of lightning
life, i am on-watcher...
blind from the sights,

sleep stealing summers
heat so disfiguring,
no longer listening
to cassettes in the car
melted like Dali art

the sun is a horrible comedian...
our winters are kite killing
my nose feels as if locked
by samsonite

and the wind wails colder jokes...

Among these lit boxes
copy cats and volcanic hopes Mirage
through trials and tides
of creative construction of yore
most still stand *****

gambling on dreams
on days unkind, here i am
a unicorn

losing / winded / coming out un-even
alive tho trying
to enjoy / her
admirable rivers of new
peoples and foods
fire-breathing signs
she has many stories up
her evening skin
and silver teeth

while i am young
she flashes me
glowing candies...

las vegas

is my grease
and seductive Sandy...
You couldn't believe
so quiet could be the croc
its eyes a wise sage
scales rigid rock

lay frozen on the mud
no flies could stir
stubbornly in trance
mind elsewhere

sixteen feet in size
dumb cool in creek
in the hermit's guise
lamblike tender meek

pounce it does when needs
not preys on what eats not
the human hunter feeds
on hatred and whole lot.
inspiration: cover photo, 6 December, 2015
Dead leaves fall from a living tree,
captured by a breeze, to gather at my feet
tiny mounds
of earth browns
and ill-colored greens
piled on one another / rustling / serpentine screams

tiny graveyards
reminding me of last evening's
public television show (almost

a special / they called it
on letters from the holocaust,

a reading / from surviving
members now grey and slowing

as they speak (aging)
in sepia slideshows during their
somber, teary-eyed recollecting;
lifting ghosts and rocks

heavy, from the moss
of their memory
silver photos of nannas, sisters,
brothers and fathers lost
fading details of the war

which time has (and they gladly)
frost, depressing
me with my big screen magnavox,

i remote control a pause...


still dead leaves of cemetary browns
and soldier greens,
lifeless and lifted by the wind
without empathy / or guilt of sins

an airy power, a commanding force / unseen
gathering / stems or limbs
of these casualties / of autumn
none following the flight

of concord cold fronts

clustering together / piled / inartistically
at my sandals, toes wriggling
crunching underneath my feet


death seems simple - like a mindless breeze,
natural and indifferent dust devils

it is the way of things
shifting graveyards of leaves
as if a memorial of use-to-be's
from a roar of sightless tragedies
memorium of wars
tombs of bodies / images of defeat

not so simple or beloved

the nature of such things
in these leaves i see
of thee i sing....
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