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A Friend Feb 2016
Beaded curtain shimmers,
Crackles under hesitant touch.
Steady voice beckons you in,
incense clouding your nose.
You are still unsure if you will find veracity here.

Let your essence pour from her lips
and wonder if she can hear your thoughts.
She can pick apart all the tangled wires
within you, paint a breathtaking mural
with the colors swirling in your blood.

She reminds you all things must end,
that too much insight can become dangerous;
one might fold inwards,
crumple like thin paper.
She says,
“it is not necessary to know your entire self,
lest you spoil the ending too soon.”
A Friend Feb 2016
Physics say that opposites attract. Those who are similar repel all others. These are the laws you know, except

You are meant to fall in love quietly
fall like a feather, soft and light
but you are not falling so much as you are plummeting
there is nothing quiet about the birth of a star, you must expand like the heavens above only to

Collapse and be destroyed,
this is your rebirth
in this way the whole of being was created
barbed words, tearing flesh
but in the end all that is left is a gaping silence.
Endless potential forming the universe inside you and then…

You learn love, and after a while it is not so much a science as it is luck:

"There are no laws here, there were never any to begin with”
A Friend Feb 2016
Poems are never just poems. They’re compensating for something. Here are the words I wish I had written. Here are a hundred words for “stay,” and a hundred more for “please.” Here is how I hold a pen. Here is how the pen holds me. Here are my thoughts, over-steeped in empty fervor. Here is nothing and everything all at the same time.
A Friend Mar 2016
Sometimes we are Van Gogh,
scattering autumn leaves,
soul pulsing with fire,
inverse of a Starry Night.

Other times you are Da Vinci
I am your flying machine,
The stuff of my wildest dreams
soaring on high...

I try my hand at Michelangelo,
pressing fingers into your palm like cherubs
Rising up to brush my lips 
across your blank canvas cheeks.

Picasso appears in my dreams,
twisting us like clay,
he drowns us in shades of blue and we are sinking,
A Friend Feb 2016
The day is about to start and the sun will rise whether we want it to or not.

It will run us over, crushing us by initiating a new day that we are not ready for.

It will leave your thoughts behind in the night.

It will not grant another second of rest or heed your protest.

It will climb over mountainsides regardless of your lament.

It is merciless, the controller of time...

Maybe it is saying to us “keep moving” and that we should abandon living in the past...

Whatever this reoccurring phenomenon symbolizes: The forgiveness of time or the perpetual onslaught of obstacles —

You should know if you don’t believe you can make it through to the next day, that I wish the best of luck, and a good morning
A Friend Mar 2016
Don’t ask me why I treat you like a work of art.

Don’t ask me why I never write poetry,

You believe you are another ***** face and I tell you inspiration is a tricky thing.

Maybe I just haven’t had the time really...

But really it is more like my mind is a cluttered room...

I lie awake at night and try to find words that could not be said.

Dawn approaches just as it does every day, and I think:

"I like you this way and any other way just as I enjoy the sun in all its forms.

You would not ask whether I prefer the sunrise or sunset."
A Friend Mar 2016
Imagine looking up at the sky and seeing billions of stars.

Wouldn’t you be awestruck?

That’s the way I feel every time I look into your eyes.

I remain completely captivated by someone as foreign to me as the stars
A Friend Mar 2016
I have come to find that those who deserve love find it the least.


The same could be said of those who should love themselves the most.
A Friend Jul 2021
I want to be free of you
I think of you
I smile
It hurts
A Friend Sep 2021
There will always be stories
With one saying to another:
This is what it feels like to me
Can you understand what I am saying?
Does it feel the same to you?
A Friend Sep 2021
Do you think the moon waits the whole night
Just to see the sun?
To share their stories with each-other
In the few moments they have together?

They were made for each-other
They make the other complete
Two halves of the whole,
Each a part of the others soul

Even when the moon faded away
The sun did not lose its reason to shine
A Friend Sep 2021
I bleed
I pen poetry in that blood
I pen prose in that blood
No good without color
Never free from abuse
So relive it all
Weep for the pages
And write it for those who read
For them I bleed
Into the blank spaces I cannot mend
What a waste
A Friend Sep 2021
Evacuate (verb) : remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place. To feel safer in the center of a hurricane than I do here. Safer when I step back into a body which I no longer fit in.  Cramped inside a small place which I no longer call home. My safe place has been completely stripped. Reconstructed to fit a person who never existed. Forcing myself to be a piece in the wrong puzzle. I simply to do not fit. No matter how much I shove and twist. I do not belong here. Each attempt always wrong.
A Friend Sep 2021
It starts the same
Immortal, Eternal, Limitless
Yet existing only a moment
To be nothing and everything
To be in the world but not of the world
Both peasant and tyrant
Traitor and Thief
Kings and Queens
Flying but falling
Screaming in rage and weeping in grief
Running, Bolting, Irreparably damaged
Not everyone is so lucky to live
Fewer still give
A Friend Sep 2021
Do we all just resemble passing seasons?
Staying is not a part of our religion.
A Friend Sep 2021
In times of tragedy will there still be songs?
Aye, there will be singing
It will be about the dark times.
A Friend Sep 2021
The ordeal of trust is mortifying
but I still give myself away within my words,
laying my heart bare
hoping it will be held gently
A Friend Sep 2021
We are meant to be loved as wholes not just as the pieces others adore
We are meant to be loved completely
We are meant to love with forgiveness and grace

Love is the closest to the divine we will ever find

(On a more personal note I had archived most of my writing during a bout of depression and general ambivalence towards life. In a way hiding them away was like hiding a part of myself. I decided to bring them back in the hopes you all will  enjoy them as much as I loved writing them)
A Friend Sep 2021
In the cold I have waited
For you to draw near
To once more feel your warmth  

If winter promises to give way
I shall endure my thirst
As I search for spring
A Friend Sep 2021
Some names will always feel like a sin, dripping from our lips.
A Friend Sep 2021
Healing began when I stopped allowing what was left of my heart to be destroyed by the very things that had broken me.
A Friend Sep 2021
To be looked at with love
To be spoken to with honey
I’ve never known this
A Friend Sep 2021
Wading through shared history like a still sea
Ever searching for lies coated with honey,
Promising righteous love
Feigned Fantasies
A Friend Sep 2021
Tear it down brick by brick
Quickly before the ground caves in
Convince yourself it’s a chemical reaction
Manipulate each corner of your brain
Until it lacks passion
A Friend Sep 2021
Lie to me,
Tell me that I am alive
Tell me that I am free
A Friend Sep 2021
I want to be loved in my darkness
To be loved when I am bruised
When I can no longer find it in me to love myself
Then too I want to be loved.
A Friend Oct 2021
There were times before music
Times were times before laughter
There were times before hope

But there were still sunsets

What I mean to say is
Even when life resembles the dead of winter
When empathy and love have fled
The rosemary and sage will come back
And there will still be sunsets.
A Friend Oct 2021
Whatever you might throw at me
I’ll clear the way or catch
On occasion I might even respond
By throwing something back
A Friend Oct 2021
Your ironclad promises
You make and swiftly break
Pleading that I believe in you
Things I don’t give—
You take
A Friend Oct 2021
Messy people
Write about it what you must
Then walk away
A Friend Oct 2021
Deplete me
Bind me
Break me
Wash me away like the tide,
Dragged by irresistible force.
A Friend Oct 2021
I do not fear intimacy
I fear being ripped open and found lacking
I fear the damage you might inflict,
And the damage you will find.
A Friend Oct 2021
I forgive you for taking so much
And giving so little
How many people must you be,
Before you become yourself?
A Friend Oct 2021
I do not forgive you.

My blood is still boiling.

I’ll never get closure,

You’ll never set me free

You have left me with paranoia,

That I can never escape.
A Friend Oct 2021
I try and reconcile my need to create through art and my desire to leave no remains or memory.

I refuse to be known and recognized.

Forget me once I'm out of your sight.
A Friend Oct 2021
Knowing you is a tragedy
Familiarity a stake in the heart
Absence a cup of tea gone cold
To everything clings a sense of “after.”
When I awake it is in this after,
A distant place where I do not know you.
It is peaceful.
A Friend Oct 2021
When I was young
I took on so much
That was never mine to carry.

Though I can set it down at any time,
I'm not sure how...
A Friend Oct 2021
I have been hurt so many times that it is no longer enough that you tell me of your love.

You must show me.
A Friend Oct 2021
To be seen differently by every person who walks across the work that now holds you in it.

To be seen as something that brings creation.

To be seen.

That is why you hate it.
A Friend Oct 2021
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned—
I have fancied myself a god
Whose only transgression is hubris.
That like Him, I can create something beautiful,
And make it immortal through word alone.
A Friend Oct 2021
No one is obligated to forgive you.
I am not obligated to forgive you.
We can learn from our mistakes,
Become the kindest person on Earth,
And the people we've hurt still won't forgive us.
Learn to accept that.
We still continue to grow because we're neither good nor pure,
We're complicated.
A Friend Oct 2021
Hearts chained to glory,
Gladiators and their stories.
Am I bad person?
It depends on who you ask.
A Friend Oct 2021
I adore broken things.
Because even roses come to be without thorns,
if not to be just as beautiful
to smell just as sweet.
A Friend Oct 2021
I try to untangle the parts of me that once cared

The remaining fragments like crumbs
Like drops of dew resting after the morning rain
The last beam of light as the setting sun flees.

Sometimes painful but seldom peaceful
A Friend Oct 2021
In quantity you were short-lived in my life, though quality wise as grand as any person could ever hope for.

I enjoyed each moment of your laughter, the command of your beauty, and the reach of your personality that taught me to want more for myself.

I hope the world lives up to your every expectation.
A Friend Oct 2021
Do you come here to love me?
All of me and that which consumes me?
To embrace both darkness and light?
I attribute it all to some horrific cosmic disservice…
Surely the only reason to warrant it.
For it is not enough that my heart aches,
And my body riddled by anguish each day.
Emotional dissent called debt by my creditor,
I am compelled to pay.
Truthfully I would tell you to run,
For such is the heartache that dwells within me.
A Friend Oct 2021
Through pit and prosperity,
All is well.
A Friend Oct 2021
I made room
I made time
In an effort for connection

I make reason
You make rhyme
I make nothing but exceptions

We made a fool out of me
A hero out of you
You're nothing but perfection

I make excuses
We make lies
It's nothing but deception
And we are sinking
A Friend Oct 2021
You strip your sleeve and show your scars,
“These are from every battle I avoided.”

I can’t find what it is you despise,
For me,
It’s that you wasted my time.
A Friend Oct 2021
Threads so perfectly entangled,
Only the sharpest of instruments could separate.
Even had we been careful or courteous,
surely it would have nicked our hearts.
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