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Anna-Marie Rose
36/F/Grantspass , oregon    If the words that you spoke were written upon your skin would you still be beautiful?
Sharon Talbot
Massachusetts, USA    Teacher, writer, introvert, dreamer.
F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
Michael Sean Maloney
66/M/London England    Lady J collection now published
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Peter Gerstenmaier
31/M/Mariupol/Pluto    Not much of a poet
Aubrey E Drummond
65/M/USA    Aubrey E. Drummond, born on July 20, 1959. He is the author of Boy Kant You Read! and How Hot It Be in Hell, among …
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
16/Transmasculine/Nowhere    Writing from the heart and a chaotic mind. The chaos continues. Do my words reach you..?
13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …

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