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 Sep 2020 DAF
i wanna watch over you
if that's okay
when's the last time you drank water
have you eaten today
you don't deserve
to feel so sick everyday
even when you're miserable
don't bury yourself in hate

you shouldn't need to brace
against your own fists
don't owe me anything
i'm here because i wanted this
you did do something today
you lived
and for me
thats the best gift you could give
a rewrite/addendum
 Sep 2020 DAF
you made me feel safe
then you took that away
i didn't know how to be alone
or cope with the pain

you told me it was fine
and i let you be right
now i'm just sad
and cold in the night
 Sep 2020 DAF
living hell
 Sep 2020 DAF
you showed me a heaven
i can never touch
and that no amount of death
will earn me

knowing it exists
knowing you exist
i now understand
what they mean by
living hell
 Sep 2020 DAF
Ayodeji Oje
If according to Physics,
empty space isn't empty,
my friend,
you're not empty.
If you feel empty,
remember that feelings
aren't true thermometer of reality.
Wake up!
What you need is discovery
of what you've got
and what you've got not,
you're not empty.
 Sep 2020 DAF
a m a n d a
you HAVE
to go your own way.

whether you like it or not,
that's where you're g o i n g.

so you might as well
make it
and fun
  as hell.
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