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 Dec 2012 Costal
Raj Arumugam
You know women
they go shopping
and they fill the whole trolley
they never know when to stop;
they’re such exceptional shoppers

my wife’s no exception
and so I thought
I’d get her on to online shopping
(you know, using man’s intelligence
to beat women’s frivolity)
Will save me time and save us money,
I thought
But just as well, within the hour,
I had to enlighten her
about online shopping protocol:
“When the computer asks you if
you’d like another shopping cart
it’s a subtle message
you should stop”

Oh, why do I always get beaten?
....another joke for the silly season...based on an online joke....NO! NO! I absolutely deny it - this is not based on my real-life experience! NO! NO! NO!
 Dec 2012 Costal
Oh glistening pink!
Strawberry shade,
Nail-paint color,
Candy color
Why don't I fancy you now,
When did I become averse to you?

Oh starkest pink!
Childhood color,
Girls' favorite,
Cloth color,
Why I liked you back then,
When did you become so disliked?
It is a known fact that boys don't just dislike the color to wear or sport anyhow, they - including me - even find it hard to bear anything pink. Does age have something to do with pink apart from the gender?

My poem # 51

© Atul Kaushal
 Dec 2012 Costal
Natalie B
 Dec 2012 Costal
Natalie B
Every time
He calls me perfect
I hate myself
Just a little bit more.
 Dec 2012 Costal
Your Substance
 Dec 2012 Costal
My dearest,
you are welcome
to make a home underneath my skin
to thread yourself between my tissues
and seep your life into my cells.

My dearest,
you are welcome
to implant the embodiment of your soul
to let it trickle into my bloodstream
and infect the remotest regions of my body.

My dearest,
you are welcome
to furnish my dull insides well
to dishevel my inner organs
and to feed it with your vital fluid.

My dearest,
you are welcome
to make your home underneath my skin
to stitch yourself in permanently
and to live in me indefinitely.
 Dec 2012 Costal
 Dec 2012 Costal
to the car to work
lining up every day

to the comp to work
incoming every day

again and again
will this ever end?

I am just so tired
when will it end?
 Dec 2012 Costal
Heather Weeks
It was always you,
Clouding my mind with those eyes,
Starring all my dreams,
Awake or not.
You filling my journals life.
You that had me flickering my eyes.

It was always you,
That made me cry.
That took my shove of words.
That took a part of me that I didn't get back.

But now, its him.
And everything is different.
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