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 Dec 2012 Costal
Paris Adamson
i like the way
this porch feels precarious
when softness spills into five am air,
words I don't want others to hear
kept between palms and cement.
stillness is my hands breathing you in,
listening for secrets along the creases of your skin...

the neighbors are rustling,
they apologize for interrupting
what can only be described as holy quietude.
We laugh in the moon's golden greys,
surprised anyone is able to see us at all.
I have travelled endless places
just sitting here with you.
 Dec 2012 Costal
Jayden Kennedy
the glassiest birds
hang from your fingers

‘don’t breathe faster,
don’t perspire.
it’s only us.’

i still don’t know who you were talking to.
Sometimes my curiosity peaks new levels as I wonder how someone could commit such atrocities.

A child's life,
so precious.
A child's spirit,

A child's smile,
heart warming.
A child's dreams,
forever growing.

A child is a scared key to a second realm that cannot be seen by grown ups.

A realm of happiness,
and joy beyond comparison to anything else.

A child brings smiles on a cold, rainy day.
A child brings joy to the old and weak, fading away.
A child brings hope,
of a brighter, better future.

To me,
a child is one of the most special things in the world.
I hope to have my own some day,
and hopefully,
I pray,
something like this never happens to my child or myself.

But for now I grieve,
I mourn,
and I remember,
those who lost their lives in this horrific tragedy.
I send my condolences to the families of the children,
and hope they find peace,
and a supportive community,
in this tragic time.

May God bless all involved in the incident,
and may they know he is taking good care of their loved ones up in Heaven.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Dec 2012 Costal
Devon Leonel
Blademasters are we:
Circling each other, wary.
Two masters of our craft,
Skilled not in the art of cut and slash
But rather the parry and ******--
Leaving delicate but deadly wounds
Wherever we strike.
Circling closer,
Weapons sheathed, but ever wary.
From their homes at our hips
Our blades have sprung, just once,
And in the brief but furious interchange
Each dealt a wicked wound
Before returning to rest.
And yet, despite the pain,
Still we circle closer--
Weapons sheathed, but ever wary.
The circle closes until
Hands connect,
Feet move as one:
A graceful dance begins.
At such close range, any ******
Heralds grim death,
But we acknowledge danger--
Acknowledge, and disregard.
Blades silent at our sides,
Taking step after delicate step.
Weapons sheathed,
And slowly trusting.
 Dec 2012 Costal
Dustyn Smith
Tears stream down my face
And drip off my chin
     Someone please save me from this hell I'm in
Memories tear through my mind
Like knives they cut ever so deep
     Into the black abyss, I begin to creep
Falling down into a black hole
Deeper and deeper, the bottom I cannot see
     *No matter how fast I run, the darkness always catches up with me
 Dec 2012 Costal
Boiling Boiling
My blood is angry
Boiling Boiling
My teeth grit
Boiling Boiling
My heart shaking
Boiling Boiling
My feelings awaken
 Dec 2012 Costal
Jared Eli
Walking the fine line of the guillotine
With the life and the blood seeping through
These victims of speech simply say what they mean
Because history can never stay true

Holding the fibers of the hanging noose
Where crowds and the black hoods abound
Watching the weighted knots coming loose
Stretching feet never touch frozen ground

Lying down next to the firing squad
As the men with their rifles take aim
Seeing the general make silent nod
The end in this chapter's the same
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