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Jan 2023 · 107
Suffering Life
CloudedVision Jan 2023
Life is filled with suffering
All this pain and sorrow

All this hurt
Endless despair
Will I see tomorrow?

Everything's dark
No light to be seen
Blood is all around

Long nights
Dreamless sleep
With only one soft sound

The sound of tears
A sniffling nose
Blue lifeless eyes

All you held
All you loved
Forever out of reach

Lost in darkness
A deep abyss
Misery, disbelief

In this life of suffering
All this pain and sorrow
How can we ever find the hope
To seek and gain tomorrow?
Aug 2022 · 109
The Golden Bridge
CloudedVision Aug 2022
Two cities
Side by side
A flowing river
The only divide

To cross this river
This steady stream
They build a bridge
A golden gleam

It reflects the sun
It sparkles the river
Along with the moon
The small light sliver

They make it glow
So great and grand
Watch waters flow
Past shores of sand

This bridge is build
Yet gold is weak
A precious metal
We often seek

For it is shaped by hands
That don't need tools
Emotional molds
Our feelings in jewels

For we mold the gold
Into what we want
Our desires reflected
Our hearts, we flaunt

We wanted a bridge
To unite the cities
To travel across
To ship wine and cheese

To trade goods and Information
Experience and memory

Our hearts transportation
And our personality

But the golden bridge
Can't take the weight
Of all these goods
Across the straight

And slowly we see
That piece by piece
The bridge fades
And the trades cease

The bridge sinks down
For gold can not bear
The weight of our hearts
And the love that we share

Curse the emotion
That molded the gold
Time has tarnished the work
And our bridge becomes old

Its color fades
It's strength fails
And into the river
Downstream it sails

The trade falls in
The good cease to flow
The sun no longer
Makes the water glow

It all fades away
The cities grow distant
And everything is lost
The downfall is instant

We doomed ourselves
From the very start
We built a bridge
Made to fall apart

Our emotions that founded
A great experience together
Would cause us to separate
Now distant, forever
Apr 2021 · 99
CloudedVision Apr 2021
Mystery surrounds
We can not tell
We know not
How we fell

I am cursed to walk
Among those down low
Where people pass
And time is slow

Where leaves turn brown
Where rivers freeze
Where the sky turns dark
And you can feel the breeze

This foreign place
I do not know
I want the truth
That will never show

I want to be told the secret
To this foreign land
But I fear I lost the bet
Question is, at who's hand?
Inspired by Gnosticism
Apr 2021 · 96
Silence Hurts
CloudedVision Apr 2021
You walk, you drive,
You live your life
And yet you feel
So much strife

You're filled with anger,
Sorrow, and tears
You've been this way
For many years

And with each year
A new tear comes
A new face flees
A person runs

For no one sees
Your pain within
Their eyes are blind
Brains in a spin

They are there
No words to share
No life to live
No breathe to give

Questions unanswered
Messages left
Moods unchecked
Intentions neglect

The reason behind
Is silence ahead
No fulfilled request
Loneliness and dread
Mar 2021 · 125
In the Lot
CloudedVision Mar 2021
In the lot
The sky is dark
But everything is lit

I can see
The passing cars
But not the passing stars

I can feel the cool cold dark
But also I feel the light

The light of Christ
Shining in me
Shining to show me the way

But the light
I'm about to see
Isn't mine

But its a gift so divine
To see the work others do
To be apart of their work

I see cross after cross
Painted on the lot
I see light among the dark

I moved myself inside the lines
That is where I park

As I step out I see a world
More beautiful than ever
One bounding for joy
Abundant in life
And bright as ever

Amidst the cruel chaos
Happening around
Here is a sphere of hope

An aura of safety
A place of worship
All inside a church
What blessings will come next?
Oct 2020 · 94
Perfection Is Too Little
CloudedVision Oct 2020
You invest time
Money, and mind
Soul and heart

But in the end
All you see
Is love broke apart

You try your hardest
You give your all
But it never will safice

So why try
Why push ahead
When every step
Is a sacrifice

You do everything
With perfection
Trying hard not to offend

You do so great
Perfection really
Then you fall off
the deepest end

Your mind goes dark
Your thoughts become fear
And never do you mend

Your unconscious thoughts
Your fear of loneliness
Have now appeared

Be her friend
Let her grow close
The demons all sneered

But then those demons
They have won
They applauded and cheered

You've been left

A powerful light
A beacon of hope
That had once shone

Now dead in the tower
Hides above
Never to walk bellow

You have tried
You gave your all
But even perfection
Is only third best

Is this a test?
To try my worth?
To check where my faith lies?

If so why have You left?
The temple gone
The millenium far
Unhearing to their cries
Sep 2020 · 86
CloudedVision Sep 2020
Time with you
Walks and talks
Drives and shops
Never is a waste

I cherish the minute
The moment
The hour
It passes by
In haste

Never does it feel
Like it lasted long enough
Always passes by too fast
But it's joy
Will always last
You make me happy

Time with you
My favorite thing
I get to know you more

Talking with you
My favorite words
I wonder if you snore?

Walking with you
My favorite steps
Along the rivers shore

Sitting with you
My favorite rests
My heart wants to soar

Eating with you
My favorite sight
Food never is a chore

Dates with you
My favorite nights
Endless fun, smiles galore.

At these times
Time spent with you
My happiness shoots high

My mind awakes
My heart is alive
I feel at peace inside

But pursuing you
Is my favorite call
For it is with you
I can overcome all
Sep 2020 · 65
What is the Candle?
CloudedVision Sep 2020
A candle sits
On top a desk
A lonely flame
A shining light

But then the darkness
Breaks away
Another light
Now shines real bright

It casts a flicker
It catches the eye
Of the other
candle present

Is this light
This flicker
This flame
A friend?

Or maybe this sight
Should be a source
Of worry, dread,
And fear

After all,
It seems that each
And every year
A new candle
Can be seen

So is it a friend,
A foe, 
A fear,

Or is it someone
Who should be
Brought near?
Sep 2020 · 61
Father Above
CloudedVision Sep 2020
No matter the twinkle
No matter the star
No matter the wish
Or the distance far

No matter the night
Or the monsters fright
There is someone
With all the might

Watching, listening
Keeping you safe

It's our Father Above
With eyes of love

He desires your best
A good nights rest
A kiss and a hug
With no bed bug

A sweet calm dream
Of a steady stream
Or a sailors ship
Or a family trip

No matter the vision
Through out the night
There is our Father above
Who keeps away all fright
Aug 2020 · 95
CloudedVision Aug 2020
Your head
Is in a spin

But sometimes that
Is what you need
To see the earth
In its orbit

Around the sun
It spins around
It never stops
Always in motion

So spinning
In life
In shadow
In your head
Or in your heart
Should only be
Seen as natural
Aug 2020 · 76
CloudedVision Aug 2020
We sit and watch
We look around
But what we see
Is never sound
Our ears can perk
Our noses smell
But never will
We realize Hell
Is often closer
To our hearts
Then all the clouds above

Our vision blurs
Our ears can droop
Our noses plug
Our hands grow cold

So ever key we hit
Only becomes
harder with ice
We play a key
And yet don't see
The giant size
Of what is lost
A feeling
An emotion
A thought
A song

For in a moment
It all turns wrong
No note is heard
No shadow seen
Only a growing fire
With but one desire
To burn all
That we love
And rid us
Of our hearts

For deep inside
We all know
Our shadows grow
When no one sees
When no one listens
Hears or smells
And slowly we enter
A dark damp room
With locked doors
And no source of light
In this room is a piano
One with shimmering keys
Tainted in blood
Wood is sanded
Smooth and soft


Hit a note
And no sound comes
For all the stings
They have been cut
And each string
A dream that will never come

So curl up
Try not to cry
For your head is gone
Your eyes are blind
Your ears are deaf
Your nose is plugged
Your hands are cold
And feet are numb
And soon you will
Be dead
Jul 2020 · 69
The Faithless World
CloudedVision Jul 2020
We look around
The world is full
People everywhere

Yet, as we look
We see no life
No breath in the air

No one sees
The suffocation
Of hearts that care

No one sees
The coming death
Of what once was there

People come
Breathing joy
Only to turn away

They snuggle close
Then flee in horror
And this is what they say

"The darkness rises
The clouds grow
The moon shines red

The trees creak
The fires glow
Yet no light is shed

I will search
For those long gone
Till all breath is dead"
An endless search.
May 2020 · 108
Can you see
CloudedVision May 2020
the physco
In us all
Is a creature
One others rarely see

Yet a creature
We know too well
Its a chaos we rarely see

Its a creature
That cowars behind
It is rarely shown

Its a creature
That festers with time
Someday it will explode

This thing is fearful
Bashful and
filled with rage

Yet no one knows the creature
No one knows its age
No one knows its birth

Yet we know the creature
We know how much it's worth
We know how much we need
To see the hidden strength

It is a feeling
That grows more and more
Till one day
Calm is seen no more

Just a few too many
Pushed too far
Till we fall of the cliff

We dive way down
We drag other with
We leave some behind

Yet as we fall we feel free
An aspect of us unleashed
Revealed for all to see

Its an emotion
Help with in
With the goal of never using

Yet someday
Our brains will pop
The pressure too much to bear

Physo will be free
Our ideals change in an instant
And a once broken heart
Though not fixed
Will be seen as perfect

For our smiles hide our feelings
Our words hide our screams
Our acts hide our tears
And our brains hide our thoughts

We decide to ourselves
For i am best For me.
I never leave, always stay
will always be set free

For I know my values
I live up as best I can
When others fail to meet them
Its my fault for thinking
That they could be good for me

We lose our self
We lose all trust
We lose all faith
As our minds now turn to dust
Mar 2020 · 379
CloudedVision Mar 2020
The desert is full of many grains
Many people seeking fame
Many people pursuing riches
Seeking to make a name

They dance around
They work hard
They tale their dust
And form a shard

A shard of sand
Made fine by time
A peice of art
A shining dime

Its value untold
Its worth is precious
The hard work to make it
The countless, countless, hours

All to make
This shard from dust
This shard of sand
This shard of luck

But it isn't so
The shard is made
From water mixing
Which happens never
In the desert

Yet every few hours
Day by Day
A storm
Ravages the deserts

No shard of sand has ever survived.
For four times a day they die
And once a year they live
Yet people seek them, why?

They seek a hope that never comes
A joy that fades so fast
For they take their dust, the tears of sand
And it turns only to rust

Nothing lasts, nor stays around
Even grains of sand
Are tossed and thrown about
An unfamiliar place, to always land
Mar 2020 · 72
The Falling Earth
CloudedVision Mar 2020
The earth spins
It hurdles onward
Floating through
And falling downward

Towards the depths
Of empty space
Towards the center
Of darkness race

Into the void
Of blackness thick
Where blue souls
Are all your pick

In the floating void
Of menacing eyes
With tumbling rocks
Of crushing size

This void is black
The center burning
Burning dark purple
And burning people

Our souls are on earth
All blue with sorrow
Heading towards this void
To be dead past morrow

This is where
We see the night
We see our world
We see the flight

It all will end
In a purple flame
With our souls all crushed
And filled with shame

Our spirits are weak
Our desires are lost
For in the endless void of fire
The earth will be tossed.
Dec 2019 · 98
Water Slide
CloudedVision Dec 2019
Running water
Twisting light
Shooting forward
Blocks your sight

Water is running
Down the slide
Back and forth
From side to side

Swirling round
Jumping cracks
Leading the people
Who ride on their backs

It paves the road
For them to follow
Leading them through
To the shallow

Splashes here
And splashes there
Drops are spraying

But then the life guard
Calls your name
The park is closing
Goodbye water
Tomorrow you'll repeat the same
Nov 2019 · 93
True Thought
CloudedVision Nov 2019
Everyone is happy
All dancing around
But no one realizes
They're all earth bound

They are all cursed
Forever failures
Always kept
Locked by the sailors

The sailors of sorrow,
Mishief, deceit
No one will ever
Reality, defeat

The truth is we're stuck
Together in death

So why do we try
To lean on those not there
To give angry glare
To ask for help
From those who don't care

Why try to be close
To people so far
So distant from reality
No one sees the char

The ashes remain
They flutter here and there
Its a permanent snare
That we all ignore

Optimism they say
Things could always be worse
But they are the ones
Who ignore the curse

The curse of ashes
Poisoning our air
The curse of friendship
One oh so fair

Yet it all crashes
For no love was real
This is where
Your death it does seal

Only those who are strong
Can truly see the world
And the curse we all know

Is only acknowledged by them
The world is broken,
Shattered, and torn
Yet we desire to see joy
Fulfillment, and love.
But none of it exists
We torture ourselves with dreams meant to be broken.
We never truly see the failure of Ourselves, Our world, Or the power of the Curse.
Only those with true thoughts
Have the power to see the fallen state
We are all hidden in

Too many people ignore our broken condition
They then hurt those around them
With visions of hope that are never meant to be.
Nov 2019 · 97
CloudedVision Nov 2019
The feelings I hide
Pretending I'm shy
Are a painful piece
Of my inner eye

The bottle of ocean
Green or blue
High tide or low
Rough seas or calm

Crashing waves
A melody or fear
Stormy nights
Or the stars are clear

To set course for north,
South, no, west
Perhaps to go East
Maybe that would be best

To spy glass the land
Or measure a star
Oh the distance
Is always far

My spy glass to you
My ocean in light
My waves on your beach
My stars give a clue
Yet that's a secret
I will never tell
One you want say
Of that I knew.
Secret untold
Sep 2019 · 114
CloudedVision Sep 2019
I look around and see
A very lonely me
For people's only desire
Is to abandon those they meet
The only way
To make them stay
Is to bribe them
With gold, silver, or hay
Only with something
Of value to gain
Will a person choose
Not to run away
But why can't it simply
Be enough to keep them close
Just to show them love?
May 2019 · 172
CloudedVision May 2019
There once was a kingdom
Towering high
Great it would stand
Strong and grand
But it was really shy
This is the first
Of three lands
But only two
Were different brands
You see the greatest
Of them all
Was the one
That was often small
The two lesser kingdoms
Fought and fought
The third kingdom join
Is what they sought
But war and anger always despair
And cause fires and damage
That never repair
So neutral the third
Did try to remain
But it seems only soldiers
Are continually slain
Why can't borders be kept
Or armies swept
Qhy can't fences be made
Yet also rode
Why can't farms grow
And bring forth yield
Because armies clash
With sword and shield
Because no yellow
Is neither green nor blue
Because no trade
Can ever reach through
For ever person and every war
Is a raid on life
On breath
On blood
But from this third kingdom
Will never come aid
For when fires burn
And when they smother
Can you ever truly gain another
May 2019 · 289
You're My...
CloudedVision May 2019
You're my love
You're my dove
You're my angel from above

You're my light
Shining bright
You're the cure to all my fright

You're my friend
My coffee blend
You're the newest fancy trend

You're my fire
My one desire
You'll be why I leave the Shire

You're my sky
My wings to fly
You're the reason I blush and sigh

You're my love
My shining dove
Your my angel from above
May 2019 · 95
CloudedVision May 2019
A thud, a knock
A tap at your door
Will you open

There is a person
A practicing friend
Who desires to know you more

Yet will you chose
To let them in
Or for them to stay on the porch

To unlock your door
Is a notable challenge
With pains from burns and scorch

Yet is the price
Worth having a friend
Will you open the door

Will you respond
To the thud, the knock
Will you hear the tap at the door
Apr 2019 · 326
The Hated Creature
CloudedVision Apr 2019
There was a creature
With a heart of good
Knowing what's right and wrong
Yet hidden behind a hood

This hood was called
The hood of false hope
For in it was hidden all greatness
Never washed away by water or soap

The creature it tried to give joy
The creature tried make smiles
Yet over and over the hood made it fail
So it walked and walked for miles

For her an outcast
Forever alone
Forever with no one
To remove this cone

This cone of shame
This hood if dread
This lingering shadow
That surrounded its head

No matter the effort
No matter the intent
No matter the smiles or joys it sent

No matter the creature
Beneath the hood
No matter the effort
To share only good

No matter the creatures appearance
No matter its face or emotion
This creature will forever walk
For no one will make the notion

No one will make any effort to try
To make this creature a pleasant surprise
To make the creature feel at home
To show it the joy or a pretty sunrise

But because if this hood
That covered this monster
The creature is hated
Never to be, nor show, nor be shown good
Apr 2019 · 124
Yet In This
CloudedVision Apr 2019
I feel this yet I'm in this
How can this all be

Joy yet in sorrow
Comfort yet in pain
Peace yet in war
Fame yet in obscurity
Crowded yet alone
Warm yet in the cold
Blind yet in light
Deaf yet in sound
Wise yet in idiocy
Close yet in distance
Near yet far away
Patience in anxiety
Happy yet in anger
This is my mix of emotion
A dilemma I can't explain
How can one be in such a mood
Yet know the trouble surrounding
Apr 2019 · 117
The Sea Of Steps
CloudedVision Apr 2019
Here I am on a cloud
Staring over a sea
Here I am in the air
Longing for inner chi

In front of me
Is a sea of prints
Marks are everywhere
Yet I need a hint

A hint to tell me
Where to go
Where to put my step
But none seem to glow

No one print tells me how
Or directs my placing feet
No track of walking
Shows readiness to greet

Here is a sea of choices for me
In whose steps shall I follow
Im so uncertain, brave yet lost
As I sit in fear and swallow

Will I ever chose to take
A step towards what is right
Will I ever chose to make
A descision in good sight

Will I follow what I know is true
What is worth the pain and fear
Or will I slip from honest to lie
And never smile with cheer
Apr 2019 · 156
CloudedVision Apr 2019
Where am I?
I am in the dark
The deep, the cold,
The lifeless world
The depths of blackness
Eternal doom
The death of light
The toxic fume

Why am I?
Is there reason
Is there purpose
Is there sanity
The season is dry
The dark shining sky
Says all is old and sorrow

Who am I?
I am alone
I am a forgotten
Dried up bone
The lacked of logic
Skip understanding
No way to know myself
Feb 2019 · 135
CloudedVision Feb 2019
Sometimes people forget others
They kast them by the side
Never to see the person they left
The person who wishes
To with them abide

The kommon person doesn't think
To look around or about
All they wish to see or have
Is the lakk of any skar

They skan the horizon
They look for their friends
But often times
When the means meet ends
They forgot the person who matters most

They forget those who kare for them
They forget those who think life through
They forget people who's life is debt
They forget the "c" in their alphabet
They forget to see what they bekome
They forget to see the added up sum
Are you the forgotten "C"?
Feb 2019 · 100
The Fire's Desire
CloudedVision Feb 2019
When time goes by
day by day
You watch everyone
Walk away

Days can come
Days can go
Yet everyone
Takes actions slow

They see the fire
Burn and glow
Yet it never gives sight
Nor heat, nor light

Never gives warmth
Nor joys, nor laughter
Only burning coals
That remain after

The coals are there
Ready to ignite
If someone there
Will give the right

The darkness surrounds
The pointless fire
For its light is a lie
An empty desire

Its heat is a curse
To show you good
Then burn your skin
For bleed you should

For in the dark
Or in the light
The fire is
A source of fright

A thing to observe
But never tend
An item used for good
But then, to evil, bend

This is the fire that sill soon die
This is the fire that is done and shy
This is the fire that will no longer be
This is the fire or sorrowful desire
Are you this fire?
Feb 2019 · 117
The When's of Emotion
CloudedVision Feb 2019
When smiles are blue
When oceans are red
When it seems like emotion
Is eternally dead

When the lights become dark
When the gold becomes lead
When you can think of only
All the sadness said

When the trees are purple
The grass is down
When the leaves
Of all the trees are brown

When pains increase
When joy is lost
When happiness is
Of expensive cost

When the stars shine bright
Yet your eyes don't see
When the darkness decides
To refuse to flee

When the rain is pouring
And you it does drench
When you in a war
Burried in a trench

When you feel too much
But feel no more
When your heart is shattered
When your body is sore

When your muscles are weak
When your legs won't walk
When your friends are there
But gone and won't talk

When your hands are warm
Yet frozen as well
When your eyes are dry
Yet with tears do swell

This is when you will enter Hell.
Dec 2018 · 161
CloudedVision Dec 2018
There is a beach on the shore
Where the sea will hit the land
A place where two words become one
As the sea and land form sand

And on this beach the waves will crash
And the shells will echo back
The wind will blow, the salt will smell
As you see the firmament's crack

The crack of red, blue, and yellow
The streaks that color the sky
The birds that glide so high above
That make you wish to fly

But on this beach is one great thing
It astounds me most of all
It's all the sand, each individual grain
No matter how big or small

It's size doesn't matter
It sits on that beach
It's unique all on its own
This is what it will teach

Though the grains so numerous
Are each a single unite
No units are the same
Each differ a bit

This is astounding, the variety here
The shape, color, and shade of each
It reminds me of an experience
That all happened on the beach

How each grain of sand was all in place
And then I ran across its surface
Some sand stuck to my feet
Some moved along, it all missed the race

The sand was there, then gone, then back
It left, was present, and absent
Some sand remained true to the end
Some came and went here and there

Some sand showed strength by clinging on tight, others showed weakness
Both showed power
Though one shows reason
How close does the sand stick to you?
Nov 2018 · 130
You Are Gone
CloudedVision Nov 2018
You say you're here
But then turn and sneer
Your words are empty
You'll never see
The world is dark and void
Yet you never stopped for the boy
You're gone, you're done
You seek for none
No help from tears
Though you were there for years
You're gone, you're grown
Yet I wish it was shown
That still I miss you
Though with me, you are through
Nov 2018 · 324
To Climb A Tree
CloudedVision Nov 2018
To climb a tree is to be up some way
To be set free as you climb away
One branch up and then another
But never do we climb together
The sky we try to reach up high
But never till we learn to fly
So climb up one be one
But never will you reach the sun
It is best to stay down low
And here is why, here is what I know
The ground is safe it keeps you stable
But we chose to climb because we're able
Why do we go against that word
Why do we think in thought absurd
The sky is forever out of reach
Yet when one man tries to teach
We put up our hand to climb up more
But we don't realize our arms are soar
Up and up we forever go
But never will we truly know
To climb a tree will never truly set you free.
Nov 2018 · 121
CloudedVision Nov 2018
There once was a stick
A part of a nest
Handpicked by birds
And placed for a rest

This stick was set
To keep them warm
To shield from wind
To protect from storm

But day after day
And night after night
The little birds were wet
But no rain was in sight

They then soon realized
The stick they had chose
Was slanted, out of place
And them, it did expose

So out of the nest
They threw the stick
The slanted price of wood

They wanted to be dry
To be shielded from the sky
Yet to it, those were nigh

The stick now lays
Soaked on the ground
Again though no rain comes

Shivering, mourning, and disappointment
Are its emotions in a sum
Casted out a forlorn friend
A burden to them all
Oct 2018 · 201
CloudedVision Oct 2018
Im done, I'm through
For to me you have lied
So I am gone. Leaving
Away I now ride

I will never want to here your name
To trigger memories of our past
For all i feel is pain and anger
Friendships lever last

I'm done, im through
I can't know you anymore
I dont want to, i wish i never did
Away from you I soar

Leave me be, you have caused pain
So out of my mind you go
There is nothing great, no accomplishment
Nothing good to show

I'm mad, I feel anger
I don t want this to be
In sad, I'm hurt
And from this you find glee

Get out of my life
Your no longer welcome
For out of my head
Out of my heart
And out of my life
I am cursed with this memory
Oct 2018 · 152
CloudedVision Oct 2018
I can feel the steam
Comming out of me ears
As i think of you and cry
I can feel my anger, dwelling inside
As i feel my tear stained eye

Im standing here torch in hand
This is the final goodbye
I smash down the torch onto the bridge
As I think of your words that lie

I now step back safely on my island
Raging mad you see
I watch the fire blazing now
As the bridge collapses into debris

Your gone, your stuck
To neber be on my island
Your are not welcome to come here
As i give you a spiteful brand

The bridge is gone, I'm raged at you
I don't want you here again
The evil i see is much to great
As my fuse has reached ten
Oct 2018 · 278
CloudedVision Oct 2018
I am friends with my inner most parts
The emotions that i feel
They help me feel some good
Or some evil with which to deal

I am friends with loneliness
As it comforts me in times of strife
It helps me to not feel unwanted
As it is always there for me in life

I am friends with fear
As he never leaves my side
He comforts me when I am afraid
When with anger i abide

I am friends with anger
He helps me feel alive
For with out him, I might lack motivation
And never make the dive

He gives me strength
When i need it most
He helps me out of bad situations
And of that he often boast

I am friends with weakness
For he helps me think
He helps me be deep in thought
And find solutions to prevent me sink

I am friends with lie
For he brings much pain
But through it i grow stronger
He helps me grow, as I always train

I am friends with false hope
For he keeps me in line
Reminding dreams are not always possible, and reminding that here on earth, i am a living sign

I am friends with waver
For my mind wanders
From being one thing to another

He helps my mind move along
As i forget what is in the past
He is my life saver

I am friends with all of these
They help me to remain alive
So that as i live i can be happy
And have a reason to dive
Oct 2018 · 318
Bleeding Out
CloudedVision Oct 2018
There are many monsters in our lives
As we journey through the lands
Many battles to be fought
Some with our minds, some with our hands

So here I am, on this journey
Why was I choosen to go
Im in the forest, scary and dark
With no light to glow

I've reached a battle a small little goblin
A sword is in his hand
But with one blow of my mighty swing
I knock him from the living land

Now I've reached another monster
An ogre of great size
And with his club he smashes down
Im hit hard and go to the ground
But then i take a small throwing knife, and hit him in the eyes

Two monsters down, one small one big
But another monster comes
This monster is called a mimic
For it takes on the form of a friend

It comes out and entices you
To think it's very friendly
It tells you it will help
Your journey through the war

So now you are tricked to think you have a friend, but then you fight another goblin, small and insignificant, but then you lose to the monster and the mimic turns on you.

This is a monster in your life
A backstabbing one you must discern from
You must see theough the lies it tells
Or itll hurt you more when it attacks you and leaves, once you lost.

So now I'm stuck here bleeding out
A dagger in my side
My eyes see my life flashing by
And from this world my mind will slide
Oct 2018 · 226
My Drop Of Life
CloudedVision Oct 2018
There is a desert past the fields
Over the mountains away
For past the mountains not very many
Rain clouds tend to stray

The sky never darkens except at night
But the day is always bright
Always ready to show you flames
As the sun shines down light

Here no water ever comes
Not even tears to cry
Here you can sit
Where it will always be dry

Is that good or is that bad
It's very bad I'll tell
For years and years
The only presence is a face that fell

This fallen face is part of you
For its in you and lives
It brings your thoughts to despair
And nothing it continually gives

The sun or the moon is always shining
The desert is never dark
Never absent never alone
Never heard the meadow lark

A meadow lark would be a sign
That there was reason and good
But in this desert, none are present
You have to escape if you could

But your prisoner in this desert
A never ending land
No water, no joy, no darkness to rest
Your only surrounded by burning sand

So here your fallen face will tell
You of a forlorn man
A man who is lost in his mind
Escape him if you can

But you can't, for it's not possible
The sand will never leave
And neither will the fallen face
Your stuck to only grieve

Your world is lost, you'll never rest
You will always be alone
Hopelessness is all you will know
This the light has shone

All you need is one little drop
A drop to quench your thirst
A drop to make plants grow
But it seems you are cursed

Cursed to live your life here
In this desert of empty fear
With out rain, sleep, or tear
But with storms you'll never hear

This desert is your mind
It's all you'll ever know
A state of hopelessness
Is what you'll continually show

The lights above you guide your way
Forcing your wandering soul
You're trying to find a way out
Freedom is your unattainable goal

Your world is lost, you'll never rest
You will always be alone
Hopelessness is all you will know
This the light has shone
Sep 2018 · 160
CloudedVision Sep 2018
There is a wall in the journey
One you must go past
But it stretches high and goes out wide
It makes those who pass by, aghast

This wall is solid, standing strong
It blocks the way to the city
It is a blockade, hard to pass
It gives no one pity

Many men bring their carts
They try to enter the city
But many men also fail
Many men lose the trail

They travel so far to be brought to a halt
They leave their cart and go
So outside the wall is a grave yard
With more carts and carrion than you'll ever know

Here is a man who has brought his cart
Through the sea and through the marsh
He arrives at the wall and sees its tall
His thoughts being,  why is this so harsh

He traveled around and round and round
Trying to find a way in
But the eall was made strong and complete, no where is it thin

After he fails to see a way through
He simply say there is no way
With thoughts like that, it is impossible
You always tend to stray

Here is another man
One who is strong
He tries to scale the wall, cart in hand
But he will only fall

Your own stregth isn't enough
So many journeyman give up
This man came, cart and water
Hoping it will help him,

But one cup will run out,
Leaving you with a longing for more Something greater still
So will they ever leave the floor

You see here is three men
All of whom have failed
But here is three men
Of the graveyard almost filled

There are many more
Many stories untold
Many journeys to death
But to tell there is no one bold
Sep 2018 · 160
CloudedVision Sep 2018
There was a man who tried to fly
To make it through the land
Though the air he would go
Over the wall he would fly

He thought that the bats
Were the secret
That they could teach him
To make it

But when he jumped into the air
Cart strapped on his back
He fell so fast, his whole world broke
How could he ever again be on track

The bats fly freely through the night
Over the wall, past the tower
As they eat their fill in flight
For they have the power

But he couldn't fly
He landed hard
So he crawled over to a tree
And kept his cart shard

He likes the comfort his broken cart gives
He likes the shelter it helps the tree give
But that's because he wants to receive
So he can peacefully live

To receive joy, comfort, and peace
How could you ask for more
He wants to free, to fly like the bats
But he's forever stuck to the floor

So in his new home, his life will now pass
He did what he thought was right
But it seems it would never last
For he can't like a bat take flight

So here he will sit
A monument to all
That the wall is s trial to overcome
Yet he chose to stall

He stalled in the air
For he can't do right
His joy will never be hear
He'll never have delight

So forever he a monument to all
A warning for those to come
Not to fall into the same snare
To forever beat a dying drum

A drum that those who pass by will hear
A sound to awaken their thoughts
A tone of death, and sorrow ahead
A reminder harnessing fear
Sep 2018 · 399
CloudedVision Sep 2018
Once upon a journey
A man packed up his bags
He took what he could and then set out
He pulled his cart and went for a trip

He needed to leave
He couldn't stay
He needed to go where he mattered
Where from his life could lay

Here a man is traveling
Going on a trip
His goal is the city
Where he can have a joyful life

This is the city of Amamble
A city of good and glory
A city where fear is expelled
Where for joy you never have to gamble

The city is your goal
Your freedom from this life
Where the demons are cast out
Where you are free to go about

So here is a man on this journey
To the city of glory
His cart is in tow, his belongings packed
As he sets out to go

He travels and travels on and on
Through forest, meadow, field
He travels and travels on and on
Through village, town, and hills

This man goes on his travels
And here is where my tale begins
Of a long oath a man went down
To give his life a kiss

He takes his cart
Going through the woods
Where trees are all around
And the road is as it should

Here he hits, ruts and mud
But he pulls his cart with muscle
He makes it through the deep dark woods
Where his strength is turned to labor

Next is the marsh
Where through muck he must pull
But he has no strength
He has been pushed to his limit

But an old man comes on by
He gives this traveler an ox
So through the muck this can go
But not with out hardship to come.

The ox was useful in the marsh
It made it all the way through
But next is a meadow
Where all your dreams come true

But one dream fails
The I'd sees good grain
And chooses to leave
And live here in gain

The ox is now gone
So once again he pulls
Through the meadow
He now goes

Past flower and fern
Past bee and butterfly
Through the meadow he hauls
His strength is weak but he us determined, No matter the chances bleak

But the meadow is beauty
He sees a meadowlark
He sees a hope to reach the city
Where he can sing a hark

So now is a village
Where venders are selling
Beans and roots, and corn husk shelling
Ripe fruits, and fortune telling

Here is a place where vanity is sold
But give up what's on the cart
Is your not your future foretold
With nothing you must part

But now through the village
He arrives at a hill
He pulls and pulls
Hoping his strength will fulfill

But at the top a wheel breaks
His cart will no longer move
How will he now reach the city
How will he not despair

But even still
With fantasy strength
He pulls the cart ahead

He left home
And all he knew
This journey he won't dread

The axle drags across the ground
A line is forming behind him
This line springs sorrow
Demons come out
And make him mourn for the morrow

The demons whisper in his ear
And tell him he is alone
He will never make his goal
In his mind they drone

They make his journey hard for him
As they want to see him fail
They want to expose all weakness within
And make his strength turn frail

But he is weak he is dying inside
His strength is no more there
How will he ever reach the city
How with this burden to bear

At the hill base he reaches a tower
A tower guarding a bridge
He looks around, he sees the hills
The high up reaching ridge

In this tower there is a women
Who encourages him along
She sees his distres
and says with a smile
The city won't be long

So off he goes pulling again
To reach the place in mind
The demons taunt, but he pulls on
And to the cart he grinds

He marched onward pushing and pulling, as he travels closer and closer to glory
Soon he'll make it, soon he'll be happy
With the long journey he has made

Soon he will arrive
His toils be done
He will see the faith he had in Amamble
And soon his victory will be won
Sep 2018 · 141
CloudedVision Sep 2018
There is a tower in a field
A field in no mans land
Its a field of darkness, death, blood
A place where demons stand

But the tower is strong
standing in this field
Will minions all around
And all Evil it will wield

But in this tower
Up past all the steps
Is a small room
Containing the worlds depths

There is a mirror in this room
The room inside a tower
It a beautiful mirror, a reflection of glory
Yet it doesn't know The Sower

But here is a wanderer
A man who lost his cart
A man who made a long journey
So he could fall apart

He is lost and confused, hurt and sad
He doesn't know what to do
So all the demons all around chose to helo this man
They chose to bring him through

They help him
bring him across the field
They bring him to the tower
And they watch him drop his shield

He leaves everything
Continues on, up the stairs he goes
He enters the room, finds the mirror
And he sees what it shows

The whole world is there
The galaxy, the microbe
All in front of his eyes

The mirror shows him everything
The fish that swim
The bird that flies

He sees himself
A shining knight
How can this illusion be?
Its all too much how could any of these things be truly what he sees

But they are
They are the truth
Why can't he believe
That all he needs to do is go pick up his cart

The city is near
The greatness close
But the mirror shows it all
How could he be so small

He is a small part of this reality
Yet he has such a large impact
Yet he chooses not to act
Only to know all fact

The man then leaves
Knowing what he must do
Knowing the hardship and the pain
As his eyes are stained with blue

It was beauty
It was truth
Yet it was hidden and warped by Evil
He saw what he was, he saw who he is meant to be

He is meant to tell of what he saw
And show the meaning behind the cart
How empty it is to carry
If its not with a heavy heart

You must know the treasure you seek
The goal of what they city truly is
Because more often than not
Life won't give you a kiss

The city will be rubble
The glory in it gone
You'll look around in search
And see only a vanished song
Sep 2018 · 2.2k
Crocs with Socks
CloudedVision Sep 2018
Sneakers, sandals, slippers, or flips
Flops and, socks, or maybe crocs.
Vans, and addida, champion too
Oh the many shoes to go through

But here is a man who knows shoes well
He has much to teach and tell
This man is named Mr. Ned
He has a shoe on his head

Mr. Ned went to school
The university of Crocs&Socks
Now all he wears is comfort shoes
Things that make him feel good and cool

So now lets hear the story
The story of Mr. Ned
The story of he got to where he is now
A story of his march ahead

Mr. Ned was a poor little boy
Grown up in the city of This Way And That
But poor little Ned had a no bed
No where to rest, but it was all his best

So Mr. Ned made a choice
He would travel abroad to study shoes
It was a good cause
To make sure no foot could lose

He went to school
The school of tick tocks
A place where he learned
Of sandals with clocks

He then moved on to Toe Boot School
Where he learned his boots
Inside and out
Making sure to know it all well through

But poor Mr. Ned didn't like any of those shoes, they made his feet hurt or uncomfortable
So he chose to move on to Sneaker Squeaker, a school of silent sound

But Ned didn't like this school one bit
It was all silent, but the squeak of the sneak, you could never be happy, making no noise, so he chose to move on
To the school of Shoe Boys

But when he arrived
The school wasn't for him
They chased him out
Throwing hard doll toys

That school was for girls
A lot of them too
The smell and the hair
Made Ned coocoo

He then decided
"Proffesional I should go"
So he chose to go
To the school of Shoe Snow

But that school was cold
Except for his feet
They were warm
Even through the sleet

So he left being freezing
And went to a beach
But all he found there
Was shoes white with bleach

Why you should ask?
Well it's really quite simple
The people love shoes
Not the yellow of sand

They want their shoes clean
Not fat, wide, or lean
So they made sure to put bleach
Where ever a shoe may land

But Mr. Ned decided that even
That wasn't for him
So he took a bus
To City Where Ever Whim

There he found a school of Crocs
Crocs with socks
Some shoes were black, others were red
Yet nothing there, was a sight of dread

The style was intricate
Fancy yet easy
A sock must be put in every croc
A sock and shoe was comfy
And made you want to walk

So Mr. Ned finally found what he loved
A sock with a Croc a style of uniqueness
A sock of DeWine, with a basic Shoe
Made it seem, like anything he could do

He marched up a hill
With a smile on his face
And a paintbrush in hand
Oh the color you could make your crocs
Yet it always washed off, with soap-a-krill

Socks with crocs were what he needed
He made sure to stand tall
And to announce his discovery
To all passerbys's he meeted

Mr. Ned now wears crocs and socks
A croc on his head
And socks on his feet
No heavy thing could ever slow him
Not even the eight of of a rock solid block

So please go ask of Mr. Ned of his journ
He has made it all around the world
But now Mr. Ned needs some rest
He lays down on his bed
Knowing He found the best.
Sep 2018 · 138
Life's Play
CloudedVision Sep 2018
We all sit through the play life
Watching day by day
Will the play ever change
Will I ever have a say

People go on this stage
To act as a different person
But each character they play
Is not who signed the page

Each person has put their signature
Onto a slip of white
Saying they will true to themselves
But then acting, they won't fight

They all chose to act in this play
To be who they are not
They all chose to be a person
To be who life has taught

Life has taught all these people
To act as what they are not
To star in a play, where they are fake
No one has ever fought

They commit themselves to a fake them
They then torture others to watch
We are all forced to sit in the audience
And watch life's false blotch

People lie to who they truly are
For they like the character too much
They tell you statues, make you promises
But then never carry out such

We all need to find some one
Who hasn't given into the play
We all need fo find someone
Who sits with us through the day

A person who will join you
And sit in the audience
A person whose character matches
The person they truly are

But be aware for you may just star
In the play you read described
And so i hope that you can fight
To be one with yourself inside
Its sad when you think about it, to see and watch all the plays around us.
Aug 2018 · 399
The Shaky Bridge
CloudedVision Aug 2018
There is a bridge up in the sky
One supported by the clouds
In the air it hangs on tight
But the darkness casts a shroud

Each time you cross this bridge
you learn where it is soft
So each year you make repairs
High up in this sky loft

The bridge is fixed over and over
Year and after year
But that's because there is a problem
Better kick it into gear

The problem is deep down below
Inside the supporting beams
Better hurry, better be quick
To fix where no light gleams

So now you fix the problem below
The soft spots slowly fade
So now you smile, joy within
As you look at the progress made
Aug 2018 · 161
Please my Friend
CloudedVision Aug 2018
Please my friend
I know I'm dead to you
But I know my spirit lives

Please my friend, let me in
Let my spirit relive again
Let me be your life long friend
Let me fix the wrong I've done

Please my friend
I know your hurt
I know I am to blame

But please my friend
Let me retry
Let me help you if I can

Please my friend
I need your help
To fix the wrong I've done
Please my friend, help me to help you
Aug 2018 · 145
In The Evening
CloudedVision Aug 2018
In the evening night time shines
The darkness becomes king
In the evening the Shaman rules
Where there is no good to cling

The Shaman demonstrates
All the power that he can do
For the Shaman wants me locked in prison, where all my fears come true

This is a place that's hard to leave
A snare that never fails
This is a place of horrors come true
Where to good there are no trails

This is the place the panda is trapped
In a prison of fear and pain
The bubble is gone, the dream has fled
As the Shaman brings out a chain
The panda ties in to a poem I wrote previously, and the Shaman is a character i use often.
Aug 2018 · 126
CloudedVision Aug 2018
One moment you have joy
Your happy as can be
But then a trial hits you hard
Knocks down all your glee

So you fall through the air lower and lower, till you can no longer fall anymore, But then the ground opens right has you enter an abysmal store

Your way down deep separated within
Why isn't help here
Your stuck below in this dark case
Lonely, cold, and with fear

One moment your good then it's all gone, why have you fallen so far
It seems to me the Shaman within
Has turned my joy into a scar

I need a friend down here in this pit
I need to know I'm not alone
I need a friend to rescue me
And share a joyful tone
Aug 2018 · 272
CloudedVision Aug 2018
My life is a mess
Things aren't going right
I'm all mixed up
Nothing good in sight
So I must ask
Where is the light

In my life, no light shines
I don't know what to do
I wish i wasn't lost in the dark
Never to make it through
I'm wandering in a giant maze
A maze with no end, a maze with only tears

I wander here and there
From one dead end to another
I'm lost, where do I go
Will you ever tell me Father
This maze has no end
I guess I'm doomedhi
To eternally travel farther

But the farther I go
The weaker I become
I need renewal, strength, hope
But it costs a large sum
I'll never get to see
Any future hope to come

I'm lost, I'm alone
I'm wandering still
The maze is dark
And I'm feeling a chill
The air is cold, I feel a slight breeze
But I'm stuck, empty with out fill

I need assurance
I need to know
That I don't walk alone
I need a friend to be by my side
I need an angel to glow
I've been found since and things have cleared. I wrote this a while ago.
Aug 2018 · 924
For you my Friend
CloudedVision Aug 2018
You my friend for you I fear your ship is sinking and land is nowhere near

Your ship is old and rather worn the air blows through, for your sails are torn

I hope you know where for repairs to seek for your chances of living are looking quite bleak

The water is deep up to your knee
The repairs cost a lot, a pretty hefty fee

But now I will explain to you, your crew you should know them they're all but new

This man is Eager he steers your boat
That's why for so long you were afloat
He steers in the way where his eyes seize And thats why for you sailing was a breeze

This man is Lie and this man is Hate
they both happen to guard the gate

In case you were wondering its the gate to your heart and they make sure to gaurd every last part

But also you know this is gate number two this gate gaurds Truth, he's locked up too

Every once in a while you let Truth out
But when you do he begins to shout
He shouts at your crew and all the evil they brew

This man is ******* he orders your crew
That's why there's nothing for you to do

This man is Self-Love he loves you most
That's why your crew does little but boast

You are in despair no hope for tomorrow
That's why your best friend is Sorrow

This man is Lust and this man is Fake
They both choose for what leaves to rake

They rake leaves or anger sadness and sorrow that's why for joy you must pay or borrow

The ocean is open few clouds in the sky
And yet to you I must wave good bye

A good bye forever for you have no hope
Your stuck going down, down the sadness *****

But look what's that, a man in the sky
With angles around praising Lord most high

Meet your Savior He's riding a cloud
Music praises Him with trumpets aloud

This man comes down whipes away your tears You've been away a great many years

He clears your ship gives you a new crew
He makes it so you're no longer blue

He knows what is right.
So He clothes you in white.
He shows He has strength to overthrow sin. You sit there and wonder "what is this might?"

This strength comes from God who rules over all. He'll make sure into sin you don't fall.

So now with
Christ by your side
You walk stride by stride

Have faith in all this and remember His love,
remember in Heavan His presence above.

But above all remember this
Your greeted with a kiss
And not just by those who passed before
but also by Christ and angels
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