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May 2017 · 236
The tree
From my window I see it daily
All withered and tangled in a mess
Its leaves have a long time fallen
Now a spectical so hard to digest
Through the rain I watch it stand
No friends no companion no life
Beautiful yet utterly haunting
Bark all broken by pen and by knife
Theres a nest sitting in the branches
The more I look the more I smile
A tree has now gained some purpose
For years or maybe for a little while
And then a thought enters my head
Which only time can let us see
Will I watch it crash and tumble
Or is that tree going to out live me
Apr 2017 · 177
I walk through the happiness as it falls like rain
Ignoring the sheet of shallowness
A wonderous feeling plays with my brain
Because no more am I waltzing in the hallowness
Many a time I have stood on the edge
And peered into a dark and murky abyss
Then I made myself a cast iron pledge
To only saunter amongst the joy and the bliss
Foolhardy or unrealistic it may appear
Calamitous and dangerous it can often seem
But everyone in this world can stop fear
Stamp on it, clean it up and make it gleam
Let a scream from your lungs ring out
Beat your chest in a defiant fashion
Things that once made you cry and shout
Have been replaced by a peaceful and undying passion
Apr 2017 · 179
The conscience
Dance into the moonlight
Make noise with the wine
Flirt seductively with the night
But always leave the door open for me

Mingle joyously through the crowd
Keep your mind away from trouble
And the shadows that begin to shroud
Then leave the door open for me

Your head will get weary and dull
And you limbs will feel lose and weak
Thoughts will creep and pull
Please leave the door open for me

Cause I am the conscience
A logical in a world of mad
I choose to ignore all the nonsense
Always leave the door open for me
Apr 2017 · 188
The man
Mad as a hatter
Stupid as a teapot
Trapped in a fools fur

Brain of sand
Thoughts of jelly
Trying to be a man

A grin of insanity
The face of a clown
Nobody knows his name

Walking along humming a tune
Which makes no sense at all
Maybe only to him

But the world needs a loser
People need to be entertained
Cause his antics create a stir

Stir crazy or just barking
Untouched by the sense of the common
But he still has a place on this earth
Apr 2017 · 175
Sit down in the booth if you like
A clergy man pristine in black and white says
Toil and sweat will make a man of you
But confession will make you better yet
Tell me all your trials and tribulations
To sin is to act without care
Not a person upon our lords Earth
Hasn't done something their ashamed of
But God will relieve your burden
Financial, brutal, cruel and disgraced
The clergy will hear it all
A man or a woman will cry or sigh
When they unravel everything into the wood
Be on your way with gods blessing
My son, daughter or child
He has forgiven you for you sins
Now go off into the night and be good
Apr 2017 · 418
The old woman of the Sea
She slowed her world weary old rowing boat
Over a sky blue cloudless sea
And pointed her bony finger into the depths
That solitude down under the ocean
Is where god really meant me to be

Voices echoed around me
And I heard harmonies transcending through the waves
You see them she croaked quite thoughtfully
They are calling up from their cold water graves

Come join us young tired and aching sir
You will be tranquil and peaceful and still
Come join us you handsome lost fool
We will cure you of all that's making you ill

Not you she screamed in anger
I am old and have nothing more
Those souls below are ****** and restless
They search for new blood away from the shore

And she fell into blackness and salt
I saw her slowly float away
The oars gently brushed my hands
So I seized them knowing I didn't need to stay
Mar 2017 · 268
I said
You said
She said
They said
He said
All said
I don't need you
Don't mean that.

I did
You did
She did
They did
He did
All did
Go away from me
Don't mean that.

I saw
You saw
She saw
They saw
He saw
All saw
Don't speak to me
I don't mean that.
Feb 2017 · 270
The dark
Angry angry angry
Smother the drifting light
Blanket blanket blanket
I am here and I am the night
Creep creep creep
Into rooms and across sky
Fear fear fear
I am here with the purpose to fright
Hide hide hide
Away into any nook and cranny
Listen listen listen
I've emerged as the time is right
Stop stop stop
It blinds me something rotten
Leave leave leave
The sun has won the fight
Feb 2017 · 195
Social observation
A whistle in the alley way
and high heels clicking on the stone
Succumbing to loathing
In the catacombs
Of a lonely old city

Shouting in the lift
As it careers up the shaft
Corrosive attitude shown
In the metallic box
Operating in a filthy forgotten town

Substances consumed for joy
As they wander perilously
Vitriolic language unrecognised
In the bus shelters
Upright in a cold unabashed eve

Violence penetrating the cobbles
Spouting from drunken filters
Vessels of deranged humans
In the public houses
Loud like thunder in the greyness
Feb 2017 · 258
Like water on a fast flowing river.
That's family.
Like flowers that blossom then die.
That's family.
Like lions growling in the wild.
That's family.
Like the cold creeping under your skin.
That's family.
Like a compass that leads the way.
That's family.
Like a siren hurting your ears.
That's family.
Like a child who blurts out the truth.
That's family.
Like your shadow always by your side.
That's family.
Like an addiction that won't let you go.
That's family.
Jan 2017 · 277
Happy new year
Maybe I'm a loser
Or maybe that's just a thought
Maybe 2017
Will stop me feeling nought
Maybe I'll achieve something
Something has to give
Maybe I'll be happy
Something new and more postive
Maybe there's a slow down
Of all the horrid things
Maybe I should see
What 2017 brings
Maybe I'm just moaning
Cause I'm quite good at that
Maybe I've missed the good
That's been pulled from the hat
Maybe I should say happy new year
And enjoy what the future throws
Maybe it's time to look forward
See what happens and how it goes
Dec 2016 · 305
Today I'm 40
Yesterday I was 39
I guess I should celebrate somehow
With some food and a bottle of wine
The thoughts of being younger
Keep running through my head
When I could act like a complete clown
And not panic about things I've said
The world was exciting and happy
So I embraced it with all my might
With the good times and the bad times
I still learnt with the world in sight
Turning 40 hasn't really changed me
The mind still thinks it 24
My body gets an occasional twinge
But I'm definatly not a bore
So here's to being 40
If you want to celebrate it's up to you
I'll just keep my thoughts of happiness
And sit around till I'm 41 and 42
Nov 2016 · 291
A coin was dropped
The coin was dropped
A coin for me
Her smiling face
I long to see
Help yourself
On this cold winter night
Can I pat your dog
I'm scared it may bite
Please go ahead
He won't hurt a fly
Certainly not you
Generous lady don't cry
I am the beggar
A vagrant in need
You have warmth and beauty
That's all that you need
She bears a smile
And wipes the tear
A shiver in my spine
For this woman so sincere
Then she leaves me
As I lie down on the floor
Angels do exist
One just came past this door
Nov 2016 · 230
We see you
We see you quite often
As you bang your head off the wall
We watch you struggle with moods
When you feel scared, lonely and small

Our shadows cast discreetly
But through the tears you catch us out
When you talk to us in your dreams
Your voice speaks and begins to shout

Like the air we're all around you
We know how much you hide
From the unpleasantness that lingers
And is eating you up inside

You can join us when your ready
Believe us when we say it's not yet
The door to happiness is ajar
Just push it open any chance you get

The soul that binds your bones
Still holds a flickering light
It's been dipping low for a while
But it's not going out tonight
Over the causeway
You clutched my hand
Then came your story
About a giant that swam in the moonlight
Hands like tree stumps
And arms as long as streetlights
Split through the waves
Whilst his head bobbed like the rock of Gibraltar
Then he'd sit on the stones
Mind deep in thought
Thinking of a forgotten fabled family
Where did he come from
Cause he wasn't from the sea
Although his lungs were big
He hadn't dropped from the sky
Wings didn't protrude from his back
So where did he come from then?
I asked her spellbound
But alas she didn't know
A mystery and a legend and forever he will remain
The giant that swam in the moonlight
Oct 2016 · 228
Oh my beautiful house
I still see you through the carnage and debris
Scattered wood and broken glass
Charred remains of the staircase
A stove I should have extinguished
But I remember you how you were
Smouldering ashes and the smell of heat
Dark patches on crumbling walls
A picture of my father still hanging
The sole survivor of the blaze
Makes me remember you how you were
Memories drift up into the air
Like spirits floating to the light
Or genies escaping their lamps
I won't forget the joy you gave me
Restoration will take almost a year
And my parents house is nostalgia
Soon though we will be one again
Making new imprints of happiness
So be patient my decrepit old friend
Till the day I finally get back home
Oct 2016 · 406
Hate me forever
Send me nasty notes
But you won't break my spine

Haunt my dreams
***** my conscience
But you won't break my spine

Discredit my name
I deserve it
But you won't break my spine

I've punished myself
A thousand times
But you won't break my spine

Take all your hate
Keep allowing bitterness
But you won't break my spine

My attitude was wrong
So yes your right
But you won't break my spine
Oct 2016 · 225
War Bloody War
It's cold in the trench
But it's hotter up there
Safer to read my newspaper
Than hear the shots ricochet of my helmet
He's shouting down at me
In an aggressive mundane manner
Shoot shoot shoot
I didn't start this ****** war
A shiny silver coin
Catches my peripheral vision
And he smirks so smugly
Our king George IV
Well let him get in this trench
And I'll have afternoon tea
With playwrights and police chiefs
Safari in Kenya and visit the sick
That's more like me
And now he's grabbed me
Holding my throat
Im struggling to breath
Okay I'll go up if that what's needed
The smoke makes me nauseous
The smell of rotting flesh lingers
Awful truly awful
The pain is intense
As it's flashes through my chest
The blood trickles quickly
My head starts to swirl
That's it then I'm guess I'm dead
Shot down in an instant
War ****** War
Oct 2016 · 265
The Fly
Why do you bug me
Hanging round my house
I hear the monotone buzzing
Quite frequently
My house is clean
As it should be
But their you go again
Causing a nuisance
Just make your way outside
Leave me in peace
Your fervent pestering
Is draining
The rooms aren't colourful
Through a flys black and white eyes
What keeps you soaring
Is it boredom
Windows are now open
And the sun is shining in
Take your throbbing wings
And leave
Oct 2016 · 281
Boats on a Hong Kong sea
When I was young
My parents had a painting
It hung beautifully on the chimney breast wall
The strokes captured the image
Of many sailing boats
Floating on a green Hong Kong sea
The sky was dark with a last tint of sun
And the boats were lit up
By tiny orange flamed lanterns
You could see the tiny fishermen
Casting their nets
Under pale clouds and the slow emerging moon
Like a lightbulb it illuminated the water
I would stand for hours
And gaze into its colours
Longing to be there
Catching fish on one of those boats
Then it went
Put in the loft
A treasure stored up high
But I still see it now
And I wonder if it's the same
The painting of boats on a Hong Kong sea
Oct 2016 · 295
The good Samaritan
Can I get you a comfy chair
Said the lady wearing glittering gold
No I said I'll just stand

Why have you come to this station
She uttered with a pendant for charm
It's quite possibly the worst in the land

My sister is ill and lonely
So I'm boarding a train
Replied I with honesty intact

You look old and tired
In need of some rest
I was struggling and that was a fact

Please sit yourself down
In this old comfy chair
I'll get you by your sisters side

But without a sleep
And something to eat
Your body will act like it died

Such a lovely person
With a charming face
An angel in my hour of need

Lie back carefully
And I'll find a place
For food so you can feed

My sister recalled to me
A wonderful dream
She had had the previous night

Where as a young lady
In Aldwych station
She helped an old man in his plight

I could see his suffering
Feel his pain
And I wanted him to be free

A tear welled up
In my baggy old eyes
When I realised that man was me
Oct 2016 · 177
Soul mate
Call my name while you sleep
And I will lend my ear
Talk to me in your dreams
I will hear you loud and clear
Cause I am still around
All your troubles I can see
Yes I do listen to your prayers
So please carry on speaking to me
My body has now gone
Physicality exists no more
But the soul lingers for ever
Of that you can be sure
The chills that you often feel
Or the creaks you hear at night
Its just me dropping by
To let you know that I'm alright
I see happiness on the horizon
It's been cleared from high above
So rest your weary mind
Cause I'm still here with you my love
Oct 2016 · 265
An OCD story
I stepped on the train
Which had an old fashioned feel
The little compartments looked warm and inviting
I opened a door
Made of wood and painted varnish
And a fear bolted through me like lighting
The two French gents
Gave me a curious gaze
As they spoke in their strong native tongue
Was it I they were discussing
As a guilt loomed over
I was thinking had I done something wrong
Back down the passage
Heart pounding
I slipped into another booth
But this one was worse
As the family produced smiles
My mind was a flow with untruth
The window was open
My head leaned out
I couldn't stand the torture anymore
A train rattled past
Think of the family
The misery it would bring to their door
A group of school children
All pushing past
Sir said a gentle hello
I nodded my head
Then closed my eyes
Hoping they'd hurry up and go
The train came to stop
Three stations short
Of the destination I intended to depart
But this was how it went
Every day on this train
As it stole my mind and then stole my heart
Oct 2016 · 251
Angelic visions shroud me
In fields of lush green grass
I kick of heavy shackles
And listen to the crickets gas
The clouds slowly float by
A greyness lightly tints the sky
Nature exists in everything little thing
From the soil to a buzzing tiny fly
My sleeves are rolled half mast
Brown shoes have been left at my side
And I sprawl in a daze in the sun
It feels like the world has folded and died
A bird soars carefree above me
It's looks beautiful in black and grey
Shame birds cant understand people
Cause I think we all have plenty to say
Maybe I should do this more often
Just relax in a peaceful tranquil sea
Dream some dreams in the daylight
And just appreciate how it feels to be free
Oct 2016 · 823
Litter on my floor
Litter walks idly on my floors
Food trays leave odours in the hall
I regularly ignore the door bell
When I hear my neighbour call
He rings a thousand times
But I don't care for his talk
'Hello Eddie' sounds his voice
Before I hear his feet start to walk
What did you think would happen
You left me when times were good
I believed we could be together
Naivety ran warm through my blood
My mother was right ofcourse
She said you were a waste of space
When you picked up those heavy cases
I just fell headfirst onto my face
Where do I go from here
Nobody can help ease the pain
Let's face it i'm washed up baggage
And I'm floating along in the rain
Oct 2016 · 287
Picture in my hands
Smile when I view
The beautiful image
I remember belonged to you
Enigmatic character
Full of charm and subtle grace
In a realm trapped behind glass
Where you float through open space
I know I will see you one day
But I can't predict the date
We will fly through astral settings
And it won't be a day to late
The locket will pass the centuries
From house to box to pocket
We will be a reminder of the ages
As they clasp shut the glass locket
Sep 2016 · 363
Art of the century
A man for seasons
Vivaldi played this tune
Neil Armstrong looked down
As he walked along the moon
Noah was very clever
When he sailed around in his Ark
Spielberg scared us witless
When we saw his man eating shark
Roswell holds a lot of secrets
When aliens crashed under the sun
Cleese and all his pythons
Gave us laughter and tremendous fun
Pinter wrote dark little plays
About homecomings and a dumb waiter
Van Gogh put paint onto his canvas
I guess it's sad what happened later
The Beatles destroyed America
As they rode the musical jackpot
And finally one Adolf ******
Sadly remembered for be a crackpot
Aug 2016 · 266
Car trouble
Drive my car slowly
A car made to last
The engine purrs like a cat
But the exhaust gives off a blast
Turning heads on the high street
As the smoke engulfs the air
Pedals are sticking like glue
My neighbours stop and stare
The boot suddenly flies open
And my door drops to the floor
Headlights start to flicker
This car is running no more
Kick the tyres in frustration
Slam the hood in anger
Then the wheel trim rolls away
I've bought myself a banger
Aug 2016 · 262
Inner City festival
Dressed as a king I wandered with the procession
The costume my mother designed for me
As a young boy I remember all the dressed up vehicles
The colours were beautiful to see
Crowds of people stood and cheered
When they recognised local faces
Family and friends waved from below
To the lucky ones who filled the spaces
We all followed the engines
And I said hello to a friend
My sister was somewhere amongst it all
I later found her when the fun came to an end
I swear it seemed brighter that day
As the sun shone like gods eye in the sky
Watching over the happiness and togetherness
He wanted a day of peace so he made us work hard and try
Aug 2016 · 547
A soul in the wilderness
The wind gives chase to my wandering soul
As I walk along the gaping cliff edge
Lights from neighbouring kingdoms
Bring me perilously close to the ledge
I see stars twinkle in a black curtain sky
Reminding me of home
Alone and afraid of the world
I'm nomadic and forced to roam
When will I settle
Can I begin to ever live again
God please **** out my darkness
Turn me away from a creeping insane
Shoeless on the wet grass
A heavy heart holding me up
Village life has made me sheltered
Scraping around like a wounded pup
The moon kisses the sea
What a pleasant sight to behold
Crashing waves steal the air
A pleasure worthy of gold
Must I endure such fatigue
My bones are rattling but why
Praying to god seems futile
I say goodnight now to the hypnotic sky
Aug 2016 · 513
Posh party
Pop goes the rubber cork
And the champers fizzes round the room
I recognise most of the faces
In this charade where morons loom
Tacky earrings swing in the wind
They wear high heels and sharp suits
False conversations and canned laughter
Gulping the pink stuff from thin slender flutes
'Do you like my bag'?
'It's Versace and I love the colour'
'Oh that's just gorgeous', says the high heel wearer
Can this conversation get any duller
'My Ferrari needs a service'
A ***** decides to speak
'My daddy has a friend in the business'
My brain begins to creak
Can't stand anymore of this *******
It's time for me to go home alone
My face just doesn't fit here
Cause its real and it's all my own
Aug 2016 · 271
Adolescent fun
Treading light footed on the grass
And avoiding wild prickly thorns
We were all young adolescent children
On life's chess board we were pawns
Running over the bridge
Which spanned a reed filled river
We watched the ripples shimmer
As a cool wind made us shiver
From the bridge we saw the city centre
And the Cathedral at its core
The football ground glimmered to the east
But we didn't care for the score
Houses fed off the grassy banks
It was the estate we all called ours
The dreaded rent office showed its face
In front of smoke filled cooling towers
A gang of unruly ruffians
Shouted from the bank below
We'd already made a head start though
And besides they were much to slow
The landslide gave us such fun
Cause the eighties seemed full of gloom
A Tory regime tried to hurt us
But the flowing river made us grow and bloom
Aug 2016 · 507
Williams ghost
The ageing old factory told a tale
Staff have plenty of stories to tell
Of a nasty ghost simply named William
A blackness in a supernatural shell
On the allotment near the river
His horse could be heard at night
Hoofs ride eerily along the grass
Audible in clarity but rarely seen by sight
Myself and a friend believe we saw him
Stood between the factory walls
We only noticed he had a transparent body
After he refused to answer our calls
He just lifted his arm and pointed
And it chilled us to the bones
That night is etched in my memory
When us and him crossed through timezones
The children painted a mural
On a building next to the bowling green
He was pointing like he did to us two
Its the most chilling thing I've ever seen
Jul 2016 · 337
Gods Garden
Have you ever seen the flowers
That grow in Gods garden
The embodiment of each and all of us
Some grow strong and beautiful
Others grow weak and ugly
And the nasty ones lurk around
As they wrap around other stems
Then hurt with cruelty and anger
God keeps a watchful eye
Ending their callous nature
They don't belong in my display
He says as he removes them
And throws them to the bowels below
To the wasteland of fire called hell
Keep them down there Satan
Only good grows here
Not your disturbing disciples
And then he tends to the flowers
That grow in his garden
Gods garden that lives in heaven
Jul 2016 · 247
Forbidden love
Ice cream on your nose
And we laughed for a little while
The ducks ate the bread thrown
Then I helped you over the stile
We lay down on the grass
All dooey eyed and full of love
I don't want you go you said
As I stared at the clouds above
One day I will leave her I know it
Complications are difficult to heal
Hate will be strong towards us
But it won't change how we feel
Walking through the trees
Kicking the leaves lazing on the floor
There's a restlessness in your manner
It's because you want so much more
Be bold, be decisive and be happy
You can't hide this away forever
Grab true love as it's hitting you
All you want is to be together
Please god don't punish us
After all it's you that planted the seed
Something must have prompted your actions
Was it you who saw our hearts bleed
Jul 2016 · 294
Blood, dust, dazed and concust
Screams, fear, loud and clear
Hide, run, shelter, it's begun
Danger, disbelieve, fate is a thief
Safety, tears, as help nears
Bodies, dead, grief and dread
Darkness, scars, heaven and stars
Pointless, mad, makes me sad
Why, devout, fanatical no doubt
Change, peace, will it decrease?
Jul 2016 · 264
Meeting with Animals
A punch a kick and then the liquid
Running across my face
Repulsive saliva enters my mouth
It's not a pleasant taste
Laughing and cajoling
The footsteps creep away
From the crumpled heap below
My energy gone for the day
Like an apple thrown to the floor
I'm left battered and darkly bruised
This was a Neanderthals playtime
I'm glad I kept them amused
Buzzing sound of my mobile
Tentatively I let out a yelp
Tears roll down my cheeks
As I somehow utter help
I only wanted to go bowling
Nothing less or nothing more
But I encountered the wrong type of animal
Now I'm here bloodied and sore
Jul 2016 · 230
It's over
Sweat drips onto the plate
Tears roll down my cheek
Hands fidget almost dramatically
No inner peace can I seek
Feet tap on the floor
Arms twitch in pulsating tandem
My mouth is as dry as the Sahara
And thoughts attack me at random
Fun times we used to share
Have gone and moved away
And now she's gone to
Why couldn't I make her stay
The petals are on the carpet
As the stems poke out of the bin
How can I live with an ice cube
She said before drowning in her gin    
The house is cold and empty
My heart has now shrunk in size
All I had to be was honest and open
But its only now that I realise
To late to find solutions
Our marriage now lies in a heap
We pulled it apart piece by piece
Till we both just fell asleep
Jul 2016 · 330
Inner city home
The child climbs on the table in chimp like fashion
Fur ball feline curls up on the sill
A huge glaring screen transmits moving pictures bright and bold
While father looks tired and over the hill
Car horn beeps from the street
Voices loudly pollute the air
Mother edges her way to the blinds
Hoping that they don't catch her nosey stare
Two boys are playing in chaotic exuberance
In the garden overgrown at the rear
Kicking a ball with real venom
There's a green house very very near
An average family picture
Which hides in inner city houses of brick
Everyday holds a reality
But how you live it that's the real trick
Jul 2016 · 473
Kids huddle in the corridors
In the staff room they hide in shells
The teachers who don't like children
Preferring stale sweat and coffee smells
In the classrooms they run riot
With rulers books and pens
Everybody's a target for trouble
Particularly the kids without friends
There's always a classroom bully
No brains and the charisma of a slug
But the girls just love a Neanderthal
Who's nothing more than a ****
Then ofcourse there's the crackpot joker
Protected by madness and dry wit
Always avoiding the troubles
He's the candle that always stays lit
A posse of the beautiful ladies
Flaunt around the painted halls
Lipstick perfume and mothers mascara
While the hair flows like Niagra Falls
And finally the come the sportsmen
Who tower over the rest
They take physical activity so seriously
Cause they just want to be the best
A mention for the headmasters favourites
Who sit secretly in the armchair at home
Parents believe they're learning academics
But they watch This Morning and go for a roam
It makes you or it breaks you
The job that makes you cool or a fool
Nowhere to run in education
The nature of the beast that we call school
Jul 2016 · 426
I want to be a dolphin
Swimming in the clear blue seas
Escaping from a robust angry world
Before it brings me to my knees
Gliding through the fishes
And twirling in the reeds
Bouncing on the sponge of a jellyfish
Riding a wave until it recedes
The seagulls will call my name
Seahorses will wave hello
A million miles from my life
Amongst the aquatic flow
The salt will sting my mouth
But that won't bother me
I'll laugh at all my problems
Cause I'm finally going to be free
Jul 2016 · 338
A child of God
She cry's into her clothes
Weeps like a baby
And I don't know what to do

He hits and scratches
Just doesn't understand danger
And I don't know what to do

Tomorrow we'll talk
All smiles cause we love him
And I don't know what to do

Then the cycle will commence
He'll repeat the process
And I don't know what to do

Until the morning
When we find it in us to carry on
And I don't know what to do
Jul 2016 · 217
Locked out
Locked out
Out of her kingdom
Out of her abode
Out of her sanctuary
Out of her haven
On her own
Watch the misery
She is angry
She is upset
She is devastated
She is livid
As her coffee hits the door
See sadness become smiles
As here comes the neighbour
As here comes the keys
As here comes peace
As here comes release
When she opens the door
Jul 2016 · 288
The mirror cracks a thousand times
Into tiny shards of glass
Each one resembles my life
What has gone and whats to pass
Different stories and different times
Glittering in the pieces
Situations of highs and lows
Until the my energy ceases
The largest fragment cuts me
And i'm reminded of a night
When my friends drank to much
Causing us all to fight
A tiny slither of glass
Rolls around in my hands
I think of being younger
And sailing to distant lands
All the debris is cleared
Then thrown into the bin
Amazing how nostalgia works
Whilst plans start to begin
Jul 2016 · 269
Fox hunters
Running for its life
The fields seems so long
Foul dog saliva chasing
From a horse driven throng
Poor fox knows the outcome
The game is a nasty affair
It's jumps over the bushes
To escape hounds without a care
They sniff into the brambles
And bark a sweet delight
Their prey is completely cornered
As it cowers with fear and fright
The rest is just all history
Another successful hunt
They trot back to the club house
With the killer at the front
Jun 2016 · 300
An icy lake
We glided along together
Idyllic and in utter calm
The bitter cold nibbled our lips
As I felt the warmth from your palm
Hand in hand we skated
Smiling and totally as one
You were my big sister
I embraced us both having fun
A stumble onto the floor
And a tear rolled down my face
Don't cry my little brother
I'll protect you in this place
It was then you became my amulet
From all the things that are bad
Security shone like a ray of light
And I felt oh so glad
Then I heard the sound
Of a crack spreading on the ice
You pushed me away in desperation
This game suddenly wasn't nice
Down you fell into the water
And silence covered my tiny ears
As your porcelain face floated beneath me
Confirming the worst of my fears
I sat and waited for hours
To see you emerge from the depths below
But ofcourse it never did happen
You saved me and that's all I'll ever know
Jun 2016 · 536
The Vagrant
On the bench of tranquility
I rest my weary bones
With drinking vessel in pocket
The wind she gently groans
Hankering for conversation
Into a slumber I start to drift
Blue sky filters my pupils
As my vision begins to shift
I'm dreaming of daffodils
A lump shapes in my throat
The pain pierces my chest
And my soul lifts and floats
Soaring over the fields
Ducking under the bridge
Unnatural supernatural pulling
Takes me into the ridge
There I see a miracle
A lady shrouded in white
She beckons me to come forward
And tells me to enter the light
Jun 2016 · 424
Magpie Green
Smashed windows and ***** doors
Broken exhausts on uneven floors
Uncouth youth making a noise
A sorry reflection on decent boys
The Magpies stumble on straggly grass
Clever birds avoid the glass
Wandering around with beaks up high
In busy times it's off to the sky
The Magpies flutter and roll along
Black and white wonders seem to belong
The Magpies talk in their own little voice
They say this place is a little bit choice
Jun 2016 · 280
A day of change
Well we're out
So what happens now
Problems will arise
In the South their kings
In the North we're things
We must move on somehow
Fat cats have saved a life
One of their many nine
I guess we have to see
In the North it's delight
In the South it's white
Cause caution floats in the sea
A flurry of movement
Questions remain
In the pool of Political water
The South is a culture
The North is a vulture
We're a target to austerity slaughter
Show us the change
Let's see it work
And then the grumbling wil drop
The South are never poor
The North I'm not sure
Is the country about to stop
Jun 2016 · 313
The Hospital
Murky dark corridors hold many secrets
And the rooms harbour brutal death
Experimental machinery still remains
As the professor draws his breath
Multitudes of eerie noises
Decorate the hospital walls
Screams cry out in the darkness
Till daylight eventually calls
Patients imprisoned in cages
Waiting for the ******* tests
All in the name of progress
Humans larvae kept in nests
The psychologists roam in fear
Their blood frozen in the veins
Heads are entering derangement
Evil is entering their brains
Time to abandon the project
More horror than they've ever known
Out of the door to safety
This crypt is best left alone
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