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One night the room span
And I just couldn’t concentrate
My heart raced to a hundred beats
As I started to slowly lose weight

I lost the love for drinking
And smoked far to much
My thinking became unclear
And I spoke double Dutch

I didn’t want to go out
The world became a scary place
My energy became zero
And my head went into space

I thought of a thousand illnesses
Did I have one of those
Hoping blood tests would find them
I became withdrawn and quite morose

Crying became a problem
When I spoke about it all
Showers were non existent
I felt alone and very small

Sleeping was a nightmare
Wondering if I could
The days just seemed to be different
When they never really should

Forgetting my beans in Aldi
Scared me half to dead
I lost focus on my favourite programmes
And wondered why the interest left

I lost focus off things I loved
And I developed a lost stare
When I drove my kids to school
I just floated along on air

I think they call that brain fog
But fog usually clears
This fog was going nowhere
I even lost the tears

Fleeting moments of sadness
Shivering happened a lot
Struggling to have conversations
A nod is the most they got

Medication was given to me
Which made me into a snail
Mentally drained and feeling weak
It became my usual tale

At the moment I’m in limbo
Waiting for CBT
I’ve had all that before
And hopefully it’ll help me

I’m writing this poem for focus
Cause I need to connect again
But at the moment its just not happening
I’m wandering aimlessly through the rain

If anyone has this problem
Please give me a shout
The more talking you can give me
The more it’ll help me out
Dec 2024 · 256
A world away but I can touch it
As reality seems to detach
When the soul just wants to come back
But it seems so hard to card
Breath as hard as you can
And have your loved ones near
Nov 2024 · 41
It is the night tonight
That I fear the most
As I pray to god
And the Holy Ghost
Oct 2024 · 54
The dormant house
In the stillness of night
The beams of the moonlight
Scorch the marble floor
Amidst the creaking of a door
As this old house breathes again

Curtains blow up high
Causing dust to live and fly
Like pores from human skin
Then a can made of tin
Rolls through the medium of the wind

Cats meow in the air
A chorus of I don’t care
Crooked floorboards talk so loud
The moon hides behind a cloud
Plunging the house into total darkness

Then slowly the clock turns back
To when silence leads the attack
Again the darkness fights the light
In a battle with the night
For control of this dormant house
Aug 2024 · 75
From the day we’re born we’re in the club
Consuming yet eerily beautiful
A club that commands no fee
Where its expected for us to be dutiful
We appear the same in little ways
Yet are different in our own minds
A connection so strong and solid
With no escape one often finds
Cause this is the club called family
Of parents, sisters and brotherhood
All herded up like cows in a field
Bonded by DNA, bone and blood
Occasionally theres breaks in the chains
Where speaking becomes a chore
And while we avoid and keep our distance
Our love just burns forever more
No one really forgets each other
The heart just decides it’s hiding away
Until that moment along the road
Where it’s ready to come back and stay
This is because we’re family
Created from the same mould
Push and hurt anyone of us
And our fight will be big and bold
We all know where our bread is buttered
It’s the lessons we’ve learned together
From our first cuddle to our first row
We will always look after one another
Aug 2024 · 67
Our love
Champagne never tasted the same
As we watched the sunset wane
It circled and lit up the sea
Exposing just my lovely and me

Trawlers bobbed on the water
As I joked about how I’d caught her
All beautiful and full of light
On a cold December night

Then we both lay down in the sand
Smiling as she squeezed my hand
I told her she was the one for me
And she replied with you I feel free

A cool wind encompassed our skin
Sending shivers deep from within
Never had I felt so soothed
As she kissed me and the earth moved

The sea played its song into our ears
Making us forget all anxieties and fears
Laughing cause the beach was our own
Cherishing the fact we were alone
Aug 2024 · 59
Summers here
Everyone cheer
Water fights
Warmer nights
Fans spinning
Children grinning
All in the midst of summer

Parks heaving
Plants breathing
Bins stinking
Beer drinking
Skys clear
Funs here
All in the midst of summer

Sun cream
Lovers dream
Ice cream cones
Hot stones
Barbecue chicken
Ice lolly licking
All in the midst of summer
Jul 2024 · 61
Last night I had a dream
About a glorious silver bird
It bobbed and weaved on the air
And not a sound could be heard

I watched it fly to the south
To the north to the east and the west
Never did it stray from its path
It just knew which way was best

It flew over deserts and oceans
It bathed in the salt of the seas
It circled the forest of Sherwood
Then stopped for a breather in the trees

It was free and it was happy
As the clouds engulfed its feathers
Over the beautiful scenic woodlands
It danced among the wild heathers

Then I awoke rather unexpectedly
To a noise on my window pane
On the ledge outside was a sight to behold
It was the silver bird singing in the rain
Jul 2024 · 69
The city
The city
Where a young girl dons a white painted face
Gothic and scary
Black boots and lace

The city
Where tramps drink in doorways
Cider and whiskey
Spreading it four ways

The city
Where black cabs wait in queues
And the drivers laugh and joke
While debating the news

The city
Where the Chinese have their town
Beautifully eastern archway
Leads to restaurants where people sit down

The city
Where the town hall looks imperious
As the suited and important workers
Mill around looking serious

The city
Where boys meet different boys
The girls meet different girls
All beautiful and full of noise

The city
Where the pubs are big and bold
Wine bars are full of lawyers
And casinos offer you gold

The city
A place I love to go to
It’s affluent while still historic
The place where everyone knows you
A knock at the door
And my friend answers
The ******* the doorstep simply blurts out
Can you tell Ian his pet shops flooded
My friend politely says tell him yourself
And she repeats it again
This time more manic
Can you tell Ian his pet shops flooded
So my fiend says again
Very politely I might add
She’ll have to tell him herself and again
Can you tell Ian his pet shops flooded
So he slams the door in her face
True story
Jul 2024 · 84
School days
At school I was a fool
Just a pencil on a stool
I didn’t carry my book
Couldn’t be arsed to look
And it was boring
The teacher had us snoring
So at school I was the fool

At school I was the dreamer
The thinker and the schemer
Never wrote stuff down
To busy looking around
And it was tiring
The teacher was close to expiring
So at school I was the dreamer

At school I was the fighter
The survivor and the nail biter
Always jumping around like a flea
ADHD from the age of three
And it was hard
The teacher made us mentally scarred
So at school I was the fighter

In someways I enjoyed it the best
All bouncy and full of zest
No worries or feelings of malaise
Just the daily grind
Of our school days
Jul 2024 · 89
The house with gnomes
We were young and eager
The curious believer
A house full of trees
Green like the peas
So they said

They told us he was a ******
Hanging gnomes from the gutter
So we had to take a look
We were young, who gives a ****
At that age

And there he was climbing up
On a ladder clutching a cup
With a beard all long and grey
Like the clouds on a rainy day
Hanging up his gnomes

By god they were ugly things
What a nightmare always brings
Gnarled faces and twisted cheeks
A horizontal chorus line of freaks
Or were they

Maybe life had given him a kick
Like a mallet hitting a brick
A depression that never ends
Porcelain figures his only friends
But how were we to know

We felt scared and also sad
As we wondered why he was mad
Watching a detachment from the chain
Of the normal working brain
Living alone in the house with gnomes
Jul 2024 · 71
Couch potato
I’m bored of going out
People make me shout
I just love the daytime tv
A Greggs breakfast will do for me

It’s Eastenders night tonight
I hoping there'll be a fight
Or an affair that ends in a flurry
I’ll view it while eating a curry

Whilst pondering a thriller
I check myself in the mirror
And wonder why I’m fat
How has it come to that

It’s all since my mothers death
When the alcohol stopped her breath
Cause my father ran off with a ****
After he dumped us from his heart

Nighttime is when I start the tears
I’ve being doing this for years
I punch myself in the face
Look at me I’m a disgrace

No one gives a **** about me
I’m a nobody is all they see
Sod it a cake will make me feel good
Instead of sleeping as I normally would

I hate being a couch potato
But it’s really all I know
I dream of it every single day
To be a dancer in the royal ballet

It’s late and I really need to sleep
Not curled up in a flabby slumped heap
But this film has got me by the hook
Think ill sit down and have a little look
Jun 2024 · 83
I see their innocence slipping
As they walk merrily over to school
And it upsets me how their growing
But I know that’s the golden rule
It was only yesterday that I could hold them
And swing them in my arms
Now if I try to lift them
My body sounds a hundred alarms
They believe their American or rappers
And they do nothing more than fight
I remember when they’d both lie together
Lost in each others sight
God only knows what the future holds
Will they still respect me when I’m over the hill
Or will they put me a sweet smelling home
Sat in a chair all perfectly still.
I woke up this morning to a very different day
The sun up in the sky had left and gone away
Birds were no longer singing outside in the trees
I suddenly felt tearful as I dropped to my knees

Gone was my yawn and waking morning sigh
A smile seemed non existent so I didn’t even try
I never saw it coming and couldn’t even prepare
For the change in my head what was lying there.
Shivers ran up and down like the winter frost
As I swam frantically in the ocean of the lost
It made me sad and devoid of all my feeling
So I looked up and just studied the celling.

The cosy mattress now became my new home
My stagnant imprint embedded into its foam
It ****** me down into its spongy bowels
I folded myself over like warm woolly towels.

I needed to rise and slap on my happy face
So I could wade deceivingly at a nice calm pace
I worried about the state of my humanity
Scared of bordering on the edges of insanity.

I debated whether to over eat or get blind drunk
Whether to sleep or smoke some bad skunk
But I slowly curled up into a ball as feared
On the day my mind disappeared.
Jun 2024 · 580
Children along the river
We played a game amongst twisted trees
Then studied the decaying river bank
And as we crouched down onto our knees
Our paper boats sailed away and sank

We rolled around the blades of grass
So fresh and pea soup green
That shone in the sun like shards of glass
It was the happiest we’d ever been

My father spotted a Heron in flight
We watched in awe as it flapped its wings
Flying gracefully away till out of sight
Indescribable is the joy it brings

Across the river some cows had broke free
As they were clambering across the stones
They were in a place where they shouldn’t be
All mooing orchestrally with brassy tones

The arching bridge rose high across the water
Like a rainbow across a darkened sky
A man made feat using bricks and mortar
The safe corridor that kept us all dry

Then it was time to head back home
Hungry but full of beans
Children along the river love to roam
Anyway, any how and by any means
May 2024 · 84
With that jet black hair
I can't help but stare
Your ocean like eyes
Have the power to hypnotise
And that lovely velvet voice
Lifts me like a hoist
Beauty that’s never been
From a world I’ve never seen
And I hang on all your words
Like a cat blissfully purrs
Oh and how I dream to be eternally yours
Sailing my boat across your shores
I pray to god each and every day
That he’ll help me and pave the way
Cause you are my recurring dream
Like water flows through a stream
Your the sun shining in my sky
Keeping me happy and keeping me dry
I yearn to be your day and night
The part of you that brings delight
As the world around me crashes
Please pull me from the ashes
They say love is a funny thing
I do smile at the joy you bring
When you decide that’s it’s time to love anew
Please lift me from the front of the queue
Apr 2024 · 234
The world in my head
There’s a world in my head
Where I go when I feel dead
In this world I take control
And take back the emotions stole
I feel happy in my shape
A boy with a means of escape
A solider feeling refined
Power undefined
Telling the world to go to hell
That’s the nice version as well
Cause this is the coping device
The world I like to entice
Nov 2022 · 220
In anger I drew a picture
Of an injustice that never was
Through blinkered eyes
And heavy sighs
I kept believing it’s because…

But in a fleeting moment
A deep reflection rose again
Through meandering thought
And emerging shame
As the realistic entered my brain

It’s hard to say your sorry
Much harder to say your wrong
So through clear thinking
And a self cleansing
You accept you’ve been stupid all along
Oct 2022 · 216
Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Break and feel free
To remake me

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Take down the walls
And relight my halls

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Repair with care
And I’ll get there

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Repaint the blue
Make me feel new

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Nail up a sign
That reads I’m fine
Oct 2022 · 184
The birds are gracefully singing
A beautifully hypnotic song
On the branches high up outside
In their glorious angelic tongue

Slowly my eyes gently flicker
As the sun pokes it head through
Like it’s delivering a subtle message
Which says good morning from me to you

Time to rise and face the world
With all its challenges and usual mess
But the warmth cocooned in my quilt
Makes me want to even less

It’s Sunday the day of rest
And no urgency enters my brain
So slowly I turn and descend
Into the wilderness of dreams again
Aug 2022 · 146
Write me a letter
Write me a letter
About your day
Mention all the problems
That stood in your way
Show me I’m human
And it’s not just me
Who has the same worries
Over a cup of tea
An offspring argument
Or a neighbours row
Show me you have the same
And share it with me now
Thank you!
You are in essence clearly to me
The ninth wonder of the world
Strong and bold
Unique and impressive
And nothing in this world
Gets anywhere close to being similar

A beacon of love created by the gods
My ninth wonder of the world
Beautiful and alluring
Fascinating and shining
If anything out there is the same
Then I’m yet to find it

Brought through space on the tail of comets
For me my ninth wonder of the world
Clever and funny
Warm and mysterious
If someone is found with the same perfection
I’ll accept it but doubt I’ll really believe it
Jul 2022 · 187
The dream
The sea and the sky combine
To form an oil painting in my mind
As the fluffiness of sleep encircles
And traps me to my bed
Through the semi conscious world I wander
Shoeless across surreal plains
Never quite getting to grips
With the surroundings I’m submerged inside
I somehow know it’s not real
Yet it feels like I should be here
The beautiful colours and strange images
Are magical yet misshapen in view
May 2022 · 158
Living in the country
Wild grass rises
Amongst the stinging nettles
Whilst residing in a world
That dances and never settles
And fields that hum so brightly
Of a yellow piercing glow
Like the bees fur as they fly
With their stings out on show
Along farmers fences
The ragged trees twist
Touched by the sunshine
But yet to be kissed
The fertile soil
All ripe and accepting
Like a bride on the altar
Lustful and expecting
Sly foxes roaming around
Cunning and conniving
Out creating trouble
With all their ducking and their diving
Farmers collecting their harvest
Monotonous in their domain
Sat lonely on ***** tractors
Weary of the rain
The rivers rushing frantic
Fishes hiding below
Reeds provide cover
For their fins as they go
Sheep’s baa and cows moo
As they wander aimless along
Wood and metal pen them in
When they sing the country song
On the river bank
Stands the narcissistic old willow
A strong change of wind
Has it weeping into its pillow
May 2022 · 113
A poem for lovers
Hello dear happiness
I wonder how you found me
On this day of imperial dread
I never sought your help
Quite the opposite to tell the truth
As I spent the day in bed
Like the serpent as it invaded Adams garden
You just slithered in
Without a pardon
And as I flittered my tired eyes
The warmness of your softening skin
Was a welcoming surprise
So thank you dear happiness
As I cuddle you closely
On this morning of bright sunshine
And as I hold you even tighter
The world outside
Now seems beautiful and lighter
Mar 2022 · 110
A tale of revenge
The little girl dances
Under the branch’s of the willow
And every time she feels the leaves
She remembers lowering the pillow

Dancing through the forest
Where the roses form like blood
She sniffs the scented open petals
And gently removes her hood

Along the rocks of the river
She lies down under the sun
Remembering how she took his life
A ****** just for fun

A troubled soul since childhood
Left in the minds of the ill
No matter how strong she put up the fight
She was taken against her will

But now she has her moment
And now she takes her turn
She runs across the grassy valley
To catch her uncle on her return

Through the streets her feet run
Into the school gates
And there as the bell begins to ring
She watches and she waits

The clouds fly overhead
And the birds dob up and down
Then she stabs him through the chest
He falls with a frown

Then she runs towards the road
Anticipating the next ****
He’s the one who makes it complete
The father in law she knew as Bill
Mar 2022 · 118
The Paparazzi man
Through the lens
I view the world in its glory
There are no fakes here
It’s the real story
As it beckons me forward
And takes my hand
I gloriously enter
The optical land
Snapping away
Fast and slow
This inglorious ******* reveals
What the people need to know
I am the watcher
The stalker in the dark
Hiding behind dustbins
And the trees in the park
I’m hated and despised
It’s the nature of the beast
In a world so hypocritical
Through the headlines they feast
The truth is all I’m selling
And I know im no one’s fan
But you’ll never ever stop me working
I was born a paparazzi man
Nov 2021 · 107
Mr doubt
Who are you man?
That voice in my head
Who spouts vile garbage
While I’m asleep in my bed

Telling me I’m ugly
Telling me I’m fat
Telling me I’m stupid
I refuse to believe that

Who are you man?
Corrupting my day
Take your ******* words
And please go away

Telling me I’m worthless
Telling me I’m bland
Telling me I’m boring
From a distant land

Who are you man?
Dragging me there
Just sail away now
Cause I really don’t care

I’ll tell you this
I’ll tell you that
I’ll tell you I’m not listening
To your nonsense chat
Sep 2021 · 129
The missed one
I dreamt of her last night
A soul whose wisdom held high esteem
She shone like a diamond
And rose like the sun
And now she has infiltrated my dream
I hope her presence will find me
Because her warmth was like the glow of a fire
Through the way she laughed
And the way she guided
Her energy couldn’t be any higher
I watch with sheer anticipation
In the hope that I will feel her near
Through feelings of cold
Or shadows in the night
In the hope that one day her smile will reappear
Aug 2021 · 401
Cloud trouble
Are the clouds getting lower
And is it true their getting slower
Will they circle us and engulf
Then devour us like a wolf
Is the sky going to fall down
Making the clouds hit the ground
Will we tuck ourselves in for the night
Only to wake up in a world made of white
Be prepared for a mighty shock
When the clouds come and run amok
Today I watched the world
Rolling along like an applecart
Every apple that fell to the floor
Resembled a part of me
Many were ripe and full of life
While some were small and colourless
And as the cart bobbled along
Its wheels seemed to lift
Then fall to the ground
Like my soul frequently does
When I think of my existence
But then the cart gets faster
And the apples seem sturdier
They don’t fall down as much
Seeming to acceptance the rocky road
Till finally they’re settled
Nicely snuggled together
Making me smile and believe
That the world isn’t as bad as it seems
Jul 2021 · 123
The seaside
Today’s the day
For me to go
Down to the place
Of the puppet show
Where the seagulls fly
Over cragged rocks
And in the distance
A boat docks
The wind whistles
Across the land
Whilst the sand and sea
Takes my hand
A sweet smell of candy floss
Fills my nose
And hotdog ketchup
Reddens my clothes
The children scream
On the looping ride
What a day I’ve having
At the seaside
Jul 2021 · 121
Dipping and bobbing and caressing the waves
Wriggling like human fish
A sensation my body craves
Cold and wet like a slobbering fool
My skin gets tickled
In the swimming pool
Silent and glorious and totally pain free
Thinking of nothing
Just my brain and me
Lucid and clear and totally aquatic
The frothy deep blue
Makes me feel all ecstatic
Refreshed and clean with confidence brimming
How I love to partake
In a touch of beautiful swimming
Jul 2021 · 120
Thrown and thrown and thrown once again
To the wind
That blows in the heavens
A day in the life of many young searchers
For fame
Waiting to be grasped
Try as they might to catch the stars
In the black bulging space
Their toil will eventually be rewarded
Stride forward fearless on the back of fear
Resisting the failure
That snaps and bites their ankles
Destiny hovers and ducks and weaves
Seemingly impossible
But the strong will catch their dreams
Like a dragons breath upon a sleepy village
Imperious, loathing and full of hate
The black and suffocating evil smoke
Floods effortlessly under the garden gate
Screams of the past roar and echo
With every flame that lights up the sky
A thousand memories slowly fade way
Into the world that imprisons all that die
Between the falling beams and shimmering glass
Lonely souls see an end to their isolation
The rut they’ve all shared in endless limbo
Now erodes and brings thankful salvation
They silently weave through the alive and now
Who omit sweat and wear human skin
This was the street where they once walked
As they await a new chapter to begin
The house burns ablaze like a furnace
Like witches the ancients made the people loathe
A fallen beauty once of majestic dwelling
The house that lived along Cedar Grove
Welcome to the cheap seats
All tattered with brownish rust
Welcome to the cheap seats
Filled with memories of teenage lust
Welcome to the cheap seats
How time as removed their skin
Welcome to the cheap seats
A mere shadow of how they begin
Welcome to the cheap seats
The workers choice of viewing
Welcome to the cheap seats
Full of sweets that they were chewing
Jul 2021 · 118
Orphan 7
The thunderclap roar of a distant storm
Stirs my senses in the silent dorm
Lifting my legs over the metallic frame
The cold jolt I feel is always the same
As my tiny feet touch the icy floor
I cautiously look towards the shadowy door
Sound is lost like a soul in limbo
So I carefully tiptoe to the rain dowsed window
The street below is dark and foreboding
Creating the feeling that the world is corroding
I dream of daddy and mother together
Kissing me goodnight from the land of nether
A car flies past illuminating the room
Revealing the walls of this miserable tomb
Teardrops fall onto my ***** nailed hand
And I wipe them away every time they land
Praying God hears me before I go to heaven
Hoping for a little love to me orphan 7
Jun 2021 · 93
Under the bridge
Sat under the bridge
She watched the river
All reeds and ***** water
Nostalgically thinking
Of childhood dreams
And lessons the world had taught her
Chewing on a sandwich
From inside a packet
The freedom was running strong
Remembering school
And friends long gone
She burst into a song
Word for word
And line for line
It made her body sway
A song she loved
That took her back
Would get her through the day
Laying back
Eyes closed
She took a sip from a bottle
Smoking a ***
Whilst drinking beer
Her mind was in full throttle
Just one kiss
A little touch
Was all she wanted in this life
Everything was gone
Her world in ruins
Another beaten wife
Breakfast starts at 7 for the workers
All tired and weary and ready to sleep
Then onto the bus or into the car
Boarding a train to travel afar
Restless and bored souls in a heap
Those people we call the workers

Wearing overalls or ironed suits
Earning their well earned bread
Sat at a desk or digging a road
Slabbing cement or selling their load
The endless cycle they’ll do till their dead
Those people we call the workers

Joking with friends to pass the time
Anything to ease the monotonous day
Using the phone or tending to the sick
Driving around or patting a brick
Time after time and hour after hour
Longing to finish so they can play
Those people we call the workers
Jun 2021 · 108
Hello from Heaven
High up and nestling in the clouds
Is a house made just for me
And when comes the day
For me to leave this coil
I will fly upwards for a cup of tea

I will peer down eagerly from way up high
And watch the world in full stride
As the birds sing
Whilst the living play
I’ll feel warm and tingly inside

Maybe I might pay a visit occasionally
Just to say a quick hello
With a little reveal
Or tap on the door
That way I’m sure they’ll know
Jun 2021 · 229
Twins gently sleeping
Their asleep, their asleep
I breath a sigh of relief
As my gentle brain unravels
And my heart begins to cheep

They snore, they snore
So content do I feel
The thoughts begin to spill out
Whilst my stamina comes to the fore

Silent breathing, silent breathing
A world of comfort floods my soul
When I look and feel all sentimental
With all the pride that I am weaving

Sweet little dreams, sweet little dreams
Share the two of them from the same pod
Tears of happiness well from my eyes
Causing my smile to burst at its seams
Jun 2021 · 108
Age of genius
The age of light and of water and of night
The age of space and of electric and of flight
The age of thinking and of hearing and of sight
The age of genius

The age of simplicity and of size and of ease
The age of medicine and of cures and of disease
The age of voices and of beauty and of ******
The age of genius

The age of seeing and of equality and of ponder
The age of creativity and of new and of wonder
The age of rain and of sun and of thunder
The age of genius

The age of storms and of eruptions and of tide
The age of extinction and of death and of pride
The age of faith and of spirit and of inside
The age of genius
Jun 2021 · 436
Drunken ramble
A drunken ramble through the wilted trees
Of dark decay and windswept pleas
Across the paths of suffocating shadow
Upon the stillness of a sleepy meadow
I slump down like a tired child
Like a clumsy elephant blessed by the wild
My heartbeat races from toe to head
As my brain dreams back to a beautiful bed
Whilst the river is running fast and unrelenting
I am like the lost soul forever lamenting
Why am I here and what do I seek
A release of guilt or a peck on the cheek
Till soon the lights of suburbia will beckon
Where the weights that tangle are sure to reckon
Alone with ones thoughts is a mental gamble
On this late night sojourn to a drunken ramble
Jun 2021 · 247
Twisting or lying prostate
May 2021 · 100
What does it mean
Falling short
Or not doing enough
The worst that’s ever been

It’s a ******
You feel low
And your energies gone
Like rain coming down in summer

Where does it end
You see no hope
Cause your hearts not in it
It drives you round the bend
May 2021 · 98
I drank the wine
From my lovers glass
And I secretly prayed
It wasn’t my last

She cleverly told me
I was still her friend
But in reality
It felt like the end

I put down my drink
And said my goodbye
Then noticed her tears
Why did she cry

I’m so very sorry
Was the words she exclaimed
Which led to a reawakening
As my passions inflamed

And then we made love
So beautiful and true
Then came those dreaded words
You know l don’t love you
May 2021 · 113
When in Rome
Matches on fire
Oh why do I watch
My brother the liar
Swirling his crotch
To inspecting girls
Beautiful faces
Perfected curls
All dresses and laces
You for me
And you for him
How good it will be
A promise so slim
I don’t want cast offs
Or my brothers choosing
Smart *** toffs
I’m already loosing
But carry on he will
Flirting and petting
It all makes me ill
My picked one is fretting
My brother is a fool
So now I’m going home
This isn’t cool
I’m not in Rome
Where you do as they do
I life my own life
I’m thinking *******
As I spot his wife
May 2021 · 251
Waking up
Through the eyelids
All yellow and hazy and warm
The sun gently creeps in
A freshness blows
As the birds sing
Signalling the day is to begin
Dust particles dance in the air
Like midges near a river
The weary eyes feel wet
A yawn is stifled
Arms stretched up
What mysteries await me yet
Snuggled under cotton
Wrapped like a mummy
The chill is creeping around
No work today
A weekend release
Loafing is duly abound
May 2021 · 102
The fat lady on the seat
A fat lady comes and sits down
On a seat in my booth
She glares at me above her spectacles
Its a bit surreal to tell the truth

I turn and stare out the window
As she pulls out a large cream bun
And I slowly hear the uneducated sounds
Off it gliding in her mouth down to her tum

Then she throws her head back
Against the large upholstered seat
And as I notice her swelling belly
I wonder how she finds her feet

She starts to snore loudly
As I stifle a little giggle
Then she jerks a bit to quickly
Before slumping again with a wriggle

My mind races over time
Wondering where the hell she’s actually going
Falling asleep after devouring a cake
What tale am I not knowing

And then she talks unearthly
Shouting in her sleep
I hate that man, I hate that man
What secret does she keep

The train pulls into the platform
And this my last stop
But the fat lady just keeps on snoring
With her belly about to the pop
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