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Jun 2016 · 392
Mississippi Queen
On the banks of the Mississippi
She shelters from the rain
Her cardboard made fortress
Is protecting her again
Destitute for years
Magnolia grows on the sides
Steamboats sail the river
The ones she imagines she rides
Counting the reeds by the hour
Talking to her bourbon bottled friend
Relieving a thousand memories
That all went wrong in the end
Dressed in her mite infested clothes
Clutching a ***** bag
A childhood full of love
It's adulthood that's the drag
Evicted from her home
Left to perish by the state
She dream't of being a singer
But now it's all to late
Alabama to the east Mexico to the south
Places she wished she'd been
Never going to happen now though
For this luckless Mississippi Queen
Jun 2016 · 244
I will help you
My ashes have been laid to rest in the old flower bed
Between the roses and the daffodils
While her tears soak down into the soil
I stand next to her side for a while
Hoping she'll sense my presence
But its all to no avail
I'm residing in purgatory now
Just till I get the nod
And the pearly gates are finally open
I can't bear to see her sullen demeanour
Sadness is like a chain round the heart
It has a mind of its own
Maybe I can leave when the chain breaks in two
Not really sure when that will be
But for now I will keep on trying
To soothe my lovers soul
I'm going to try and bring a radiance back
Then hopefully she'll move on without me
And think of me in memory rather than sorrow
I go in through the gaping mouth
And nestle on the smooth pink tongue
But the cold shower splashes me about
You didn't let me settle for very long
I flow down a lumpy pipe
And land in the odour filled gullet
That's not a nice way to treat me
Fired out like a pistols bullet
Then I feel the corrosion
It breaks me in two
Then three, four and a thousand
What have I ever done to you?
Well I hope it helps your dilemma
With luck it will make you ill
I'm innocent and stand by my word
No respect at all for this pill
I'll go now to narcotic heaven
Where I'll be welcomed with open arms
Might even bump into Anadin and Paracetamol
We'll cause havoc with our healing charms
Jun 2016 · 372
A Rockstars Blues
Wake up on the bed with three girls sound asleep
Stare at the ceiling for an hour
The Whiskey bottle lies near my face
Best get up and get a shower
The syringe lies on the floor
My arms are white with dots of red
It's a miracle I suppose
That's my hearts not decided it's dead
Rehearsing at five this evening
I'll throw the ladies out then
Then go and see the wife at home
She has a bad taste in men
My father has left me a message
Telling me I'm such a disgrace
Well wait till we have a hit again
Wipe that smile of his fat ugly face
Pastor James Jackson what a lovely man
Hypocrite on the quiet
The things I could tell about him
Would cause the press to start a riot
I remember when I came down for breakfast
And he held my mothers head in the sink
Told me to leave the room
He was hurting her I think
I'm depressed thinking about it now
Last years bike crash was a near miss
But today I might just end it all
And then give my lovely mother a kiss
Jun 2016 · 275
The Escape
The eve of trepidation has arrived
As the train pulls away from the station
I fidget with my bristly eye brow
And say goodbye to my decaying nation
Onto pastures new for me
Praying this sojourn lasts for longer
The view of the beautiful countryside
Leaves me transfixed in awe and wonder
The ticket inspector arrives
And clips my pass of gold
He wishes me a good day
Which it is if truth be told
I can't wait to climb the mountains
Or walk through the rugged pass
See a show at the theatre
Maybe meet a pretty lass
One day I will have to return
My hearts tells this deep down
The thought of this makes me weep
As I don't yearn for my old troubled town
Jun 2016 · 521
The Witches Spell
The eye of a newt
And the tongue of a man
A cauldron bubbles
To a witches plan
Venom of a snake
Tarantula fang
The odourless liquid
Erupts with a bang
Lavicious old hag
Cackles in the dark
In goes a nettle
And the fin of a shark
"Blood of the white worms skin"
"Shape into a poison dart"
"Release from the gates of hell"
"Fire into the putrid heart"
The incantation performed
A spell so potent in dread
Away from the witches circle
The knight now lies dead
Jun 2016 · 280
Flight with an Angel
I fly through the clouds
Clinging to the Angels wings
She says I'm perfectly safe
This is what paranoia brings
We've just flown over Russia
And now we're in the heart of France
I can see the delights of Paris
A place of love and real romance
As we skirt over Big Ben
This Angel picks up the pace
The icon of the monarchs realm
A Gothic structure with a clock face
Below me is the goddess of the free
And I see a light swirling ahead
Deposited onto Staten Island
The returning Angel says I'm not dead
The time just isn't right
See your children see your wife
We believe in good people
Now go and enjoy your life
Jun 2016 · 335
The Voyage
A vessel borne from wisdom
Fit to sail the high torrid seas
A crew of vagabonds and heroes
From South America and the Pyrenees
Guided by the Captain Sir George the fifth
Set sail across the treacherous Atlantic pond
A message comes from the crows nest
An island east where the coast line stretches at the front and beyond
Moored up on the sand
The rusty anchor drops into the blue
The Captain demands exploration
From his uneducated but loyal crew
A vast Island of cliffs and sand
Where the trees touch the blue diamond sky
Etched into rocks are the tribal marking
Saying 'No further or you will die'
Captured by the natives
And slain one by one
A voyage of discovery abolished
Under the eyes of the blistering sun
Jun 2016 · 317
The Doppleganger
She said I had a double
Staying in room 242
I saw him at the Manchester Hilton
And he looked just like you
He wore the same casual clothing
And carried the same silly smile
I had to pinch myself she said
As it unnerved me for a little while
You must go and find him
See the truth for yourself
Nobody can look so alike
A doppelgänger is bad for your health
So I waited outside the entrance
Nervous wasn't the word
Was it just wild exaggeration
Or did he really look like I'd heard
And sure enough I spotted him
Yes it couldn't be denied
But don't ever meet your doppelgänger
As I had a heart attack and died
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
A storm brewing
There's a storm brewing I can feel it
We feel it in our bones
There's a storm brewing I can sense it
We hear it when the cloud moans
The storm is getting closer
We can see the sky getting dark
The storm is drawing on us
We can see it making its mark
The storm is affecting our people
We can see a behavioural change
The storm is making us angry
We can see it making us strange
The storm has caused a disturbance
We can see things going wrong
The storm has left its poison
We are living its ugly song
Jun 2016 · 443
The path of life
Through bloodshed came the answer
Through despair came the pain
Through conscience came absolution
A wanderer in the rain

Talk came very cheaply
Talk opened many doors
Talk picked me up and changed me
As a confidence flowed through my pores

Feelings crossed the boundaries
Feelings played with my heart
Feelings awoke my boarded up soul
And gave me a promising start

Love conquered my enemies
Love made me open up inside
Love was the leader I just followed
But now I'm thankful for the ride
Jun 2016 · 370
Daveys rocket
Davey built himself a rocket
He wanted to fly to Mars
Made from sticky tape and apple seeds
To mingle amongst the stars
From the launch pad in his garden
His rocket was set to fly
Dressed in full astronauts outfit
Time to soar through the sky
Earth felt like a memory now
As a smile spread across his face
Past the Moon he cruised
To the outskirts of deepest space
But all of a sudden he wasn't alone
As alien police pulled him to the side
Sorry my Earthling friend they said
But this is the end of your cosmic ride
You haven't got a permit
To enter past our glittering stars
Daley reluctantly turned his rocket
Sad he didn't get to Mars
Jun 2016 · 261
The dancing girl
Through the worm infested wood
And bales of smoky hay
I watch the lady dance
She sways like the ocean
As her arms like to play
Eyes closed so solitude is assured
I'm mesmerised by her grace
Porcelain coloured skin with blue crystal eyes
Covered by the fairest locks of hair
Beauty radiants from her gentle looking face
And I don't know what she's dancing to
Some gentle and soothing songs
In a world only she sees
To music only she hears
It's a lone party where only she really belongs
I wish I could enter that place
Just for a second of one day
We could dance in motion together
Be it as friends be it as lovers
I want us both to hear the music play
Jun 2016 · 505
Long windy roads hold so much charm
Beaches of gold where the sea is calm
Underground bunkers the memory of war
To stay alive is what they're for
Farms and fields house cows and sheep
Tiny little lambs like to hop and leap
A castle atop a hill and a castle in the sea
Astound the tourists who wander round the quay
Portuguese ice cream sellers offer their delights
Children on the beach happily fly their kites
Beach shops and cafes hide in the town
Serving the locals who smile then frown
Trawlers bring oysters, lobster and shrimp
The old weary sailor collects them with a limp
Sea shells and ***** litter the shore
Abandoned and alone when the waters no more
A bright burning sun hovers in the sky
Warming the seagulls that glide and fly
The B and B's serve scampi and afternoon tea
In this mystical Eden that's just where ill be
Jun 2016 · 327
The World of Dreams
Silently they come from over the hill
Complex and challenging when eyes are still
Love, ******, horror and more
Exploding in your head through the minds open door
Some urge you awake til you're frightened, with pounding heart
Whilst others happily gain interest right from the start
Locked up images, your thoughts and desires
Being pulled along by the minds little wires
Exciting adventures and dangerous deeds
Or scary images from the cranium seeds
As day break prevails and light kills the dark
The sleeping tales still seem so real, so clear and so stark
They're laid bare to rest in the vault in your head
Ready for the night when your head hits the bed
Jun 2016 · 282
Fathers Secret room
The room stayed locked for nigh on thirty years
But I could hear the bubbling inside
A smell like meat rotting
Wafted along the hall
I would listen as he tip-toed
Along the floorboards to the door
Then it would creak open
And I see him dressed the next morning
Clean shaven and wearing his suit
With not a crease insight
Like the room didn't even exist
Of course we knew it did though
I asked Mother one cold winters morning
What does daddy do in that room
And she told me it was a secret room
Little boys weren't to know
Now thirty years on he's past
And finally I have a key
I slowly unlock the door and take a breath
Inside are animals of all different sizes
Stuffed and looking grand
Father was a taxidermist
Nothing unnatural all along
Jun 2016 · 553
The Old Cake Shop
Wonder down Mayfair on a busy afternoon
There in all its beauty lies a shop
Where succulent pastries are served
And cakes that ooze the simple delights of life
Established in 1854 and a survivor of two world wars
A national treasure never honoured
It leaves a lasting taste
The owner is a little Italian gent
Named Romeo which is quite quaint
A ***** named Nigel sits underneath the window
Begging for food or some change
And this is where the magic takes place
Cause Romeo truly shows his heart
When he gives Nigel a large sticky eclair
He then tends to his customers modestly
The police never move the man named Nigel
Cause Romeo wants the sign of the times to stay
Not to be moved from under the window
Of his Old Cake Shop in the heart of busy Mayfair
Jun 2016 · 794
Poor innocent people forced to elope
From their dwellings to which they were fond
Not knowing for sure what the crystal ball is foretelling
Or what awaits them from across the pond

A minority language completely misunderstood
Ignorance showers their very being
They try so hard to climb the ladders
But are afraid of the brutality they'll be seeing

A land of wonder but also of hate
Stretches out before their eyes
Nows the time to lay down some roots
Learn quickly how the land lies

Scattered dreams destroyed for some
But new opportunities made for others
Children need to feel the west
As do their fathers and their mothers
Jun 2016 · 414
Zoo talk
They talk all the time
Like woman in the office
About the weather
Or the zookeepers being late for their supper
And the new rhino that's arrived is discussed
Whilst the Penguins moan about the water
The camels have got the ****
A parrot gets a sore throat through talking
Lions have become vegetarians
Monkeys think swinging is beneath them
And the electric eels are shocked at what they see
Zebras have an identity crisis
The elephants want nose jobs
And just to top it all off
The giraffes think their to small
Zoo talk don't you just love it
Jun 2016 · 253
Love you
Through sleep laden eyes
I see your Raven hair
My fingertips caress the skin of your back
Feeling the smooth soft skin
You stir silently and stroke my face
It feels like the touch of an angel in flight
A small grin spreads across my already happy face
And trumpets play in the air
When I utter the words, "Love you"
Then you reply with a mesmerising sweet smile
Which elevates my soul into a trance
I lie back into the warm embracing quilt
Knowing I'm lucky I'm complete I'm yours
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
The Dock
A boat
A boat sails
A boat sails in
A boat sails in slowly
A boat sails in slowly to the docks
A boat sails crates full of bananas
A boat sails crates full
A boat sails crates
A boat sails
A boat
                                             The dock
                                      The dock fills
                                 The dock fills up
                   The dock fills up quickly
The dock fills up quickly with boats
A sailor eats oranges whole for fun
              A sailor eats oranges whole
                         A sailor eats oranges
                                        A sailor eats
                                                A sailor
Jun 2016 · 383
The Citadel
I run through the courtyard
Sweat dripping from my brow
Gaining a strong momentum
For the here and the now
My mother and my father have gone
Through love and trivial means
I am left alone with no one
Just the worldly possession of five soya beans
A guard stops me in haste
Why do you run so fast?
His bitterness I can taste
The heart has dropped half mast
My parentage has eloped into the night
To find a new place to be
They detested me at first sight
My release has set them free
And now I'm scared of the walls
I have no abode to dwell
Please let me sleep under the stalls
Of this engulfing Citadel
The long seagull infested bay
Sprawled into life before my eyes
And as the breaking waves rolled along the sea edge
I observed the locals and their look of surprise
A tanned narcissistic looking officer greeted me
He seemed to float on the golden sands
"We found her here this morning officer" he uttered
"She was naked with just a scarf wrapped round her hands"
I saw the poor bleach blonde creature
All covered over by a pristine white sheet
A drown maiden washed in by the ocean
Her modesty now restored from head to feet
The investigations were long and gruelling
But the view and hospitality never diminished
I never felt anything negative here
From the beginning to when I finished
The killer was a lonely Moroccan tourist
Who misjudged friendship for something more
Such a waste of a beautiful life
Left naked on a postcard shore
Jun 2016 · 557
How to live life
I knew you'd follow
I knew you'd absorb my dreams
Character isn't a given
Character isn't what it seems
Opportunistic details matter
Opportunistic timing assured
Make sure you treat them wisely
Make sure you feel adored
A single mistake is fatal
A single mistake makes you numb
You will have to learn to change
You will have to learn to succumb
Hear the voices around you
Hear the voices talk
They will walk into your world
They will walk where you walk
Build a sturdy strong platform
Build a sturdy mental view
Cause they will test your limits
Cause they will nuture you
May 2016 · 722
The Cave
Shimmering crystals dwarf me
Echoes repeat my name
In this chasm of the light
The world doesn't seem the same
Beautiful solid structures
Watch me from up high
I swear I see them smiling
I swear I see them cry
Why do they want me close
Am I a victim in their lair
Do they intend to tangle me up
When they cajole with that icy stare
This is how I imagine heaven
So quiet and deathly still
Yet the real sense of protection
Keeps me here at will
I know I have to leave soon
The curator will give me a shove
Just one more second to rejoice
In this temple of real love
May 2016 · 399
The Coliseum
Stumbling onto the hot dusty floor
The cruel sand stops my pace
As I turn to see my adversary
The gladiator without a face
He raises his sword swiftly
My eyes blink at the sun fuelled sky
I roll away from the ****** of air
The blade lands but I don't die
Jumping to my feet with gusto
And running away from my foe
I can his heart is struggling
The armour is making him slow
Looking down from the stands
Are the pagan emperor and his son
They want my blood to spill
But they know I've already won
The gladiator slumps to the ground
He's tired and lies down for a rest
So I carefully take his sword
And ram it through his chest
The gates of the arena open
My hand is lifted above my head
Freedom is now the prize
To the slave who should be dead
May 2016 · 344
Dot to dot of life
My life is one to a hundred
From birth till my death
One to two I don't remember
Three to seven I found my breath
Eight to fourteen I was exuberant
Fifteen to eighteen was quiet
Nineteen to twenty five I lived
Twenty six to thirty three was a riot
Thirty four to now has grown me
Forty next year has thrown things
I ponder about living to a hundred
And the delights that age brings
May 2016 · 276
Why did I fall asleep
Slips the thought into my brain
I need to calm myself down
No tequila for me again
Where did the beach go
It's so silent and serene
Adrift in the Mediterranean Sea
With the bluest sky I've ever seen
I only dropped off for a second
And now I'm floating away
The waters nice and calm though
It's nice to watch the waves sway
What's that in the distance
It's triangular and dark
Oh no looks like a fin
It appears to be a shark
My watch says eleven forty
I hope it doesn't fancy brunch
Now where has it disappeared to
Can't see it no.....CRUNCH
May 2016 · 561
I am a Bear
My furry flea ridden base
Has no time for your stupidity
As you look at me through the glass
Mouths gaping and eyes transfixed
On me eating my food
The smell of your Eau de Parfum floats in the air
And makes me feel sick
I just want peace and tranquility
Not the hustle bustle of humanity
When do I go home
To the river where the fish swim
And I bath in the ice cool water
I'm not Paddington or Rupert
I am me I am just a Bear
Please leave me be
Go home
May 2016 · 299
The Town
Leaves glide slowly into the air then fall
Onto the smooth stone steps of the market place
In this quiet little corner of the world
Where everyone knows your face
This is the town, my town
My parents encourage realism
In this complex town they built
Sheltering me from the lurid past
And the blood that has been spilt
This is the town, my town
We still believe in Angels and Fairies
But talk of the past is forbidden
They say somethings are best forgotten
The more I ask the more
gets hidden
This is the town, my town
Did my ancestors and parents do something evil
Has conspiracy rotted away their soul
One day I will find out the truth
Who's life and memories have they stole
In this town, my town
May 2016 · 198
The Passing
Mothers room backed onto mine
And I could hear her whispering breath
The loud clatter of the breakfast tray
Scared me half to death
Stay in your room shouted father
Don't get in the way
Starved of the love I wanted
My tears covered the bed where I lay
Footsteps up the stairs
And a discussion on the hall
"Thank you for coming doctor"
"She's a little peaky that's all"
Silence for an eternity
Then a creaking of my door
"Your mothers dead Timothy"
"So you can't live here anymore"
May 2016 · 323
You have me captive
Why? Do you want me dead?
You feed me which is something
Although it's usually stale bread
Above me wood creaks
When you walk around the house
No point in me shouting though
I sound like a little mouse
Here you come again
Telling me I won't get harmed
I think your to docile for that
So thank you but I'll stay alarmed
I hope you get what your after
Maybe money or just your kicks
I'll keep listening to the clock upstairs
Why it slowly chimes and ticks
May 2016 · 277
The Instructions
Don't touch the paint
That drips down the walls
I want it to be nice
And leave my cake
You can't help yourself
Not even to a slice
Leave the plants seated
On the window sill
Cause the sun likes to entice
And finally just leave me alone
Don't enter my room
I'm not going to tell you twice
May 2016 · 746
The Lonely Castle
I sat on the lonely castle, preparing a feast
I sat on the bed, dreaming of the beast
I sat on the chair, eating my feast
I saw Vikings fighting each other.
Zzzz I went as I fell asleep
Early in the morning I took my tablet
Now, I wait in peace⭐️
May 2016 · 508
The road to Woodstock
I left with my bag
It was 1969
Enjoying smoking a joint
Feeling happy and feeling fine
I was going to Woodstock
It was the age of love
The Children of God walked
Amongst the waves from above
With flowers in my hair
And peace in my heart
I just had to be there
Right from the very start
I walked across the field
A girl danced in motion
In front of me she kneeled
Before giving me the notion
That we should become one
To which I left the earth
A spiritual journey had begun
Our karma gave birth
I enjoyed the bands
The dancing and the vibe
We all held hands
A precious memory when I felt so alive
May 2016 · 260
Big Wheel view
The mechanical device springs to life
As I slowly look around
You see some really beautiful sights
When your this high above the ground
I see church spires in the distance
And cars that look like ants on the streets
Dark green colours of park land
Surround a stadium with orange seats
The beach sprawls out into the distance
Where families take a rest
The ugly sights of cranes and construction
Destroying history which I detest
I view row upon row of houses
And watch the chimney smoke waft   very near
When I sit upon the big wheel
My life becomes all to clear
May 2016 · 926
The British way
I love the British weather especially the sun
But I really can't stand the rain
And I love the smell of fish and chips
It just meddles with my brain

I love the coasts that we possess
Even the Blackpool shore
And to see the way my children play
Makes me love them even more

I love the nitty gritty of politics
Although I'm not to keen on the tories
Their quite happy to cut this and that
Amongst their sordid stories

I love our sporting culture
But I can take or leave the glamorous WAGS
All bling and silly makeup
And the nice Gucci bags

I love our capital London
Especially Leicester Square
Don't understand our Queen though
With her funny little stare

And finally I love the nature
From the Hebrides to John O groats
Where the people are very rural
As they tend to their pigs and goats
May 2016 · 199
I am the breeze blowing in the night
The sting of a glove that hits in a fight
I am the burn of the strong blistering sun
The disappointment when a enemy has won
I am the cold in the shivering rain
The ache of a weight lifter feeling the strain
I am the darkness at the bottom of the sea
The mental torture of depression running free
I am reality floating around
I am the natural cause
I am a noise making a sound
I am the maker of wars
Have you guessed me
Worked me out
Have you discovered my name
Cause I am God and I am nature
And nobody escapes my game
May 2016 · 843
The Neighbours Dog
It jumped on my table
I waved it away
It's a bit unstable
I guess you could say
It chewed my fence
I shouted it to stop
It's brains a bit dense
The penny needs to drop
It snook into my house
I showed it the door
I'd rather it be a mouse
They don't leave mess on my floor
It seems to have disappeared
I looked around the block
Run away I feared
My sorrows a shock
It still hasn't returned
I hope it's safe and well
Well heres something I've learned
I even miss it's smell
May 2016 · 1.2k
The Landslide
Widening banks laden with grass
And the river runs calmly by
The birds of nature talk the talk
Whilst the mice scurry along
Trees that spiral into the sky
As the hills are steeply sloping
The once flat land that broke away
Now stumbles into the ground
And the river mouth consumes it prey
Whilst water mingles with earth
The sun bears naked its searing heat
Onto the weeds that tangle below
Making then wild and desperately restless
And clumsy under trampling feet
It's just another page of history
Falling beautifully by the landslide
May 2016 · 548
The Coast
The rocks gather and battle the sea
Pebbles laze on the beach
Seaweed slinks over the sand
While the seagulls fly out of reach
A dog runs after a soft fluffy ball
Her owner shouts a command
Children exuberantly chase each other
A couple walk together hand in hand
Steps lead up to the old theatre
A beautiful testament to this town
Dj's and comedy night posters
Let this tiny little Art house down
The old lighthouse in the distance
Guards over the marauding tides
North East South and West
Spreads out on all sides
Never will I ever leave here
I would be lost and all at sea
God put the roots down for my happiness
And it is where I shall always be
May 2016 · 367
Seeing the Sex Pistols
It was loud and scary and angry but I loved it
It was violent and dangerous and ***** but I loved it
The singer talked bile and the bass player was vile but I loved it
The drummer was fierce and the lead guitarist was snarling but I loved it
Around me was filth
Around me was mess
Around me was violence
But I loved it
I saw horrible things
I smelt horrible things
I heard horrible things
But I loved it
They were bad they were wild they were clumsy they were disturbing but I loved it
May 2016 · 2.6k
The Pilots Wife
Boston Sydney Oslo London Berlin Montreal Ibiza Stockholm Lisbon Dublin....where are you?..Chicago Madrid Turin Liverpool....I need you home!....Tokyo India Rio Helsinki Milan Botswana....please come home....Gibraltar Alice Springs Zurich Tel Aviv St Helier Jerusalem....I really miss you x
May 2016 · 635
Enemy Friend
Frankfurt, in a bunker, in 1942
I discovered the injured man
Tended his wounds best I could
Ofcourse that shouldn't have been the plan
He was German, a young solider
But I just didn't follow orders at that time
A picture of a child and a pretty girl
Being German was his crime
I watched him go and breathed a sigh
What had I just done
We were taught to **** another nation
But my conscience had just begun
He looked back and nodded his head
Was it happiness or relief that weighed on his mind
Did he wonder why I'd helped him
Or was I just thinking blind
A conference in Berlin 1992
I started with my talk
On war crimes and dangerous times
And the paths enemies walk
As I stood to take my leave
I felt eyes watch my move
A large hand on my shoulder
I thought oh no someone doesn't approve
There he was an ageing man
But I couldn't forget his face
He smiled and we stood in total awe
And then we hugged with a respectful embrace
I often wondered why you did it
Said his old croaky voice
You should have killed me but let me live
I thank you for my families rejoice
May 2016 · 866
In the cell
  Twenty years old
   My time is almost up
    And they will put me to sleep
     Sentenced to death by a system
      Can't really say I'm innocent
     Cause I definitely know I'm not
    Can't really say I didn't mean it
   Cause I did I really did
  They hurt me I hurt them
Now I will die
May 2016 · 285
The Tree
The light peaks through the branches
As they twist and turn and bend
Embracing each other gently
Like a hug between two old friends
A bird flys into it nest
Where its young wait to be fed
It drops down the wriggling worms
With a bend of its feathery head
A window opens behind the leaves
And a baby cries into the air
The soothing process is heard
By a mother and father who care
The squirrel bobs and weaves
Along the bark that it loves
You just have to look and marvel
As what nature is giving to us
May 2016 · 921
Broken Pier
Once it was strong and full of life
Now it's a mismash of signs and rails
Place of the working man and his wife
Abandoned wood and left over tales
Now its dead with a forgotten past
Deserted on the beach as the birds fly
They soar upwards wild and fast
Up and up into the sun drenched sky
The wood is rotten and the metal rust
Waves swim through legs that are dead
A decaying image of grime and dust
As it eerily hangs out over the sea bed
I see the people take their snaps
Wondering how it might have been
For a minute of two longer perhaps
When it was alive, when it was clean
The beach is deserted apart from a few
Wandering in a sweet summers sun
Shame they can't enjoy it too
The pier that once breathed out fun
Where's the money, where's the care
Why has it been left to go
People loved to walk along there
To see the cabaret or the puppet show
May 2016 · 563
American Tales
Hotdogs, Mustard and Omelettes please
Yellow cabs, jay walking down Florida Quays
Four lanes, Juggernauts and Chevrolet cars
Lights,cameras and Hollywood stars
Palm trees, beaches and Hawaiian shirts
Gucci, Versace and loathsome old flirts
Fields, harvesters and barns full of hay
Buildings, boxes in lifeless decay
Piers, amusements and huge crashing waves
Soup kitchens, The Mission and a life it could save
Islands, storms and the hot lazy sun
Big Apple, Windy City, Graceland’s is fun
Sirens, Hydrants and never ending noise
Planes, Aliens and conspiracy driven ploys
History, Presidents wrapped up in Sams hat
Shrine, Humility where two towers once sat
Arizona, the desert, dry and ongoing
Vultures, Eagles and freeways never slowing
May 2016 · 422
A walk in New York
The sun beats down on me
And I breath in the air
This is where I want to be
In Central Park without a care
I leave the greenery
And head back to my place
God I love the Big Apple scenery
It's a wonderful wonderful place
I buy a hotdog on the corner
Onions and mustard if you please
And spot gents come out the sauna
Into the warm summer breeze
In the book store near my apartment
The girl always has a smile
I hear sirens from the police department
But I just live in denial
Tonight I'm heading to Broadway
A couple of friends are coming around
It's always busy on a Saturday
But I just love the theatre sound
My treat will be a meal for afters
And maybe a late night drink
Where I'll shout loud up to the rafters
I love how New Yorkers think
May 2016 · 206
The lonely road
It's the same monotonous walk
Along the dull lonely road
The only company I can see
Is a fat ugly toad
Past the wire fences
And the fields withered and brown
The depressing thought of half and hour
Until I reach the town
I can never get a signal
So I keep the phone away
Theres no point in taking it out
I've no one to speak to today
Why did I take this job?
Was my sanity off key
It's not a great role anyway
I'm the man that they don't see
My fathers words still haunt me
When I told him I was moving south
Make you sure find work wisely
Cause it leaves a bad taste in the mouth
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