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Aug 2017 · 308
weight in silence
CJ Turk Aug 2017
There is a weight in silence
it highlights our flaws and violence
the drip of a leaky tap
weighing heavy on nerves waiting to crack

there is suffering in fitting in
acting like someone I have never been
alone in a crowded yet empty room
surrounded by masks that consume

there is deceit in consuming to feel
always seeking yet escaping anything real
craving one feeling then the next
of misery is all it shall beget
this was wrote while very drunk in a pub garden
Jul 2017 · 719
CJ Turk Jul 2017
Clouds, a breeze of change
Breaking of the old age
Tranquility comes in tides and waves
Changing leaves on crisp cold days
Melting down to the frosty ground

Mist shourded mornings
With bleary commuters yawning
As the fresh days dawning
At lofty heights the early birds soaring
The misty valley like a coast
A great while ghost
Wrote on a train one frosty autumnal morning
Jul 2017 · 247
CJ Turk Jul 2017
Like a poison that infects your mind.
Working slow, taking my time.
Show only what I wish you to find.
Until of thoughts of me you pine.
A pretense from the start.
I will courupt your soul.
Devour your heart

— The End —