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When my mind wanders Lord
May it wander to the wonder of you
When it thinks a lie is right
Help it in clinging to your truth

When my heart is hardened
In an untimely flow of grief
May it be forever softened
With your ever loving heavenly beat

When my eyes try to close tight
So that they won't have to see
Open them with your Spirits wind
To look upon this world in need

And when my arms drop to my side
Help me to hold them open wide
To give to those the comfort
That only you Lord can provide
to me it seems
are the only thing
in which i dream
they bubble up
and take their leave
catching thoughtful waves
by any means

they shoot across
the galaxies
from oceans vast
sea to shinning sea
finding pieces
that they need
to continue on
in their day dreams

from future ventures
to playful pasts
don the spacesuit
raise the mast
take the day
from overcast
bright sunshine
where'er i'm at

with daydreams
i tag along
close my eyes
and i am gone
with these dreams
i'm always on
i've found out
there's no plateau
this is the last poem
that I'll ever write
the very last lines
i'll set into rhyme

giving the thoughts in my head
a much needed rest
with nothing else left
that needs to be said

this is the last poem
i'll pour out on page
any left over words
i'll give them away

maybe somebody else
could use them to say
a few of the things
they've been unable to say

the very last poem
to come from this hand
with all that's been said
no need to say it again

i've weaved tapestries
from beginning to end
now feel the need
to set myself free
and set down this pen
This actually isn't the last poem...
I've got too much rhyming still going on in my brain...
I do sometimes wish it would stop though...
Seems we've wandered from this path
Weaving to the right and to the left
Do you too wonder what's up with that
Knee deep in the mire and muck

Can't see the forest for the trees
Hatred in the falling leaves
Blowing ever now in the breeze
Let's start by putting our faith in love

It keeps us here and holds us tight
Hanging on for dear life
Look around what else can you find
In which to put your trust

The great divide is not too deep
The hill to climb is not too steep
With open hearts we all will see
By putting our faith in love

Have we all but forgotten
In Denmark something's rotten
With years spent at the bottom
Searching for the top

Marching to a different beat
Is a great need on city streets
Change the temp from rising heat
By putting our faith in love
I woke up today
to a brand new day
The sun was gone
the moon in its place
They both got bored
and decided to trade
Figured it'd be fun
to do it that way

Before too long
the trade caught on
The East went West
and the West went along
Then they both disappeared
when here traded with gone
Though it all happened slow
because short is now long

Night went to day
and day went to night
Tried to trade back
but day was too dark to find
Decided to stay
when decision changed its mind
Sat back to relax
When it traded with time

The North went South
looking to trade
But who could blame
The South for staying the same
They took it out back
which is now front
Sat down to have dinner
when it traded with lunch

If you ask yes
it was a tradable day
If you haven't already guessed
in quite a tradable way
 Aug 2016 Ann M Johnson
deceptive, for real,
take a rainbow , for instance,
the colors sensate
the aura
is right there
the bow and
draw to our eyes
like a concrete
right there before our
in the sky
with a prism's
colors reality
to grades shades
seeing is proof right
seeing justifies
and when I ride down the highway
searching for
the rainbows end,
too real is the sensation,
gold knowledge is right there,
before my eyes
like a phantasm
hand on
the optic nerves
beyond the next curve
I'm a train wreck
A major mess no less
If you can afford then all aboard
Do you have your tickets yet

I'm a plane crash
Watch for the debris
If you'd like then grab a flight
And go down with me

I'm a sinking ship
Much too late to bail
Barely treading water
Quickly sinking south

I'm an accident
Just waiting to happen
Getting lost in lifes crosswalk
Stepping out into traffic

I'm a fender ******
An attempted hit and run
You'll find me on or near the scene
Another accident gone wrong
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