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Bunhead17 Jan 2016
-Be courteous and respectful. If you don't like a writer, their style, or their work, just move on. Harassment or abuse of other members will not be tolerated.
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People need to be remind of these guildlines. I think they forgot what they were or just didn't read them. This is suppose to be a friendly zone.
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
Really..?  R or Top hat or Woody or James
who ever you really are.
r commented on my poem ''Poetry'' and said....
''I don't usually respond to children or little nuts that fall from an oak tree, but since you addressed me specifically, I will. You are apparently clueless about the true character of your daddy woof. If you want to be a little fly buzzing around his piles of Chihuahua crap that he calls poetry, feel free. Leave me out of your juvenile postings.  You don't know me fallen acorn, so I choose not to respond.''
You blocked me, cause I called you out and you knew that I was going to respond to your comment.
You called me a child, I'm 16 and I'm way more matture than you...
hint hint: fallen acorn..... Really...? Come on r you could have done better than that. Thats was corny and so unoriginal. :)
I really wasn't trying to get involved with this. But I was going to defend my friend and let you know what was good.
........I'm leave it right here. But come at me again and we (just me and you) are going to have some really big problems. <--thats not a threat either...its a promise that I intend on keeping.
I'm sorry guys. but this is my mood. I'm not trying to be hateful or anything...just trying to calm down.
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
It saddens me when
people use poetry
to talk badly about someone else
Poetry is suppose to be fun
not a competive sport.
Why can't we
just all support one another
and be suggestive.
We all feel the same things.
We all be through alot;
that's what usually
makes a great poet.
So stop hating on people,
it is uncalled for.
This isn't middle school.
If you have a problem
with someone then
talk to them about
or block them...
Yes, hello poetry has a
block button**
feel free to use anytime
you have a problem someone
and get on with life.
These words are for Top hat and r. (both are poets on this site)
Stop hating on wolf. Wolf is a great guy & poet.
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
Jah guide us
and protect us.
Where we are wrong,
correct us.
Jah is my salvation. <3 One love, One heart, One destiny. #Roadtozion <- Jah will be waiting there
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
They don't know*
They see me smile
but they don't know what I feel inside.
Only you know.
They see the dancing and
the preformance...
but they don't know
what I feel inside.
Only you know.
Only I know.
They see me smile
but they don't know what I feel inside.
Only I know.
I swear they don't know.
Only you know.
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
Dance takes the same amount of sweat.
Hard work and determination. The same
amount of tears. The long days and nights
of trying to get it right. I'd like to see you try
to do 3 or 4 pirouettes in a row, on your
toes, with your foot to your knee. Or try to
do a full split in the air, or practicing to
touch your head to your ****, backwards. It
require a ball, a bat or a field. All you need
is alittle bit of yourself.
**But people don't consider it a sport.
Do they?
Bunhead17 Jan 2016
I dance because, there's no greater
feeling in the world than moving to
a piece of music and letting the rest
of the world disappear.
They call it dance
I call it
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