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  Jul 2023 WordPlay
I don't get along
with my own rage
mostly I disassociate
rather then engage

Still my rage is in here
looking for a breach
of all my multi intelligence
rage is the hardest to teach!

Let me take a moment
to navigate this maze
there's so much more to living
than some festering heated rage

No one need reminding
rage can be quite blinding
but I am not a complete slave
I will keep my rage
(and off your page)
Traveler Tim
  Oct 2021 WordPlay
trauma is not
a beautiful thing
i'm not a bird
with broken wings
not a sick puppy
for you to save
not a white daisy
growing over a grave
i'm rotten inside
down to my core
grabbing handfuls
of guts and gore
pushing it back
under my skin
so you will not see
the condition i'm in
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