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The pair is unfair
Mutually n’ gradually
No scope to compare
Poles fear far apart
As if ready to depart

Their love is seasonal
And strictly procedural
Ego often ruled high
Not to see eye to eye

One inherited rich
Other inhaled rich
One dictates
Other deviates
And vice-versa
The dual is in dichotomy

Both are parallel
In defending valuation
Not in preserving values
The duo in duel always

Their mechanical meet
Defies dynamics of love
Yet, the train of their life  
Keeps on parallel track
On ethical grounds!
Maternal love is a guarantee
Paternal love is a warranty
I am in the abode of heaven,
You are on board the earth,
You did not care me,
When I loved you most,
Nor did conceive my value,
When I was alive.

My heart throbbed for you,
Till it ceased in relentless pain,
You were impatient, when I was a patient,
And now you repent and lament,
As my soul is freed heart.

I see you helpless but can’t rescue,
Not even the pretty little children.
Awake, oh my sweet heart!
The kid is wetting and crying,
Take care, adieu, my soul is plunging,
Into another body unknown,
And severing the ultimate link with you,
May God bless you all my love!
Success is a part of attempt
Failure is a part of success
Your beauty 
is the password
to log in my heart
A negotiable instrument
Earned n’ discerned
To meet my sweetie
With bread and butter
A bi-weekly welcome guest
That hosts to enrich me
To gross up my grocery
For easy access on a rainy day
An instrument of joy
In playing tunes of toned-up life
A check that saves my cheek
To kindle candle at dusk
A tool to add calories to my courage
To wear swinging singing smiles
On highway speeding joy lanes
A wise device to cheer up,
My Rose and Buds in close up
Spice up my spouse even
Upgrade my home to heaven,
For my little angels from all angles
An unfailing father of my life
To further my days cool farther
To spruce up my little treasury
And drive away my misery
A negotiable instrument
Earned n’ discerned
To meet my sweetie
With bread and butter
A bi-weekly welcome guest
That hosts to enrich me
To gross up my grocery
For easy access on a rainy day
An instrument of joy
In playing tunes of toned-up life
A check that saves my cheek
To kindle candle at dusk
A tool to add calories to my courage
To wear swinging singing smiles
On highway speeding joy lanes
A wise device to cheer up,
My Rose and Buds in close up
Spice up my spouse even
Upgrade my home to heaven,
For my little angels from all angles
An unfailing father of my life
To further my days cool farther
To spruce up my little treasury
And drive away my misery
Whisper ..... ( ?..."...." ; ; !)
Private and Confidential
Both on oath
To wrestle and sweat
on the plank of blinking light
in the pirated privacy
to a gasping breath
in the light of darkness
one loses to the other
and win each other
Lest winning alone
is more shameful
than the game itself
Dim light more delight!
The end of the game!!
Whisper ..... ( ?..."...." ; ; !)
Private and Confidential
Both on oath
To wrestle and sweat
on the plank of blinking light
in the pirated privacy
to a gasping breath
in the light of darkness
one loses to the other
and win each other
Lest winning alone
is more shameful
than the game itself
Dim light more delight!
The end of the game!!
Whisper ..... ( ?..."...." ; ; !)
Private and Confidential
Both on oath
To wrestle and sweat
on the plank of blinking light
in the pirated privacy
to a gasping breath
in the light of darkness
one loses to the other
and win each other
Lest winning alone
is more shameful
than the game itself
Less light more delight!
The end of the game!!
Words and thoughts 
are squabbling within.
More than the poem,
my peace is at stake.
Pelf may come  
Pelf may go
By itself
Like water in coconut
But self will stay
Let me place an indent,
Of my intent to the Supreme,
And plead Him to bless,
Latest version of life’s software.

My hardware turned soft,
Due to wear and tear,
And software hardened,
Long after ageing years,
I long to log in an indent,
For I belong to you for long,
Oh my dear kind life maker,
Take me with you along.

My memory space is too short,
To live long and prolong,
Please upgrade my motherboard,
From megabyte into gigabyte,
With a backup chip to guard me,
From bothering risk of data loss,
Oh lord! It is time to revamp,
My life’s biometric system.

Empower me to recall,
The memory of my past life.
Let me learn from the lessons,
Of my past to avoid future strife.
And use my yester skills,
For the rest best of life.
Let there be no sinning and sinners,
Wind up the office of hell as well.

Develop and telecast bio-software,
With multiple options to live or leave,
Sign up, sign in and sign out,
Cut, copy, paste and delete,
Log in, log out and log off,
And more such touch skin tabs to press.

May you install ante virus software?
To bind body and soul at will.
For soul is the sole software of physics
Of thy creation and recreation.
Let me place an indent,
Of my intent to the Supreme,
And plead Him to bless,
Latest version of life’s software.

My hardware turned soft,
Due to wear and tear,
And software hardened,
Long after ageing years,
I long to log in an indent,
For I belong to you for long,
Oh my dear kind life maker,
Take me with you along.

My memory space is too short,
To live long and prolong,
Please upgrade my motherboard,
From megabyte into gigabyte,
With a backup chip to guard me,
From bothering risk of data loss,
Oh lord! It is time to revamp,
My life’s biometric system.

Empower me to recall,
The memory of my past life.
Let me learn from the lessons,
Of my past to avoid future strife.
And use my yester skills,
For the rest best of life.
Let there be no sinning and sinners,
Wind up the office of hell as well.

Develop and telecast bio-software,
With multiple options to live or leave,
Sign up, sign in and sign out,
Cut, copy, paste and delete,
Log in, log out and log off,
And more such touch skin tabs to press.

May you install ante virus software?
To bind body and soul at will.
For soul is the sole software of physics
Of thy creation and recreation.
You are my glittering port
Eventual for soft night landing
A poem is a painful delivery
of a pleasant baby
Dominating democracy
The current debonair
Popular rule world over
Parties playfully bannered
Need to be well mannered
Dreamed deemed democracy
Of the people, for the people
Cozy easy essence of electoral pulpit
An elusive mirage of political outfit  

Exciting polls parlour
Power crazy parties
Seat savvy leaders
Alluring elections
Festoon of manifesto
Tuned and tutored motto
Voters’ votes wide divide
Soapy sops sweep success
Massive mandate despise
Despite passive poll
Empower modern emperor
His rising raging entourage
Poles apart; ex-party departs
Next party takes part  
Polls uphold democracy
Parties unfold idiosyncrasy
Polls are tools of power pools
Accompany the good always,
Free thyself from alluring delusion,
Tide over the turbulence of mind,
And seek liberation of Soul.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……9

Whither bound kin so keen,
When wealth is withered out?
Whither paled out lust and lucre,    
When youth is lost in transit?
Akin to drained out pond on land.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….10

Behold the fugitive wheel of world,
Of lustrous wealth and wishes to seek.
Bereft you are to be, as time swipes off,  
All ephemeral illusions in its course.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….11

Dawn n’ dusk make day n’ night,
Spring and winter take their turn,
Time plays the game of ebb n’ tide,
Yet, ignoramus hugs the storm of desires.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….12

None can save the rotten humdrum of life,
Save the sane and wise who guide n’ ferry,
Like a rescue boat in stormy ocean,
Of life revolving in birth and death.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….13

Be it an ascetic of ochre robes,
Or one in tucked from tie to toe,
Always strives only to fill his belly,
Thoughtless to the truth behind.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….14

Upper age freezing the warmth of life,
Unheeding head heading bald n’ grey,
Sickly face ******* toothless smiles,
Yet the soul clings to the pangs of life.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….15

Enslaved by the ire n’ desire,
Even in uneven evening of life,
Posthumous, none to carry or care,
Yet, one is passionate to the core.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….16
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
A holy dip in a river, revere you may,
Or any philanthropic act may it be,
Only wisdom finds divine salvation,
From cynic cycles of birth and death,
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….17

Relish respite in temple serene,
Cherish in the shadow of a tree,
Squat or lie on a flat ground,
Renounce worldly comforts,
Peace prevails in plenty.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….18

Dwell you may, in ecstasy,
Of fanfare and fortitude,
Attached to materialism,    
But, to revel in the divine bliss is;  
The only redemption of lingering life.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….19

Delve into the divine discourse of deliverance,
Sip the holy drops of sacred rivers,
Worship the lordship of Almighty
The Lord of Death dare not pinch you.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …20

Pangs of birth, panic of death,
Over and over, again and again,
Make one and all sick and sullen.
Cultivate divine diary of deeds,
Enroll the ultimate bliss of eternity.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …..21

He who cogitates cool inward,
Be content with what he has,
Contempt to what he has not,
May look like an innocent child,
Or an indecent mad cap outward.    
Believe in boundless bliss beyond …..22

Question yourself –
Who are you and me?
And other kith and kin?
There lies delusion in delight,
Of experience and exposure,
Of trials and tribulations,
Ending up in ****** dreams.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond               23

Almighty is all pervasive,
In you and me and all around,
To be furious is to be foolish,
Drop ego; uphold equality& equanimity,
As the best way to sacred sanctum  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond                24
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
Always love or like, all alike,
Kin or none, friend or foe; hate none,
Lift yourself above all weakness,
Emerge strong & hit the ultimate goal.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond                 25

Purge yourself out and converge pure;
Free from lust, greed, anger & delusion.
Look behind the eye for truth beyond,  
Unscathed by matter that does not matter
Believe in boundless bliss beyond           26

Cultivate prayer of the ultimate Supreme
Be good, do good and go with the good
No good to amass wealth without sharing
The poor and destitute deserve a better deal
Believe in boundless bliss beyond           27

Absorbed in pursuit of carnal desires,
Life culminates to cease in disease,
Mind is blind and blank of virtues till end,
Sins & sinners rule the roost without end.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond            28

Wealth that reigns is none but one that ruins,
Rich are frightened by the shadows they cast,
Joy of pelf pales off in hoarding and hiding,
Spiritual health is holier than physical wealth
Believe in boundless bliss beyond            29

Regulate breath, sensitize sense,
Condition the body and soul,
Through meditation and prayer,
Free the fickle mind to firm up,
And search for eternal delight.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond       30

Stir up your inner eye more focused,
Behold; the Lord lives in your heart,
All you need is a mentor that helps,
To liberate yourself from material life,
And capture the rapture all abound.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond        31

Worship of the Lordship is the only ship
To cruise and cross the ocean of life,
Be it chanting sacred hymns in extol,
Or be it a service to untidy society,
The essence of life is to transcend,
And attain Supreme above the self.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond.        32
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
Worship His Lordship,
Brace up timely solace,
Before you are befooled,
No syntax would serve,
When death comes to date.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….. 1

Oh Dear, desist from desires,
That govern mundane mandate.
Blessed are you, whatever deserved,
Of your actions, or inactions past,
Be content and devoted,
To your duty, serene and supreme
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……2

Concealed by shiny silky skin,
Beauty is one of flesh n’ blood,
Glow or glamour is never forever,
Introspect and respect the truth,
Let not illusion overtake your wisdom.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……3

Eventual, life bubbles off,
Like a droplet on lotus leaf,
Conjured by complexion,    
Concluded by deadly disease.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……4

Kith n’ kin crowd around,
And enjoy the fun and frolic,
Of youth, of health n’ wealth.
As the age anchors in sickness,
No referee comes to your rescue.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond……5

Sprint is the spirit of life,
The Soul holds the body
The day the Soul skips away,
Even your wife walks astray  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond……6

Fun n’ play rein budding life,
Youngling passions linger fore,
Hoary age diminishes in distress,
None to come along, nothing to impress,
When the dusk dawns on you,
Too late to mediate and meditate.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond…….7

After all, what are you!
Of whom are you?
Who your wife and children are?
Are the bonds you made binding?
What is your origin or horizon?  
Ponder over the divine marvel
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……8
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
I am a poor poet
in search of rich thoughts
His eyes were curious
As well as serious
His hands were deft
Not a speck of scene was left
He was meticulous
His vision was visible
As he picked up picturesque spot
And captured on his canvas
His trait was to portray
His foray was for hurray

A lake view flora on wood side it was  
A damsel dared to pose, expose,
Juxtaposed to the scenic splendor
Her style was stimulus
A queer artist quipped and equipped
Surveyed out and out
Figured out on screen of his mind
His brush rushed to wield
Color-mix in kit ready to yield
Latent talent of wit unveiled
Her blushing cheers
Meant blessing in disguise
Her swing n’ sway matched
With his stirring strokes
Tools and pools of skills unleashed
The way she looked was the sway he loved
He was the winner of her inners,
Nay, heart and soul!
The magnificent portrait turned out:
A great tribute to her beauty
His eyes were curious
As well as serious
His hands were deft
Not a speck of scene was left
He was meticulous
His vision was visible
As he picked up picturesque spot
And captured on his canvas
His trait was to portray
His foray was for hurray

A lake view flora on wood side it was  
A damsel dared to pose, expose,
Juxtaposed to the scenic splendor
Her style was stimulus
A queer artist quipped and equipped
Surveyed out and out
Figured out on screen of his mind
His brush rushed to wield
Color-mix in kit ready to yield
Latent talent of wit unveiled
Her blushing cheers
Meant blessing in disguise
Her swing n’ sway matched
With his stirring strokes
Tools and pools of skills unleashed
The way she looked was the sway he loved
He was the winner of her inners,
Nay, heart and soul!
The magnificent portrait turned out:
A great tribute to her beauty
A heart is powered by 
beats of love and life
Prayers heard
in divine decibels
are answered 
in human syllables
Without prayers,
You gave us heat and light
Without prayers,
You gave us air and water
Without prayers,
You gave us flora and fauna
Without prayers,
You gave us life and love
Our only prayer now is,
Never to withdraw them
But bestow more wisdom
to conserve and preserve
My primary love is 
to go well with you
My secondary love is
to grow well with others
Whisper .....
Private and Confidential
Both on oath
To wrestle and sweat
on the plank of blinking light
in the pirated privacy
to a gasping breath
in the light of darkness
one loses to the other
and win each other
Lest winning alone
is more shameful
than the game itself
Dim light more delight!
The end of the game!!
Let us not be proud
Let others feel proud of us
I am in your web
You are my only pub
You are my pulse
I am your impulse
Together, Pulsating
All questions can be answered
All answers can be questioned
A plant begins to sprout
From a dead tree
So too,
I am sure, I was dead 
Before my birth
Death is not one to fear 
It is not new to me
I know, any day
I would be summoned 
For assignment of new life
By the super soul that be
I can't carry the title
or rubble of the past, 
bitter or better,
For I should cope up
With aliens and allies next.
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
To love is my resource
Loving you is my recourse
Alphabets are our birth right
Your poems are your copyright
It is only 
your love 
that redeems
all my rigidities
Beware of the risk of 
breaking your heart
before falling in love
He is the romantic poet
She is his daily diet
My life is a complex sentence
With misplaced multiple punctuations
And grammatical errors.

"I love you", I feel,
is the best way 
to make it simple.
Are you okay?
What makes me sad is
what you made me sad
What makes me sad is:
No one is free from sad

What makes me glad is:
Every one strives to be glad
Kudos to the Promoter –
The oblivious n’ obliging  
That planned and precipitated
This Perpetual Peninsular Planet
Kudos to the Governor
Who lit nuclear fire in far fulcrum
For a clear day light delight
Creamy kind to the mankind
Kudos the Sole Soul Administrator
Who gifted circular air corridor
And nosed it down into lungs
To beat to the heart’s content
Kudos the Chief Organizer
Who sponsored organic life around
Induced conducive premises
To belong and live long along
Kudos to the Ace Architect
Who opened up infinite cosmos
To host finite entities to thrive
Cycle and recycle thru infinity
Kudos to the Ubiquitous
Who master minded gene n’ genre
To organize sensory organs
And make chosen living
Kudos to the Promoter –
The oblivious n’ obliging  
That planned and precipitated
This Perpetual Peninsular Planet
Kudos to the Governor
Who lit nuclear fire in far fulcrum
For a clear day light delight
Creamy kind to the mankind
Kudos the Sole Soul Administrator
Who gifted circular air corridor
And nosed it down into lungs
To beat to the heart’s content
Kudos the Chief Organizer
Who sponsored organic life around
Induced conducive premises
To belong and live long along
Kudos to the Ace Architect
Who opened up infinite cosmos
To host finite entities to thrive
Cycle and recycle thru infinity
Kudos to the Ubiquitous
Who master minded gene n’ genre
To organize sensory organs
And make chosen living
words are same
poems are different
bricks are same
buildings are different
cloth is same
clothes are different
body is same
beauty is different
life is same
living is different
principle is same
product is different
God is same
prayers are different
light is same
lights are different
men are same
manners are different
Road is same
Destinations different
Words are same, poems vary
Bricks are same, buildings vary
Cloth is same, clothes vary
Body is same, beauties vary
Man is same, manners vary

Life is same, living varies
Principle is same, product varies
Light is same, glow varies
Road is same, destination varies
God is same, prayer varies

If none is same, none to vary
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