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Birth and death
Good and evil
Love and hatred
Courage and cowardice
Friends and foes
Optimism and pessimism
Bossism and insubordination
War and peace
Sun and rain
Spring and summer
Devil and divine
Heart and soul
Heaven and hell
Origin and horizon
What if and what not?
Life is synonymous with antonyms.
Save good money for future
Spend good time at present
Born of coupled love
Brought up in mother’s love
Studded and embedded
Into the budding tot lot
Blossomed in teens
Grown intense in Intermediate
Graduated with admixed lust
With juvenile jubilance
Bonded in ties in twenties
Love n’ lust operate life
Singly or jointly
To free from dormant life
No caste, color or creed
Life is the school of love
Love is the scholar of life
A sacred tool to believe
And to live and let live
Born of coupled love
Brought up in mother’s love
Studded and embedded
Into the budding tot lot
Blossomed in teens
Grown intense in Intermediate
Graduated with admixed lust
With juvenile jubilance
Bonded in ties in twenties
Love n’ lust operate life
Singly or jointly
To free from dormant life
No caste, color or creed
Life is the school of love
Love is the scholar of life
A sacred tool to believe
And to live and let live
I am your physics
You are my chemistry
Together - biology
Seed is the need
Greed is the ****
Seed is to grow
**** is to throw
Light is seen,
Power is unseen
Product is seen
Producer is unseen
Hardware is seen
Software is unseen
So too ….
Creation is seen
Creator is unseen
What is seen is within
The wavelength of vision
Unseen is beyond
Way behind eye-band
Seen is known
Unseen is felt
Seen is material
Unseen manifests
Explore the frequency
Catch the cosmic signals
Mind you, remind you
Mind is the only mode
With its boundless band
For an everlasting bond
Light is seen,
Power is unseen
Product is seen
Producer is unseen
Hardware is seen
Software is unseen
So too ….
Creation is seen
Creator is unseen
What is seen is within
The wavelength of vision
Unseen is beyond
Way behind eye-band
Seen is known
Unseen is felt
Seen is material
Unseen manifests
Explore the frequency
Catch the cosmic signals
Mind you, remind you
Mind is the only mode
With its boundless band
For an everlasting bond
Light is seen,
Power is unseen
Product is seen
Producer is unseen
Hardware is seen
Software is unseen
So too ….
Creation is seen
Creator is unseen
What is seen is within
The wavelength of vision
Unseen is beyond
Way behind eye-band
Seen is known
Unseen is felt
Seen is material
Unseen manifests
Explore the frequency
Catch the cosmic signals
Mind you, remind you
Mind is the only mode
With its boundless band
For an everlasting bond
Life is sentenced to live
No words equal to love
Death is not only a word
But also a sentence
On a deadly day
Air-locked lungs
Severed air-links
By tyranny of time

Yester beauty lost in pesters
In the travail travel of life
Deeds, deals are doomed
Solo soul slipped out sad
Of static veins, bones and blood
Body is now nobody to anybody

Unlocked fast food counter;
The paradise of parasites
The stray dogs’ dish delight
The flying hawk’s eye-catch
Wholesome diet for the day

Stinking corpse threatened
Endangered epidemics
World worried and buried
The Esquire in a square
Of engraved box in a grave

Soul in hunt of sprouting seeds
Of vibrant hygienic genes
For long sustained body’s succor
Of its own make – sane or sin,
Of heaven’s choicest justice
On a deadly day
Air-locked lungs
Severed air-links
By tyranny of time

Yester beauty lost in pesters
In the travail travel of life
Deeds, deals are doomed
Solo soul slipped out sad
Of static veins, bones and blood
Body is now nobody to anybody

Unlocked fast food counter;
The paradise of parasites
The stray dogs’ dish delight
The flying hawk’s eye-catch
Wholesome diet for the day

Stinking corpse threatened
Endangered epidemics
World worried and buried
The Esquire in a square
Of engraved box in a grave

Soul in hunt of sprouting seeds
Of vibrant hygienic genes
For long sustained body’s succor
Of its own make – sane or sin,
Of heaven’s choicest justice
On a deadly day
Air-locked lungs
Severed air-links
By tyranny of time

Yester beauty lost in pesters
In the travail travel of life
Deeds, deals are doomed
Solo soul slipped out sad
Of static veins, bones and blood
Body is now nobody to anybody

Unlocked fast food counter;
The paradise of parasites
The stray dogs’ dish delight
The flying hawk’s eye-catch
Wholesome diet for the day

Stinking corpse threatened
Endangered epidemics
World worried and buried
The Esquire in a square
Of engraved box in a grave

Soul in hunt of sprouting seeds
Of vibrant hygienic genes
For long sustained body’s succor
Of its own make – sane or sin,
Of heaven’s choicest justice
Silence is unnatural
that sounds so well
to those silent.
I was astound astronaut
Buckled up in cockpit
Of rocket ready for blast
It was zeroed down
Moments were intense
I was tense
My heart lost its art
No way…..
It was zero and blast
I was taken aback, soon
It took off to alarming heights
Jolted my heart and soul
Soon dauntless vehicle
Zoomed into sky above
The bow of blue blown above
I was flabbergasted
I was in the midst of stars
On and all around
I heaved a sigh, well neigh,
My ship was nearing
An alien planet to align
I was speeding up
Swerving my way in hilly tracks
On mysterious land and only land
Of curves, curls, colors n’ collars
I was running short of breath
The rocking rocket made its retreat
At its predestined time  
And put me back into my soul
No sooner I woke up from spell
Realized, I was not in suit
But in sweat
At Epcot in Disney Land!
My heart has only
single room
with a double bed
Of divine dimensions
Second to none
Autonomous anatomy
Fanatic fantasy
Symmetric synthesis
Baffling beauty
Calibrated celebrity
Decoded dress décor
Ornate as if to incarnate
Breathless breathtaking body
Exuberant exterior
Envisaged visage crystal clear
Natural curvature
Done with intricate care
Exquisite lovely carving
Touched etched inch by inch
Exhibit chronicle of caliber
Inquisitive audience
Craving for radiance
Static statue
Dynamics of art
Ecstatic spectacle
The living example
Of the astounding sculpture
Of divine dimensions
Second to none
Autonomous anatomy
Fanatic fantasy
Symmetric synthesis
Baffling beauty
Calibrated celebrity
Decoded dress décor
Ornate as if to incarnate
Breathless breathtaking body
Exuberant exterior
Envisaged visage crystal clear
Natural curvature
Done with intricate care
Exquisite lovely carving
Touched etched inch by inch
Exhibit chronicle of caliber
Inquisitive audience
Craving for radiance
Static statue
Dynamics of art
Ecstatic spectacle
The living example
Of the astounding sculpture
Of divine dimensions
Second to none
Autonomous anatomy
Fanatic fantasy
Symmetric synthesis
Baffling beauty
Calibrated celebrity
Decoded dress décor
Ornate as if to incarnate
Breathless breathtaking body
Exuberant exterior
Envisaged visage crystal clear
Natural curvature
Done with intricate care
Exquisite lovely carving
Touched etched inch by inch
Exhibit chronicle of caliber
Inquisitive audience
Craving for radiance
Static statue
Dynamics of art
Ecstatic spectacle  
The living example
Of the astounding sculpture
Of divine dimensions
Second to none
Autonomous anatomy
Fanatic fantasy
Symmetric synthesis
Baffling beauty
Calibrated celebrity
Decoded dress décor
Ornate as if to incarnate
Breathless breathtaking body
Exuberant exterior
Envisaged visage crystal clear
Natural curvature
Done with intricate care
Exquisite lovely carving
Touched etched inch by inch
Exhibit chronicle of caliber
Inquisitive audience
Craving for radiance
Static statue
Dynamics of art
Ecstatic spectacle
The living example
Of the astounding sculpture
Sprouted by vibrant sperms,
Sprang up in violent genes,
Life is a fount full of germs.

Truth is bitter and no better
Lies are to keep life easy and rosy
Loves and leads a lazy legend
Hurts and hurls others to thrive
Feels safe and strong in flesh and blood
Enjoys the wealth of health in youth  

Strong and selfish sign out morals
Week and meek lack morale
Mind is more money maniac
Sweeps off soul as silly sole
Skin is thick with sundry sins

As worms scooped out warmth of life,
Age squeezed flesh and blood from body
No scouts and screams for succour in sight
Save pale praying lips from kith and kin
Alas! Vexed soul vanished from forbidden body
In futile search of budding spirit to boom again.
Oh God! From tainted tomb to wanted womb.
Sprouted by vibrant sperms,
Sprang up in violent genes,
Life is a fount full of germs.

Truth is bitter and no better
He choses to keep life easy and rosy
Loves and leads a lazy legend
Hurts and hurls others to thrive
Feels safe and strong in flesh and blood
Enjoys the wealth of health in youth  

Strong and selfish sign out morals
Week and meek lack morale
Mind is more money maniac
Sweeps off soul as silly sole
Skin is thick with sundry sins

As worms scooped out warmth of life,
Age squeezed flesh and blood from body
No scouts and screams for succour in sight
Save pale praying lips from kith and kin
Alas! Vexed soul vanished from forbidden body
In futile search of budding spirit to boom again.
Oh God! From tainted tomb to wanted womb.
My first flight was a fancy funny dream cream delight,
Of crafty wings swinging in thriftyjwinds of daylight,
Propelled by pilots cocooned in the cozy cockpit,
For a grand take off, of the roaring and rising craft.

I was spotted and seated by a dainty bounty beauty,
Beckoning me to buckle up for reckoning safety,
With slippery smiles from her clipping rosy lips,
After brisk demo for self -help on risk rescue tips.

Skiing wings nosed up plush and puffy heights,
And up and up I went and gazed through vent,
As basking clouds shone in tender light and heat,
Flight floated on velvet carpet glowing silver white.

The sailing swan in sky moved in majestic style,
Eased and caused nagging nap of lull and pull,
Her long and lavish belly hosting high fly guests,
Rays and rain gifted a colorful bow to the far west.

The queen in quest lensed on landing scene of the city,
Focused on the crown of castles of unseen beauty,
Trespassed vibrant greenery and scenery, hills and hillocks,
Rivers and rivulets, flora and fauna in all mix and make,

The mettle of men and machine did its marvel in travel,
As the veiled wheels unveiled and wielded to safe land,
The metal bird grounded on a grand ground around,
And rejoiced rousing reception of the curious crowd.
Man moved the mouse
Mouse moved the world
Click it, Never **** it!
My smile is an elation
Your smile is a relation
All smiles are not same
Pick up the right one
If none comes with you
You go with every one
Overcast canvas wide within the visible range,
Down the canopy of crowded clouds in rage,
Nature sprayed its petals and pellets of snow,
From the ethereal sky in a cool blend of harmony,
Oh behold!  the scenic splendor of its sway in its way.

As the day opened up and glittered silver ground,
Dauntless daunting flora and fauna lie dry and high,
Long await cool each its day to bounce and blossom.
And the studious heads heading on foot,
Armoured with hefty winter wear to capture
The beauty in their hunt to haul the wealth in books,  
In the city of university towering high on hill ridge.

It rained and drained thoughts in me to vent,
Sans a day out on stroll in flowery rain to venture,
As I peeped safe through the window panes,
The bewitching landscape in adamant restraint.

And then I looked and locked my iris open on ice,
As pals and pets plying and playing at length so nice.
Towing transport wade through the salted roads,
No matter how hard the day to drag in heaps of odds.

Evening lights highlight twilight of the day,
In a bid to bid good night for the lovely day,
And welcome the day next for the recurring show
Of ceaseless breath of life amidst flying flakes.
Overcast canvas wide within the visible range,
Down the canopy of crowded clouds in rage,
Nature sprayed its petals and pellets of snow,
From the ethereal sky in a cool blend of harmony,
Oh behold!  the scenic splendor of its sway in its way.

As the day opened up and glittered silver ground,
Dauntless daunting flora and fauna lie dry and high,
Long await cool each its day to bounce and blossom.
And the studious heads heading on foot,
Armoured with hefty winter wear to capture
The beauty in their hunt to haul the wealth in books,  
In the city of university towering high on hill ridge.

It rained and drained thoughts in me to vent,
Sans a day out on stroll in flowery rain to venture,
As I peeped safe through the window panes,
The bewitching landscape in adamant restraint.

And then I looked and locked my iris open on ice,
As pals and pets plying and playing at length so nice.
Towing transport wade through the salted roads,
No matter how hard the day to drag in heaps of odds.

Evening lights highlight twilight of the day,
In a bid to bid good night for the lovely day,
And welcome the day next for the recurring show
Of ceaseless breath of life amidst flying flakes.
A description of  picturesque winter I happened to see in Syracuse
Overcast canvas wide within the visible range,
Down the canopy of crowded clouds in rage,
Nature sprayed its petals and pellets of snow,
From the ethereal sky in a cool blend of harmony,
Oh behold!  the scenic splendor of its sway in its way.

As the day opened up and glittered silver ground,
Dauntless daunting flora and fauna lie dry and high,
Long await cool each its day to bounce and blossom.
And the studious heads heading on foot,
Armoured with hefty winter wear to capture
The beauty in their hunt to haul the wealth in books,  
In the city of university towering high on hill ridge.

It rained and drained thoughts in me to vent,
Sans a day out on stroll in flowery rain to venture,
As I peeped safe through the window panes,
The bewitching landscape in adamant restraint.

And then I looked and locked my iris open on ice,
As pals and pets plying and playing at length so nice.
Towing transport wade through the salted roads,
No matter how hard the day to drag in heaps of odds.

Evening lights highlight twilight of the day,
In a bid to bid good night for the lovely day,
And welcome the day next for the recurring show
Of ceaseless breath of life amidst flying flakes.
Give me your soft touch
I will break hard rocks
Solitude is no solution for tranquility 
It makes remedy worse than malady
The best solution to dissolve
a problem is to resolve
There is so much
Love in the air
like oxygen
Flying without wings
Cruising without cruise
Running without legs
Working without hands
Viewing without eyes
Hearing without ears
Yelling without voice
Tasting without tongue
Soul on stroll in stealth
Skipping from asylum
In pursuit of pleasure
Mid-way in slumber
Away from routine
On its delight subtle shuttle
Weaving reams of dreams
That seldom creamed out true
Written off at dawn of the day
Flying without wings
Cruising without cruise
Running without legs
Working without hands
Viewing without eyes
Hearing without ears
Yelling without voice
Tasting without tongue
Soul on stroll in stealth
Skipping from asylum
In pursuit of pleasure
Mid-way in slumber
Away from routine
On its delight subtle shuttle
Weaving reams of dreams
That seldom creamed out true
Written off at dawn of the day
Flying without wings
Cruising without cruise
Running without legs
Working without hands
Viewing without eyes
Hearing without ears
Yelling without voice
Tasting without tongue
Soul on stroll in stealth
Skipping from asylum
In pursuit of pleasure
Mid-way in slumber
Away from routine
On its delight subtle shuttle
Weaving reams of dreams
That seldom creamed out true
Written off at dawn of the day
So what I am not wealthy,
I am hale and healthy
So what I am not clever,
I am not a dunce
So what I am not handsome,
I am smart
So what I am not daring,
I am not timid
So what I do not own a house,
I feel at home with nature
So what you do not love me,
I love you as human being
So what I am not popular,
I am not unpopular
So what I am not prominent
I render selfless service
So what I am not in limelight,
I hold my delight
I am content with what I possess
I am the average man of aggregate life
My love for all is generic,
For you, is specific.
Why do you bake 
your brain in bed?
Warm up my heart 
in your blanket
Rhythm will follow
Rhymes will flow
Fathom AND
Unfathom your DNA
Rich are in United States
Poor are in pathetic state.
He was on toes in his twenties
She was in tunes in her teens
He was alone, she was along
He was curious, she was cordial
She was catering to his senses:
With her ply, play and ploy
Her electrifying looks
Greeted his soul to seek
Tricked and kicked his heart
Her smiles rolled on his lips
Her face fashioned fair n’ familiar
Beauty was her boon, his moon
An intangible asset to cassette
It was one to one homely affair
Win-win scene in solitude
Her free style was explicit -
Board of her body language
Her chromatic costumes,
And cosmetic feel of touch
Enshrined in the tablet of his memory
She sang, danced n’ pounced in passion
Coupled up his thoughts  
For a couple of hours
Her smart artistic calibre,
Teeming teenage tickle,
Shook up and hooked up
His conduct and character
He could see her face to face
In her filmy on-screen display
Of moving movie telecast
He was her fan in disguise
She was his fiancée in guise
And an articulate artist
Lo! Love is the mother of life
Stepped out from eternity
Stepped into fraternity
Stepped forward in purity
Stepped around with clarity

Stepped up with serenity
Stepped across in vanity
Stepped behind in uncertainty
Stepped backward in insanity

Stepped down in sanity
Stepped along humanity
Stepped out of fraternity
Stepped back into eternity
Stepped out from eternity
Stepped into fraternity
Stepped forward in purity
Stepped around with clarity

Stepped up with serenity
Stepped across in vanity
Stepped behind in uncertainty
Stepped backward in insanity

Stepped down in sanity
Stepped along humanity
Stepped out of fraternity
Stepped back into eternity
We are different but strong
Like fingers making a fist
Success is only a step 
forward to your last attempt
Your last attempt is one
that is bound to succeed.
Fruit of love is sweet
Fruits of love are sweeter
My sugar level is optimum
with sweetness of your love
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