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Super Dad had
Has His fad
To be formless
To keep us in form
To be homeless
To stay with us
To be selfless
To keep us harmless
To be ceaseless
To besiege relentless
To be of no origin
To originate  
To be fathomless
To keep us afloat
To be unreachable
To reach us all at once
To be infinity
To carry us thru’ infinity
Essence of His absence
Is to sense His presence.
God is not a living entity
But a loving eternity.
Two things are ever fresh
Your beauty and my love
I am the problem
You are the solution
an evolution
Exchange your heart
Not blood
Donate blood
Do not shed
You are Mine
Let me Explore
What Best I can.
Never ending
war within
in search of
an everlasting peace
Failure is a backward step
Meant for a forward movement
He is on ventilator
I am at the window
He is in hospital
Close to the grave
I am in hostel
Close to the college
I am opening book
He is closing bible
He is breathing out
I am breathing in
His ventilator is shut
My window is opened
He is eighty
I am eighteen
He is diseased
I am besieged
He lost ground
I am gaining ground
He is my grandfather
Who led a grand life
I am his grandson
Left to lead a branded life
You are my weakness
if you are far away
You are my strength
If you are close by
Write a poem
Feel sleepless
Read a poem
Feel sleepy
The seeds of noble thoughts
grow well in fertile minds
Love is like the filament of life
That glows in vacuum and
Blows out in erratic current
Between the lover and the loved
Let us love each other
To fill in the blanks
Life is a ceaseless mystery
Man lives with his mastery
Unjust, he justifies his actions
His oracle ends up in a debacle

His justice is self-adjudged as best
Justice juggled to his needs and deeds
Fair judgment makes one happy for once
And unfair one keeps all hapless always.
Lawyer quotes law and courts witness
Witness exhibits his tuned and tutored wit
As tussle of right and wrong goes along
Judgment ends up with justice to one,
And injustice to other begins to open up.
Oh behold!  The Supreme Justice,
The luring, daring and dear divine
Who makes flawless laws of creation,
Who creates to destroy any thing sooner,
And destroys to create all things later,
Who made birth and death a myth  
Life paired up with hope and despair
The Lord is forthright and farsighted,
He floated a flawless law of nature,
He withholds injustice to uphold justice,
His Majesty is frank and fair,
His Balance Sheet is clean and clear
His judgment is fine and final,

Man’s good deeds are his best assets,
His bad deals are his lingering liabilities
His net-worth makes hell of difference;
Gleam or gloom, flourish or perish.
Justice delayed but never denied.
Creative Creator created
Creation out of recreation
Injected harmonious hormones
For boundless bonding
Of the first earthly pair    
Love was in test foremost
A mystic apple mapped its best
To wrap up love and lust
Betwixt male n female at first
Duo were face to face
Seeing eye to eye
Breathing nose to nose
Testing the tasty touch
Limb in libido, libido in limb
In all permeable permutations
In combing combinations
The test fire tested fine
Life on earth began to define.
Creative Creator created
Creation out of recreation
Injected harmonious hormones
For boundless bonding
Of the first earthly pair    
Love was in test foremost
A mystic apple mapped its best
To wrap up love and lust
Betwixt male n female at first
Duo were face to face
Seeing eye to eye
Breathing nose to nose
Testing the tasty touch
Limb in libido, libido in limb
In all permeable permutations
In combing combinations
The test fire tested fine
Life on earth began to define.
Before ...
As you grew
my focus was
on your beauty
and love
As I grew
your focus was
on my duty
and devotion

After .....
As you grew
my focus is
on your growing
beauty of love
As I grew
your focus is
on the strength
of my love
You have
better focus
in darkness
is a naked truth
Major source of
food for thought 
for poets
appears to be
natural love 
and lovely nature
My manners have no muscle
Your muscle has no manners
Let my manners & your muscle
take us forward
I love you steadfast
Flower your smile 
of consent
I rejoice
Or if you smile away
in contempt,
I have no regrets
in diluting my love 
I weigh your love
more than mine
and more than your beauty
You fell
into my looks
I fell
into your love
You fell
Into my hands
I fell
into your plans
Is it only Fall
No Spring?!
Good books are my friends
Good friends are my books
He is my good friend
Let him be yours too.
Good books are my friends
Good friends are my books
Fructify my love
Fortify your life
Let it be
Only you & I
For me & you only
Fruits of pain are pleasant
Fruits of pleasure are painful
I aired  
You blared
I floated
You deflated
I voiced
You snapped
I penned
You pinned down
I smiled
You frowned
I accosted
You accused
I loved
You turned down
I admired
You abhorred

Distressed and depressed,
as now you are,
you seek my love,
when it is too late to honor
My love is since twined
To the one who loved me most

I forgot and forgave
All your indecent excesses
Of the past, yet ready now,
to share my bread, my dear,
But never dream of my bed.
Your future is in your hands
Let it not slip into others'
Your future is in your hands
Let it not slip into others'
I for you
You for me
We for our future
Love is gain
free from pain
without bargain
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
You & I
are the rhyme & rhythm
song and dance
spring and fall
sun and moon
day and night
subject and predicate

Lung and heart
care and caution
health and wealth
strength and solace
power and peace
present and future
Life and death

Given the choice/chance,
Let us repeat the show
a milling million times,
in the pavilion of life
as Adam & Eve
Give me your days
I will give you my years
Life, the present tense
Pleasant and promising
Singular & plural
Fair blend of gender
Active noise, passive voice
The grammar of life

Life is intense,
Glowing and glorious;
Blue blown umbrella
For wide void exposure
Feather touch weather
For cool n’ calm respite
Illuminated one half
To eke out living  
Glittering dark on other half
To rest and recuperate    

Aroma of smiling flowers
Multicolor corona  
Green rich panorama
Overseeing mountains
Rousing roaring oceans
Patrolling Hydro Power Puffs
Add bonus to the bevy
What a glamorous globe in space!
It glitters more on
the darker part of a day
You can certainly see God,
not in your life time
God is alive for ever
He was never born
God is seen nowhere 
Yet blamed for all your misdeeds
If there is no scope for hope, 
hope for scope.
Sky hits the eye
Black and blue
Day and night
Life is ever green to some
Never green to many
Heart is guardian of love
Love is guardian of life
May new year bring
new springs of joy
and shower fresh 
flowers of fortune
I am looking
Not for the heart
Filled in flesh and blood
But for a heart
Filled with passion
Not for the heart
Caged in bones and veins
But for a heart
Loaded with compassion
Not for the heart
Busy ever on its beat
But for a heart
Showering love ever on me
I like you liking me
If you like me liking you
I reserve and preserve
My love for you
For our wedded embedded life
I am looking
Not for the heart
Filled in flesh and blood
But for a heart
Filled with passion
Not for the heart
Caged in bones and veins
But for a heart
Loaded with compassion
Not for the heart
Busy ever on its beat
But for a heart
Showering love ever on me
I like you liking me
If you like me liking you
I reserve and preserve
My love for you
For our wedded embedded life
I am looking
Not for the heart
Filled in flesh and blood
But for a heart
Filled with passion
Not for the heart
Caged in bones and veins
But for a heart
Loaded with compassion
Not for the heart
Busy ever on its beat
But for a heart
Showering love ever on me
I like you liking me
If you like me liking you
I reserve and preserve
My love for you
For our wedded embedded life
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