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Two hearts make a life
Many hearts make the world
Poets are heart specialists 
proving good at operation of love
Heaven is what I heard
not what I saw
Love is what I saw
not only what I heard
Heaven is the word I knew
Not the world I viewed
Love is the world I viewed
Not only the word I knew
Heaven is not my home
Let my home be heaven!
All roads lead to heaven
Provided all minds lay them
God only helps
None else
You may help
But I find in you
The seed of God.
Wish YOU happy,
New Year!
Keep us happy
Without your fear.
Scoop out.
There is a hidden success
behind every failure
Hold my hand, hold my hand,
Called her father to his baby,
“Here is the narrow bridge to cross,
Slip and fall you may, my lass!”

No dad, no dad, hold my hand,
Sure, you will not let me skid,
Safer I do feel in your fold,
Than you in my tiny hand.

Hold the weaker and meeker,
Their bond of trust is stronger,
Than the strength of your grip,
So is the essence of relationship
Neither too good to be pulled to heaven,
Nor too bad to be pushed into hell.
My soul tossed between the twin poles,
For I am neither a saint nor a sinner,
To be berthed in a glowing globe,
Or thrown in a blowing globule.

Heart and soul coupled and framed abode,
For a bond of a home maker and a joy seeker,
Heart is smart in loving and living in anchor,
And soul that leaves and lingers in hunger
One that enjoys known heaven at home,
And the other entangled in unknown haven.

Nay, my soul and me are one and heed to none,
Propelled we ported on a day in heaven on mission,
Grasped by a welcome drink in local ambrosia,
It looked as if we clinched at ultimate panacea,
On a jolly ride hosted in the merry Maryland.

And then pal of gloom unveiled;
No birth and no mirth to make,
No death and no change or challenge,
No hunger and no taste of food,
No thirst and no feel of quench,
No ambition and no mission to fulfill,
No identity and no entities to entice,
No kith and kin and no fun and frolic,
No home of my own and none to be homely,  
No work and no wisdom to worship oh Lord!
And what an unearthly heaven is it?
An earthly year is lost for a day in heaven.

And then I prayed, praised, pleaded and pleased,
The powers-that-be to fuse my heart and soul,
And help unearth the heaven on earth.
Neither too good to be pulled to heaven,
Nor too bad to be pushed into hell.
My soul tossed between the twin poles,
For I am neither a saint nor a sinner,
To be berthed in a glowing globe,
Or thrown in a blowing globule.

Heart and soul coupled and framed abode,
For a bond of a home maker and a joy seeker,
Heart is smart in loving and living in anchor,
And soul that leaves and lingers in hunger
One that enjoys known heaven at home,
And the other entangled in unknown haven.

Nay, my soul and me are one and heed to none,
Propelled we ported on a day in heaven on mission,
Grasped by a welcome drink in local ambrosia,
It looked as if we clinched at ultimate panacea,
On a jolly ride hosted in the merry Maryland.

And then pal of gloom unveiled;
No birth and no mirth to make,
No death and no change or challenge,
No hunger and no taste of food,
No thirst and no feel of quench,
No ambition and no mission to fulfill,
No identity and no entities to entice,
No kith and kin and no fun and frolic,
No home of my own and none to be homely,  
No work and no wisdom to worship oh Lord!
And what an unearthly heaven is it?
An earthly year is lost for a day in heaven.

And then I prayed, praised, pleaded and pleased,
The powers-that-be to fuse my heart and soul,
And help unearth the heaven on earth.
Back home on a tired evening
Wading thru’ weary sea of traffic
Pervading miles of city in panic
I for one was stranded
At many a signal cross
As I gazed out leaning glass up my wheel
Sky was growing grey and gloomy
As if worried of descending glow of light
Clouds playing clown overhead in gay delight
Unencumbered birds on a free flying stroll
Rid of roads and blocks and unruly rules
Avenue leaves grew dark green in fading light
Friendly wind patting hope of  post-nap light
Awake! A restless horn blew behind
As signal light switched to green
And cleared my nagging way
Bikers left and right darted their way
I was jittery fluttery but none to care  
Blurring head light forward glow
Scaring red light backward blow
Jolted me to gear up and down
Steer and peddle my pads in puzzle
To save and grab my homeward track
Oh! I wish I had wings than wheels
Back home on a tired evening
Wading thru’ weary sea of traffic
Pervading miles of city in panic
I for one was stranded
At many a signal cross
As I gazed out leaning glass up my wheel
Sky was growing grey and gloomy
As if worried of descending glow of light
Clouds playing clown overhead in gay delight
Unencumbered birds on a free flying stroll
Rid of roads and blocks and unruly rules
Avenue leaves grew dark green in fading light
Friendly wind patting hope of  post-nap light
Awake! A restless horn blew behind
As signal light switched to green
And cleared my nagging way
Bikers left and right darted their way
I was jittery fluttery but none to care  
Blurring head light forward glow
Scaring red light backward blow
Jolted me to gear up and down
Steer and peddle my pads in puzzle
To save and grab my homeward track
Oh! I wish I had wings than wheels
Sun is seen
in every ray of light
So is God 
in every ray of hope
Your horoscope reads very well
But your life does not.
Devised by Cosmic Boss
Sourced by parents
Aided by obstetrician
Nursed by pediatrician
Nurtured by nutritionist
Counseled by sexologist
Treated by orthopedist
Stressed by physiotherapist
Directed by dietician
Nudged by nephrologist
Nerved by neurologist    
Contained by cardiologist
Consoled by psychologist
Interspersed by dentist,
Sighted by ophthalmist
Conditioned by physiology
Terminated by mortuary
The inexorable Lifeline Express
Of hospitalized hospitality
How big am I
If not fair and friendly
How big am I
If not kind and generous
How big am I
If not of hope and help
How big am I
If not share pleasure and pain
How big am I
If not forgive and forget
How big am I
If not fair and friendly
How big am I
If not kind and generous
How big am I
If not of hope and help
How big am I
If not share pleasure and pain
How big am I
If not forgive and forget
Overt over a ***** gusty lake
Soaring high in clear day light sky
Gliding on its wild and wide wings
An eagle forlorn pried for its prey

Fish was its dish in depth to dash
Flawless claws splashed n' clasped
As it veered its virulent eye,
Plunged, pierced n’ plucked its prey

Over to the ground far afield, the stinger
Out for a grand grout of its hunger
Alas, en-route way-laid a high fly vulture ,
Pounced on platter of prey true to its culture
Swarmed n’ hunted the lonely hunter
Till the hapless winger left its hopeless prey

Hunger, the harbinger fluttered its wings
Pulling the strings of life in full swing
What it matters is all that matters
So mean is the means of might to fight
I, the Capital of me
I, the ego supreme
I, the icon of ‘I can’
I, the eye of pride
I, the selfish fish
I, the mite vs. meek
I, the confident
I, the dogma
I, the enigma
It is I that blinds eye
I hate to live
If only living is to hate  
I choose to lie
If only lying is good
I prefer to ignore
If only ignorance is pardonable
I opt to fight
If only fighting ends fright
I go for instant war
If only war brings pure peace
I love to be lazy
If only lethargy enhances life
I like to be crazy
If only craze brings laurels  
I propose to steal
If only stealing is love of people
I venture to offend
If only offending is way to defend
I dare to be unethical
If only I stand to justice
I hate to live
If only living is to hate  
I choose to lie
If only lying is for good
I prefer to ignore
If only ignorance is pardonable
I opt to fight
If only fighting ends fright
I go for instant war
If only war brings pure peace
I love to be lazy
If only lethargy enhances life
I like to be crazy
If only craze brings laurels  
I propose to steal
If only stealing is love of people
I venture to offend
If only offending is way to defend
I dare to be unethical
If only I stand to justice
"I love you"
" A constant commitment 
       an instant obligation?"
Beauty often
tabled its love
Crazy enjoyed
taste of toast in toto
Cutleries stinking
in sink of sins.
Universe is macroscopic
Atom is microscopic.
Universe is astral,
Atoms are universal.

Berthed in the crevice of cosmos,
Look far beyond the globe for trespass,
In timeless time to sense its size,
Along an obscure distance to deal,  
At the pace of thunderous lightning.
Unending end begins to end endlessly.

Peep deep into the bottom of atom,
Behold how the nucleus holds the atom,
Proton-neutron welded safe in stem,  
Powerful electrons circle in tandem.
Deeper you disclose, the deeper it displays.

Beware; atom bears an explosive energy,
Tap it safe with your wisdom and synergy,
No words and verse can describe universe.
Explored by explosions and implosions,
World is an infinite nuclear complex.
Effluence of lust is due
to the influence of love
Much as I loved you
Much is left to love
A song puts me asleep
A poem intercepts my soul
My heart is purified
My mind is clarified
I am sanctified
We are satisfied
All due to
your immense beauty
and intense love
Strength of my heart depends
on softness of your love
Strength of your love depends
on softness of my heart
Will it work out
At the end of the day?
For heaven's sake 
We are intertwined
To live in pairs.
I see your enchanting beauty
Closing my eyes
Hear your melodious tunes
Plugging my ears
Praise your love and compassion
Shutting my mouth
Smell your divine fragrance
Snubbing my nose
Sense your magnanimity
Reach and merge in you
All I need is your blessing
To qualify myself
Oh my Lord! I Owe You.
Ironic poems
In an ironic journey
Of magnetic poets,
And magnetised pals,
In a magnetic field of
Priceless poetic portal
Of multitude of high altitude
Daily display of dazzling delight
Never had I failed to miss a day
Even if I skipped my meal
Burning cold issues
to be resolved
with hot solutions coolly
She is attached to me
As much as I am
I am there
She is there
She does whatever I do
I love to see her
Like none else
I am face to face with her
As and when I wish
As often as I like
She is perfect me
In size and shape
In color and dress
I feel proud of her
My joy is her joy
My pain is her pain
She is frank and intimate
I give her cosmetic touch
To blush cheeks in crimson face
Every day to please myself
Her beauty is my duty
For she reflects my beauty
I love her body than anybody
She is me, the lass in mirror
She is attached to me
As much as I am
I am there
She is there
She does whatever I do
I love to see her
Like none else
I am face to face with her
As and when I wish
As often as I like
She is perfect me
In size and shape
In color and dress
I feel proud of her
My joy is her joy
My pain is her pain
She is frank and intimate
I give her cosmetic touch
To blush cheeks in crimson face
Every day to please myself
Her beauty is my duty
For she reflects my beauty
I love her body than anybody
She is me, the lass in mirror
I am okay, you are okay
We are okay, they are okay
All are okay - Is it really so?!
An ambition sans ambiguity

Many are okay at times
Some are okay many times
Many are okay for themselves
Some are okay for others too
All times are not okay for all
Yet it’s okay that we are all okay
Mostly than never
Silky smiles, spicy speeches,
Savvy slogans, grabbing gab,
Tasty talk, touchy tongue,
Tempting templates, trumpets,
Dramatic discourse, pulpit promises,
Built castles in the air,
Voted the Seeker to power,
Tossed him onto ivory tower.

Erstwhile speaker-seeker, vested,
With powers to make, unmake,
Car, care, caravan and carnival,
Moved the man to magnificent mood;
The kingly way to minister and administer.

His days passed, surpassed,
His might went unsurpassed,
Poor, the soft core of his card,
Far from sight feeling so hard.

Fence began to pounce on the crop,
As hapless cursed their source of hope,
Arrogance spiced up the powers-that-be,
On a cool swing in paradise of power-so-be,  
Powers-that-be are the powers not to be.
You may judge my love
But never fudge your love
Better judge your inherent strength
Than justify your apparent weakness
My dreams
are. shattered
like a fallen mirror
under the gravity of law
the images have
multiplied manifold
which I preserve 
as kaleidoscope
of my love for you
till you and I
cross over minority
Keep silent 
Let your mind
break it 
to unlock itself.
You & I 
need each other 
for all our kneads
of body and soul.
Love is not only English word
But also universal language
Love is designed to last
Not resigned to be lost
Last you met me was
when I hit you last
Lend me your heart to
blend my soul into yours.
Lend me your heart
to blend my soul into yours
A little ***** hurts the heart
A little lie belittle relationship
A little misunderstanding breaks friendship
A little hole sinks a large ship
A little wound takes the life out
Little are lethal too.
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