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Your pleasure is my pleasure
Your pain is my pain
I am okay

My pleasure is your pleasure
My pain is your pain
You are okay

Your pleasure is my pain
Your pain is my pleasure
I am not okay

My pleasure is your pain
My pain is your pleasure
You are not okay

Why can't all of us be okay?
Hold my pulse,
Oh my Sweetie,
Feel my heart homely,
Keep yours too firmly.

Let us toss our love,
one to one,
over the net,
under the net,
off the net,
or no net,
foul or fall, not to fail
to dwell, deal and delve
in bits of bouts.

gravitate mutually,
gyrate gradually,
private cordially,
permeate perennially.

Heavens may break,
Let not our hearts!
Our times may crack
Let not our minds!
Hearts are crushed
To pulp 
To extract love
By poets
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
My love is still
in your northern latitude,
a long way to reach
your southern longitude
The Dean in the Den
Of a messy mind
Delivers a poem
When he is awake

Be it long or short
Sweet or soar
Wise or otherwise

Much depends
On the depth
Of his dreams
And the jury of readership
The Dean in the Den
Of a messy mind
Delivers a poem
When he is awake

Be it long or short
Sweet or soar
Wise or otherwise

Much depends
On the depth
Of his dreams
And the jury of readership
The poor guy
is not afraid
of his dreary death
in its regular uniform.
He is afraid,
the cries of kith and kin
may awake him
from eternal slumber
when his corpse
keeps burning
Death has no future but 
can make your future, tense.
Death is to live 
beyond the life
without your knowledge
My life is dedicated to you
Not only my book
I love you
to the depth
of your body & soul
I am simple
You are comparative
Our match is superlative
Love is my birth right
Loving you is daily delight
Brain is pregnant
with thoughts
Delivery scheduled
Pains are common.
Lips zipped, silent chants eloped my soul  
Into midnight divine dreams
Took me into His light of heavenly delight
With Him along I was so proud n’ privileged
One to one in close touch, so curious was I to know
As to why He imposed unwanted death in life
He smelled a rat and smiled at me funny guy
Flew me across mysterious Milky Way
Along lifeless stars glittering in His light
Cracked a divine truth that once upon a time  
Some planets were blessed of berth of only births
Of endless life as wished
Density of piled up life for ages
Grew by leaps n’ bounds
Life inundated the planets
In course of time, of course
Planets lost their ground n’ gravity
Air evacuated, Oceans evaporated
Life screeched alarming in vain paralysed
Unable to hold n’ uphold weight n’ volume
Planets failed to host and expunged life for ever
Behold my son, He said so kind,
Planetary cemetery here n there so dry
Holding testimony to catastrophic journey
Forcing cycle of birth n’ death to put in motion
To bestow everlasting breath to life
On planet earth one at its best
So saying angel tabbed me to wake up
I am a bit puzzled whether to construe:
Dream a theme or theme a dream
Busy, busy n’ busy
Lazy, lazy n’ lazy
Unrest, unrest n’ unrest
Rest, rest n’ rest
Love, love n’ love
So is the dichotomy
of monotony
To feel vexed
if not mixed
Love is more said than done
Words and deeds differ
The difference
you & I is
because of
your he
my she
You and I are quite different
Surely without any differences
Lion is a lion
Lamb is a lamb
Man is not the Man
He seems to be
The person in man fluctuates
Between the lion and the lamb
The distance 
between you and me
is what we maintain
And so is God.
The distance between 
heaven & earth 
is that of 
heart & soul
Many are below poverty line
Money is above property line
God never appears to anyone
But answers appeals of everyone
We work for ourselves
He works for us

We work to live on
He works to enliven

We work from a place
He works every where

We work as we please
He works  to please us

We work for fixed hours
He works for all hours

We are the creatures
He is the Nature
It is His nature.
We work for ourselves
He works for us

We work to live on
He works to enliven

We work from a place
He works every where

We work as we please
He works  to please us

We work for fixed hours
He works for all hours

We are the creatures
He is the Creator
His is the Nature
It is His nature.
I am the diadem
You are the tiara
Let's ascend
The throne of love
And build up
Our empire
Without umpire
Till we expire
I am done
down for the day,
with the
prolific love of
my dear poets!
Once a day is okay
One a day is decay
You gave me yourself
as sedative dose
to put my poetry
to rest.

Now a need is felt
for regular booster doses
to resume my poetry
since I found
you yourself
as the poetry
Simmering youth
On adultery flame
Of passionate dreams
Under the ******
Of thirsty hunger, hankering
To anchor the pranks
Of pubertal parking

Slipped into slumber sullen
At the trick of biometric-clock
The intrinsic instinct awake amidst,
Awoke his inner self off the shelf
In pursuit of pelf of passion
In a stress-free realm of dreams

Infatuation surfed n’ spun its web
Obsessive, his highness sought
Unfair affair with her fairness
In his dreamy creamy fare  
That planted a futile kiss
With a figurative hiss
On her fertile cheek n’ chin
Raw was war at love he saw
Alas, the best of his lovely lass
Perhaps never to figure out
From his naughty mesh
Of wish of vanishing dreams
That often franchise and fantasize
Simmering youth
On adultery flame
Of passionate dreams
Under the ******
Of thirsty hunger, hankering
To anchor the pranks
Of pubertal parking

Slipped into slumber sullen
At the trick of biometric-clock
The intrinsic instinct awake amidst,
Awoke his inner self off the shelf
In pursuit of pelf of passion
In a stress-free realm of dreams

Infatuation surfed n’ spun its web
Obsessive, his highness sought
Unfair affair with her fairness
In his dreamy creamy fare  
That planted a futile kiss
With a figurative hiss
On her fertile cheek n’ chin
Raw was war at love he saw
Alas, the best of his lovely lass
Perhaps never to figure out
From his naughty mesh
Of wish of vanishing dreams
That often franchise and fantasize
Simmering youth
On adultery flame
Of passionate dreams
Under the ******
Of thirsty hunger, hankering
To anchor the pranks
Of pubertal parking

Slipped into slumber sullen
At the trick of biometric-clock
The intrinsic instinct awake amidst,
Awoke his inner self off the shelf
In pursuit of pelf of passion
In a stress-free realm of dreams

Infatuation surfed n’ spun its web
Obsessive, his highness sought
Unfair affair with her fairness
In his dreamy creamy fare  
That planted a futile kiss
With a figurative hiss
On her fertile cheek n’ chin
Raw was war at love he saw
Alas, the best of his lovely lass
Perhaps never to figure out
From his naughty mesh
Of wish of vanishing dreams
That often franchise and fantasize
Simmering youth
On adultery flame
Of passionate dreams
Under the ******
Of thirsty hunger, hankering
To anchor the pranks
Of pubertal parking

Slipped into slumber sullen
At the trick of biometric-clock
The intrinsic instinct awake amidst,
Awoke his inner self off the shelf
In pursuit of pelf of passion
In a stress-free realm of dreams

Infatuation surfed n’ spun its web
Obsessive, his highness sought
Unfair affair with her fairness
In his dreamy creamy fare  
That planted a futile kiss
With a figurative hiss
On her fertile cheek n’ chin
Raw was war at love he saw
Alas, the best of his lovely lass
Perhaps never to figure out
From his naughty mesh
Of wish of vanishing dreams
That often franchise and fantasize
Love trusts, lust twists
Love rains, lust drains
Love reaches, lust catches
Love couples, lust combines

Love retains, lust detains
Love relies, lust relays
Love cares, lust caresses
Love binds, lust blinds

Love floats, lust flees
Love belongs, lust longs
Love ascends, lust descends
Love fames, lust defames

Love creates, lust recreates
Love commands, lust demands
Love chooses, lust chases
Love boosts,  lust boasts

Love at heart
Lust in mind
Love in lust is good
Lust in love is better
Love likes privacy
Lust looks for piracy
Love opens lust
Lust closes love

Love is slow, lust is fast
Love is steady and stable
Lust is mobile and fragile
Love is reliable, lust is liable
Love is long, lust is short
Love is homogeneous
Lust is heterogeneous
Love is defensive
Lust is offensive
Love is precious
Lust is pernicious
Love is supportive
Lust is supplementary
Love is refined
Lust is defined
Love betters life
Lust batters it.
Love has character
Lust has conduct
Love wins over
Lust weans out
Love combines
Lust divides
Love is cool
Lust is crazy
Love is peaceful
Lust is pleasant
Love is wholesome
Lust is piecemeal
Lust comes first
Love becomes best

Love is progressive
Lust is aggressive
Lust laminates
Love illuminates

Love is slow n steady
Lust is hasty n nasty
Love is dense, lust is tense
Lust is conditioned,
Love is air-conditioned
Lust is lovely to begin with
Love is lustrous to end up
Love heals, lust wounds
Love owns, lust disowns
Love is onus, lust is onerous
Love is basic, lust is allowance
Love conforms, lust confuses
Love binds, lust blinds

Be aware of love
Beware of lust
That comes like
wolf in sheep’s clothing

Let the fair blend
of love and lust
rule  the roost
Young are eager to
Translate love into
Own body language
Give and take
With empty hands
In closed doors
With open minds
Heart to heart
Ecstasy unravels
Love is what I learned
Ecstasy is what you taught
I, the Capital
My Capital
Coveted n’ captivating
Swimming thru’
Simmering veins
I, the ego in me
Inherited long ago
Governs as I go
Elevates my pride n’ pleasure
And caps my prudence often
My eye on ‘I’
Tries to hold good
What I mean or measure
All I need is
To keep it in check
Like I do, to optimise
My sugar in sweet;
Otherwise fatal
Irredeemable, yet alluring,
I dreamed day and night
Awake in day light,
Asleep in dark night

Awake I dreamed;
My thoughts took off on highway
Fast like aero plane on its run way
Alas, fascinated by lustrous exits
En-route here n’ there
I lost my way in transit
Many took over me in the race
I skipped my lane to others
By breaks and diversions
Destination being too far to seek
I ended up in destiny

Asleep at least once a day
Dreams appeared in streams
In my subconscious brain
Unwarranted and uninvited,
Hilarious some times
Horrible at times
Quixotic many times,
Causing momentary feel
Of pain or pleasure

Intangible and elusive
As they always be
Pray, not to fall a prey
To the drowsy lousy dreams
I am the bachelor of love
You are the master of hearts
We are well qualified 
for mutual employment
I am the bachelor of love
You are the master of hearts
We are well qualified 
for mutual employment
Nothing is encouraging,
is not the reason
to be discouraged
Minuscule millions
Shot from little cannon
Passionate, Jostle,
One and only one,
The king in thirst
Champions the cause
And strikes the target

The queen in quest
Hosts, nestles primitive cell
That splits infinitely
To finite and figure out

Cells celebrate, proliferate,
Churn, collate, calibrate,
Format, animate anatomy
In fixed flexible capsule,
As nine full moons pass by

Consul flushed out of flesh
Soul lit the light  
At its zero exit
To the shrill cry of entity
The glow begins to grow.
You may escape from me
But not from my dreams
Super Dad had,
Has His fad
To be formless
To keep us in form
To be homeless
To stay with us
To be selfless
To keep us harmless
To be ceaseless
To besiege relentless
To be of no origin
To originate  
To be fathomless
To keep us afloat
To be unreachable
To reach us all at once
To be infinity
To carry us thru’ infinity
Essence of His absence
Is to sense His presence.
Super Dad had,
Has His fad
To be formless
To keep us in form
To be homeless
To be homely with us
To be selfless
To keep us harmless
To be ceaseless
To besiege relentless
To be of no origin
To originate  
To be fathomless
To keep us afloat
To be unreachable
To reach us all at once
To be infinity
To carry us thru’ infinity
Essence of His absence
Is to sense His presence.
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