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Apr 2018 · 360
Meat prison
Edrich Apr 2018
Death looms my mind
Every day i live lifes deathly grip thightens around my throat of happiness

Traped in this
Addicted and weak
Meat prison

Only love will set me free
But sadly it will never come

I am condemned in my meat prison.
This poem is about the absences of love thats leads to depression and feelings of uselessness
Mar 2018 · 213
A poem fir my lover
Edrich Mar 2018
Every day
My depression cripples me
Not because of sadness
But because of loneliness

I long for your love
I know you are my companion.

you lure me closer
with your words and affectionate actions,
Yet you throw me in my
pit of despair and darkness
with your new lover
That last no longer than
A gestation period.

My thaughts loom
trying to
cynicalise my situation.


I can only be satisfied
YOUR love.

— The End —