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Jake Jan 2015
A year ago today it was me and her.
That girl who inadvertently started all of this.
I remember walking down her street talking about Oreo's I think.
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember a few weeks later when she tore my heart from my chest.

I remember a few months later when I finally got over her.
I remember it in a fit of yelling and rage.
I remember being able to see clearly.
I remember I was I happy I think.
I remember rekindling an old flame a few weeks later.

I remember sitting in a field by a pond.
I remember dancing in a kitchen.
I remember saying "I love you"
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember a month or two later when I had to leave her behind.

I remember starting fresh.
I remember hot coffee and long nights.
But I also remember teaching myself to sleep.
I remember the first chapter of my first book.
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I guess today is the day for remembering the year, and looking forward to the next.
I look back and I see pain, and tears, and some minor alcohol abuse.
But I also see joy, and new friends, and the fresh air I so desperately needed.
I ****** up a lot in 2014 and if I had the option to go back and change it.
I would decline.
Because right now I'm happy... At least I think.
Happy new year or some **** like that.
Jake Dec 2014
This whole year felt like a dream.
It was as if I watched myself grow older from behind a silver screen.
A bad movie with an uncertain ending.
I suppose I can't complain too much though.
I did help write the script.
Jake Dec 2014
I always hated mirrors.
Because they seem to highlight my flaws.
Whether it's the acne or the way my ribs poke through my skin.
I rarely like what I see.
Maybe I'm not supposed to.
I'm gonna push myself anyways because one day I might like what I see, and that will be worth it.
Jake Dec 2014
I used to write for Love
Then I wrote for me
Now I write because I need everyone to see

I dug a plot from the corners of my mind and made a word to shape
I filled it with names I used to know of people I used to see
I created life on paper so I could build myself a new one

This is how I'll run away
And with only 37000 words to go
My dreams get closer everyday
Jake's novel writing 101: Coffee, ***, and Netflix. Though contrary to popular belief are all a necessary part of the process.
Jake Dec 2014
Because why not.
No where to be.
No one to please.
Except for me.

And her I guess.
The girl of summer back for more.
I don't know if I can be who she wants.
Hell I wasn't really before.

I'll tell you what I won't do.
I won't over-think.
In fact I might just let the passion overwhelm me.
Because why run from something.

When I can just regret it in the morning.
I could use a nap.
Jake Dec 2014
I left with no money and no girl.
But I came home with so much more.
Friends worth more than gold.
Stories that still amaze me.
And a passion that drives me more than any lover.
Jake Dec 2014
Like the fire spitting from the tip of my lighter.
Like the way it feels every-time I write a new chapter.
Like when I finally let go of the things that made my mind tear.
Like the passion of the girl with the white flower in her hair.
You see intensity is not new to me.
If anything it's addiction that has since become a part of me.
But tell me what's wrong with living a life that actually makes me feel **alive.
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