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I said,
I love you so much I’d lick your feet.

she said,

that’s sweet, but please

don’t say that when you meet my parents.

I said I’d try to be normal

but it’s hard when you make me feel

like a cliche wrapped in roses

and all she knows is

that I can’t get enough of her,

if she’s in reach,

I have to touch her.

I’m not trying to be inappropriate

It’s just, you're my favourite.

Even you being a fidget

at 3am is worth it.

and I swear it’s true,

that when someone wakes me up stealing the blanket,

I’m smiling, because that some one is you.

yeah you're a bit of a *** pest,

but the *** is the best.

and yeah you constantly make fun of me,

but it’s cute that you think you're funny.

and yeah im being soppy and that

but you're used to me being a ****.
Suddenly, desperately
I thought, "No, never
In millions of minutes
Can I for one second
Calm-leaving my own self
Like clothes on a chair-back
And quietly opening
The door of one house
(No, not one of all millions)
Of blood, flesh and brain,
Climb the nerve-stair and look
From the tower, from the windows
Of eyes not my own: ...
No, never, no, never!"
The wildfire spreads
Engulfing everything in its path
Burning them into ruins
Passing on the flames
To the last ones standing
It's merciless
It's mighty
Come the bravest
Come the swiftest
The army that fights the beast
Watching on
As the fire destroys
Wrecking all into ashes
My Valentine
(in flames)
buried between old wounds

I'm bleeding through your hands
The haunted embrace of modest thievery

A 'Au Revoir'

Built to make ghosts...
another poem assembled from collaging words from a magazine together. Helps me feel expressive when I cannot always find the words.
Dear blue eyed one
I'm lost at sea
Yet no one need
Come look for me
I've found myself
Beneath the waves
So here I'll rest
In ocean caves
To the female with the inner struggle
miss, I wish you'd really let it go
even though I ain't one to speak
clinging on to that of which I never had
****, I know it's sad
but at the time,
she meant the world to me
and that's all that ever mattered

Now I've learned that time can accumulate distance
and you're so far gone that you've seemed
to have forgotten
he's long gone
and in your fortress of solitude
you reminisce on the moments you shared
it’s no question that you care
but let me ask you a question,
do you think it's fair that your heart aches from a heartbreak
that occurred so long ago?
it's true that the scars you can't see be the hardest to heal
but letting it drown your mind ain’t the best way to deal
believe me I know how you feel
I’m guilty of the same
and from experience I can tell you that
that’s a place I wish to never go back

Realized I was so consumed with her
that there no one else I could possibly prefer
so innocently blinded by the thought of her being the one
I never took time to notice something was wrong
when I did the blame fell on me
when in reality it was her
but all that time ago perfection protected her from any judgment
my only fault, other than expressing how I truly felt…

So hopefully in time
you’ll realize you need to let go
because being reminiscent of what used to be
sometimes highlights what you used to see and believe
compared to what it was in reality.  
Some of life’s lessons leave us feeling like we live in a cold cruel world
but sometimes it just what we need to go on.
A few rhymes for the girl who claims I never have the time.
Be well my friend

-Jimmy Desire
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
You told me I was selfish once and I told you you were right

So say it again, say it like you mean it
Say it like I'm just the product of another long argument

So what you say so what I didn’t ask to be your end
I didn’t ask to be the bottom of the pill bottle
I didn’t ask for
                    Your body lying here at my feet

And you're right you didn’t
You didn’t ask for anything
But if you had you would’ve asked for something

Tell me its over
Tell me you’ll listen this time
Tell me you’ll crack my ribs open
And leave me to dry

Tell me you love me so you’ll be rid of me for good
Tell me you want me and
Tell me its real
So I cant leave an ugly taste in your mouth anymore

You tell me to think things over
You tell me you don’t have time
You tell me I ask so much
For someone who says they have nothing to give

Alright you say ill do this, ill do this for you
But no blood
And no broken bones
I promise it will hurt

Ill love you until I die
Ill love you until you crack my spine
Ill love you until you're through with me
Until you believe it

Ill love you until you realize
I'm just trash and
I'm just flammable and
I'm just burning

And you were built to fight people
Not fires
Little girl 13 walks into the convenient store,
Thinking about her vacation as she walks through the door.
She grabs a bag of chips and a couple packs of coke.
Little did she know the man standing over by the clerk,
Had a 45 tucked into his belt.
He turned around and walked up to the girl,
Took her into his arms and held the gun to her head.
She screamed at the feeling of metal on her face.
The man told the clerk to get out all the cash,
But the clerk had a different idea forgetting about the girl.
He grabbed his ole shotgun and held to the man.
By the time he had it aimed the little girl hit the floor,
And what felt like an eternity they stood and watched.
Till the man turned and aimed at the clerk,
Before he could respond he fell and looked up,
As the world around him slowly faded.
The man walked to the register and took out all the cash,
Surprised when he saw just a hundred bucks.
He turned and walked out the door thinking of the mess,
And in his mind he thought was it all worth it.

Little girl 13 walks up to the pearly gates,
Thinking where I am and what is this.
She walked up to a big bearded man,
He said your name is written here please go on.
As she turned and looked back she saw thousands of people,
All of them walked up to the very same man.
But the little boy behind her,
Only 10 years old asked the man if he could go.
The man said sorry little boy,
Your name is not written here I’m afraid you can’t go in,.
Another man walked over and picked the boy up,
Took him to a black gate and opened it up.
The boy said he was scared and didn’t want to go,
The man said sorry this really hurts me too.
He threw the boy into the gate,
The next thing she saw was a fire surrounding him.
Then in that instant he was gone.
She was rushed along through the gates,
As she walked thinking of what she saw,
A little old lady walked up with open arms.
Stunned in silence the girl look at her face,
And went instantly into her arms.
It was the first time she had seen her grandmother in years.
They walked along through the pearly gates,
And a thought crossed her mind,
This vacation will never end.
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
noah chen
There is one, whose piercing-orbs
See wholes yet to be fragment.
To turn what’s warm to frigid-glass,
Take what’s heated, make shivering mass
Even Earth’s-skin is met with cooling tint

Be careful, one, with soul of ice,
Be weary of the fall.
For frozen things, with a clattering ring,
Will surely shatter to a million things
When felled from heights so tall.
At times

oceans of memories

flood my steadfast


yet still...

my soul

is in hiding

as the undertow

of the day's


pulls me under

and pummels

my senses

leaving shreds

to be mended

at a later


and place
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