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Shakespeare, I'm writing you an emo poem.

Tyler cuts his wrists and plays piano 'cause he's so depressed.
You can tell it's not an exorcism though, since you can hear his lisp.

I don't play piano anymore (the ivories no longer tickle my fancy)
and I never really cut,
unless you count the symmetry,
or lack of it;
besides, I've always had a father.

Do you believe in demons, bard?
I'm not familiar enough with your works to know;
English didn't interest me much beyond the grammar.
Maybe that's a possession in itself, or an obsession at least,
since I don't think I could do the Devil justice--
and I'm none to bring light from darkness.

Do golden glittered gowns prove earnings or entitlement?
A different wealth perhaps, the philosopher kings of old (Do you know of those? I can't imagine otherwise, such a trove of inspiration).
I would not hold it against you if you didn't;
your productions sold for pennies,
and in the very least you were a man (or so the rumor goes).

All facades aside, I would inquire about purpose.
Were you satisfied with life? Were you not?
Did you desire a longer lease?
Would you say I should?
My outward walls are painted very gaily,
gayer than yours in all likelihood, or my boyfriend would say as much.
(I can't speak for the fashion of the times.)
Yet when I suffer loss, it seems absolute, one end and the other.
Do you approve of modern day's catharsis?

I expect a proper follow-up.
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
I want to be, your number one
I want to be your late night thoughts
I want to be the reason you lose sleep
It's selfish, I know, but it's what I want

I want to be the reason for your excitement
I want to be the one you cry over
I want to be the one you laugh with
I want to be the one you long to touch and hold
I want to be the one you tell others about
when you are talking about, things you love

I want to be to their wish upon a shining star
i want to be their birthday wish
i want to be their unspoken prayer

i want you
and i want you to want me too
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
I knew not cold

Until I called your shadow my home.

Years have since passed

But your cuts remain fresh,

Leaving me haggard,

Blind to my own radiance.

We know each other no longer

But you hold a place in my heart

Born in jealousy,

Reborn in hatred,

With sharp pangs of love

Which refuse to be drowned.
There's something about talking until you fall asleep and your arm going numb, but she's too beautiful for you to move it so you deal with the bitter pain of pins and needles, and stroke her hair and kiss her head until she wakes up a little bit after her dream, half asleep, eyes barely open, but just enough for you to move your arm, and a small smile crosses her lips as she recognizes you and you hug her and tell her goodnight. And the morning she looks at you with those fresh new eyes and you know she doesn’t remember that one small moment from the night before, the one small moment you’ll be holding with you forever, flashing through your mind when weeks later she tells you it’s over, that you should take some time alone and that you’ll never have her fall asleep on you again, and you just want to scream “I loved you, I cared for you. I let you sleep on my arm when no one else would, through the hell of pins and needles, and I didn’t even wake you. That’s emotion, that’s devotion!”

But you don’t, because you know she wouldn’t listen anyway, telling you to quiet your writer brain, she doesn’t have time for it today. So she’ll close the door and walk back to her chair returning to the work she was doing before you came to visit, knowing in comfort that she’ll have the entire bed to herself tonight, and you’ll walk home feeling un-whole, alone, like a piece of you will forever be left in Prince 302.

And you’ll fall asleep wishing to suffer the waking pains of pins and needles from a brown haired beauty again. And you'll awake knowing your arm is in a better place.

But your heart is a different story altogether.
She sits….waits, ponders as the darkness arises
She’s lost in a sea of emotions, an overwhelming surge of melancholy
She hears them calling her, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the known
She hides and tries her best to block them out
Alas, they're near, closing in with every second that passes
Fear of denunciation, fear of admonition
The ghastly forms they take at night is enough to drive her mad
Yet all she does is sit and watch them as they burn her dreams before her eyes
Her talents gone in what seemed like seconds
Her heart a ****** bath of wrongs and rights
What can she do to make them go away? To make them all just disappear?
She’s in a never ending circle contemplating the one thing all her values go against
Her religion, her beliefs urges her to stand strong and not give in, why should it even be an option?
Yet every day the scars go deeper and deeper; it calls to her during the night
It makes her think and ponder that if she takes that ticket out everything will be alright
It’s a one way ticket straight to hell but is this not what that is?
It goes on and on and never ends, should she commit suicide or stand strong till the end?
"Now my heart is stuck and wrapped up in tangles
And my mind won't stop and let me forget you. (Slight hold)
I don't know why I always have to go through this
Am I just foolish? (Slight pause)
Gotta tell myself that I...
Don't need ya, don't need ya, don't need ya.
That I..
Don't need ya, don't need ya, don't need ya
Keep saying
Don't need ya, don't need ya, don't need ya
That I don't need ya
Gotta reverse my love
Cause I don't need ya"
New piece I am writing for this singing artist. What ya think?
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