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Sober, or hungover
One or the other
I’ll take a stab at writing
Something that’s too good
Not to know

And I’ve heard “I don’t know”
Many times
This past month
I fee like am starting to
You know,

I know you have none of my answers
I know my questions have been spot on
I know my effort has been worthy
I know
As much as you do

You were my darlin’ Queen, the star of the show
Now you are someone elses princess
But you are still my Queen
The Queen of “ I don’t know”

A leap of faith
Growth and Humility
Laughter and happiness

These are more than things I know
They are my unrewarded actions
Will my attraction
To you ever waver?
Will I ever return the favor?
Are we friends or does that even matter?
I wont ask these questions
Because I know the answer
And its not "no"
Homonym, not vernacular
Yes it is
You know?
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
Nurse Joy
Siberian morn..
Benumbed by the frigid gusts,
the Winter is here.
Collectively I feel broken, but I know I am just a little bent out of shape. Feeling more, mirroring less, and yet caring so little. You are as nice as you can be, but you feel like you want to break everything around you. You fear only the pain and consequences of these actions, so you loosely think about it knowing you are stoic. I resume writing this only to make sure my feelings are clear. I love few things in this world, and fewer people. I don't hate anyone, but I hate things. I can't really be amused unless I let myself be open, and I can't really be open without being with people I consider above a certain level. I am selective, I am rude, and I am overall a bad person. I want to help people, but I am too lazy to ask if anyone needs aide. I can't even correct the fact that I am lazy. I can't correct my life without love, but I can't even admit it to myself. I can't convince myself that love is logical enough to be important. I hate the concept of my heart being right over my brain and it is crushing my concept of reality knowing what my heart has to say. I feel butterflies in my stomach, but I am not thinking about anyone. My heart is letting me feel the rush that it wants. To bring me back down it is crushing me with depression and guilt. I can't even keep things to myself, subtly I leave clues about what is going on, and I can't ever keep it to myself for long given my company. I am arrogant in the sense that I feel I can't be outwitted. My heart is cruel, my head is egotistical, and my body can't take it anymore. Love is the only equalizer, but love is unattainable when you can only sit at home. I don't know what I am doing here, listening to my heart is giving me a headache. As I feel neglected, my emotions feel like I am neglecting them. Whatever course of action I take is the wrong one, and I am convinced of that. My heart can't fit on this screen, yet my life could fit in a book.  I sit around and play league as my social status decays under the fact that no one even tries to talk with me that I care about. The people I don't even have interest in seem to be the most interest in me. The people I just barely don't hate want to make my life hell, and the people who care don't seem to see past the fake smile I put on every day. I can't expect the world out of people around me, but I also can't expect results from no actions. What I want in my life outside of love isn't much. Laying in bed at night, the only solitude I have is hugging a blanket to make up for all of the contact that I don't have. I can't write anymore of this, later maybe. Good luck, me, try and get yourself out of a self-inflicted hell.
closes the gaps
circles the wagons
reveals the strength of bonds
shines light
on the beings
willing to bear your weight.
thank you for loving me i know you meant well.... but now that i know what you did i cant stop crying, it never stops this pain you've put me through. i cant help it i still love you even after what you did, after what you put me through..... i cant stand it i want to see you again, kiss you again, see you love me again. i thank you for the good times, i'd rather hurt you for the bad but i love you too much to see you suffer, in order for me to stop feelin this heartache, just tell me you love then you can walk away...... *~i still love him~
You never loved me
You only pretended to
You only thought you did
If you did love me, at one point
You don't anymore
Why would you
I'm no longer that naive,
Happy girl.
I'm broken and lonely
& since you are too
Why would you want me to love you.
If you find that you're missing me,
Let me know - this isn't how it was supposed to be.
We were supposed to go our separate ways
Knowing that we would find better days.

If you find that you're missing me,
Remember that I tried to help you see.
There was never much that we could do;
We loved, we changed, we both grew.

If you find that you're missing me,
Look back at the times that we once knew.
Think of when I said goodbye.
Do you even remember why?

If you find that you're missing me,
Go back to your life.
Turn your mind away.
Battered soul or not, I'm not missing you today.

Stop invading my thoughts!
You dont want me and I know.
Why do these memories of you and me kissing so slow play in my head?
Others have crossed this path.
Yet memories of that fade and dont last.
Not for doing this to my body.
But for infesting my brain.
You came with Babbage which....
only a selfless soul could claim.
game that  flowed because it came so naturally.
Definitely got the better of me.
Why didn't you just let me keep my stride.
I was better off alone.
Than with you and the kid on my mind.
Now its not even about you.
I just dont want people to treat him like hes a must cause he comes with a beauty like you.
You're hurting him without knowing.
And you're killing me consciously.
for making me want it to be just the kid you and me.
It's not always about the person you fall in love with!
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
With fingers holding the tail end of a cigarette (or the head end)
I wonder how my Daddy feels, when he imagines killing people who are different to him
cigarette companies make cigarettes
and he generates poison, and ejects it with his words.
His poison existed in my blood and in my soul for years
Mecca, Baghdad, colour, allah; the person, the religion.
I hated them all, with the power that Daddy hates cigarettes and of course the others
What gives him the right to hate all of those things, and tell me what I should and shouldn't hate.
I lift the cigarette up to my mouth and enjoy the thought of my bubble wrap lungs popping
I cough and it's rubbing it in my Daddy's face
While you're scheming dropping bombs, and becoming what you hate
I'm dying, slowly and laughing at the morbid thought
that while your hate won't **** anyone; your crippled manhood.
My hate for you is killing me
inhale, exhale.
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