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I'm not going to lie, I lie everyday. I live life as a lie.
Don't listen to anything I say.
But this... is all I have.

I'm half mexican and use that to my advantage,
my parents divorced and I felt abandoned.
I study what once was because thats all we are meant to be, lost bones in the ground
I study the most interesting creature on this planet, human beings.
What's interesting is we all have different beliefs. All my friends want something from me yet all these friends don't know I never speak proudly.
I give everything out but have nothing to offer,
it's like a postal service, decayed just like my father. Still breathing, but so ashamed of life it's no wonder my mom needed cleaning. A new space, in the same house. I grew up thinking I knew what love was about, but don't we all?
I work in a restaurant and make the best to get words out of lungs. things that I never knew are passed along because of me, the snake whispers from my tongue.
I've caused pain and happiness to the most opposite of individuals, I actually hate I love yous because they are not believable.
I have trouble sleeping. I spend time watching tv shows actually believing things can come true. to find the right moment to say the "I Do's." To stop believing would be smarter, so I wouldn't act a fool.
I enjoy Shakespeare because misery loves comedy, I stole that line from a rapper named Lou because he provides a real remedy.
I fail more often than not but I never plan to stay in the same spot.
This is just a little bit about me, happen to like? let me know, please.
What am I?

I am not White.

I am not Black.

I am not Hispanic or Asian or Native American.

I am a Human Being.

What am I?

I am not a Christian.

I am not a Satanist.

I am not Jewish or Muslim, or Hindu.

I am a Human Being.

What am I?

I am not a Racist.

I am not a Sexist.

I am not a ******, or a ***** or a *******.

I am a Human Being.

What am I?

I am not a Number.

I am not a Sheep.

I am not a Folder or a Report or a Profile.

I am a Human Being.

What am I?

I am my Mind.

I am my Heart.

I am my Soul.

I Am.

What are You?
We nailed the hands long ago,
Wove the thorns, took up the scourge and shouted
For excitement's sake, we stood at the dusty edge
Of the pebbled path and watched the extreme of pain.

But one or two prayed, one or two
Were silent, shocked, stood back
And remembered remnants of words, a new vision,
The cross is up with its crying victim, the clouds
Cover the sun, we learn a new way to lose
What we did not know we had
Until this bleak and sacrificial day,
Until we turned from our bad
Past and knelt and cried out our dismay,
The dice still clicking, the voices dying away.
Every day I think of you,
But it’s just a matter of time,
I can’t keep going through life like this,
You will never be mine.

I will forever love you,
Though you don’t feel the same,
You can’t help who you fall in love with,
It's not a pick and choose game,

If I could tell you one final thing,
I wouldn't know what to say...
I have so many things to talk about,
But my life has just decayed.

I would tell you that I loved you,
Not that you would care,
So I would kiss your cheek and walk away,
And that would be my dare.

I can't keep going on like this,
My pain is just too much,
I would curl up in the corner,
Unmoving. Losing my sense of touch.

I'd let depression pull me under,
Like the sea with tidal waves,
Or hurt myself dramatically,
And join some other slaves.

I will do anything you ask of me,
Even apply a shining blade,
Let the crimson blood ooze down my neck,
My life isn't worth the save.

I would die for you my lover,
But only when you know,
I’ve never stopped loving you,
Since all those years ago...
I think looking back
that this is for the best,
Maybe you are bad for me,
Or am I bad for you?

And tell my something my dear,
Did you really beleive me
when I said it was fine?
Because that was not true.
But I have to let it be

Neverless I will not cry anymore, but
Darling I wasnt ever mad at you.
I was hurt. I am hurt.
But I cannot hold you anymore.
So let it be

But if your soul does not long for mine
As mine longs for you,
Then I cannot make you happy,
So let it be

You can make the choice to stay.
Or the choice to go.
Fate holds the answers,
So let it be

So my love
this is my goodbye
Perhaps we shall stay friends,
Or our paths will part ways.

Wherever destiny leads us,
*Let It Be.
This is an ode to my most recent heartbreak. They left me for a second time, but this time I am stronger, and I will not let this bring me down.
sometimes, i'm just so tired.
my head hurts and my eye lids are heavy as lead
my arms remain by my sides, lifeless, and my legs are too weak to carry me forwards
my vision becomes cloudy, i struggle to stay awake, yet when i try and sleep, sleep never comes

its like i try so hard but all my efforts never seem to have any effect
i feel like i'm underwater, with all my movements slow and strained, slowly forgetting about time and chocking on my lack of air
all i want is peace with myself, but in my case it comes with a price.
time and patience are two things i need, and two things i don't have.
Just because I'm smiling
Doesn't mean I'm happy
Or glad your gone
Because if you really look into my eyes
You'll see that my smiles
Are fake.
See my tears ?
They aren't there
One of the things that became hard to share
You took that from me
Or more so I took it from myself
Beaten with words and slashed with your tongue no longer a sense of self
Unable to see with the naked eye
And that's why now I'm unable to cry.
A wise man once said "I have a dream."
I dream in black and white,
and for me, my future doesn't look too bright.
A newspaper reporter,
and even if they're failing,
my bream boat never stopped sailing.
I dream that no matter how many doors are slammed in my face,
and no matter how many long I must chase,
I will conquer this dream.
A famous man did said "Dreaming is where the impossible happen."

Another wise man once said "Hope for a better future."
I hope that one day there will be world peace,
human cooperation,
and a bond of unbreakable love between every nation that expands across every ocean.
Blacks, white, yellow, tan.
I hope one day all wars and fighting will be ended and resolved.
I hope that every family and every friend will fnd that true happiness,
which is the reason for living.
And I hope one day to help take a step towards all of that. I hope for a greener world.
But a frog once said "It ain't easy being green."

A third wise man once said "Wish for a better tomorrow."
I wish that tomorrow when I wake up that I'll be able to make someone's day.
Fix a mistake I've made.
And work towards a new beginning.
I wish for the future to be able to be a new me.
To roll over each morning and kiss my loving husband,
make breakfast for my kids,
and I wish for a happy life.

But hey...A famous rock star said "You can't always get what you want."
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