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 Feb 2014 BaileyBuckels
i am fall
i am fog
i am everything lame in this world
you are the beach
you are the sheets
you are a sane vein in my beat
 Feb 2014 BaileyBuckels
Josh Hall
As the news soaks in I feel it.
My stomach folds and caves in.

The searing secret I held,
Was meant to know freedom.

I wanted you to know.
I wanted you for me.

But I died before that arrow left your bow,
Thrown to the depths,
It was too far below to pray.

Call me a ******* *****!
Call me a ******* gay!
The ignorant mass!
To waste and decay!

When you die with your secrets,
You know what they'll say?

"A lackluster loss!"
"A step to climb!
With unopened eyes!"

I have no more secrets.
But now what do I do?
It makes my food want to leave me,
The urge to let this bleed unto you!

I loved you to lift you,
But you shot me just to bail.

I was to save your bent spirit,
Now I have no one to fail.

These secrets won't leave,
Theyre ******* in the back.

Tortured with hatred,
Until they break free to attack.

This was you!
This was me!

And this is you,
My only real confidant,
Sacrificing me.
There is a difference between humans and people. I know this to be true, but which is which? Are we a race? Or are we individuals? How could we be both? And how could the majority of them be so ignorant and blind? Love is love, life is life, and hate is definitely still hate.
 Feb 2014 BaileyBuckels
watch out
for people saying they are in love with you
cause they might be confused
and looking
for some love
I talk about the
Good memories
a lot more than I talk about
The bad ones.
Not because I live in
The past.
I'm just reminding
That there will always be
     Better days.
i'll hate
and then
i'll love.
My wash gives me options
To click
For warm or cold water.
To click
For darks or brights...whites?

My wash expects me
To know
The soil level or spin cycle.
(low, medium, high?)

Its buttons give me structure.
Its buzzer gives me time.
But as long as my clothes get clean,
I couldn't give a ****.
Be gone for a while... My bad. I'm back, though. Expect me to comment on your stuff soon. I missed this. <3
Abraham Lincoln,
His hand and pen:
He will be good but
God knows When.
Our love is like the seahorses of the vast sea,
mate with one for eternity.
Completely faithful,
proven by the way their tails never come undone while they travel the blue.
As we lay in the water
I hold your hand so we don't drift apart,
so does the otter.
As we love each other like pigs to reach that 30 minute ******,
were filthy.
We don't need to talk or see to know that the love is there,
like living beneath the grass.
Our love is connected to all.
 Feb 2014 BaileyBuckels
Nel Nash
As you die
I stain my body with your blood
As you die
Your tears become mine
As you die
I breathe your life
As I say goodbye to your flesh and hello to your skeleton
I won't let go
So they bury me with you
And I dig our way out of the dirt and mud and maggots
And hold your bones as we breathe life into our bodies
With each breath we take as one, you pulsate back to life as I shrivel away
I will give half my life to stay with you
I will glue your locket of hair to your skull so you feel pretty
I will shed my skin and give it to you
And as I die
I will be happy
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