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You had enough of me? I often seem to wonder
Sometimes I cry, my face turned to the wall
I know, it’s silly yet I can’t stop but ponder
The little things like: Does he care at all?

I then run to the mirror and turn my lips blood red
I take out the mascara, the blushers and instead
Of trying to forget you...Oh, I am such a fool
I’m rushing to your door-step, breaking another rule.

I count to three, a thousand and sometimes I loose count
I lean, peek through your key hole without making a sound
All I can see is darkness and dust: an empty place
For you must always have been my favourite waste of space
 Mar 2010 Ayeshah
I Adore you , I Love the way You speak,
The way you move, I Love to Love Ya.
Through Hellacious events and even moody times.
I love you more in every way. So baby bring it all to me.
I will always Love you til Death do us part and in
sickness and health we shall have our Love as well as Wealth.
Death as well as Poverty,
as I wish upon a star for all to go
Well and superb as the shooting star never stops
I wont ever stop Lovin you
cause you are so hot stick sweet from your head down to you feet.
So pour some sugar on me,
but not to deep for to got as far down
WELL we gotta savour that taste of Love and passion,
The sweetness of truth on the tongue
of passion and the  massage of Exstacy  
within Your arms Flowin down your body as we
intertwine ourselves in a
Portal of seduction which Leads to a
Reproduction of the Lovelyness
that is My Immortal Beloved to Her
King on ancient wings of worldly power
will Give all my Love to you drastically
wanting to Dine on your Platter Like
Romeo and Julliets Hot ***.
Not only to make you wet but as
well to make you mine until death
and beyond in Lovers Lane.
Deaths will not touch our
Coiled embrace as we set
on into the sun were
Earth Hits Wind and Starts to caresse
The Fire which is this passion for
Life Long with You no matter how old
and decrepped we get,
Our passion for each other is left
to be said that A Heart is a House for Love,
and while we ride together to
everlasting Life Exstacy takes a
hold of us just like The key to my
Ever loving Heart to My Empress as
well as my Immortal Daimond in the Ruff,
so I will take one jump ahead of that
line and Show you a whole new world
as we show sweet love face down ***
up in the air toggling my juicy energies
that call out for your sweetness Essence of ******.
so I ask Are you Ready For Me My Immortal,
My Rib, My Everything,
Under this sweet moon we call Life ;
We careese every minute as its our
Last so Scream as Loud as you want
in that pillow as I release My Anocanda
within your cave to explore all the
wonders of My Immortal Goddess....
                             So Are You Ready??
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Beneath the weeping Willow tree
There sat a tiddly Monk
And no one knew and no one cared
Just why that Monk got drunk;
But everyday the clock struck twelve
You’d see him sitting there
Chirping cheerful ditties,
In a drunken slur.
Then one young boy, he stopped and asked,
“What troubles you my Lord?”
Ungraciously the monk replied
Or should I say, he roared!
“I have to taste the Holy wine,
It is my job you see.
But I cannot recommend it
Till I’ve tasted two or three,
And sometimes if the wine is corked
It can be five or six
So you see it’s not my fault
That I am in this fix.”
The boy said, “It’s not good my Lord
That a Holy man should be
Inebriated to the hilt
And sat beneath a tree.”
After giving one loud burp
The Monk he sat and cried,
“I’ll try to give it up my son
But many times I’ve tried.”
“The boy said Lord it’s come to me
This sudden blinding flash
My Dad would volunteer I know
But you’d have to pay him cash.”
“Your Dad would do this for me son,
Are you sure he’d volunteer?”
“It’s wine I know, but I think so
Although he’d prefer beer.”
“Is he a man of God?
Is he climbing Jacob’s Ladder?”
The boy said, “I don’t know
But he loves the ‘Bull and Bladder’.”
“Bring him to me soon my son
You’re the answer to my prayers
I thought I was forsaken
But now that someone cares,
I’ll walk the straight and narrow
And really sort my life.
Now what other sins have I?
Oh yes! I shouldn’t have a wife.
Do you think he’ll take her too?
This Father of yours son.”
“Well yes, he’s only human,
When all is said and done.
But that will cost, I’m sure you’ve guessed,
These things they don’t come cheap.
My Dad is sensible I know
And a robbing little creep.”
“That’s it then son.  Go forth.” He cried.
“Bring your Father here.
It will be worth it this I know
Even if it costs me dear.”
The boy pushed forth his hand
He expected a large tip
But the Monk pulled out a bottle
And he offered him a sip.
“I’m too young to drink my Lord,
You should be ashamed.
Although I know it is the wine
So you cannot be blamed.
But if you don’t cough up right now
And offer cash to me
You can sit there drunken all your life,
Beneath the Willow tree.”
 Mar 2010 Ayeshah
eileen mcgreevy
Black shoes, white shoes, preparing for my flight shoes,
High shoes, low shoes,beautiful peep toe shoes,
Business shoes, pleasure shoes, too perfect to measure shoes,
Wedding shoes, funeral shoes,running road and tunnel shoes,
Strappy shoes,ahh, ****** shoes, annoying clippy clappy shoes,
We really do need all of these,
While planning our lifes route,
But don't complain too much dear men,
I haven't started on my boots!!
 Mar 2010 Ayeshah
As Your Blood flows through you veins
                             like a smooth flowing River...
                                            I Love You;
                   As your Heart beats and yearns
                   for the touch of wild passion..
                                            I Love You;
                    as the chill crawls up my spine
                    as I look into your lustrous Eyes..
                                            I Love You;
                   As a seductive look from you
                   creeps through every fiber of my being..
                                           I Love You;
                   As I caress and massage your pain and deepest fears away;
                  As  the Bounty and willful pleasure of your Notoriously
                            Intelligent Mind is seeped from your lips;
                                                 I Love You;
                  So if ever you doubt and seek what is stuck within
                  Just remember as you breath Life and Beyond
                                             your Blood & Soul...
                                                  Did I mention
                         " I LOVE YOU MY IMMORTAL BELOVED".
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
 Mar 2010 Ayeshah
My days with you are seeds
that bloom at night.
Our love is life in agreement.

I write  to preserve what is
-in vain-
still the future's dear to me.

You must understand it is not only
death and lonelyness, that grow with days,
also love & life grow
the warmth of your hand
and friendship, each day.
Inspired on a lovely Finnish-Swedish poem Hästens hjärta, 1979
But not just translated:  only the melody survived...
some say we should keep personal remorse from the
stay abstract, and there is some reason in this,
but jezus;
twelve poems gone and I don't keep carbons and you have
paintings too, my best ones; its stifling:
are you trying to crush me out like the rest of them?
why didn't you take my money? they usually do
from the sleeping drunken pants sick in the corner.
next time take my left arm or a fifty
but not my poems:
I'm not Shakespeare
but sometime simply
there won't be any more, abstract or otherwise;
there'll always be mony and ****** and drunkards
down to the last bomb,
but as God said,
crossing his legs,
I see where I have made plenty of poets
but not so very much
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
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