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Ayeshah Feb 2014

didn't listen to me,

           No atonement's

for what love's done

love beat me


  played with my head,

          used me

abuse me

treated me

         less than human

blamed me

  shamed me

****** me

***** me

disgraced me

yielded me stopped me

held me back

confiscated trust

ran away with loyalty


              been love for me

before I ever understood

    what *"love"

Love you

never gave me a chance

   never changed for me

                  you let me

lose so much,

     mainly peace,

You stole away

  my youth

    took away

     what innocents I had

gave me wings

then clipped them

never allowing me to fly

yet some how

          love spread his wings

from tree to tree

skyscrapers even

so what about me?

Love took away my pride

                      left me *** out

down in the dumps

said your

"always & forever's"

that never came

  left me ashamed


   unwanted but that''ll

be my next story

             because like normal


isn't listening.

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Feb 2014
I feel so alive

                                       so ready,

                                                    so good,

                              I can feel you

                                              so deeply inside of me,

                                   I'm ready,

                                                     I'll burst soon.

                                     Tease me,

                 don't let me go,

                                hold me tight


                                          move real slow,

                                                        ­  oh my gosh

                               I feel the swell

                                             of you,

                             deeper please

                                      give me more of you...

                                     Oh I can feel

                                          me pulsating


  ­                                         I'm ready to pop.....


   ­                     your coming?



                                    I'm DONE...

                                                 Time fo me to

                               get in the  shower......

                                    to be continue

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
that's *******, but it happens,   just best next time to  women start early, if you only got that 1 ****** guess try make it come out sooner, but those like me well do it before and after your in the shower lol.( we the few who can have more then just 1)  he means well so never make em feel bad intentionally but be honest always...
Ayeshah Feb 2014
I haven't had you in so long

I cringe when you penetrate me

engorged sleep inside of me

well least I dream this could be

but right now your far from me

and I'm far from you,

same city

same town

but it's hard to give back

what once used to be,

scared to trust again,

I listened,


I had plethora of will

to withstand all things

which could of

  and did come our way,

I trusted you

loved you best

I have to go now

have to forget

pain pleasure tears sweat

in and out

deep, slow

more and more

seemed to be all we ever had

seems if

we weren't *******

we were scrapping.


so tired,

I just want to close my eyes

and forget all the negative.

Forget you,

but the massiveness

between your legs

has me craving  you once again.

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
He is that **** GOOD... but doesn't mean he's good for me..... we will possibly see. lol my minds  just doing what it wants, bear with me yall.
Ayeshah Feb 2014
Selectively mines,  on conditions that I don't step out of line, don't dare ask too many questions because it makes you answer with more questions where I'm turnt into the bad guy,

the one who doesn't understand, it's all my fault somehow, it's because of me, I failed to give into to ridicules accusations or allow defeat, I was pushed past the point of breaking ,

I even lost me a few times, I've been insane for as long as I can remember but this time it's completely different, I wake to walk in fear every hours of the day,

I'm made to feel ashamed for loving you, told I'll never be as good as the one you're faithfully into someone whose not even known you not the real you not as I do,

seed after useless seeds polluted a once healthy womb, drop after drop tears fell ******* shadows passing me up,

leaving me for what may become a happy ending to this fairytale nightmare,screaming myself away flinging covers off of me, laughing as I cry  out darkness, so dark and the scents nostalgically unpleasant, the many times her scents lingered on you

even in thought I conjure up the smell of lies, the musty deceit, the filthy metallic accusations thrown at me

Selectively mines when it suites your ego and when it's not inconveniencing you, I'm turnt into the bad one the person whose always to blame,

                  the one who
doesn't understand,
                it's all my fault                        
it's because of me,
           I failed to give into
                           to ridicules accusations
                                                       or allow defeat,    
                                                  I was pushed
                                                     past the point of breaking

the reason you need her - where I no longer have a place, I had no choice too, I had to move on.

Hardest things to do when your reaching for a hand but end up with  straws, darkness and no help, dreams unpleasantly real, craving a touch a kiss, to be notice.

        Knock knock,    
                          whose there?

                                             No one....
                                       Just your
                                                  Wife of 11 years.

                                  Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
it's sad to give anyone all of you when you now only have very little to nothing left to give your self, I know for me trusting people is too scary, last relationship lasted 3 yrs and what went down in the previous one which was 11 ++ really both did a number on me.  never forget to trust your instincts.
Ayeshah Feb 2014
I sure know how to pick em,
thought this time would be different,
yet the only differences is how
you sweet talked your way
faster into my heart
then any one else ever did.

Sistah'Girl, I tell you I sure know how to pic em,got one whose so good I believed him from day one, believed he'd keep his word and all the major or little things would be a plus,

* the way I stood by him and stood up for him,
the way I support him when he had and has no one else.

How I slave in my kitchen making sure
once he gets home his belly's full,
How is it I'm coming up last over
a ***** that told you to kiss her ***.

Left you in a heap and continues to mistreat you, how am I the sideline ****
  you've turned me into, when I'm pose to be on a pedal-stool.

pose to be the one with the ring
this one on this finger
you claimed meant everything,
yet I continuously find you making
up reasons for your underling
sympathetic *******,

seems to me you still want this
                                                               rat face
                                                                      sagging *******  
                                                                                   raunchy ***

Be real
be honest,

don't sugar coat a **** thing
fo me
I'm not like

I'll walk away with a smile
knowing I'm the top notch chick,
the queen you failed to claim,

Motha ***** please.

That trick you continuously long
& yearn fo will have you once more ready to **** yo self,
ready to become once more some type of disgrace,
that well polished heart will once more ache
and all your niceties  
will be for naught,

I'll be far gone
living it up with someone new,
some one who wont take
my love or me for granted,
someone who
isn't ******* you!

Karma huh
well no need to worry about "her"
cuz I'm far worse
and I come
quite as a storm,
make you feel the impact up
close & personal,

like you been ***** deep in ya *******.

like Dorthy when she left ******* Kansas
yo *** about to met the wickedest witch.

you gonna know it was me-you played me
& I told you before don't play with me boo baby,

****, trust me boo,
I seen all to well too many men like you,
the one's you say never compare you to,

funny- now cause seems like your doing the same ****,
just like them whom you don't wish to be compared with.

This is the reason why
                I rather say hell naw
                               get the **** out,
                                        I learned years ago,
                                                              I CAN DO BAD ALL ON MY OWN!
  Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
deep in thought and in my feelings. feeling some type of way!
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I'm not obligated to you,
I don't owe you anything, not no mo &
not when for years you've made sure to
exclude me and treat strangers
far better than you'd do me,
your impressed by your entourage

                             but if they knew
                                                                             you like me maybe they'd see
                                                the ******* hiding underneath.

                                                                                  Just maybe huh...
Yo you talk a lot of ****

but what do you have to show after
spending on these little old *** man--looking women.

Blaming me,
when your caught out & stuck...

I swear son these
make it hard for rest of us females,
take note girl and realize his money don't impress me.
I knew this motha ***** when he ain't have a dime
or any type of game,
your the only one in line
trying to be what I once was- his everything,
the chef,the lawyer,
his counselor, budget keeper,
clothes mending,
dish washing *** machine -house keeper,
his baby maker,
& forever attending to his every waking need,
his bread winner,
I'm the chick, the queen-bee,
girl the only one that ever held him down,
I'm the one whose made sure
he was clothe, feed & never broke
Yo you think I'm the joke?

Trick please,
just for your
assumptions & blatant disrespect,
I'll always be better than you!

                                                              These men are so funny

                                                                                      and these uneducated
                                   so called women too.

Who in there right mind
would assume they now my life
or that of the relationship I was in,
***** don't attempt to answer,
that was rhetorical
there ain't no way you can ever know
I don't give a **** what's been told you
specifically&especially; by

Of course he'll lie to you that's the only thing he knows,
I'm laughing hard at you though cause
your stupid too, for believing his sorry excuse.

No good gold-digging man whom you've seen
me do everything for,
no need to listen to him when
the evidence been right in front of you,
but your cheap&looking; to score,
She thought to take from my children,
stupid *****,
I think not,
because everything he's got
it because of me.
I made and gave to him
except the man he pretends,
I can't claim the fake ******* he doing with you,
***** please
that's all him,
an adulterous
looking for you to give to him what I used to
and you keep looking to me for answers
well my advise to you- get back on your knees,
kiss my *** actually never mind
who knows what diseases
are on your lips.

My advise to him,
be careful who you play games with
and watch who you lay down with too,
I got a life which no longer involves you,
my kids will be fine,
so baby boy *******
**** yo own ****
from here on out I don't owe you a **** thing,
I don't forgive you
but I'll forgive myself
for trusting in ya word and the vows we had left...

I'll forgive me

                           for ever loving you,
                          for the pain I let you cause me
                                     not to mention the pain

                                                           ­                      I let myself feel
                                         ­           for falling for
                              the wrong ******* dude


               ­                          from here on out
                           I'm sailing my ship far the **** away
      and taking my kids too,
             because after all your lies,
affairs& every kinds of abuse
           I'm no longer
  Obligated to You.

*Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
I write about my divorce&about; other relationship's plus all my abuse i went through from child hood to adult hood...and much more good, bad... whatever's on my mind and i share. enjoy cuz lol this was what was on my mind for a while. to my exes **** u & thanks for the lessons.
Ayeshah Jan 2014
there's a cold dark corner
in my room,
your voice calls
out when I'm curled up there
on the dank musty floor,
it speaks to me; I'm coming for you.
I hold to the
voiceful melody of your
spoken sounds as you drown out
the drone of negativity
and the past men who lied
when they said
they'd always love me...
As I lie on my bed
in the fetal position,
eyes closed
you'll walk in,  lift me onto your lap
cradled me in that protective way
only you're able to give me,
feel your fingers caress me.
Too many times I find
I walk in a stupor from the loving  you gave.
Gosh it feels so long ago
and my needs wrecking  my senses
once more can you do to me what you did last time,
just once more & I'll let it be.
I'm feigning...
My dystonia
is you- every time you come around
I get what I'll call
uncontainable, uncontrollable
movements and twitches
twerking if need be, just to get
intoxicated one more time of off
like the excitement a kleptomaniac gets
or the levels of high a shopaholic feels
my dopamine fired up every time
you do what you do to me
Him'aholic, His'aholic,
infectiousness habits,
sweats & hot flashes-
because of what you do,
mentally I'm gone,
once you take root in my veins,
in my lungs,
I forget all that's wrong with the world,
all those problems from my past
I no longer see any of those things.
It's a made up word,
less you count when
Kelly Price
Him'aholic for her album title.
Different meaning in 
 His'aholic, different in Your'aholic too,
that's a bit more personal and much more deep,
it a thing where
  well forget I said anything
I make up my own words in referencing to anything about you.
I'm  jonesing, longing and yearning
oh please oh please
oh please-
I'm begging you!
Your the unusual
"drug" addiction
I need to feed on,
You got me
craving, shamefully
shaking with it,
longing and in a dazed- hazy blur.
Because of you I'm a
mindless puppet, my strings
once connected to you
are torn.
The music doesn't sound right,
the dance ain't got he same
I feel sick when I can't have you
feel upside down,
when I ain't got my fix.
I got it bad & all I want is you
say what you want but just know
I got a illness
there's only one cure for
Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
made up some these words and no disrespect to anyone with a real illness/addiction. Thanks for reading even if for YOU it may not make sense.
It was fun and I did a play on words. Besos!
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