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Ayeshah Jan 2014
you ever notice how
the patterns on
the ceiling looks
and ever focus so long
the patterns
start to make shapes-
ever stare out
and watch
yourself from
point of view?...
I still do this,
we tend to be
at odds with our
perception of life,
seems what
I'm able to see
isn't pleasant or reality-
looking down
at myself.
call this,
an outer body
when your
looking up
watch me
watching you.
you feel the pain
I was feeling,
you see yourself
as if in a movie,
I keep the aftermath
& the many
steeped in secrecy,
obscuring the facts.
these DCF workers
& Court's,
this "System"
was set up to
rescue us
children from
terrible situations
in our
families lives
give them
a chance
at a normal
healthy life.
I lay here floating
above myself,
I can see
from up here
what I'm feeling
& he's more
horrific than
the one's
they sent me
to before.
you imagine
the daily living
of being
a child assuming &
thinking you
are saved
once placed
within a new home.
to find the situation
I was torn from
my loving yet very
dysfunctional family,
my siblings,
not so politically correct
but SAFETY was in
our numbers.
were strong even
brave as we're
placed with monsters.
in my closet,
in my room,
under my bed,
in my shower,
hiding behind the
bedroom door...
his footsteps-
heard on the stairs
he'll know
I'm recently
fresh out the shower,
I can smell his stickiness-
he's yet to do anything
The monsters,
hiding in plain sight,
in daylight-
always, always at midnight
watching me,
watching, always watching
watching me eat,
watching me sleep,
touching me in my sleep,
this monster....
you ever notice
how the patterns
on the ceiling looks
and ever focus so long
the patterns start to

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I don't know how to love you like you want or wish me to,

I never claimed in the first place
that I knew what love was,

told you I don't think I've ever owned it

and may have rented it a time or two,

I can't be what you need
if serenity

is what your looking for,

told you I'm a bit lost to where it's like

I wish to believe in your words
but he and him

and they
said the same thing things

promised and gave their word
like your doing

How can I give in when your
a man-  my enemy

friend yet nothing of the sort,

You'd get me,
then hurt me love me

then **** the joy of
just knowing you
right outta of me

tear me down then build me up

take for granted
the day we first met

Lie to my face and disgrace what

would be a happy home
a happy us.

Hurt me so deep
I'll believe  or trust you again,
Or anyone of the opposite ***
barely trust now

but the little I'm able to give to you has me
still questioning is it all
for real,

3 years from now or even 15

will you be able to give me all your

trying to give me now?

I don't know and I'm too scared to find out,

I need to much attention
too much of your time,

so much of being reassured
you'll have to constantly show & tell

prove to me
no one else can take what

you're claiming
Is "mines"

you'd have to validate me every single day

and check in
even if your at work least 3 times a day

Call me once you're
leaving work
& make sure
you're putting me 1st

this love and where, plus

when does the past stop hurting
when do I allow
you to be the man
I so desperately need.

I can't!!!
It's too much
I'll get hurt again


for now

please appease me


Trend Lightly!

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Jan 2014
Good girl's don't tell,
You should do as I say & not as I do.

Mama said
respect my elders so respectfully
I'll lay here and not make a sound.

You've told me
rewards good girls when they obey their parents and being my foster parent I must do as


tells me so obey you I do,
I brush my teeth and let you brush my hair,
you lift a trestle
to your nose ,
smell deeply then brush my hair some more.

I must be a sacrificial lamb and let your will be done.

The pink lace type  nightgown fits me a bit big, the perfume makes me
- -
ahchoo ahchoo
I don't like the rouge on my cheeks and this light brown powdery stuff
smell like old women and itches,
I smile cause it hides the swelling purplish bruises
on my eye and right cheek.

It also makes me feel so beautiful,
specially cause of  the look in your eyes,
I know that

like how I look from
the smirk on your face.

I sit down as you've instructed,
watching you as you go to the door
locking it,
I don't know what to think or how you feel
but you tell me that
I'm special,
magically so and you'd die
if you can't have me.

I don't know what you mean
I come up to you and rub your back.

It  always worked
when my
did this to me,
giving me comfort as any good parent should.

You on the other hand

me and tell me I am so lovely
Yet your
not accepting the
father/ daughter comforts I wish to give you.

My naivete's got you looking at me
and in this fortress- locked room you take it upon yourself
to demonstrate just what I truly mean to you ,
you kiss,
you  kiss my lips
, touch my chest,
sliding your hand down
with a hunger in your eyes of which
I can't place,
I'm frighten and worried
yet you tell  me
to relax and lay on the bed,
repeating to me  that
Good Girl's Don't Tell.*

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Jan 2014
They say...
They say we accept & take the love
we think we deserve,

so in my past-
I must of,
not have thought,
felt or believed
I deserved
love at all.

Laying here,
I hold my pillow & think of the look
of your eyes,
plus the look in your eyes
the contour of your face
I see it in silhouettes,

when the rooms a bit dark & the suns
the sun's yet
to set that image of you hovering
over me & the crooked  grin
flashing your white teeth,

I think of those taunt muscle
as you lift your self and look down at me
how firm and chiseled your whole form is...

You're sculpted out heaven's clay.

You're like a Greek tragedy,
where the man is spoken of as the hero,
but dies saving his lady-love,
differences is your so very much alive
next to me...

your body language say you want more of us
but your actions are in'congruously showing me
something else altogether , you're playing hard to get
but how's that when I already caught you?

I smell us in this room.

Feel you inside of me
and the look you're given me
tells me you want so much more
but how am I to give you so much,
when disappointments-
been a recurring friend?

They say we accept & take the love
we think we deserve,
we'll that's what
They Say!

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Jan 2014
These silent
like echoed Doppler
heart beats
& cacophony cries
I've longed for
& yet to hear.

sticky loosened like sinews
with a crimson rope
trailing, tied to me
a hanging noose
from genitalia to abdomen.

metaphorical blindfolded
eyes never open
mouths sealed shut,
slippery-jelly wetness
cascading from limbs
warm arms hold me & try hard
to calm my wails.

I feel discombobulated
in this peril of darkness
with this injustice
the savage way life's ****** away my chance
of fulfillment, the radiant glow my whole being once held
O'how my soul's been stolen away,

                                             each push

                                                            * each breath

                                                               ­                *each heart

                    breaking   pain.

It's a invisible beating,
which keeps me flailing
& screaming
as consumptive
waves mistreat
my hoarding womb
wrecking havoc
in the
    most brutal

pain deep within me
White coated sleeve
red bright metallic stains.

Masked faces
& eyes who can't
match my tearful stare
sound of
regret & sympathetic
mournful apologizes-

left  me defeated
             out of the most
important things,

which matters
        only to me.

I'm never going to be
the same
not after this
Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I'm going to be quick
about what I need to say;

You always complimenting me,
admiration shows in your eyes

when you look at me

but I hardly ever express how
I feel or think when it comes to you.

Baby this innocence
about you drives me wild,

the child-like look you give
me makes me giggle and smile

you're so sweet, so very endearing.

Papi do you know that
when your talking to me sometimes

I don't even hear what you've said,
since I'm so busy watching your lips

watching your smile...

I get worried a bit frighten sometimes

because I never wish to lose you

can't fathom the
idea of you not being here with me

I go off the handle and
with out thinking I end up hurting you.

I'm too rough round the edges,
to harsh & brash with my words

I honestly forget your not like them.

You've never said one
bad thing to me or
done anything to wrong me,

always dedicated and upfront,
surge-coated but honest in all your doings

so much so
I even have access to your cell phone but,

I must explain.

I know this yet when we argue
over the smallest things

I forget, really I do,
forget the way you hold me so close & tight

especially when I've had a nightmare,

I forget the times you've stayed up
with me because I couldn't sleep.

Yet I can never for the
countless times you've apologized

on bended knees, tears streaming down your face.

Or how about when I've tried to leave,
you'd beg of me to stay, carry me to your room

and just hold me  or rock
even rubbing me  to sleep & wiping my tears away.

Can't forget the way you kiss me
so slow but deep causing my head to become dizzy,

the way you make love to me or how you
just touch me even the slightest bit,

how you'll spend on me and give me everything.

Baby from the moment I saw you and we
walked down the street talking,

I knew you'd be good for me.

Your protective strong and so ****
determined to provide for me

all the things I've been left with out for so long.

I cry sometimes,
I'm not sure I can handle
the type of man that you clearly are,

I cry too, because
I worry that one day my PSTD mind will take it to far...

So far I'll lose you,
lose us and all the great things we've become.

But Baby I can't forget the times before you,
the unhappiness- my life once held

the lonely nights and helplessness
that no longer exists.

Your everything to me and a Godsend

because of this plus so much more

I'll do my best to remember but

seriously how can I ever*


Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
(you're not like them and every day you show me I matter, I'm important& the way you love me uncontrollably & unconditionally keeps me loving you so very deeply even if I'm scared I ain't running, less it's with you)
Ayeshah Jan 2014
Soapy suds tracing all over my
succulent breast, chest, *******,
down down my
outer & inner thighs,
hands, feet, and my genitals.

Suds dancing deliciously
on my skin
bubbling all around me

You whisper in my ear
as you come up
from behind me
a gentle touch felt.

Pressing waters
dripping over us
steams spray- misting down
from the shower head
fogging up
my frost pattern
shower glass doors.

Soap suds wash away,
your massive hand
cups my breast
sliding up to my neck
strong fingers encase
my throat
my heads pushed down
as you bend me over
you sigh in pleasure
as you enter me.

One finger then another,
while you stroke your
big scrumptious ****.

Exquisitely you slowly
slide down
my form,
part my legs,
palm of your hands
firmly on my thigh
lifting my leg over
one of your shoulders
you flick your tongue
across my ****,
savor my honeydew

Your tongues exploring
inside my silken walls
while you tease my ****
all the while you
continuously *******

My hairs soaked & wet
hanging heart-shaped
round my face
down to my shoulders.

You lift me up, my hands
instinctively grip your neck
your hips rise forcibly to meet me
as you outline the moist contours of my
sweet ***** lips.

The tip of your head
enters me, your holding my *** so tightly
moving swift & deep inside of me.

This is so crazy,
the way your
joined with me
deep in me pumping
hard long stokes...

Our body’s move with
wild abandonment
in search of that
euphoric height
we cling tightly
as the waves
of pleasure
crash together,
wave after
delirious wave
expanding our
******* utopia
I dig my
nails deeper
in your back
until you’re
hips slow a bit.

I bite my lip cause your so deep,
I have this starvational need
a longing and each
stroke out
makes me want you
back in deeper.
your body
me as you
invade my tight
silky walls.
This build up is so
causing sensations
causing my body
inner and outward
with burst of
so uncontrollable
all over my body
the waters cold
guess we can carry on in the bedroom
so how about we take a break
& get out of the*


Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
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