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Ayeshah Dec 2010
Every time

We talked

He'd ask me what I thought


He hooked & bated me

He'd send flowers and a card

Every time*

He made love to me and finished off 1st

He's send flowers & a card

Every time

He'd kiss me

When I was feeling at my worst

He'd send flowers & a card

Every time

He told me he loved me & not "her"

He'd send flowers & a card

Every time

He'd stayed out late or came home the next day

He'd send flowers & a card

This time with candy in a box

Every time

He lied & i fall for him again

He'd send flowers candy & a card

This time

with a teddy bear holding the card

Every time

He'd  choked & yelled at me

Then  stormed out

He'd come back with flowers candy a teddy bear & a card

This time on his knees asking me to marry him

Of-course I said yes

Every time

He'd blame me when it was his fought

He'd say how sorry he was

with flowers candy box teddy bears
& a card

time he asked me to give him a baby

Natural *

I did giving him  more then one

Every time

He'd *hit
me and tell me to shut my mouth

He'd come back with candy boxes  flowers teddy bears & a card

Promising not to do it again


He never kept his promises

& started adding necklaces to those other gifts

Every time

for the longest time

He'd send me

candy boxes, flowers, teddy bears rings necklaces, & cards

Every time

He went to my grave

He'd send


a tear


a card


(until it was my last time)*

Always me Ayeshah
© 1977- present year(s)
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2010
Baby hear me out please,

I want to say something to you:
I'm in love with you,

I'm holding hope up and wishing you'd grab the rope...

Let me be the one........

I want to commit to you,

live & die- - growing old
with you

but your too scarred to see..

As soon as I confessed loving you..,

It seemed you shut down.....,

Physically your still there

But you mentally went some where..

Your hiding your soul


I can't bare climbing over  

the walls you made....

Trying to reach

what seems impossible,


there to high to reach

I'm ah fall
&I; hope you catch me....

Being with you..

It's like medicine for my heart & food to my soul.

You left it up,
from the moment I met you,

I felt a power tugging on my strings-

mental & oh so many other things,

you got me monopolizing your time.....

Your too scared to take whats being given,

so I let you take this love thing real slowly...


when I told you ;

I'm falling for you ; I meant to say...

I'm deeply in love with ya ways & how you treat me

always the gentleman,

Never wanting to be anything but!

I like the "****" in you,

that comes out in the bed room,

I like the way you speak to me


conversations make me completely

"Aware" - - of your smell


You give me a rush '
your endorphins ; causing me weakness

An intoxicating feelings

taking over my senses...

My GOD you just don't know..

Ya every breath & touch,

Ya motions and movements,
the way you turn ya head and
how ya eyes light up..

Papi believe me this is more then


More than a crush

even more than infatuation.

Yeah your older than me,


You've been hurt plenty,

But don't tell me,

I'm too young and don't know what love means,

What it is to me?

I may not know exactly
not completely

I think I've been close to it a time or two.

Your right to guard yourself from me


if You had me as ya lady ; I'd never leave

I'd be emotionally stalking you,
obsessed about you,

I'd sleep right next to you
make you fat by cooking your food

Spoil you by : rubbing, massaging
every part of ya body
each & every night

As you walked in the door from work,

I'd take ya shoe's off (rub ya feet)

you ain't got to say a word....

But I'd listen to all your problems
try my best to solve em,
pray with you, for you... for us,

Hold the children

"son's" up to your example,

would understand that to have a good man

you'd need a good woman
(like me)

We'd be a team
when it came down to everything.

I'd be your budget keeper
your court appointed attorney & adviser
I'd be your marriage counselor
and anything else....

We could be of same mind
combine our souls as one

I'd follow your lead
but not take away from ME cuz no matter what

this is who I am
even when I have had a man.

But the difference is
I'd do all this and more
just because my love's so strong for you

My heart cries out for you
I wake up & I touch my self where
you've been not even knowing
I'm doing it, until it's to late...

Funny as I wash my body ;
I stop on the parts you've kissed, caressed & touched...

A mental image of you pops in my head
I smile to my self.

Tell me- am I being punished,?

Is "Karma" getting back at me ?

for doing something long a go
just maybe huh?

Cuz I can't seem to get at you....

Make you understand...
If you was my man- You'd never have to worry

I'd do my best to take the hurting away

I'd be ya right hand

Ya best friend.....


'You wont know till you see for ya self,
don't wait until it's all said & done
your wishing for me
after I'm gone...

Like the saying goes;

"You Don't Know What You Got Til It's Gone"

Think about it
I treat you right now

like a prince....

But you could be
my king....


when you decide you want me-
believe me you'd understand .........

Like I said  ...........

If You Was My Man!

Always me Ayeshah
© 1977- present year(s)
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I have my dayz where I set & think of the ppl no longer in my life (dead&alive;)

I'm grateful

4  the memories,  sad 4  the losses &  Still upset/bitter on sum of the BS that went down.

But  at the end of the day/ night  as

I look back on the scenes of my life share w/ Them  & W/U  

4 that


  I SMILE,   Cry   (sumtimes)  



I realized.........


Pain or not

I'm living!

This is Life

&   it'll be what I make it!





TY  4  



WIT        ME!
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I wanted to feel his hands

massaging me once more,

rubbing out the pain & stress of my day(s).

I wanted to look into his beautiful eyes

that always said

"I Love You My Queen"

I wanted to once again

entwine our fingers

as we held close

our bodies while we laid & talked.

I want to kiss his lips,


tongues dance again.

I wanted to run my fingers

once more thew his curly hair....

I want to hear him whisper once more

Good morning my love,

as he came home

from a night of work....

I wanted to feel him

kiss my forehead


say baby

I'll fight for you,

for Us!

Like he once was willing to do...

I wanted him to

be there when

His 1st born!


came outta me,

I wanted him to watch as

my opening stretched wide

for the life we conceived

started to break free,

wanted to look at him watching

me struggle

( for my & our sons life)

Wanted him to watch me

cry out with each contraction,

as my body sweating


shook from hot to cold

with hot flashes & chills,

I wanted him to see

my legs spread far apart,

my bottom hanging it seems~

slightly off the bed

my feet wrecked up on stirrups

as my ***** minora opens wider ,

stretching it's self as well as my  ***** majora....

As our sons head slowly emerges out of me,

I wanted him to watch me

as I watched him

"catch His 1stborn....

His only SON!

I wanted us to cry laugh & hug each other

as our child is placed in my arms....

Him kissing me on my forehead

once more teary eyed with

that proud new daddy

look men tend to get.........

I wanted this and so much more.....

I no longer want it thou!

Realities hit
I'm better off

doing this on my own!

**Always Me Ayeshah
© 1977- present year(s)
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2010
Acceptance is overrated when being a Mommy is even better then popularizes falsehood&superficial; non-importance personal gain! or a daddy either way

whats gain if you gain nothing  in life and if being a parent aint for you well good for you

this is to those who get down and ***** and do the right thing everyday for OUR BABIES from not yet born to 100 yrs old & GONE!

Acceptance is overrated when being a Mommy is even better then popularizes falsehood&superficial; non-importance personal gain! or a daddy either way

I gain  kisses and paid in hugs, I gain wisdom from tiny fingers smudged in finger paints,

I have knowledge beyond my or their years from tears cuz of boboo's + shrieking laughter

&  bedtime stories,

smile of chocolate face kisses & warm S'more sticky fingers covered in blankets of hair,

sleeping on my pillows in an over crowded bed of baby limbs, hands & feet from the tallest & oldest to the youngest  or shortest .

From the I went ***** by my self to day... to the I fell off my bike ,

to the I can do all by my self mommy to the I'm going out with friends mommy,

from the can I have 50 cent to the 18 yrs old can I borrow ya car & get 50 dollar's

watch each close their pretty brown eyes as my pillow and room becomes theirs  as  we fall asleep to nick at night

(little bear or Hey it's Franklin  )

and I'm kicked to the floor in my sleep !


AYESHAH K.K.C.N. LOPEZ Copyright ©2010
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I had to listen


not speak,

I had to watch


Not move,
Had fallow


I too could ever lead....

Had to be so broken down

before I could get back up,

I been there


back around again.

Through it all

I learned~

It's these life's lessons

that's made me stronger


for it all

good or bad.......

I am Thankful!

GOD'S Got me


carry's me

threw it all!

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Nov 2010
Baby hold onto me...

Can you feel me breathing...
in your scent
as our bodies collide
smashing together
like waves hitting the sand.

Can you hear my whimpers
as you
slowly & deeply
the very core of my essence.

I unfold like blooming flowers,
as you succumb to desire
caused by my teasing you....

Months on end I flirted
and teased wearing
mini skirts,
thigh high stocking
with lacy garter belts
playing the role
of sensual seductress
all the wile gearing up
to be more
then your temptress...

I want to cossume your body
and fill your thoughts
of the sweet pleasure
I've given you.

Tasting me on you is
a fixation
that sticks in my head
as I lay awake
at night thinking
of how
you've caressed
me with your lips

and tickled me with
your fingers
as you strummed
my budding rose.

I got this fantasy
I'd like to try with you,
how about you
let me tie you up to my bed
and tease you,

kissing your growing shaft
as I flick my tongue  
over the head
and slid my mouth
around the base of you...
You can only move your hips
no touching
just let me do this........

Can you let me untie you
and bring you to the shower,
I'll wrap the strings right around
my wrist you helping too,
spreading me eagle
in a stand up positions
then roughly you enter,
deep strokes  after strokes
yet I am now the one
who can't touch you...

Lift me up and push in deeper,
hurt me love me
as I let out little screams

& whimpers of pleasure.
I cry out again & again
as you shove yourself
in so deep,
I feel alive yet I'm floating.....

I have yet to touch earth again
and your starting back up,
working your mouth around me, in me
and  my budding rose,

tongues dancing in and out of me,
I can't breath,

my mind follows my body
as I reach new heights...

Stars burst in the back of my eyes,
I feel again and again like I'm floating,

swimming in ecstasy......

To got **** bad

was only a dream


how things once used to be!
I'm laying here wide away

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
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