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 May 2013 Ayeglasses
Anon C
You poisoned it
my love
a child's twisted black heart
quenched with acidic raindrops
feeding upon a parasitic wasteland
reaching for the one who bleeds like me
unable to hold, I cannot wield it
when the anvil drops
pain and repercussions become absolute
 May 2013 Ayeglasses
I believe her tears would mix with mine
If mine weren't thick and hers weren't fine
 May 2013 Ayeglasses
The closest I have been to
happiness was that one evening
watching The Shining with
you; when there was a snowstorm
outside and our parents were
having dinner together and you
promised to cook for me (your
cooking was awful, by the way)
and we talked and turned off all
the lights, turned on the television
and made fun of the wallpaper
in the hotel. We watched Mathilda
after that, which, to be honest, was
much more frightening, and I think
you put your arm around me; I
pretended not to notice, because I
thought it might not mean anything;
your mother came home too soon and
we said goodbye. I promised to cook
for you, some day, and never did, then
you moved to the other side of the country
and fell in love with someone else and I
stayed here, and I dated other people and
never really got you out of my head.

Now I am over you, and have been for
a while, but even though we never were
together all of my best memories include
you; and it leaves me empty-hearted
and wondering if I'll ever learn to love
eating terrible salmon and watching
a terrible film with someone else.
When you think you see...
You really don't.
All those things you say cause you think you have the control to manipulate me.
...When it just hurts
It's just like you to just stand there kicking dirt in my eyes telling me "just get up!!"'s not that easy, and you don't get it. So I guess I gotta point this out so you can understand IT.
Feeling stuck like your the only one trying to do the right thing anymore ....
Yet your surrounded by people who worship their sim... Stuck living the lie that you gotta fit it... You guys are tricked into thinking that the way you perform in front of
Your friends is how they decide whether your good enough when really there justnsearching for your flaws...!see I don't know about YOU but I'm tierd of choosing to drag behind someone else's behind someone else's desguise I think they call it "living a lie"..see where I'm stuck is, when I'm trying to live for God, I automatically am shot out of the friend zone , ending up that its just me again. Vulnerable and alone. And the whole separating my self and playing piano alone ... Is getting old!! I know they say it won't be easy and it's a "relentless pursuit" but really? See its just like you to walk into my life and point out my flaws like daggers in my chest.. When your the one I am supposed to look up too. But when your not here where I'm at you REALLY don't know just how hard it is!! There is not one person I've met that seems to want the same thing as me...  "IF YOUR OUT THERE, WHERE ARE YOU?! PLEASE STEP UP!" Cause it's **** hard .. Do you not see my cry? I'm trying!!
But my crystal aren't loud enough... And it feels as though my prayers never leave me... Behind closed doors hoping that if I scream loud enough or cry hard enough MAYBE just MAYBE you'll hear me. Just realizing that you won't cause no ones really listening.... Hoping that if I hide behind this disquise long enough you'll forget who I used to be.. I miss you dad... I haven't seen you in 4 weeks do you hear me now? Friends, will you finally listen?.... Please if you'll just let me speak I will tell you.... Just don't let me speak only to find that your not really listening... How I see it ..... Is... PLEASE STAND UP!! If your striving and hurting please reach out!! Because there's people just like you and me, trying to decide whether to speak or to stay silent.. Cause there stuck finding that when they open up people don't seem to care what they have to say... All I'm asking is IF YOUR DO CARE.
V please stand up and ask me, ask your friends, ask your enemy's cause I hurry tee there's a lot more people "stuck" and hurting .. Just like you and me...
 May 2013 Ayeglasses
Love preservation—
On the metal of the time capsule sits:
a seed.
 May 2013 Ayeglasses
In the Beginning, you were given:

Two eyes - to see the universe
Two ears - to hear the TARDIS song
Two feet - to dance among the stars
Two hands - to bring your friends along
Two lips - to speak in tongues so sweet
Two hearts - to love all you meet

Then you grew old, and these are what you have:

Two eyes - that can see naught but hate
Two ears - that ring with screams of fear
Two feet - that flee the Storm innate
Two hands - drenched with blood and tears
Two lips - that taste of ash and smoke
Two hearts - mangled, shredded, broke

Then you met a girl who saved you -
and these are all the things she gave you:

Two eyes - to see again the light
Two ears - to hear her laugh and rave
Two feet - to dance with her all night
Two hands - to hold and keep her safe
Two lips - to speak of life again
Two hearts - to trust once more in men

Then she was gone, and this is what is left:

Two eyes - like ice that burn with pain
Two ears - that ache to hear her speak
Two feet - that run as if they're lame
Two hands - that can't touch what they seek
Two lips - again taste only ash
Two hearts - again like shattered glass

You gain a friend, you lose a friend,
Over and over, and in the end:

(How often were they renewed? How many times did the blackness recede and return?)
- too tired of the strobing dark and light -

(How often did screams overwhelm laughter? How many times did you lose a precious voice?)
- almost deaf to cries of delight -

(How many miles have you run? How often did you flee the disasters you have caused?)
- blistered, bloodied, endless flight -

(How many did you hold, then cast away? How many did you condemn rather than forgive?)
- merciless in the unending fight -

(How many names did you speak into life? How many more did you speak into death?)
- speaking words that will never heal the blight -

(How often did you break? How many pieces did you leave scattered through time and space?)
- shattered -
(Was there ever a time when they were whole?)
- broken -
(It's been so long)
- torn -
(I can't remember)
- shredded -
(Did I perhaps start out with one?)
- and never made right -

Do I have two or four or ten
after breaking again and again?
 May 2013 Ayeglasses
Kimber Smith
I thought about licking the tears from your chin. I thought about kissing the salt water from your veins. I thought about ******* the hurt from your heart. I thought about licking the hate from your eyes. I thought  about kissing the dust from your smile. I thought about ******* the dread from your lungs. "Give me a reason to keep on living" you'd whisper in my ear but i'll give you a thousand and keep your for a million years. It's hard to think of a world free of your grace so i'll do anything you say to save a little face. "it's hurts to be alive so I might as well die" You breathe into my mouth but i'll give you the breath of life just to see one more day by your side. Hurting is easy when you have a hand to hold at night and lips to kiss at daylight, through it all you're not a lost soul you just wandered off into the night.
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