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 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Katie Nelson
I'm writing this in the middle of the night,
when there's nothing to do but sleep,
but I'm not ready to forget about the world,
wandering through dreams that aren't mine to keep

and now I lay here,
thinking about passion,
and how we sometimes put it in a droor,
to make way for practicality,
until one day, we think of it no more

dreams have a way of wilting,
when they are left to collect dust.
they slowly ferment in regret,
they suffer from distrust.

so take these words with you,
in those moments of doubt,
when you find yourself in need of a steady hand,
when people tell you to buy a suit,
when they tell you to quit the band

though a small victory it might have been,
you've tasted greatness so far,
even if it was in a dimly lit room,
in some crummy little bar

don't write off your dreams,
don't discount your success

because the magic was there,
even if the crowds were not

I've said it before,
and I'll say it again,
your music is making the world a better place:
  reminding me of the beauty,
  making me forgot about the haste

so do yourself a favor,
do a kindness to the world,

stick it out and see what happens,
when your waking dreams unfurl
Come with me,
To the shore among the stars.

Out on the shining crystal waves,
A safe haven awaits.

Beyond the vale of tears.
Bright city lights flickering
casting shadows along cold cement streets
dreaming of the ocean's breeze
sirens sound in the dead night
taunting visions escape it all.

I look to the traffic
humming by and then
to the moon which consumed me
in stolen thoughts behind loving eyes
together two will reach blue seas.

An epiphany shared equally
waves of anticipation wash over our feet
and we began to flee
free minds bounding awake
open our eyes on shores smile wide.

Moved in unspeakable ways as
the sun displays a peak of a waking dawn
crawling over us
paradise in a sunbeam
is like a star of hope in the night sky.

We followed that hope
as distant as it may have seemed
we found each other
as we knew one another
in the city two together.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I built a wall around myself
And hid confined inside that wall
And that wall began to shake
Began to quake, began to fall
I built it up with sticks and stones
Though if they fell they'd break my bones
I needed structure, saftey, friends to save me
All I wanted was a home
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
We are all addictions
Impostions and
We are all we do and all we watch
And all we drink
We stand apart from other people
In their happy homes
And church steeples
We are all addicted
We are all addicted
We are all addicted
And we know
That there is hope
My love,
Your my heart, my life, my song,
and I can't stand it
The profound beauty of your whole being is such a temptation like a rolling wave trying to sweep me in, I try my best to resist..
My thoughts drive me crazy when I find myself not being able to stop thinking about you,
Imagining us laughing and then falling into eachothers arms and being able to feel the smile in between eachothers lips as we kiss....
The part I hate is, that you don't love me back... You adore the thought of me, but you don't
love me.....
So I hate that I love you.... I can't Stand it, you know exactly how to touch to keep me staying for another hour more,
If only your heart was engraved in mine babe, as mine was in yours,
I hate that I love you......
Tempting, but I'll pass

Haunting, but I'll last

Longing, but I'll live

Taking, but I'll give

Shining, but I'll fade

Drowning, but I'll wade

Singing, but I'll choke

Dying, but I'll smoke

Grinning, but I'll fail

Falling, but I'll sail

Laughing, but I'll cry

Living, but I'll die

Planting, but I'll ****

Starving, but I'll feed

Crying, but I'll win

Ending, but I'll begin
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Anon C
Not sure what it is I even dream
sorry for being so silent in words
yet so loud in my thoughts
but I will keep trying
unless you wish me to stop
even then though I may keep fighting
if it is only in my mind
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
There I stood atop the first
I thought I'd reached the end of worst
But in my joy a mountain rose
I saw it in the distance, then close
This one was tall, the tallest yet
Its rocky pillars gleaming wet
The snow atop its peak so glittered
Roaming about, large cats, a litter
This mountain was so beautiful
So rugged and so powerful
I knew right then I had to climb it
And leave this sweet mountain far behind it
I felt the grass between my toes
But how far would I have to go?
I saw the mountain, I saw its worth
But I had yet to see its worst
I glanced around but one last time
Then began the descent, not the climb
I felt the mountain rumble beneath
I heard it mumble, speak to me
Ignoring it, I forced down tears
And began a descent that lasted years
Or maybe weeks, I couldn't tell
But I knew I wasn't doing well
The tears would flow before I knew it
I felt great pain, I thought I was dying
But then I finally reached the bottom
And I could hear the mountain crying
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