COURAGEOUS ….is a feeling…
only one of our everyday motions
Or is it more?
Is it a figure of speech,
or just a random word picked out of the dictionary….
Is it a thought or just a subject,
A hiding place or a stand point?
But what if it was more?
More than just a perspective……. OR an objective.
More than a thought.
Instead, a way of living,
A Mere reflection of the spirit LIVING IN…..US
A physical replication of a worldwide SOUND echoing from the very attribute of us being COURAGEOUS
A BRAVE way to dive head first into tragedy and create an uprising in the many hearts who only seek to obey the laws of men.
To be a manifesting representation of CHRIST in an unbelievable way that will ARISE an outburst of PASSION in the hearts of MANY.
To be courageous is to live everyday as if it was literally your last.
To BE COURAGEOUS is a statement