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 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
It's the way he keeps talking even when I close my eyes
The way he'll invite himself over, how he tries, how he tries
They way he'll change his mind on a whim
It's why, despite logic, I seem to love him
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
Anon C
was it not then a wish
claws within my cerebral cortex
elongate, penetrate, let loose
let go of all that is that
and then
never again to whisper inane whims
going, going, gone
what was it then?
a short Autumn day
a long Winters night

*a midsummer night's dream
it was all a dream
isn't it always?
Rockout like you scored the winning basket with 1 second left
Rockout like you remember all the secrets you've kept
Rockout like you have a house full of food and nothing but time
Rockout like you can make anything rhyme
Rockout like that cute boy just called you babe
Rockout like he first knew your name
Rockout like you have no shame
Rockout like all the **** you've ever done has passed all the blame
Rockout like you can fit into that one pair of jeans you've had forever
Rockout like all your comebacks to ******* are clever
Rockout like you have the best clothes in school
Rockout like you can break all the rules
Rockout like it's summer all year round
Rockout like you could break the ground
Rockout like you'll die trying
Rockout like you got asked to the biggest party around
Rockout like you said hell no and turned that invitation down
Rockout like rumors don't exist and all people can know about you is what you choose
Rockout like you made it on the 5pm news
Rockout like it was for being awesome
Rockout like you can jam on your axe like clapton
Rockout like your life can't become undone
Rockout like you're hair always falls into place
Rockout like you feel great without makeup caked on your face
Rockout like you did bring **** back
Rockout like you never slack
Rockout like you love someone a lot
Rockout like you and your family never fought
Rockout like you recall all that you've been taught
Rockout like you can say all your thoughts
**Rockout like it's all you got
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
Anon C
Green eyes of envy
blue eyes of desire
hazel eyes of fury
and brown eyes of deceit
violence within a heart amplified
fool me sly serpent
mine eyes shine the same golden hues as you
an angry mixture of your poison fangs
that so stealthily found their way to my iris
thus creating what you breathe now
a toxic creation
In my deepest moments
i can feel the fear rushing in
i can feel my pain is rising up
i can feel my doubt
coming in faster than ever
and i can feel the weight
of all the words holding me up
by my throat
Giving me no room to breath
and i can feel the hope
leaving me!
these things that used to make me happy
are the only reason for these tears....
yes, i know how it feels
when youve dug yourself so deep
in regret that you cant see....
.... the joy thats been stripped from your life.....
and see
its only harder when
you dont even listen to .....
a word i say
it doesent make it easier
when you dont EVEN KNOW WHO I AM...
but when i finally hit my limits
i realize,
that theres a hope beyond
this... crazy pain.
that even in the mist
of your devastation
even in the depths
of your pain,
EVEN in the middle
of your fear,
even in the loneliness of your past,
in the loudest
shouting of your crys
in the times
when your pain......
brings your only comfort
...there is yet a hope left uncoverd
A pair of eyes can hold more than a thousand lies
some of the deepest darkest ties
these eyes can show skies
skies that hold secrets
little whisper winds
Of what makes up a face
a face of beautiful
a face of grace
a face that holds no regrets of what race
Racing lips
lips that can contain the words to be put on a page
lips that make a cage
a cage of rage
waiting to be unleashed from
the tongue like a stage
Still holds less than that of the Eyes
eyes like the darkest skies
eyes of a deep and haunting demise
A pair of eyes are the window to a soul
a soul blackened by change
a soul as darkened and deranged
as change
a body the greatest of all machines
It can endure heart break
it can recover recover from fake
it can give
it can take
But most of all it can make
This body
This mind
This soul
Made of many things
Most of them being
These secrets hiding behind
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
perpetually human,
romanticizing the madness
of a world that's come undone.
oil paintings of the sea
hang upon the walls of our minds
and we marvel at the sorrow
mimicking beautiful colors.

cryptic fingers stroke our egos
and tell us that we will persevere,
that we are the ******
of evolutionary prose.
lunar rays beam down on us,
shrouding us in a gentle glow
and we almost believe
that we could be infinite.
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
Amber S
i did not shower today,
for i still feel the last few slips of heat
from your throat.
i did not shower today,
for the thought of you squirming
inside, makes me shiver.
i did not shower today,
for your teeth are eating my
collarbone. it looks like a lovely birthmark.
i did not shower today,
for washing you off would be lonely
and idiotic.
i did not shower today,
because i know your scent will be
trapped in my hair
and at some point in the middle of the
night, i will wake up, and forget, that
you are not here.
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
Emily Tyler
To like me.
Even try


I say
"I don't know why."

It's just
Guys like

Playing with my heart.

'Bad news'

I knew it from the start.

Like you

To like

Don't you
 Mar 2013 Ayeglasses
You fickle *****
You try too hard
You bite too hard
You sigh too much
You try too much
You're fast to love
And fight the fall
With all the bruises on my skin
I wonder why I try to fight at all
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