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John Dewberry Sep 2019
Everyone’s full of ****
We just call it as we see
Conversational propaganda
You can’t convince me otherwise
You aren’t  they
They aren’t me
And you aren’t I

The eyes that see all
Blend the moiety
Of the woke
And these are our ‘leaders’
The ones you call

Thought leaders
Research and retread
Old thought
Convert it to binary
Tweeting in shorthand
To a generation ******
For their lack of thinking
They’ve convinced the youth that

1+1= 2
Only when it’s their truth
No, 1+1=you
John Dewberry Sep 2019
We act like
We know
But we’ve yet to awake
Everything there is
Is nothing

Let’s start over
we’re ******
to situation
You keep the knowledge
From past endevours
But will yourself
To new perspectives

Being right
Is acting right
In acting right
You do right

We act like
We know
But we’ve yet to awake
Everything there is
Is nothing
John Dewberry Sep 2019
Riding on
A chariot to nowhere
Going forward, you’ll see
But the vision of memory

Riding on
A chariot to nowhere
Feelings uknown
Are you willing explore

Find the answer
This isn’t about truth
This is personnel
This is deliberate
This is everything
This is you
The mirror distorts
The clearest image
John Dewberry Sep 2019
I left you
And I feel no regret
It’s not worth
Seeing you upset

I saved your life
But you must save yourself
Cause girl, when all is said and done
I’ll be back one day

Till than you take care
John Dewberry Sep 2019

We are merely writers
Of lives passed lived
when writing writs  ‘rights’  wrong writings
rightful rites
are signed over with the blood of fallacy
By intellectuals and cynics alike
Who’ve given up
Rights within us wrongfully appear in dissonance
Reflecting the stories from the past
taken for education but lessons ignored
The system has failed you
Histories created

And we remain
None the wiser
John Dewberry Sep 2019
Blue sphere spins
Fully with or without us
Time preserves mistakes
For descendants to forgive
When knowledge is lost
Or when the remedy of hindsight
Becomes to great to stomach
John Dewberry Sep 2019
Ghost town
Population 100,000
Yet all I see
Is traffic and  tumbleweed
Where the hell is everyone?

It’s 9 P.M.
The kids are asleep
Hire a sitter
Let’s get lit

In the city
The night shift never ends
In the city
You kiss *** all day
Come to me
Non- cynically
Let’s indulge in serendipity
The practice of ******* off
And enjoying ourselves

It’s moments like these
That we live for
The cities dead
But we’re alive
Join me
Join us
Join we
Let’s party!!
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