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Stewie Nov 2018
A real man ***** you awake; before you’ve even had a chance to stop dreaming about him.
Stewie Nov 2018
He takes me on
The moon.
Stewie Nov 2018
Animal-like *** at 6 am.
Cold blue light hugs his skin.
Bottom lip grazes his shoulder.
Dry throat coated with saliva.
Hot breath on my neck.
Nail marks on his back.
My new name is passion.
Stewie Nov 2018
I love someone way more than him


Her. Name. Is. Ashley.
Stewie Nov 2018
And he says... get prettier everyday....
Stewie Sep 2018
You always told me that one day I would find a boyfriend in Florida.
It's funny to reminisce and see how you always had one foot out of the door and silly me, I just couldn't see it. I thought when you said that, you wanted me to beg for you and tell you that you were the only one I wanted. Well guess what? I have found someone who lives under the sweet hot sun of Florida, and he fulfills me more than you ever did.
Stewie Sep 2018
The way he makes my heart beat, I just can't describe it. I met him at a time of feeling lost and uncertain. He makes me feel like home. He is everything I could ever want in another human being. The way he touches me. The way he listens to me. The way he puts me in my place.
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