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Nov 2020 · 160
Anurein Gomez Nov 2020
I’m running in the darkness, running from myself; I’ve been running for so long now, myself is someone else.
Can I forget all I knew? Can I build myself up again?
Oct 2020 · 152
What do i seem like?
Anurein Gomez Oct 2020
Do I seem loud and out spoken?
Do I seem like I'm happy inside?
Do I seem like I'm never at home?
Do I seem like I have many friends?
I think I'm rather quiet,
I tend to keep to myself,
I'm alone in my room for hours,
I wait in the dark all alone.
Sep 2020 · 112
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Drifting away,
taken by the ongoing stream,
not knowing how far I've gone,
or how to get back.

I see no exit,
nowhere to go,
I find myself slowly sinking,
waiting till I hit the ground,
only to find out how far I've drowned.
Sep 2020 · 106
The next step.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
I stand here today,

On the edge of this ledge,

Looking for a reason,

Not to take this next step.

Longing to see her,

In anticipation,

I hope to wait,

Looking for a reason,

Not to take this next step.

Waiting for a call,

Or even a single text,

Looking for a reason,

Not to take this next step.

The sound of her voice,

Or the smile on her face,

Looking for a reason,

Not to take this next step.
Sep 2020 · 104
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Sometimes you’re just gonna hit a brick wall.

Sometimes a double layer,

Sometimes single layer,

Man sometimes you may even find a hidden door.

Whether its work that’s stressing you out,

Whether it’s the assignments you cant seem to finish,

It could be even life in general!

You know what you gotta do?

Theres no one answer to that question.

Sometimes you gotta start pounding that wall down,

Sometimes you may even have to climb it,

Or sometimes you just gotta find the one brick that’s holding it all together.

But you know but you ” Always ” have to do?

Man, you gotta trust yourself, you gotta have confidence in yourself.
Sep 2020 · 103
Lost boy.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Lost in the world, that scares me to death.

Lost as a person, cant find my way.

Lost in the crowd, I’m losing my breath.

Lost in mind,

Lost in soul,

Lost in thought, I need a break.

Lost in wonder, which road should I take?

Lost in worry, who am I?
Sep 2020 · 108
Sad inside
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Nobody gonna tell you how to love,

One mistake and it’s all gone,

I don’t know what to do anymore,

I don’t know where I’m supposed to go,

Cause every time I see something of you,

I get a little sad inside,

I get a little mad inside
Sep 2020 · 88
Its not a sad story.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
She caught me as I glanced at her, my eyes in disbelief of how beautiful she was, I don’t remember looking away.

I waited a while as I collected my thoughts, I had to say hi and even if she didn’t reply, I could at least say that I tried.

Having finally gathered the courage, I stood up, walked straight to her and said hi, yes I stammered a ton, a woman as beautiful as her, Im glad I didn’t run.

I asked for her name but she didn’t reply, she signed at me but I couldn’t understand, oh no I thought, ” I think she’s deaf. ”

I asked her if I could sit, she smiled while nodding her head, my thoughts were all over the place.

She was flawless in my eyes and It didn’t matter that she was deaf, yes we hadn’t even exchanged names yet but when she smiled, I felt alive for the first time in awhile.

She took her napkin and wrote, ” Hi, my name is Ariel, I’m so sorry but I am deaf. ”

Broke my heart, it really did but I wasn’t going to let that change anything, as I wrote ” Hi, My name is Ethan and I have autism. “
Sep 2020 · 92
Fathers day.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
If everyone had a dad

Who was more like you,

There’d be a lot more laughing,

And a lot less crying,

The whole world would be blessed,

Fewer people would be blue.

And you may have thought,

That I didn’t see,

Or I hadn’t heard,

The life lessons you taught me,

Trust me, I heard every word.

Theres so much more I’d like to say,

About my dad,

I could go on for days,

But for now,

I’ll end this by saying,


Love you dad!
Sep 2020 · 76
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
As the days and nights pass by,

I’m no longer thinking about you,

Maybe it’s the quarantine or

The less wine,

Either way,

I’m finally getting by.

For a moment there,

I forgot what’s it’s like,

To be a happy guy

And smile,

This time not only for a while.

Look, I’m better than just ” Fine ”

And for once,

I ain’t even lying.

I’m still stuck,

I think I’m out of luck.

I’ve got nothing left to say,

Look, my words are running away.
Sep 2020 · 81
I am me.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
I am smart.

I am whole.

I am free.

I am learning.

I am talented.

I am brave.

I am unique.

I am special.

I am beautiful.

I am weird.

I am powerful.

I am worthy.

I am strong.

I am who I am and your opinion doesn’t matter to me. I am me.
Sep 2020 · 75
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
I can write you a poem,

Maybe sing you a song.

You look so fine,

Maybe I’m out of my mind.

Take you out for dinner,

Maybe get a little drunk.

Ask you to dance,

Maybe kiss you on your lips.

Not looking for a relationship,

Just a little bliss.
Sep 2020 · 76
Mothers day.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Mom, you’re absolutely amazing,

So pure and so kind,

No one quite like you,

You’re special in my mind.

No one loves me like you do,

Good or bad,

No matter what I do,

I can always count on you,

You always come through.

The sacrifices you’ve made,

The chances you’ve taken,

I’ve noticed them all.

I appreciate you mom, I really do.

I may not always say it,

For that, I might be a fool,


I love you mom ♡

Happy mothers day mom!
Sep 2020 · 82
Love is...
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Love isn’t perfect and humble.

Love is complicated, messy and different, love is everything around you.

Love is seeing her smile and not wanting to change anything about her.

Love is crazy and unexplainable, it’s the crack in her voice and the way you feel when she says goodnight.

Love is being afraid, afraid that you might lose her, love is selfish and bold.

Love is about taking something good and risking it all to make it great.

Love is the scariest yet most beautiful feeling
Sep 2020 · 85
Dream a big dream.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
One day you’ll lose your pride, your joy for life and your will to see the light, its then you’ll understand the raw beauty of life.

And when times get tough and all messed up, dig deep and stand up!

It’s on days like these, when giving up is no longer a choice, the dream is too big and hunger for success outweighs everything around you.

Failure will occur and the dream may look dim and in that moment, you must remember, no dream is too big.
Sep 2020 · 87
Its okay.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
You know,

It’s okay to be alone.

It’s okay to be afraid.

It’s okay to fall in love.

It’s okay to fail.

It’s okay to say no to certain things.

Its okay to lie for the better.

It’s okay to be heartbroken.

It’s okay to start over.

It’s okay to move on.

But what’s not okay?

It’s not okay to undervalue yourself, to change yourself to benefit someone else, it’s not okay to love someone more than you love yourself.
Sep 2020 · 71
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
It takes,

One shot to end a life.

One picture to tell a story.

One poem to express your emotions.

One call to show your appreciation.

One kiss to feel attraction.

One conversation to fall in love.

One sorry to receive forgiveness.

One heartbreak to feel worthless.


One mistake would never define you.
Sep 2020 · 67
Love wins, i hope...
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Of all the emotions a person can feel, love is the scariest and toughest to heal.

Old or young, we long for a connection that’ll make us feel, alive for a moment and a moment is all that we need.

Love is that and that is love, the strongest emotion with no guidelines sent from above.

Today, theres a pain in my heart for the love of my life is further away.

The regret is so much and the pain is so deep. I’ve hurt her again, I can’t even sleep.

The curse of love, I see it now. It is within me, dig deep I say.

Is it too late now? I fear I’ve lost her, that’s all I can say.

I loved her so deeply and rue all the pain, I know it’s my fault, no one else to blame.

And I’ll search for an answer, with help from above. That one day when she wakes up, she’ll remember our love.
Sep 2020 · 86
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
And one day we’ll wake up and no longer look eye to eye.

What’s right to you may no longer be right to me.

And if we all thought the same, how ******* boring would that be.

Right or wrong, it’s not for me to say since we all look at life in a different way.

Despite matching beginnings and similar DNA, none of us are exactly the same.

And when this day comes, I’ll appreciate the moment, for then I’ll know, we are all unique in our own way.
Sep 2020 · 77
A new beginning.
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
And when this all ends,

The grass will be greener and the skies will be clearer.

I hope we can start over again, this time with no filters and no fake names.

An honest smile and a beautiful story, things we seemed to have left behind.

Thousands of lives taken away from us, all gone within a few weeks.

Our lives have changed and we’ll get through this, whether you’re in Italy, The States or anywhere else, united as one we’ll find a way.

A break from life is all we needed, a virus was the only option, humans finally listened.

When we find a cure, earth would’ve already healed and we can finally start life the way the man above believed.

So till then,

We’ll dream of tomorrow and all the things we can do and who knows, if we dream hard enough, some of them may come true.
Sep 2020 · 75
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Look around, time to adjust,

What I desire isn’t just,

I’m not looking for trust,

Just a little lust,

There’s nothing to discuss.

I don’t want to be rushed,

Reject emotion, quite August


Even Iron turns to rust,

Like our hearts when we look for love, not lust.

All cause we can’t trust.
Sep 2020 · 118
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Theres a lot of ” Kinda ” people.

You kinda wanna get Straight As.

You kinda wanna get in shape.

You kinda wanna make the team.

You kinda wanna go to college.

You kinda wanna ask that girl out.

You kinda wanna career change.

You can’t ” Kinda ” want something and expect to get full results.

You gotta go out there,

Give it your all.

You cant kinda want your DREAMS,

You gotta want it with your whole HEART.
Sep 2020 · 168
Why isn't freedom, free?
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Children were born blind to hate, with the happiest smiles and the most loving, kind hearted ways.

They were taught to hate in the ugliest of ways, from thoughtless adults who choose to discriminate, which tends to generates hate.

Look at the world, we’re all in despair, there’s racism everywhere, caused by ignorant humans from there, there and there…
Though we live in a so called democracy, of racism the world will never be free.

Judged on the colour of your skin and where you come from, equality and freedom seems impossible to win.

Why do you think you’re better? Yes, we all look a little different, but deep down we’re all the same.

Cut me open, I’ll prove to you, we all bleed the same.

Sep 2020 · 281
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
And I’ll risk my life for you therefore I am brave ”

Yes but a risk is way more than just that.

Risk is everywhere.

The risk of being let down,

The risk of giving more only to get nothing in return,

The risk of dreaming only to be disappointed,

The risk of crying only to look soft,

The risk of laughing only to look like a fool,

The risk of being yourself only to be judged,

The risk of commitment only to let your dreams out to another individual,

But do you know the greatest risk of all?

Is to risk nothing.
Sep 2020 · 78
Writing saved my life
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
The only reason I started writing was to get rid of all the crime that was running around inside my mind.

The dreadful thoughts and the horrifying sights, a piece of paper and a pen in my hand, might’ve literally changed my life.

A found a voice from within, a sense of relief I thought I’d never feel, I’ve found my peace, I’ll continue to cherish this bliss.
Sep 2020 · 308
Anurein Gomez Sep 2020
Same old story, it’s always night,

When will I give up this fight?

Powerless, camouflaged with fright,

Blurry eyes, losing my sight,

Looking for an escape, stop and just write.

— The End —