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Bow the **** down, get on your knees.
Pray for mercy, it's the reckoning.

The blackness is coming, its rolling in fast.
A torrential **** storm, my hate on full blast.
You've really done it now, time to reap what you've sown.
This is what happens when you leave me alone
to stir
and fester
giving me time to perfect my anger
towards you.

Look at your creation,
a ******* abomination.
This one was just for fun when I was asked to freestyle a poem in the style of metal lyrics. It's super cheesy I know.
While you waited for the future you forgot about today
And the sand kept on pouring.
And time slipped away.
 May 2014 Marilou Pablo
And those pretty little firefly's
that used to illuminate
the sockets of your eyes
must have been soaked up by your crys
must have fizzled out and died,
inside of you.
Because there's no longer
that burning light
that used to ignite a room
And put the stars to shame.
And since they died out,
you haven't been the same.

And honey, i can try to ignite them again,
With all i have,
But I've done all i can do
darling the match lies in you.
 May 2014 Marilou Pablo
Life is a maze,
Some of us get lost along the way.
Inspired by poetic T
You may have died young,
        but as long as
        my words live,

*You will never grow old.
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