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8h · 27
Just one more...
Leanne 8h
See, Its seems to be im the one who can't let you go,
can't ever let you leave.
There's something about just one more hug and kiss
that brings me such sadness.
It's not because I fear it's the last,
but I don't know when the next one will be or if it will come fast.  
The time with you is completely amazing; so is everything we do.
It's just so much joy getting to spend any time with you.
It could be a simple meeting in a parking lot,
Just to sit and cuddle and hold each other, time flies by so fast it's almost that time's forgot.
It could be a visit to a store, for a short little shopping trip,
Even when we feel we're rushed in how we spend our time.
It's never anything negative; it's worth every second and every dime.
Getting to love you is special; it's an awesomely amazing thing.
I get to share my love with the most wonderful man life could bring.
I feel so peaceful and content in everything we do.
There is no space or time that will keep me away from you.
Leanne 1d
I'm not sure what's cuter, the way you make me laugh or the smile on your face.
Maybe it's the big grin I get when you say something that makes my heart race.
I'm not sure what's sweeter, the way we're so mushy in love in our messages.
Maybe it's the way we can make each other melt with just simple words and phrases.
Im not sure was more sexier on you, the way you give that "come get me" look, or the way you raise that eyebrow my way.
Maybe it's just your whole being, how you talk, and the things you say.
I'm not sure what's more romantic, the way you soflty caress my cheek And look into my eyes so deep.
Maybe it's the way you hold my head and cradle me against your body; I could almost fall asleep.
I'm not sure what everyone else has overlooked when they've looked your way.
Maybe because deep down they knew you were meant for me, Ray.
I'm not sure why you love me; maybe you share the same sentiment as me. Maybe it's because we were both made to give each other this beautiful love we see.
My RL❤️
2d · 42
Your love to me
Leanne 2d
Your love to me is like a flowing river running deep in the valley of my soul.
Your love to me is like a bright blooming flower against what once was gray like charred coal.
Your love to me is like a gentle breeze, its whisper cuddling me.
Your love to me is like a mountain, steadfast and strong, a foundation of such great loyalty.
Your love to me is like the tallest trees, standing by me through all seasons and weather.
Your love to me is like the rushing waterfalls; if we fall, we fall together.
Your love to me is like the sunset's glow, such a wonderful love I'm honored to know.
Your love to me is like nature's heart and soul, with all the beauty that it shows.
3d · 34
I closed my eyes
Leanne 3d
I closed my eyes for just a blink,
But these brown eyes sure made me think
Of wonderful things I saw behind the shades,
Unknown to the people around or in the parades.
The eyes beheld a beautiful sight.
A man whose heart wasn't fixed just right.
I knew right then, whoever he was, I was destined to.
It's like my mind took a snapshot of you.
It definitely knew you before I even took a step.
The letter was written for us before we even met.
It's like you and I were destined to be
seen by each other.
This radiant match was meant before we stepped from undercover.
To know that your heart needed healing by just seeing with closed eyes.
Maybe it was just the reflection of what was wrong with mine.
Either way, it goes to show
someone out there knows more than we know.
Still, as I close these brown eyes for a blink or to sleep,
baby, it's you I see, and now that's never a blink.
I close my eyes tighter when you're not near.
I feel your presence from behind these shades; have no fear.
Baby, I plan on seeing you forever and many more years.
4d · 60
Your sweetheart
Leanne 4d
It was that smile that first drew me in.
Showing all the happiness,
All in that grin,
I watched that face and those eyes over time.
Never once did I think I'd
call you mine.
I know I don't own you.
I sure would if I could.
I'd keep you with me.
And make everything so good.
You deserve all the greatness
this world has to give.
Oh, what I would do to forever be with him.
I know the situation is hard to look past. 
 But, man, in the blink of an eye, I'd be yours super fast.
You've given me some of your smile to wear.
You gave it to me with such care.
I know in my heart forever you'll be mine.
If only I could change the outcome.
Man, I'd love you forever.
You'd never have to worry about me.
I'd take care of you through everything.
I'd give you more than you'd ever know.
For two people meant for one another, Time and distance are never too long. Absolutely no one can tear them apart.
Just letting you know from the bottom of my heart.
This woman has loved you from the start.
  This woman is your sweetheart..
5d · 30
I can't wait
Leanne 5d
I can't wait to see you; it feels like it's been years.
The crazy thing is it's been only three long days (with some tears).
I can't wait until you hold me ever so close.
It's then that I get lost in those intoxicating eyes and when I brush against your nose.
I can't wait to steal your endless, breathtaking kisses.
It's then when I feel coming true are all my wishes.
I can't wait to melt in your arms so sweet,
I'll be the butter, and you'll be the sweet treat.
I can't wait to place my head on your chest, and rub you ever so soft.
Listen to your heartbeat, harder and faster, like it's ready to take off.
I can't wait to hold your hands and we play with our fingers like a little fight.
But man holding your hand is heaven when you squeeze it so tight!
I can't wait to be alone and away from it all.
Imagine the passion, the possibilities, starting from when we first began to fall in......
In Love ❤️
I can't wait for what's to come!!!
6d · 50
Snuggled up
Leanne 6d
I wonder what it will be like to be completely snuggled up with you.
Man, this is something I've wanted to do.
To feel your whole body completely next to mine.
Forget the throws of passion; body to body will be fine.
To feel the warmth of our arms and legs intertwined perfectly just right.
Yes, there will be plenty of emotions we will have to fight.
When we become so close that we feel each other's skin tingle with each sacred touch.
Heavens knows where our hands will lead and how we will love it so much.
I've been on fire for being snuggled up with you for a while.
I know that my hands want to travel Over all of you, for miles.
The way you sweetly touch me now, pure, longing touches bring me endless smiles.
To know what you do to me just by being snuggled up sitting side by side.
I can only dream and imagine, when there is nothing to hide.
Baby, Bring it on, I'm not scared.
I want to feel all of you, as I know how much you care.
Our hugs are out of this world, between us two.
Imagine when we're both horizontal, imagine how snuggled up I will get to you!.
7d · 46
He can
Leanne 7d
He can make me laugh any day.
He can make me melt with his sweet forehead kiss.
He can make my love grow stronger for him in every way.
He can take one step away from me, and It's him I already miss.
He can say "I love you" to me, and he knows I love him the same, if not more.
He can light this heart of mine on fire when he looks my way.
He can hug this woman better than she has ever been hugged before.
He can kiss me ever so gently, my sweet Ray.
He can kiss me so passionately that our mouths become in sync.
He can make me happy when no one else can.
He can almost read my mind, as if he knows what I think.
He can make a simple phone call and make me feel like he is my fan.
He can make me feel all kinds of indescribable.
He can make me feel beautiful, and I truly believe it.
He can make time for me whenever he is able.
He will have me forever because this love will never quit!
Mar 20 · 31
Its another night
Leanne Mar 20
It's another night where I lie and wonder what it would be like.
I wonder what it would be like to be in that space.
What would it be like if I could just be in that place?
Thoughts fluctuate through my head,
Then suddenly my nose turns red.
I wonder what you've been up to without me. What do you do?
I'm sure thoughts of me have crossed your mind, too.
This has to be the hardest part.
I feel a terrible aching in my heart.
It's not fair; they can't see. How can they possibly not know what you do to me?
These are just some thoughts that fill my head.
I even wonder how pleasant and peaceful it would be here with you in my bed.
My connection to you, my soulmate, yes, that's what you are.
You're like a gift given to me from the heavens, in the form of a star.
But here I lie and dream sweet, endless dreams that probably will never come true.
Yes, all my wildest dreams are with you.
With all my love, soul, and my biggest heart.
It's another night that we are separated, and we are sadly apart.
Leanne Mar 18
When you hear the word "hero," you think of a strong person saving the world.
When I think of the word "hero," I think of you and how you have rescued me.
You may think you are anything but noble.
Or look and see your without your steed.
But to me, you're my hero because you know just what I need.
You may not think you're not worthy,
You have not be knighted by the sword.
But to me, your presence, personality, and love are more.
You may think you are not super, and you feel broken behind your mask.
But to me, I see a perfectly imperfect, super kind of man.
You may think your cape is missing.
You're not a hero in its absence.
But to me, no cape is needed to show a true hero to the masses.
You took all you are and all you have, and held my hand and me.
You speak to me as if I matter and make me feel so seen.
You're my hero; you've saved me from the sadness and loneliness I felt.
You're my hero, my unexpected blessing, whose whole being makes me melt.
You are my hero, my puzzle pieces that finally make me feel whole.
So when you hear the word hero and never think its you.
Just remember how wonderful the love is between us two.
My RL🫠❤️
Mar 18 · 157
Loving and missing you
Leanne Mar 18
You make loving you so easy,
Like leaves on trees when it's breezy.
You make kissing you so sweet,
Everytime our mouths touch, it sure is extra sweet.
You make talking feel like chatting with the best.
With you, I'm so comfortable, much better than the rest.
You make hugging you the biggest stress relief.
Hugging you has to be one of my favorite things.
You make me have sweet tickles, that really are out of this world.
When you touch me,  I feel I'm your only girl.
You make everything feel so simple
Have you ever seen me smile so big that it shows my dimple?
But one thing stands out from all of the above.
Missing you is so hard, my love. But to have your sweet, loving self in my life today. It's worth all of the missing you, ill gladly take this pain.
Mar 17 · 57
Leanne Mar 17
The warmth of your touch, a gentle closeness between us two.
The force felt between our fingers, a sweet and tender embrace with you.

Hugs like a symphony of unspoken words a deep and meaningful connection.
Hugs this beautiful, shows deep-down love with such protection.

Hugs that come with a silent language spoken between our bodies tug.
Speaking with the unspoken connection of the sweetest hug.

Hugs and heart-to-heart communication, our chests pressed tightly together.

You're the one that this rapid heartbeat craves forever.

Hugs like a warm blanket on a cold and dreary night.
Filling the space with a sense of protection and comfort just right.

Hugs like sunshine on a cloudy day, bringing such bright light and happiness to my way.
Mar 16 · 72
What you do to me
Leanne Mar 16
What you do to me makes my emotions shine brightly on my face.
One second I'm smiling, surrounded by your shining grace.
The simple little goodbye brings the biggest emotional tears to my eyes.
Some might say, "Wow, she's certainly an emotional thing."
But baby, for you I'd truly do anything.
You have my heart, and have since day one.
I believe we were connected before we ever began.
What you do for me is the best thing, don't you know?
I can never let your beautiful love go.
You may help these silly tears to fall,
But baby, for you, I'd risk it all.
I want to  be the one you come to when your day is bad.
I want to be the one holding your hand.
I know this love is no silly phase of time.
I feel like it's been forever, that I've been yours, and you've been mine.
You can hold me forever.
It's what you do to me that I treasure.
Mar 15 · 45
Leanne Mar 15
Like the igniting of a tiny spark,
your love snuck right into my heart.
The tiny spark quickly grew into a flame,
My heart has never been the same.
The flame grew faster by the hour,
Igniting us like a wild campfire.
The campfire so bold and hot,
Grew triple the size with all of our thoughts.
The passion of our love cannot be easily contained,
by how much we love, even with the biggest flames.
The tiny spark, present even before we met, grew intensely stronger even before our first touch.
This love you give engulfs my entire being.
The love we share is beyond compare. How amazing this spark of connection between us is! Baby, we have so much more powerful, flame-worthy love to give!
Leanne Mar 14
It's been just being in His presence, or even thinking of him gives me tingles like a small jolt of electricity. His voice, I hear it and it instantly makes me smile, its calms me as he speaks ever so sweetly. His eyes, the sneaky way I look up at him and he suddenly looks right back to my eyes as if to read my mind. His touch, his slightest brush against my face with his beard, especially when his hands touch me in any place so sweet. His words, he always knows what to say and makes me melt into a puddle every single day. The sweetest words you ever read or hear.His energy, he possesses a pull, a magnetizing connection to him from deep inside his soul. His gentleness, he always wants to make sure everything is okay. Always checking in making me feel safe.His quietness, it always makes me question what's going on in his mind. I always pray it's me. His soul, filled with sweetness and kindness linked together with mine. His laugh. Always a joy for me to hear, I forever thankful when I am near. Most of all its His Heart and His Sweet Love, the biggest of them all, the way he has given me pieces of his heart to  keep. I will always take care of his heart as it's within mine so deep. This is where his love is shown so sweet to me. The love he gives is immensely shown to me. This has been one whole month of .....**HIS
Mar 13 · 48
Hold onto me
Leanne Mar 13
When you hold onto me...
It's the thread from my heart to your heart that pulls me closer.

The way our fingers intertwine
Like a puzzle missing its special piece.
We fit together theres no separating us with time.

I will have you hold me however you can.
There are no questions needed,
You never have to ask.
As long as you're holding onto me however you can.
I know that I'm safe and I feel that way when you hold onto me just as I am.

Every touch you grace me with feels gentle and simply sweet.
I feel seen, I want you to always hold onto me.

Being held in your arms feels like we've been doing this forever.
You know where to hold me and I know where to hold you.

Im being held by my heart so please always hold me however, whenever you can.
Mar 11 · 69
You are....
Leanne Mar 11
Man, you are the space between the seconds.
You are my special someone who makes me light up in your presence.

Perfect part of my everyday.
Everything about you came to me  packaged perfectly.
Ray, you're the reason this smile fills my face.
Souls connected, both at the same time and place.
Only you are my missing puzzle pieces; we fit perfect the way we do.
No one else is between us when it's just us two.
You are... my person.
RL 💕
Mar 11 · 25
Leanne Mar 11
Baby, I feel completely weightless with your words to me.
You say things that make me feel like I'm floating on a cloud, so free.
With your beautiful words, baby,
These butterflies are always here for you.
You may feel like you don't do anything to make me feel as I do.
But, baby, this biggest smile on my face belongs to you.
When you say just what you feel,  baby like you do.
Your words speak to me going straight to my heart.
Ive never been shown love like this in the sweetest part.
This is all new and amazing to me. I love that you feel comfortable saying what you say.
That's why I'm like melted butter in my baby's hands every day.
Mar 10 · 46
Im a giver
Leanne Mar 10
I'm a giver of my love, baby.
There's definitely no maybe.
When it comes to giving; it's just something I do.
Baby, I'd give anything or everything just for you.
I even give you endless hugs and kisses, no questions asked.
There surely is nothing that needs to ever be masked.
I give gifts that come straight from my heart.
These gifts come in my two favorite forms of art.
I give you my words as I speak them, every day, so true.
I give you my thoughts because baby, they are consumed by you.
I give myself completely every single part.
Most of all, baby, I give you my heart.
Mar 9 · 52
Leanne Mar 9
Your gaze lights up in me a wildfire’s flame,
I become  consumed in the smolder, undone, craving more the same.
Your breath pushes hard, against my deepest plea,
Your kiss drowns my soul in the deepest part of the sea.  
Even in the darkness, your touch ravishes me so deep,
A burning heart fire I’ll forever keep.
My heart pounds wild, a radical call,
You’re my ruin, you’re the rise, your my all.  
No words from another can calm this blaze,
Your skin touching my skin sets my whole world ablaze.
In every pulse, through every rush and rapid fire,
You’re my heat, my volcanic desire.  
Does this hold the passion that you crave?
This sure has my hearts passion in a fiery rage.
RL 💕
Mar 8 · 245
A beautiful mess
Leanne Mar 8
Baby, I’m a mess over you.
A beautiful, emotional mess over you.
A loving, heartfelt, tearful mess over you.
A caring, longing, heart-stopping mess over you.  
An “everything about you” kind of mess.
You just make me so happy; I smile, cry, breathe fast, tingle, shake, and get nervous—almost like it’s our first date.
Baby, I’m a mess, but baby, I’m a beautiful mess over you!
Mar 7 · 91
Leanne Mar 7
I just want to tell you how incredible you are.
The way you speak to me, whether near or far.
The way you speak to my heart in unimaginable ways.
It's how I want to begin each beautiful day.
The way you stop me at a mirror melts me.
To see our reflection in the mirror, it's love that I see.
To hear you calling me beautiful brings tears to my eyes.
Just thinking about it, you speak so much to my heart.  I'll never tire of this high.
Mar 6 · 473
Leanne Mar 6
It’s like you took out my soul and etched your name on it.
I wouldn’t trade it for any other moment.
The etch where your name is, there’s also a heart.
I would have let you put it there right from the start.
The feeling I felt—I knew it that night.
I knew that I would fall in love and feel just right.
I don’t say “I love you” and randomly give it away.  
So, for me to tell you I love you, I need and want you to stay.  
It’s like our souls connected the first night.
Then we sealed our souls with a kiss that felt wonderful and amazingly right.
I feel it deep down in my soul, right where your name is etched as if it were gold.
I know that my feelings for you will never grow old.
My heart beats so perfectly in sync,
Right within the rhythm of yours, as if they are linked.
I feel like together we are the best mix.
My soul and yours surely know what to fix.
Just so you know, if you haven’t already,
I’ll etch my name on your soul, true and steady
So you can carry me with you when we are apart.
Don’t forget, beside it I’ll even etch a sweet  heart.
All my love 💓
Mar 5 · 52
First of many
Leanne Mar 5
First of many moments in love I have spent with you.
The firsts I’ve experienced in all my 40 years.
All these new moments I never knew I missed,
never knew I needed or wanted until our very first kiss.
That’s when it all started, and I finally felt seen.
Like you knew what I needed, wanted, and everything in between.
You putting on my jacket that evening it was cold.
This seriously just happened to me when I was 40 years old.
The way you hold my body so close and tight to yours,
When you pushed against me on the car door.
The way you hold my head and deeply kiss me cradling it with care.
The way you let me know it’s alright, you are there.
The way you call me sweetheart and ask if I’m okay.
The way you check on me throughout the day.
The way you nuzzle your face against my cheek.
This feeling is so special so close that I feel weak.
The way you take your finger and rub my soft spots on my face.
This makes my heart beat faster, almost as if I ran a race.
Sitting with you at breakfast on our first official date.
When you reached across the table and our hands met in between.
Holding hands across the table, I’ve never done such a thing.
There are so many first moments I’ve had with you.
I can’t imagine all the more first moments of love that are still to come.
Man, when I’m with you, Ray, you make me feel so loved.
Mar 4 · 33
Where the wind blows
Leanne Mar 4
Where the wind blows against the trees
and takes with it a trail of leaves.
The leaves fly away,
having no destination to stop and stay.
They keep floating through the air
on a wonderful trip without care.
Each leaf trails off on its own way, finding a place to rest and lay.
Within the magical, rhythmic breeze, two leaves trail alone.
They have no stop, just flying, maybe to their home.
Suddenly, the wind rushes the other way.
These two leaves start to float and sway,
Passing by one another,
barely catching sight of each other.
Then the wind turns to the softest breeze,
As the two leaves seem to land near one another with ease.
The two leaves, once in the air, destination unknown,
Found each other as they had felt alone.
The wind kicked up, pairing the two leaves together.
This sweet, natural connection as they rush and fall softly like two feathers.
These once solo leaves, floating in the wind,
Slowly held onto one another, a new friend.
Never to take flight alone again.
Now floating together in love’s sweet breeze
Are these two once solo leaves.
Mar 3 · 60
We just fit
Leanne Mar 3
Every time I'm with you, just sitting by your side,
I feel as if we're together on some magical exploration ride.
Your never-ending attention to my every need
Makes me feel so wanted, so loved, so trusted, and seen.
The way we mesh together, as if we're the perfect fit.
My lips, your lips together, a perfect match, as if delicately knit.
My hand, your hand, holding each other so tight.
I would love to hold all of you exactly like this all night.
My eyes, your eyes, have this deep and longing stare.
It feels as if I can see you, even when you are not there.
My heart, your heart, both missing something for so long.
It's crazy how we found it, like the ending to a beautiful song.
We are like the pieces of a puzzle in which we don't completely fit, but if we were a puzzle just us, we would probably complete it.
With all that we have been missing, we have both found.
I know there is a plan for you and for me; don't you worry, I'm sticking around.
Mar 3 · 70
Leanne Mar 3
you know it’s crazy how I say I’m speechless about how I feel? What’s crazy is, if you read my poems, you’ll know this love is real.
So why do I say I’m speechless when I talk to you? I think it’s because you’re so well-spoken and wonderful, and I’m afraid I may say something that seems so aloof.
I can describe this speechless feeling as my breath being taken away, like I’ve been stunned by how much love you show me—I’m awestruck the care and the love that flows from you, in the way you hold me.
I feel that when I’m speechless your powerful love softly spreads upon me just right, sometimes your sweet and gentle voice comes stealing my voice like a thief in the night.
The things you speak to me are so wonderful and profound; it’s so hard to put into words this amazing love that I’ve found. It may seem funny because I’m writing words down—these words are different from the words I speak. I feel like a clown
igniting me, this little quiet ember, turned into a flame. You take this little stone and shine it up, beautiful for display.
I get this crazy emotion when it comes to you; I’m overtaken by the depth of our love. It’s never a sad emotion when tears leave my eyes because I know you’re not going anywhere; there’s really no reason to cry. Instead of speaking words, it’s easier for me to share, my emotions and words straight from my heart. I know you’ll always hear them because your always there.
Leanne Mar 2
I already miss you, and
I can’t wait to kiss you.

You sweet and handsome man.
I know you’re meant to be for me.
Like you’re a part of love’s divine plan.

You look so deeply into my eyes, like you’ve seen into them long before.
I feel like a creature inside your head and heart waiting to explore.

Seeing you happy and smiling makes me feel really happy too.
I get to love the sweetest of the sweet, to me the newest of the new.

This treasure that I’ve been given a chance to hold so dear, may mean nothing to some.
But for heaven’s sake, this treasure has been wonderful to me, I can’t wait for what’s to come.

He always has me, feeling in the best of ways, from today and all my yesterdays.
This sweet, handsome, and wholesome man is my baby. One of the sweetest Rays..
Mar 1 · 96
His heart of gold
Leanne Mar 1
This man beholds a golden heart within his chest cavity.
This golden heart within his chest, I feel, beats fiercely for me.
This heart of gold that he bestows is gentle, sweet, and kind.
He takes this heart and shares his gold with me on his mind.
When he loves and truly gives some of this gold to me,
he gives me so much gold from his love it makes me feel so free.
So when he tells me, "You're worth your weight in gold,"
It makes me smile so bright and bold.
This heart of gold has filled me full of love from him.
This gold from his heart I will cherish as a gem.
His heart of gold that he beholds, he may not think he's worthy,
but his heart I surely love; I'll gladly hold it with me.
Feb 28 · 77
Leanne Feb 28
Being comfortable with you is something so profound.
It’s the feeling of your presence whenever you come around.
I feel your comfort every time at first sight.
I know I’m comfortable because everything feels just right.
The way you call me “sweetheart” and check on me always
Brings so much comfort into my everyday.
The way you hold me tightly whenever we hug—
This comfort you’re giving is better than any drug.
I’m so comfortable with you; it’s always like a dream.
I can’t believe someone like you is with me.
I’m so comfortable with you when we talk on the phone;
I feel you’re right next to me even  when I’m alone.
I feel comfort in every word you say;
I trust and respect everything you display.
You comfort me with your strong, steady hands, and I hold them so tight.
I love when our hands touch and our fingertips mingle just right.
You’re my comfort, the place I feel at rest.
Being comfortable with you, baby, sure is the best.
Feb 26 · 77
You are my someone
Leanne Feb 26
My someone who has crossed paths with me before.
My someone is my safe place in human form.
My someone who doesn’t judge my tears.
My someone who seems to settle all my fears.
My someone who knows my soul by looking into my eyes,
My someone with whom I get butterflies,
My someone who takes my breath away,
My someone who has brought sunshine into my skies of gray
My someone with whom we speak most when we’re quiet together,
My someone who makes me giggle as if I’m being tickled by a feather.
My someone whose touch is so sweet, for that I long.
My someone whose hands hold mine so strong.
My someone who I crave, not just romantic or ******.
My someone’s presence just makes me feel so full.
My someone instantly calms me.
You are my someone, and with you I always feel free.

Feb 25 · 57
Leanne Feb 25
Baby, where have you been all my life?
Why have I missed a connection this much?
Something I never knew could exist like this.
The words “Just so you know, you’ve captured my heart” melt me into a puddle so sweet..
Man, I’m so glad we chose to meet. Once a friendly stranger, now a love who has my heart.
I’ve literally  fell  head over heals for you.
I Wouldn’t change a thing, unless it were to know you sooner.  The way your eyes capture mine, and mine capture the light.
Shows a magical connection, as if our souls are tied together, from the strings of our hearts.
The best thing is that things only look up now. I know my heart will never give up on this man.
I hope he knows he’s stuck with me for the rest of our lives. This amazing missed connection now connected, as if it were meant for a time like this.
Feb 25 · 73
He says, I say
Leanne Feb 25
He says I’m rotten,
I say he’s sweet,
Looking at us both,
We share something super neat.

He says I’m beautiful,
I say he’s handsome,
We both together
Make some beautiful connection.

He says I’m a great kisser,
my lips are tender too.
I say he is amazing,
showing what our lips can do.

He says I’m sappy,
Well, he’s sappy too,
We both are the sappiest
Trees out in the mountain view.

He says I’m thinking about you,
I say I feel you thinking about me,
We both get tingles,
and feel very warm.

He says, “Have I told you how much I miss you today?”
I say, “Baby, you can tell me as many times as you can,
Because I’ve been telling you probably just as often.”
He says, “Baby, I’m sure it’s just as much as I’ve missed you.”

He says he feels like he’s in a dream.
I say, “You’re not.”
But baby if we're dreaming, baby, please don’t let them wake us up!
Melting into puddles 🫠🫠
Feb 24 · 115
Leanne Feb 24
You healed the ache I once had.
Opened up what was once trapped.
Unexpected blessings you were to me.

All time spent with you is a relief,
Replenishing the void with you.
Everything is wonderful beside you.

Making me feel brand new,
You’re the only Medicine that I need.

Meeting the needs of heart and soul,
Every day I'd spend with you.
Deepening the healing power of love,
I'm never giving up this medicine, you.
Calming my heart and all of me,
I need you in my presence,
Need you to be my warmth,
Even need you to be the refuge in all

of life's storms.
You are my medicine; I will always take it.
You definitely are my medicine, my vitamins, my healing, and my relief. 💕🌞
Feb 23 · 70
Leanne Feb 23
Love you
I just want to
Love you, sweet man of mine
Love you right is what I want to do
Maybe soon
Feb 23 · 51
Hearts cry
Leanne Feb 23
Hearts cry
Sudden rush of emotion
This may be tears or fears
The faster the heart beat the more cry
Hearts ache
Never want to experience!
Feb 23 · 75
Leanne Feb 23
Following those eyes threw the years.
I’d never think we’d end up here.
New connection between us two.
Destiny’s hand has led us through
You’re the only one, a
Once upon a dream
Under the brightest star in the sky
Boy, you sure are something neat
All for you is what I’d give
But for now pieces is all I’m allowed
Everyday this between us grows and
I’ll always FIND YOU BABE
Feb 23 · 44
Leanne Feb 23
Moon glows
In the darkest night
Shining in the path of us
A gentle glow casting down lighting the way
Love grows
Poetry style /Cinquain
Feb 22 · 233
Leanne Feb 22
A simple jacket.
A simple gesture.
A knightly task.
To some may seem simple.
To me, it’s a taking off of a mask.
Has anyone ever taken such great care of you?
Making sure you’re warm and sheltered from the cold?
The simple gesture of putting my jacket on for me is very bold.
This is something that I’ve never had before.
Such a simple task  that was just for me.
I’m so lucky to spend these simple, sweet moments  with you the sweetest man.
Sweet gentleman and thier care for us<3
Feb 21 · 105
Someone who cares
Leanne Feb 21
To know someone who cares,
Who takes time to be aware.
Makes you always know that you are seen
You’re not cellophane, like you’ve felt you’ve been
In day and in night, you know that you’re blessed
When someone cares, even if you’ve been a hot mess.
To see how someone cares for their family so much.
Makes you know that they have a healing touch.
When there are words you feel you wish they knew.
But words you fear to express because they may be too out of the blue.
But when someone who cares comes along, out of the blue, just like you.
This can’t be just a coincidence, or a simple glitch in time
This has got to be something more because it’s so fine.
Taking our time getting to know each other is the most special part,
Just like the most special piece of beautiful art.
When this masterpiece is done and ready to be hung,
It’s hanging next to someone who cares,
That is where it can be hung between you and me.
Feb 20 · 46
You are loved
Leanne Feb 20
Rescue in the storms of my life,
Always thoughtful to me, every day.
Yes, I yearn for you more and more.

You’re the spark brought to my life,
Opening my heart to let all of you  in.
Up into your eyes I look .

A closeness to you I long for
Respectful person in all you do.
Everyday is something new to explore
          with you
Let you linger forever with me.
Opening me up to see you completely.
Visions of him I see every single day,
Even when he’s not there,I see him
Delighted beyond measure to have
              found this man!
Ray, Always remember you are loved.
Leanne Feb 20
I’ll never forget that simple sweet Tuesday night .
Nerves were rushing, not because of being scared.
It was because everything felt so right .
It would be the first time we were face to face to share.
Talking about all the things that brought us there.
To see if this flame would continue to burn into a bigger fire.
From this moment I knew I would never be the same.
I have a vivid memory of what you were wearing.
A zipper fleece burgundy and some blue jeans..
Your face a spectacle,
Everything in my dreams.
Those eyes I’ve seen before,
But this time I could feel those eyes wanted the same if not even more.
Sitting as close as we could possibly sit.
I could hang on your arm and rest my head there; I would never forget.
No matter the time,
No matter the day,
I know for a fact, anytime spent with you would be simply sweet.
Just like that simply sweet Tuesday night!
Leanne Feb 19
I can’t imagine how much better this can be,

when it is beauty in all that I see.
Like I wandered into a dream,

the most beautiful dream you could see.
The presence of you, and the presence of me
It’s like the moment was meant to be.
So perfectly, my hand conforms to yours.
How Beautiful you kiss my hand in its small
The way I fit so Beautifully under your chin.
I never want this moment to end.
When it does, your feel lingers still.
I feel as if you can’t be real.
It’s almost l like im imagining you.
There’s no possible way in the world that’s true!
The way that you look at me, so deep into my eyes.
I could live in their reflection forever and ever.
To just look at you and hear you speak.
It’s the words you don’t say that’s such a treat.
The way  I’m able to understand what this stare means from the sweetest man.
Beautiful connection ,
Beautiful spark.
Beautiful,  just so beautiful ,it just goes straight to my heart.
I feel I could be in your presence all of the time, we would  never get bored.
I’d always have you as mine.
I promise I’m not taking you away for only me.
But man if there was a choice with you, I would flee.
Beautiful stranger,
Beautiful friend,
Beautiful  moments,
That have just began.
Just beautiful…..
Feb 19 · 49
Until next time...
Leanne Feb 19
I get to see this sweet man today.

He’s been running through my mind for days; I’d question if he even knows.

What strength his heart can hold!

But I know one thing for sure:
He’s already gotten this heart of mine to cure.

Have we been here before?
It seems all too familiar,
A very welcome, once-upon-a-memory.

It’s crazy how, with each other, you can be, you and, I can be me.

Communication flows like a river in continuous motion.

Not knowing where to go next,
But knowing there will be a next time.

It’s a spectacular feeling.
I can’t wait for when we get to see,
How much stronger our bond will be.

Getting to see this sweet man today
Has  given me the happiest outlook.
Oh, what it could it eventually be.
Feb 18 · 46
Leanne Feb 18
She sits alone in this darkened room,
She’s made friends with the shadows and prays silently in the gloom.

Hiding in the shadows away from all the light.
Little does she know, you can’t always hide from the bright.

That’s when glimmers of hope begin to appear.
The dust starts to rise in the light of rays breaking away her fear.

That’s when the sunrays suddenly shine right in her eyes.
She’s in awe and wonders asking questions why?

All but suddenly standing to look around her illuminated, once-darkened space.
Such motivating brightness made it hard to turn her face.

This was a divine blessing in crepuscular rays.
She felt she could live in this light for days.

Sunrays sent from heaven by the Son of God above.
For in this moment, she realized she had been divinely blessed by the whitest of doves.

She found strength in a cosmic anointing as God heard her silent prayers.
The sunrays now glisten, golden strands in her hair.

God showed her his everlasting love and promise for her depression.
She now stands to face God in his glorious light where she learns her lesson.

She overcame darkness through God’s holy words, “But for you who honor me, goodness will shine upon you like the sun, with healing in its rays” (Mal 4:2).

Majestical sunrays shine down onto us here below.
showing us God cares and we should never let go.

Leanne written December 2024
Feb 17 · 74
Those eyes
Leanne Feb 17
Your eyes,
Those eyes of yours,
They draw me in,
They grab ahold of my soul.
I’m ready for them to take all control.
Like you really want to know me.
I hope my eyes do the same.
I’d love to join in the staring game.
The feelings they heal way down deep.
I can see myself falling weak.
By weak I mean in my knees.
I feel with you I am seen.
I bet just one look into those eyes Id melt,
If you only knew just what I felt.
Feb 17 · 71
Leanne Feb 17
Sweet, unexpected serendipity.
This deep bond has taken hold of us.
An unexpected force of emotion
Shot straight into our hearts,
A powerful, serendipitous feeling, so profound and sweet.
This happy accident started a great, ongoing connection.
Bringing its breathtaking power to our Unexpected souls.
We are together on this ride of sweet serendipity.
It’s true: there is a beautiful beginning for me and you.
Feb 16 · 180
Leanne Feb 16
Warm internal feeling
Warm like a real embrace
Warm like a cozy fireside
But the warmth from you feels the best
At least I imagine it would be
Not a question or doubt in my mind
That it can feel and warm the entirety of me
This warmth your soul possesses, to me, is in another world, so intimate and enticing.
This has me feeling you’re here with me, even when you’re not.
A warmth I long for, even in the softest embrace.
This warmth between us is brand new.
Imagine what more time will do!
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