He says I’m rotten,
I say he’s sweet,
Looking at us both,
We share something super neat.
He says I’m beautiful,
I say he’s handsome,
We both together
Make some beautiful connection.
He says I’m a great kisser,
my lips are tender too.
I say he is amazing,
showing what our lips can do.
He says I’m sappy,
Well, he’s sappy too,
We both are the sappiest
Trees out in the mountain view.
He says I’m thinking about you,
I say I feel you thinking about me,
We both get tingles,
and feel very warm.
He says, “Have I told you how much I miss you today?”
I say, “Baby, you can tell me as many times as you can,
Because I’ve been telling you probably just as often.”
He says, “Baby, I’m sure it’s just as much as I’ve missed you.”
He says he feels like he’s in a dream.
I say, “You’re not.”
But baby if we're dreaming, baby, please don’t let them wake us up!
Melting into puddles 🫠🫠