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Jan 2024 · 170
The god in things
46n8 Jan 2024
It’s important to try to see the god in things,

I’m not really religious these days,

And I never studied theology in any capacity,



Religion in most senses,

as far as I can discern,

Is at the end of the day,

A source of peace,

A fire to warm our hands around,

A bench to take the burden from our knees,

Something we can use to rally ourselves on the inside,

and carry on.

And I’m not the first to say this,

But that’s why I see god in the eyes of a friend I haven’t spoken to in years and still knows me better than most I speak to daily,

In the sound of my niece's excited rushed voice as she tears open gifts on Christmas morning,

The inconsistent and creaky vibration of my tower fan as it stands watch over the otherwise silent darkness of my room at the end of a long day,

What is god to you?
Dec 2023 · 116
Where do I buy a Diary
46n8 Dec 2023
As another year has ticked by,

                       This one was especially a blur,

And For a long stretch of it,

      The days passed like breaths in an

anxiety attack,

  Quick and sharp,

          With little lasting impact,

I realized recently how much of my last year was spent toiling. Giving myself fully to something in the hope of being better again.

                     Carrying my candle,

                     Trusting the process.

   In the end I’ve not a lot to show for it but **** did it feel good to feel a fire for something again. In some sort of roundabout way I ~Feel~ as though I’ve ~Felt~ very little at ~All~ this year. Which is a statement that marks this year as standing in stark contrast to the previous one, and is only true romantically.

I had a dream about cutting my hair,

And hating the results,

I googled the meaning and supposedly it can mean taking control of your life,


Supposedly, that you’re having a hard time with a decision and your subconscious is telling you to think twice about it.

Among other, assumably equally applicable interpretations.

I think it’s because I have been thinking about cutting my hair a lot.

I’m not sure what the next year will hold,

I still warm my hands over the wick of my candle,

Hopeful as ever to see another year tick bye.
Dec 2023 · 92
This beautiful thing
46n8 Dec 2023
I used to write such beautiful things,

About such beautiful things,

On and on would go my enamored rambling,

Like the longest winded songbird on the years first Snowy morning,

My head would spin as I turned to take it all in,

The blur in my eyes as they dart from side to side could lead a Pagan to consider a God,

Each microsecond my eyes could process could’ve been framed and hung in a gallery,

Each with its own placard listing important details, noting the set and setting of each shock across the meat inside my skull,

I used to write such beautiful things,
About such beautiful things,

But a beautiful thing about those beautiful things,

Is that even if you close your eyes and do your best to ignore them,

Or lie to yourself and try to see them as ugly,

They are still there, waiting for you to peel your eyes back open,

And remind you how beautiful,

This whole thing is
Uh huh,

okay then.
Nov 2023 · 98
46n8 Nov 2023
It’s still such a conundrum,

The way it hurts to remember,

But to die at the the thought of forgetting
Sep 2023 · 118
46n8 Sep 2023
It’s been a long time,

And by now I’m mostly numb,

But still,

Watching you bleach the canvas,

Watching you clean all the stains,

Like a thief hiding every scrap of evidence,

Ridding your legacy of all our transgressions,

My throat tightens,

My eyes water,

My nose burns,

It’s fine,

Pinky promise,

I’ll keep my pieces safe for us,

Pinky promise.
Jun 2023 · 116
46n8 Jun 2023
I shut you out of my life as a last effort,

Some sort of dead man’s hand,

Now we don’t speak,

Now I  write all the things I wish I could say to you here,

And hope maybe, you’ll see them,

And maybe you’ll read them in my voice,

And for just a second,

I’ll occupy your thoughts,

And you’ll think back to all the good times,

The way I do so often.
Picking the scabs off of old wounds, just for the thrill.
Jun 2023 · 465
46n8 Jun 2023
Ive stopped making poems and art out of everyone I encounter beyond the surface.

I’ve stopped making myself a Martyr to my own feelings,

I’ve stopped forcing gorgeous jewels upon the crown of regular people.
Mar 2023 · 176
seasons V2
46n8 Mar 2023
Its been a year,

and what a year its been.

thinking back on it all, its a dream really.

The skies were clear, the clouds rolled bye slow,

aside from some squalls barely visible from shore,

the sea was calm.

Everything changed for me in the spring.

It was 4 months of the most painful growth I've ever known,

during the brief moments of reprieve Id lay in beds of clovers, the flowers and grass embracing me like old friends.

Then the summer came,
it was hot, and rainy, and the sweat burned my eyes,

The cicadas screamed into the evening as they felt the sun for the fist time all year.

I fell hard and let myself rest. The blood from my hands ran a deep red, a reminder I was only human and the proof I was still so alive.

Jolting awake in the quiet fall mornings felt like the end of a loud heavy metal song.
The sudden and sharp juxtoposition was an unexpected but welcomed moment of quiet.

those sunrises were, crisp and the clouds were nowhere to be found. as the temperatures dropped The world turned an odd cheap sepia hue, like one of those tacky old timey photos you get on a family vacation to tennessee.

Winter seemed to clear away the clutter of it all.

What was so seemingly right and seemingly wrong, crystallized over night, politely frozen in time for me to take careful note of.

The voices of people  I love swarmed my ears as the holidays rolled bye.

what a year its been,

my hair has grown so long,

my smile lines have grown deep,

I can hear the wind picking up outside,

my eyes are open wide,

facing forward, ready for the show,

as the storm rages on.
Revamped an old piece for a video im making :) hope u like
Feb 2023 · 151
46n8 Feb 2023

I don’t think,

It’ll ever really,

Get any easier.


One day maybe,

It’ll just stop,

happening at all,

Jan 2023 · 121
The fool
46n8 Jan 2023
I don’t know,
I just know I feel unimportant to you,
And every time,
That I finally start to believe I’m wrong,
You prove me right,
And still, despite my rightness,
Im such a fool.
Jan 2023 · 395
46n8 Jan 2023
I’m just a symptom of your untreated ADHD,

You text me when you need a pick-me-up,

When you’ve hit another low,

When you decide not to take your adderal,

Those are the times I come to mind,

And the in the same breathe,

I’ve completely cleared from it,

The ups and downs give me vertigo,

Tummy twisters like I’d get as a kid,

And that same feeling of being adrift.
Dec 2022 · 134
46n8 Dec 2022
My sandpaper tongue,
How it chews like dried up fat,

The crystalline grass,
How it crunches underfoot,

The paper thin skin,
How it tears like it was pleated,

The rambunctious quiet soul,
And the storm cloud in its wake.
Nov 2022 · 145
Toy box
46n8 Nov 2022
I don't accidentally stumble into memories of you anymore.

Each time I allow more than a fleeting thought is a calculated risk,

and when I do its because despite the high risk of being sad,

I know the only way to keep them in good shape, just like the 57' Chevy you always dreamed about,

is to pull them out every once in a while,
Knock the dust off,
Take them for a spin.

So every now and then I let myself go through old photos and poems,

It feels like going through your childhood toy box,

Slowly and gently sifting through each one,
Remembering the joy they brought you,
Way back then,

And once im satisfied,
I pick each one back up,
Safely stowed in the dusty old toy chest,
Close it on up,
Run my fingers accross the lid,
And I slide it back into my closet.
Nov 2022 · 110
Toy box (Abridged)
46n8 Nov 2022
Every now and then I let myself go through old photos and poems,

It feels like going through your childhood toy box,

Slowly and gently sifting through each dusty old friend,
Remembering the joy they brought you,
Way back when,

And once im satisfied,
I pick each one back up,
Safely stowed in the dusty old toy chest,
Close it up tight
Run my fingers accross the lid,
And  slide it back into my closet.
Nov 2022 · 210
46n8 Nov 2022
Knowing full well,

my hands and face are soft wax,

I still wake up every day,

And pray to the sun,

Hoping one of these times,

It will spare a few drops,
Oct 2022 · 181
46n8 Oct 2022
Its funny in the same moment I go from longing so deeply for the past, to stumbling upon a brand new beautiful angle of the shots and im overwhelmed with joy that I've lived the life I have.
Oct 2022 · 134
46n8 Oct 2022
Another gentle let down that feels like a meteor crashing into the earth,

All because I continue to let myself get so excited, and so hopeless.

Like leaning into the curves on a rollercoaster.
Oct 2022 · 85
46n8 Oct 2022
I tried to write about you,
And I couldn't.

As much as I thought of you,
No words came to mind.

I sat for a moment,
Mind as blank as the page before me.

I tried to force it,
Tried to reach and scrape for it.

In the end,
I was grasping at air.

The result,
Is Something im not proud of,

And a story,
With no hero, villain, or moral.
A poem about a girl who left me speechless.
Oct 2022 · 93
No idea
46n8 Oct 2022
I don't have to make her into a poem,

Without a need for assistance,

She carries herself like Poes finest work,

Like a pristine Brontë.

She might be the life art imitates,

She is the tip of the flame,

At the tip of the match.
Oct 2022 · 101
46n8 Oct 2022
Healing has turned out to be such a long and painful process,

Like pulling out a hundred tiny splinters,

The immense relief you feel as they slide from your skin after a moment of struggle,

The occasional mark left behind,

The hundreds more you'll discover hiding in your hands,

As you drag them along the walls through your days.
Oct 2022 · 120
46n8 Oct 2022
I used to say you should live your life a movie you would want to watch.

I see now that its never been one film though.

Its so many different films with sequels and prequels and interwoven storylines in the same big universe.

The protagonist in some is the antagonist in others, the dramatic irony of all the differing perspectives.

Some of the scenes can get pretty ugly, and some are so beautiful you can't quite wrap your head around them.

Some you'll never fully understand, some of the ones you see and never think twice about will be some of the most significant.

The bloopers remind you its not always so serious, and that even when things don't go according to plan, good can come from them.

These films won't be nominated for any awards, or be met with any standing ovations.

They won't go down in history as classics,
They won't make any must watch lists,
But I swear, once you start watching, you won't be able to look away.
Oct 2022 · 97
46n8 Oct 2022
Its funny sometimes ill go days without really hurting,

I'll get really comfortable and stop being cautious

When randomly a pang shoots accross my chest,

And im gentl reminded how shoddily I've taped all the pieces back together.
Oct 2022 · 294
46n8 Oct 2022
I keep having dreams,
where I tell you everything,
I should've back then,

And every last word,
Uttered From my bleeding tongue,
Feels like sweet release,

The look on your face,
When you have to choose between,
Having and eating,
Oct 2022 · 110
46n8 Oct 2022
I'm sure he'll treat her just as well,

in the end she'll leave him behind,

The way the ocean does a shell.
Oct 2022 · 119
46n8 Oct 2022
Everything changed for me in the spring.

It was 4 months of the most painful growth I've known. I lay in beds of clovers, and flowers, they embraced me warmly like new friends.

Then the summer came, it was hot and rainy and my sweat burned my eyes. The blood from my hands was a deep red, the proof I was still so alive.

Now we've entered the fall, the mornings are crisp and the skys are clear. It hasn't rained in weeks and my hair has grown so long.
My sleepy eyes are open wide,  ready to accept the beauty of winter.
Oct 2022 · 89
46n8 Oct 2022
There are still some pieces of me that I never found from when I broke.
I'm pretty sure they got lost in the move.
I've since replaced some, and the picture is slowly coming back together.
Its nice to put the puzzle together at my own pace.
Each new piece I fit into those old cheap cardboard spaces makes the process feel so worthwhile.
Sometimes I scrape my knees in search of them.
Sometimes I dig so deep for them I bleed from the edges of my fingernails.
But I think in the end, that's the cost of living.
Sep 2022 · 92
46n8 Sep 2022
I bet she could swallow me whole,

Or piece by piece,

like the alligator on her thigh.

Her apartment is Very ***** and welcoming,

I wouldn't doubt it though,

That somewhere in her uptown lair,

There are the husks of a few unlucky hearts,

Tucked carefully away and wrapped up,

Something like the spider on her arm.

But while I lay next to her,

Tracing those tattoos,

I could only think of all the ways,

She had made me feel good.
Aug 2022 · 190
46n8 Aug 2022
There are still so many strings attaching me to my old life,

I've been writhing and struggling to create enough distance that they finally snap.

Every day there are handful of things, some of them are habits I perpetuate,

That send me straight back down those darkest of mental corridors.

I do everything I can to widen the gap,
But like a piece of gum under a shoe,

The strings just stretch on through the stress.
And leave messes where I walk.
Aug 2022 · 194
Girl time
46n8 Aug 2022
And so I didn't go to Alaska,
And so I didn't need your camera,
And so I asked you when I could return it,
And you told me Thursday evening,
And sent it with a smileyface,
And so Thursday came,
And so I brought you your camera,
And the "Deep Purple" cassette I got you,
And you invited me inside,
And our friends were there,
And so we hung out,
And  I started to feel unwelcome,
And I thought it was the ****,
And so I checked my phone,
And had 6 minutes till I should leave,
And so I looked up,
And you had tears in your eyes,
And  you asked me to leave,
And you apologized,
And said you needed girl time,
And that it had "been a week",
And so I told our friends goodbye,
And I gathered my things,
And I forgot my water bottle,
And I got in my car,
And drove home,
And cried,
And knew it was probably not my fault,
And felt so bad anyway,
And cried,
And thought of your cat,
And how excited we were to see each other,
And how I'll never see her again,
And how I'll never see you again.
Aug 2022 · 234
46n8 Aug 2022
Your cat, she missed me,

You though, clearly much less so,

Good to see you both.
Aug 2022 · 144
46n8 Aug 2022
We used to agree,

We were probably lovers in past lives,

Who knew we would make that a reality
Aug 2022 · 533
46n8 Aug 2022
Its been raining for days,

The clouds seem spiteful,

Like they've held it in for too long,

And now they're lashing out,



The ground around me,

Oversaturated into a swampy muck,

Each step I take,

Leaves the mud gasping in my footprints.
Inspired by a friend to break a dry spell.
Aug 2022 · 122
46n8 Aug 2022
I want to spread you out like the cosmos,

kiss every  galaxy that glitters on your skin,

Lick the stardust off my lips,

And start again.
Ngl this is actually literally not about anyone at all?
Aug 2022 · 125
46n8 Aug 2022
In the morning I awoke,

I left my quarters to greet the morning sea,

Before my eyes was miles of sand,

Some great force had pulled the tide completely away,

Leaving my vessel stranded, lopsided on the sandy rocky ground,

Like when a lover hogs the sheets on their side of the bed,

Leaving you cold in the night,

All my beer and water cups, left at such a pitiful frowning angle,

The weight in my stomach couldn't come only from last night's liquor,

Its far too heavy, far too big,

I'm left with my mouth sitting open,

Staring at the morning sun, and the miles of sand around me,

All I can do is wait for the tide to return,

Or start walking .
Aug 2022 · 201
Let down
46n8 Aug 2022
To build up your hopes every time knowing they will only be dashed,

There's nothing poetic about it really.
Just foolishness.
The worst thing is that it stings even more because I build myself up so high before every fall.

Its like when you realize you're dreaming, and before you can take control and make it lucid your own excitement awakens you.
Aug 2022 · 162
46n8 Aug 2022
Excuse my muchness,

I've felt so scarce,

For so long.
Aug 2022 · 381
46n8 Aug 2022
I've been trying to write a poem a day,



it seems I've nothing to say,

Except to say,

I've nothing to say,

Which is to say,

Aug 2022 · 670
46n8 Aug 2022
And just like that,

almost as if on cue,

The sun is out, shining bright,

The storm clouds, for now,

Are tucked safely into the wings,

Of someone else's scene,

In someone else's play.
Aug 2022 · 133
46n8 Aug 2022
Cold stella Artois

Triggers warm thoughts of your face,

How was your cats day?
Aug 2022 · 103
46n8 Aug 2022
The hot days of summer drone on like the cicadas at dusk,
The cool nights trickle bye,
Each moment,
Sweet like honeysuckle nectar,
every minute we trudge through,
Good enough to die for.
Aug 2022 · 259
46n8 Aug 2022
The time will come when it will all make sense, and the picture will be clearer.
Till then sit tight, breathe deep and keep your  limbs inside the ride.
Aug 2022 · 99
46n8 Aug 2022
Its wild to think that, some years back, a large amount of days and hours ago, a version of me that understood even less about the world than he does now, left his house for the last time.

I barely remember that summer, there had a been a scary storm right before Katrina that we half assed evacuated for but it ended up missing us. I was starting 3rd grade and had just learned the word "mathematician". I don't remember what my classroom looked like but I do remember the agendas and journals they gave us that I only got to use for about 2 weeks. They were white with doodled children all over the top, and said "Westwego Elementary 3rd grade".
I remember feeling like I was finally a big kid at school. My classrooms were finally upstairs with the big kids and the world was so big and bright, and we were so curious all we wanted to do was see it all. Like there was a projector sat between us and the coolest thing we had ever seen and all we could do was try to see passed the light.
     I Don't remember leaving, I remember driving, I remember going back for the last time to get our stuff from the house. I remember starting over and joining a new school with 200 other kids from my city. I remember living at my aunts house with most of my family. I remember wondering about my old friends and how they were. I remember one time we were at Walmart and I was buying halo 2 and my neighbor/best friend from back home just happened to be there too, completely out of the blue. The first time I had seen them since the storm at all.

I haven't seen them since, and its been 16 years. I hope they're fine. I drive by that old house pretty often and I never cease to wonder if the kids living in it now are ok. If they live a life anything like my life was in that house. If they have a trampoline in the backyard or if they sometimes walk too far down the street alone and get in trouble.

Its crazy how life happens. There's no plotting the course. There's no hedging your bets. You can only weather the storm.
Aug 2022 · 253
Living and loving and stuff
46n8 Aug 2022
Whatever they say about loving stuff and letting it go is wildly subjective and skewed into the letting-goers' favor.
      When someone's love and the love you have for them is your world, and they simply let you go, how can you ever come back?

Still I agree though, with what they say about living and loving. Life will have hard times regardless, so fill the other times with love. It will always be better to have lived and loved than to not have, no matter how vulnerable it leaves you each and every time.
Ah ****, here we go again.
Aug 2022 · 170
Life and lemons
46n8 Aug 2022
This year of my life has provided me a bountiful lemon harvest,

My friends and I have gathered the fruit dutifully for the passed few months

I'm proud of the lemonade we've made of them.

From here on out Lemonade will always remind me of these days, scorching hot and full of struggle.

The sweet sensation of quenching your thirst with the fruits of your strife.
All the struggle is worth it in the end. The lemonade is so sweet.
Aug 2022 · 310
Graveyard shift
46n8 Aug 2022
She works me like a graveyard shift,
And in the morning I can still taste her lips,

I know Before im gone im going to have to pay for this,

So I'll leave my heart in the lamp tray next to her thumbtacs and safety pins,

I hope thats enough to cover the bill.
Aug 2022 · 144
46n8 Aug 2022
I moved back home to my hometown this year.

I hadn't realized how long it had been since I could look at the night sky and see the stars so clearly.

Somewhere in there thats the metaphor isn't it, that it took me coming home to navigate these dark times in my life with the clarity I need.
Sometimes there isn't a metaphor.
Jul 2022 · 132
46n8 Jul 2022
How easily I swell and deflate,
Like the paper bag you breathe in when you start to hyperventilate,

From your touch I catch fire,
From your glance I freeze over,

I should've tried harder,
To keep my composure.
Jul 2022 · 168
46n8 Jul 2022
Somehow we did it,
We carved out a day, a few moments where it felt like nothing mattered except us, at least to me.
Like time wasn't running out and we weren't 25 year olds and the only thing of any importance was what the other had to say next, at least to me.
Laying in your bed we felt like two grains of sand brought together as they were squeezed through the eye of an hourglass, at least to me.
I don't know how we did it but God I would give anything to do it again.
Time moves different around you.
Jul 2022 · 156
Perfect daydream
46n8 Jul 2022
I wonder what it is to you, just a way to pass the time?

Its a perfect daydream for me.

You lay there asleep, golden in the morning light that was pouring through your windows.

You seemed so Perfect in that moment. I never wanted to look away.

However this goes you should know you've given me peace in ways I could never express.
Jul 2022 · 244
46n8 Jul 2022
Caught up in the fever you gave me,

I'm no good at playing it cool,

Maybe you could teach me?
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